Name Yu'oyia (you OY yah)
Status Peridian 6th Degree / Suzerain / Dragon Breeder?
Gender/Age/Lifespan Female / 24 / 500+*
Born Year / LAZ 10359 / Zerin/Bohata/Kua (created randomly in 2016, adapted for Mermay 2024)
Breeding 5th Degree
Fertility Semi-fertile, bonus with similarly spliced aquatic or amphibious
Parents / Family Unmarried parents, several generations of aquatic mutations present;
mother is Peridian-Pelatih and supports her at home, father is dragon-tuned Suzerain
Bred To / Offspring *
Int - 130*
App - 38
Edu - 85
Cha - 66
Str - 56^
Soc - 80
Hea - 46^
Agg - 33
Agi - 83^
San - 74
Rea - 51
Cou - 62
Sensory Mods
while in water x2 all
Movement Mods
swim priority 100
swim agility 100
Body Type
51+tail 66/smol 35^
Land 632
Land/Area/Zone Amount, Use
Zerin / Bohata / Kua 6, family home
Zerin / Bohata / Evenshoal 4, estate
20, boat docks/upkeep
60, vacationer cabins and staff housing
83, genetic splicing / research + development
160, aquatic research facility
146, dragon specific areas
153, added island land value
Bayaran 18 - almost all of these work the vacation services and boat docks including piloting and upkeep with the transportation
Budak 7 - 1 is at family home, elderly, will not be brought to main Hold
1 works Evenshoal estate for upkeep
5 work in aquatic research and aid with gene splicing equipment
Hires Kaumburuh - at least 15 work the boats, including on the Kua dock her family runs, few if any are tuned or have good splicing genes
Tuantana - 3 employed as water-vehicle experts to keep both sides of the travel safe
Membayar - 3 work with her vacation cabins for excursion and trip planning
Pemilik - 1 serves for advertising, hired services occasionally, but also loves using cabins
Suzerain - 2, one being father, work for legal coverage and other such paperwork
Pelatih - 6, all aquatic-oriented and working to keep the island secure, healthy, and any dangers quelled; some are also likely to be parents with her gene pool added!
Sehatan - 3, on site medical needs, mainly specific to injuries or drowning
Peridian - 1, serves as an occasional aide, they are her Breeder so they know her genes
Penjagan - 2, mainly they arrange oceanic hunts and exotic adventures for others
Atasan - 1, investor who drops in on them to admire the dragons as well as landscape
Savings 102k, travel budgeted for water and coasts
Profession / kc per year Peridian - fertility for unusual configurations 58kc, 3 years
Water-Based Ventures - vacations for exotics 16kc, 7 years
Dragon Oriented Adventures - sea and swamp plus exotics 22kc, 2 years
Genetic Purity
Power Rank


Local Plant Sense - best with water plants and algaes, can tell the health and location of plants within about 50 meters

Interrupt Psionics (PR 2-5 complete, 0-1 check) - close range, best with touch, can prevent Minor tier powers from completing, and can with concentration attempt to disrupt Major and Special provided their users are of lower PR than she is


Genius (compunded +45)* - both sides of her family have strongly enhanced intelligence and this shows in her positively brilliant work on genetic engineering!

Chemical (Gasses) Breathing - unlike many amphibious creatures, she is almost entirely immune to the effects of gasses that might otherwise poison or kill, including skin-based applications (since... she can breathe through her skin if needed)

Under Water Survival - she is semi-aquatic, an amphibian which is rather rare on Zekira, her lineage was spliced long ago, and continues to be selected for such things. She can breathe clean fresh water but has trouble if there is any gunk in it, including pesticides or pollutants - even if she can walk through a cloud of the stuff while it's being sprayed on plants, she doesn't do well with raw sewage or buckets of poisons... Her skin does require moisture though that can be in the form of mist and the occasional dive into the warm shallow waters near her estate. She can see, hear, detect life and plants, and other such things far better when she is immersed. (Darn shame she can't use her genetic equipment while under water... yet.) She prefers warm or at least not very-cold water, does not do well in chilly environments and can't swim in icy water as she just shuts down if it's that cold


Genetic Manipulation (mainly aquatic, human, dragon, animal) - with proximity she can detect and analyze in detail the genes of humanoids, dragons, and aquatic creatures of any sort. While she can do so to non-aquatic splices or non-watery creatures, her ability really shines with the watery addition! She is capable of isolating genes on a cell sample and hooking them back up with other samples even without the use of splicing machines, which has definitely caught the eye of a fair few other Peridian. In time, she likely will be able to use her powers on samples outside of devices that would otherwise mean she'd have to be on land or in a lab, but she is still young and experimenting with the ability (safely, and legally!). She can use this as an attack if needed but only with touch - she knows this, because she's fended off sea life that thinks she's snack-sized...

Coordinate Dragon Powers (best with aquatic or swamp, offworld) - having been exposed since an early age to the swamp and sea dragons in the Kuan waters around her mother's estate, it was obvious that she could sense and discern their abilities as well as their genes. When Yu'oyia was around more than three such creatures, she realized how they could be best put to tasks by talented Dragon Masters. Since her favored Zekiran-bred dragons are highly intelligent, she tends not to 'force' anything with either Sea or Swamp dragons, and would prefer they understand their own abilities first, she's all about options! This does impact her ability to suggest where to go with a teleporting dragon, and they can be found swimming (mainly, she's thrilled when they fly but she is a little scared!) with a whole pod of her local dragons. If there is no immediate danger to anyone, she'll coordinate teams for thrill rides and earns quite a bit of money from those lunatic Zekirans willing to put on diving gear and swim with dragons...

Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages

Amphibious (Axlotl) - a suite of features present in at least three generations on either side of her family. These features come as a package deal, and any of her offspring even spliced will have some aspects of them together with Underwater Survival traits above. She does prefer insects and small fish as food, but suffers no problems if she just sits at the table with whatever else including wines and grains

- Skin, she breathes not only with lungs and external gills, but can also breathe through her skin as long as the water is clean. Her chest is covered in loose and flowing lobes which strongly aid her water breathing and sensory abilities. Her skin is fainly squishy and definitely comes off as 'too moist for a normal person' if touched. However, it also heals very quickly, *a feature which helps her survive as long as she has, and will increase her lifespan because yes, she...

- Regeneration, can regenerate whole limbs, and heals very quickly from puncture or cutting wounds. Her bones are slow to regrow but will do so over time, and she has tested out how quickly she could regrow - in theory - a leg or her tail (about 4 months to fully restored with concentrated effort, up to 2 years without concentration daily). This operates constantly for internal health, as well as being able to shrug off small cuts or bruises and any bits of her sensory lobes that might get pierced or cut off

- ^Small Size, she is about half the size that you'd expect someone with the stats she has, she is about the size of a child; this does also impact her strength, agility, and overall body type

- Medium Tail, complete with added sensory equipment, she can use this tail to easily speed away in calm water, and keep herself stable in tidal pulls

- Sensory Mutations: ears, antennae/lobes, added tail; these additions are quite functional in multiple ways, including aiding her water-breathing. She can hear and sense vibrations with those on her head, smell with the added fern-like ones behind her jaws, and detect nearby electrical impulses with those on her tail (must be within about 4 meters)


Affected by Aquatic Powers - if they would be aimed at any aquatic creature or sea/swamp dragon, she is targeted and those powers may have some strange effects. This is a Major disadvantage level, though she can still fight off those random and usually inadvertent attacks by using her Negation ability

Slow Growth Rate - even if she is from a line of very-long-lived people, they also visibly mature slowly. At her current age, she still looks like a child in addition to being the size of one. It's unlikely that she'll ever look 'old'. This means she suffers a bit of social disparagement among anyone that doesn't care for children, people do assume she's just a kid and not, you know. The owner and operator of a very advanced genetic lab in the middle of the ocean... It does also affect her regenerative properties, though she actually cannot be killed save if something eats her head or more than 60% of her mass. She had been missing several fingers of her left hand for about 2 years as a kid, but mainly because she kept snipping off bits to feed to her pets... she has since learned not to do that >_>

Mad Scientist Is Mad - crazy mad, not angry! Even if she's got a fairly high Sanity score, she does have a few really weird behaviors, all of which come back around to the 'if I experiment on myself first, I will know it's safe for others!' mentality. While she definitely means well, it does sometimes put people off when she, as that precocious kid, would let an animal bite off part of her finger and she'd just giggle like it tickled... She is still very apt to 'do it first' rather than experiment on others, and she disdains those who would use their Budak or whoever for 'learning more about how injuries work'. That's not cool, yo.

Skills (5 = normal/adequate, 15 = typical professional, 30 = truly stellar professional level) ^ powers +15
Basics Literacy 5
Math 7
Personal 6
Land/Area 5 (7 island only)
Status Command 5
Debt Assess 5
Contract Writing 5 (UGH.)
Style 5
Law /Land 5
/Hard Stock 10
/Peridian 15
/DragonMastery 10
Politics /Active (Dragon Holders Unite!) 10

Professional / Genes and Dragonry

Yes her skills are off the charts high, because she's that smart and it all comes naturally

^All minimum 15
Advanced Biology AND Anatomy /Human 20
" " /Spliced Humanoid 30
" " /Dragon (Sea) 30
" " /Dragon (Swamp) 20
" " /Dragon (Non-Zekiran) 25
Advanced Genetics /Human 20
" " /Draconic 30
" " /Aquatic Animal 20
" " /Spliced Humanoid 30
Natal Care /Humanoid Only 15
Egg Care /Sea 20
" " /Swamp and Other 15
Environment /Sea 25
" " /Marsh 20
Dragon Health /Sea 30
" " /Swamp 20
" " /Non-Zekiran 30
Notice / Analyze /Dragon Mood 20
" " /Dragon Breeding Season 25
" " /Dragon Powersets 30
Train Dragons - Sea+Offworld /Overall 25
" " /Leisure 20
" " /Tactical 20
" " /Team 30
Train Dragons - Swamp /Overall 20
" " /Attack/Defend 15
Tool Use /Lab 10
" " /Splicing 15
" " /Dragon Lab 20
" " /Office 5

Professional / Water Adventures

Events Organization /Safety Lesson 15
" " /Land Exploration 10
" " /Water Exploration 20
^Animal Recognition /Sea 30
" " /Land 15
^Plant Recognition 30

Personal Skills Ride /Dragon (Sea) 15
" " /Dragon (Offworld, Water) 20
" " /Dragon (Offworld, Flying) 10
Power Use Genes /Area of Effect 5
" " /Duration 10
" " /Accuracy 20
Dragon Power Detection/Use /Area of Effect 5
" " /Range 20
" " /Accuracy 5
Negation /Reflex (not quite automatic) 10
Plant Sense /Accuracy 5
Dragon Red Male Skaynath
Bonded at see below



Name: Skaynath
Gender: male, chaser/sirer
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 11' s (foreleg tip to shoulder) / 80' l / 60' and 30' ws
Colors: red with bright pink, red-violet, darker red, and bright white markings; pale grey horns
Physical/Breed Features: six limbs, with two large wings, two smaller forelimb wingarms, and hind legs; very large amount of fins and tentacle shapes! much flair!
Amphibious, Able to swim in the water and walk on the land and fly in the air
Needs air to breathe
Flight, Can fly with beating wings at adulthood
Verbal Speech, Capable of speech from birth
Enhanced Senses, Tentacles located on the chin, back, wings, and tail are quite sensitive to things like movement and vibration, like jellyfish tentacles
Stinging tentacles, Tentacles possess a venom that cause pain and numbness when touched
Echolocation, Can navigate in water by using sound
Stats: Strength 4, Speed 6, Endurance 3, Agility 5, Health 3, Intelligence 2
Abilities: Winged Flight, Water Propulsion, awkward land walking
Telepathy and Verbal Speech, Of "old world" blood, can speak mind to mind
Teleportation: capable of instantly moving from one spot to the next with a clear visual picture or coordinates
Elemental Magic: Can learn elemental magic with practice
Water Magic, Most capable with water elemental magic over other magicks, innately understood and used almost unconsciously:
Parentage: Below
Origin: White River Weyr; art by Ktrenal, Mermay 2024
Other Info: though 'magic' doesn't work particularly well on Zekira, as long as there is some form of psionic concentration involved, it does work enough to get by

This Dragon

This Dragon's Siblings

Green Yeuldath
Island Court
Amaria genes
(further lines unknown but go back several Courts)
Eguth egg
Merel genes
Court genes
Komenth sire
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