Aya Sengihr-Dahash and Megami Sengihr, candidates to Ryslen |
Zekiran Stats: Aya - born 10342, Kiran/Le'ret/Iftra, daughter of Vanya Sengihr and Kenya Dahash, B6 by Morgontain
And Megami - born 10388, Curra/Altem/Ri'iri, daughter of Vanya Sengihr and Morgontain, B6 by parents
Born about 40 years apart, Aya and Megami have both chosen to follow in their father's footsteps and become Breeders. However, even though they do seem to share several powers or abilities (and certainly their appearance to a degree) they are rather different from that point. Aya's mother, Kenya Dahash, a former Slave Raised to Animal Mastery, encouraged her daughter to also enjoy the companionship of animals as well as humans, and her powers bear this relationship out. While she can do amazing things with her own genetics as well as other Zekirans, she can sense and empathically contact animals. Also she can sense through both Zekirans and Animal life. Her odd senses can see through different dimensions - she is a Genresighted individual. Aya is related to the Kshau line (in a few generations everyone will be anyway), and she shows this with her sharp long nails, but she is well and truly a Sengihr by virtue of her love of pain and mind manipulation, as well as her senses being nearly 3times their normal ability. Megami is the daughter of Vanya and the extremely illustrious Morgontain. Like her half sister, she can manipulate the living genetics of herself and other people around her - but she is actually always doing it to herself without realizing it. Both are well and truly addicted to pain, but have a high tolerance for it. Megami can sense the values of genetics and see a kind of 'vision' projected into the future when presented with genes of people in question (she can imagine exactly what those genes will do, a kind of mathmatical prediction added to artistic flair). Megami has a more normal Sengihr appearance with hard strong nails, her 2x senses, and the fact that she's really batty insane on the inside. (note that 28 sanity?!) Both women share a huge slice of the Behat Medical Plaza, which their father started by buying a big warehouse and having it converted into a clinic. It has grown to over 2000 Units alone, shared by a dozen Breeders and used by many others. Megami's Holdings include a large Defin plot, an almost equally big Frea clinic and terrain, and a smallish Ri'iri locale. Her Stock also includes 13 Bayaran and 24 Slaves who keep those facilities and her homestead in another part of Behat running smoothly. Aya's Holdings are almost as large, with a spread in Behat much smaller than her sister's, but a nice homestead near the family home in Emer, a big Skein complex, wide territory in X'ar, and a sizable bunch of buildings and land in Iftra. She Owns only 6 slaves and Bonds only 8 Bayaran, she's rather more fond of hiring Free Workers to do their jobs, than to keep track of such paperwork as Megami does. Aya's chosen full profession is Breeder 6th Degree Animal Master - her abilities with both Zekiran and Animal genes allow her to actually combine them flawlessly. Megami's powers allow her to be a Consultant and Breeder, however her full Status is Breeder 6th Degree Suzerinne - her huge land assets were investments from her Suzerinne training. |
The year is 10412, in the middle of the Alien invasion of Zekira. It has only been a couple years since the discovery of dragon kind being the bane of the Aliens existance, but the influx of dragons from other worlds has also begun. *** "Did you get my note?" Aya asked as she poked her head into the office where her half-sister was doing filing work. "I got it, I didn't 'get' it though." Megami looked up at the grey-black colored woman, "what exactly did you mean by 'I saw something you want, even if you don't know you want it yet'?" Aya grinned, her sharp face displaying bright teeth. "I saw a vision, while I was on my break today." "You are prone to them..." Megami said, dropping a file into its slot in her cabinet and closing the door with a clunk. "And it was about?" "There were dragons," Aya said with a dreamy lilt. "They were lovely. They're like that one girl, Amaranth, bonded. You remember Amaranth?" "How can I forget Amaranth? Father fawns over the girl like she's a pet project." Megami sighed. "Maybe she is. We don't need to know." Aya stated. "So, don't you want to hear about the vision?" Megami paused, and then put a smirk on her shapely lips. "Of course I do, I haven't chased you out of the room yet, have I?" "So - " Aya sat down onto Megami's desk, and told her, "there was this place, it's the same place as Amaranth went. The dragons there are just lovely things... They're kinda like Stone dragons, with the four paws, but they have those big Sky dragon wings?" "I've seen them," Megami said, "she parades around on that dragon every chance she gets..." "Right, so I was watching and they have this big chamber carved out of stone, it looks like the Guys' spook cave." Aya giggled, thinking that Megami really did know what she meant because that was one locale that they could go and be weird, get flogged or something, and not get an angry eye at them for it. "But it had a big batch of red sand in it, and several beautiful dragons there." "I'd expect that," Megami said. "And...?" "Well the dragons were standing over these big eggs, and they hatched while I was watching. It was so beautiful! There were people everywhere, and the dragons went to their partner." "..." Megami said, "okay?" "You don't like my vision?" "I think you've had one of these before, about a billion times..." Megami said. "But I also saw something really close up..." Aya said, almost with a pout. She wasn't apt to really do such things as pout or be silly, but in this case she obviously had something more important than telling Megami a story she well knew took place all the time both here on Zekira and offworld. Especially at Ryslen. "Okay, I'll bite, but we've got to go, the shops will be closing soon and I want to get ahold of some frames for my latest pictures." Megami hefted her sister off the desk with a broad sweep of her dark hand, and they exited the office. "So at the entrance to the sands place? They have a big board that has the names of the dragons with the eggs there. And," with a wave of her own hand, Aya described, "it's got names of the people signed on to be there for their hatchings." As they walked out of the big facility, into the carriage lot, Megami whistled for her driver, and then without even turning to face Aya, she said, "and our names were on it." Aya actually paused, and then blinked almost audibly. "How did you -" "Aya, sweet, you wouldn't be telling me this story if that weren't going to be the punch line, now would you?" Aya stepped up with Megami in the richly appointed cab, the grounded Steeds harnessed in with bright red leather reigns moved slightly and jostled them into their seats. "Why are you always right?" Aya sat with her mouth slightly open and her bright eyes wide. "Because I'm the smart one?" Megami said, completely serious for all of a moment. The differences in their minds went more deeply than just what qualified as a few points on a scale (yes, the Zekiran Breeders do keep track of such things!) in fact they always thought differently. Megami's ability to 'forsee' the genetic future of something by merely looking at it must have had something to do with her general ability to predict results. She bet on Steed races frequently, because of her luck with it. Aya on the other hand lived largely for the moment, enjoying the empathic wash of animals, and the way that she could see through someone else's eyes kept her dreaming all the time. They laughed together, and Megami directed her driver to the big Behat Emporium, where almost any good or item could be located for a decent price. This time of year, mid summer, the weather held up to a nice warm day and chilled into a skin-prickling level at night without really making anyone sweat or freeze. It would change soon enough of course, into fall when the days were sweltering and the nights very cold indeed. So they would get their shopping in when they could. The big Emporium was enclosed - most buildings in the chilly far-northern city were. In fact most streets were not only paved but covered, protected from the constant Winter snowfall. Of course that meant that the place was deafeningly loud to both women. Their sensitive ears needed to be plugged - and both of them always had something to stuff into their ears for an occasion like this. They'd learned - their father never had. But then, he relished any kind of wince-inducing moment that he could. They wanted some in particular. There was supposedly-pleasant music coming from many small speakers in the place, which stung both women's ears and made them wince when static filled announcements were broadcast. "Let's make this quick," Megami said, and Aya agreed without pause. They soon found the bounty of artwork and framing supplies that Megami was looking for, and made haste to get what she wanted. The portly supply clerk, a Free Worker with a too-big smile and a too-narrow look in his eye, obviously wanted to comment on the sisters and their dramatic appearances. He had the good sense in his head not to, when Aya said, "Meg, don't you think that father would like one of these to display the skin he took off that thief last month?" Megami grinned - she wasn't facing the clerk and knew exactly what he was thinking. "I think it would do fine. But maybe something in chrome instead of black. You know how his trophy room is all bright and shiny." "Not like the dungeon," Aya played along. "That would need some nice leather or some exposed bone - say, I know a way to shape bones so they grow outside the skin. Wouldn't he be proud?" They could both hear the clerk's stomach start to churn, and his teeth clacking in a mockery of fear. As one, they turned on him with a stack of metal and wooden frames, glass, and fixtures in their baskets. There was a moment when the man blinked, almost as though he thought the women would be sinking those beautiful long nails or their bright big teeth into his own skin. He gave a weaker version of his smarmy smile, and rang them up. He even forgot to ring up their wall-fixture kit. How nice of him. They left the art store and decided that perhaps an afternoon of play might not be bad after all. (had been aya-meg2.htm) |
Their day was in fact a good one. The pair of Breeders strutted through the mall until they could carry no more goods. Then they set about locating their carriage, and even on Zekiran soil, remembering where you parked IS a problem. They stood around for just a minute, and finally their coach came up. The Steeds were handsome, and Aya commented on them. "Oh - I suppose they are nice," Megami said, faintly distracted by something off in the distance. "Now," Aya said, as they sat down among their goods and bags, "why would you say just nice? They're actually quite sturdy Steeds. You should know that, didn't you buy them?" "Well, of course I did, but I hardly pay much attention to them," Megami admitted. "Like father says, they are smelly beasts you know." "Of course he'd say that," Aya laughed. "But you? Your mother would hardly approve of your attitude toward animals, Meg." "I realize that, Aya, but I didn't go into Animal Mastery because I have no penchant for ... well, Animals. You do, you're all over that. But I just can't sense them really." They were chatting pleasantly in the coach while on the way back to Megami's Behat homestead, when the alarms began to sound. There was an attack? Here? The Steeds almost spooked, but with the driver of the cab's soothing voice and Aya's slight influence psionically, they calmed and trotted home as though nothing were wrong. However everything else seemed in chaos. They looked up, now used to doing so as a people for not just recreational purposes in watching Steed racing in the skies. They waited and saw then, a squadron of five alien jets. "I do wish they'd leave," Megami muttered. "They interrupt so much." "Well there's one way to help," Aya said, with a gleam in her eye. "We could find someone to take us to that dragon sand. And we could ... fly dragons." "What, against those?!" Megami yelled suddenly, pointing wildly at them with her red-brown hand. "I'm a Breeder, Aya! Not a fighter!" "Are you afraid to pair a dragon?" Aya asked. They stood in Megami's large home, its huge north-facing window wall suddenly filling with the wings of Sky dragons from Behat's local Dragon ranks. They swept around the jets, engaging them with blasts of air, fire and sound. The Masters of these dragons remained on the ground, of course, some of them riding Steeds below the action so they could maintain closer contact mentally. "I'm not afraid of a dragon, Aya," Megami said, "They fight those creatures, in their jets. They have weapons that we can't combat, armor that not every dragon's talon can breech. I'm not afraid of the dragons, at all. I'm afraid that those... things would kill me. And you." "... It's always a danger in our lives, now," Aya admitted. "And we do our best." Aya took a step closer and hugged her sister, their empathic bond was strong just then. "I know you're crazy, Meg, but you aren't that crazy. They wouldn't make us fight, you know, not on those dragons. Our Zekiran dragons are for that. The other ones... They're good for lots of other things." Megami wiped away a bit of a tear from her eye. "Well what would I do with one anyway? And you? I mean, other than scare your animals half to death? You know how badly most other animals feel when dragons are near. They're monsterous in size if not in attitude." "I know," Aya laughed, and it turned to a bit more of a relieved cheer when she saw out the window that two of the jets had been torn into pieces by a trio of large Sky dragons, and another was streaming smoke from its engines, while the other two were turned around headed back the way they came. "Where do they come from, I wonder," she said quietly before continuing, "my Steeds and everyone else think they're terrifying. They're always afraid they'll be eaten." "And I don't see why they shouldn't be afraid, they do get eaten." Megami said with a bit of a grin, "Steeds are pretty, but they can't stand up to a dragon's hunger can they?" "Oh - how you say such things..." Aya said. They sorted through their newly purchased items, as a pair of Megami's Slaves took away the packaging and served sandwiches and creamy warm drinks. Eventually, surrounded by a gigantic pile of stuff, most of which they could never use or even need, Aya looked back at Megami again. "So, would you go with me to Ryslen? If I find someone to take us?" Megami paused in her energetic 'grinding pepper' motion with her new cooking tool. She looked up, and swept a long curly fall of hair away from her eyes. "Of course I would. We'd get to actually use some of that interesting nonsense information that Amaranth keeps spouting, then." Aya clapped her hands and cheered, "yes! Amaranth! She can take us! Her dragon is huge!" Not quite expecting Aya to have solved the mystery of how they would be getting to Ryslen this quickly, of course, Megami almost immediately regretted telling her anything. But... There was the possibility that they could both come back Breeder-DragonMaster-whatevers. That had potential. And Megami knew potential... *** Amaranth was grinning widely, the normally sedate daughter of Mirage and her Night Gold Racynioth was almost bouncy. "I'm so glad you've asked. I wanted to head back there and tell them what I've planned, anyway." "And what would that be, Am?" Aya asked. "I'm going to be splicing Ryslen dragons with Sky dragons here. Can you imagine? Smart dragons like these?" She waved her pale lavender hand at Racy, "combined with the strength and size - and independance - of a Zekiran Sky dragon?" "I suppose I can, but it would be best if I saw them for myself, first," Aya said. "She's beautiful, Amaranth, I think I've told you that." "Everyone has," Amaranth said. "Now, are you ready? Packed?" Megami nodded, "I've left instructions with the Slaves and Bayaran, we'll be back with time to spare, right?" "Yes, if you learn your lessons well," Amaranth said. "They're difficult, but you can just concentrate on a year and the stars. You'll learn. You're bright girls." They all laughed, and then got some help mounting up on the Night Gold. Racy was patient, she almost glowed with happiness at being chosen to head back. There was always a chance that she was going to find a male to bring back with her, even though Wavkokuth and Haesh were firmly 'their mates' at home. She was ready to drop some eggs for her rider, whether they were fully Zekiran, halfbreed or Ryslen, Racy obviously didn't mind any of those. Aya caught most of her thoughts, while Megami sort of listened in on Amaranth's mind - she allowed it of course, they were really good friends being Breeders and among the more perfect of the people on the planet. And arrogant? Why yes. But their Breeding, their parentage, and their appearances certainly bore that well. Amaranth instructed her passengers how to cling on to Racy's wide back, and they took off. "Try and remember this scene, down there," she pointed to a game being played by a group of young Zekirans, "it'll help you remember how to focus on this time. And... we're going to be quite chilled - it's cold through the nexus..." They arrived moments later over Ryslen, and the atmosphere was so different than on Zekira that all three of them breathed in with surprise. Dragons of many colors and faintly different descriptions flew around, and caught Aya's eyes. "There's one without a crest! And look, that one has four wings!" She called out, "they're more marvelous than in my vision!" "We'll see what happens next," Megami said, "let's get down and start filling out their forms, right?" Amaranth nodded, "not much work, but you'll be expected to contribute as well as pass your candidate classes in Dragon information. You won't have any trouble at all..." She reiterated, "you're bright girls!" |
(had been aya-meg3.htm) The place was just as their friends and relatives had described. Perhaps busier, and perhaps layered in this good coat of rain and early snow it looked a little slick and somewhat dangerous. But the two Zekiran sisters were equally thrilled to be there. Now that she was here at all, Megami had to admit that she was taken up by the thrill. There were studies they had to complete, courses that would challenge them both. There were people to greet, the Prima and her dragon, the instructors and all. Then there were the candidates. Apparently there had been a recent hatching or two, and the candidate groups were thinned out - though it was clear that many of the prior folks were still there with their young dragons. And the dragons. It was no wonder that Amaranth was so proud of herself for having paired with this magnificent dark-gold queen. These Ryslen dragons stood tall, regal wise, but they also had a playful spirit to them. "I love that one," Aya said about one of the light colored queens who sat on the sands for this big Flurry event they were having. "Oh and that one too." "We're not shopping, Aya dear," Megami reminded her with a grin. They were at Ryslen for a number of weeks as the eggs on the sands continued to harden. Shortly before their official 'standing' there had been a very traditional clutch on the sands, and now the one which they were called to was quite different. Not only were the queens paired off to a single rider, they had both taken two mates! Such mates they were too, ones with names so long that neither Meg nor Aya tried to pronounce them, sure that only their riders if they had any (and they weren't sure, did they even? Could they?) were the only ones to be able to. So it was that in the evening on the fifth week since their arrival, Aya and Megami Sengihr heard the distinct crooning of dragon mothers - announcing their eggs about to hatch. It didn't take long for the eggs to stir, now that they'd been hardening for so long. Even before the last batch of onlookers were brought to their seats above the red sands, the first of the eggs broke open with force. Red gold and black, a stunning hatchling. Her burning-flame crest and oddly patterned body were an indication of things to come. A yellow hatched, and passed around the girls to bond. A lovely lavender was next, and her wings were all but missing. That didn't surprise either Zekiran woman, because clearly the sire without wing sails himself (who knew how he flew?) was the source of that. Another yellow hatched, and then a marked black and pink. What an odd set of dragonets! Two blues hatched as one, and went to a pair of twins, predictably. Then... Another yellow, but her markings were unique from her sisters. A lovely silver hatchling found his bond, then another who was female. There was the tiniest of lulls, and thn another burst of eggshell. a forceful darkened purple and red made his way to his bond. An elfess was happy to greet her green bond next. Another red bonded, and then a second green who bonded a dragon. Oddly marked blue and green paired off, and then orange and flame colors named Halloween for the recordbooks came with her beautiful flaming wings. Two eggs were left, and a number of candidates still. The green and silver that hatched penultimately came up to the Zekiran sisters. She looked at Aya and spoke with a kind purr. Patience is a virtue, she announced, and sat before Megami with pride. Ghaoikirauk is my name, Megami. "You're... you're my bond. I can feel it," Megami said in a whisper. "How great is this?" She turned to Aya, who had not paired off with the last of the hatchlings - a stunning Starry gold who paired off with a dragon. Megami's bright eyes opened wider, as she realized that her sister was not paired off. And, there were only the special Flurry eggs on the other sands, that would not most likely be her time either. They both seemed to know that. Do not worry for her, your kin will pair eventually. Right now, I would like something to eat please. I think you studied how to feed me, right? "Of course I did," Megami said. Her eyes met Aya's, and they had tears in them - both. "I'm so happy for you..." Aya said, a whisper. "There's something amazing here, I can sense you so strongly." "All I can sense is her, right now," Megami laughed. "Come on, you should help. You'll be better prepared for your time. Right?" "Of course." Ghaoikirauk nodded and walked along side her chosen.
*** The dragons all seemed to grow so fast. Before they knew it, Ghaoikirauk was trying out her wings. And, Aya was getting a bit pensive. She liked the job of working with her sister' dragon, but there was still something missing - her own. "I'm going to try getting into the Flurry sands, if you don't mind being hush hush about it," Aya said casually as they dressed for dinner. The dragons were sleeping, it had been a long day of exersize and working, and the days were shorter now that it was deep winter. "Aya, those sands are supposed to be for the chosen of that clutch only!" Megami said, a whisper even though no one else was in their dorm. They'd remained room mates even though Aya hadn't bonded. Still, Megami knew that there were rules. And Aya was about to break them. "I can't help it, Meg, I just ... I want to see them. I've been hearing that there are already some eggs ready to hatch. Can you imagine? All the parents are so lovely and you know we all have a good Breeder's Eye for such things." "But... Well, I guess. I can't stop you, I know that much." Megami said, shrugging. Aya hugged her sister and quietly went the wrong direction when they were headed to dinner. What is she going in there for? Asked a groggy 'Kirauk. I don't know, my love, but I hope she doesn't get caught. It's nothing really bad, but I just hope it won't make her restricted for the next hatching or something. Megami told her bond to sleep, and was obeyed. Aya crept around the large cavern, trying not to be seen or heard or smelled by the dragons. She knew that was silly - they knew she was there. But still, she wasn't meant to be there without supervision. But she was a grown woman - and a Zekiran at that, her age was more like an elderly human after all! She could handle herself. "What are you doing here?" Asked a man's voice, and her heart lept into her throat, while her stomach crashed. "Um, nothing. I wasn't doing anything..."Aya's mental control did not extend to human kind. She knew that. So did he, apparently, and he was one of the riders of the sires of this beautiful Flurry clutch before her eyes. He was an attractive man, but Aya sensed something clearly dangerous about him. "What... are you?" He looked faintly offended, but then his expression shifted into a mirthful one. "You're trying to change the subject!" He said. "I'm Vari, just a rider." "Uh huh," Aya said, "Just like I'm 'just looking around'." Variola placed his arm over the tall Zekiran woman's shoulder and led her over to his dragon, who was a magnificent ice-pale copper rainbow. There were dazzling bits of color just barely visible to the naked eye - Aya was certain that most people couldn't even detect them. She saw more colors than humans. "He's very handsome," said Aya. "You're very sneaky," Vari said. "But so am I." "You're ... a genetic manipulator!" Aya said, finally noticing that his powers were creeping around her cells. Yet, she didn't try and stop him. "You got it," he said proudly. Then a moment later, he realized, "you're not fighting it off?" "Why should I? It's a human disease. I am hardly human. Plus," Aya said while giving his dragon a well-deserved scratching on the eyeridge, "I can fight it off any time I wanted to. I just don't mind being ... well, challenged like that." Vari stood still for a moment, and then a broad grin went over his thin lips. "I think you should stay for the Flurry hatching. Come on outside." "It's freezing out there!" Aya cried. "What do you care? You're not human, remember?" "I can still feel cold, you idiot!" She said, and refused to budge. "Fine, fine." Vari left the sands briefly, and then reappeared a moment later, but he was doing something odd. He was dragging in a bucket. It was filled with snow. Which he then lobbed a bit of at her. Starting what might have been the first on-sands snowball fight in history. |
(had been aya-meg4.htm) Megami watched as her sister waited for the Flurry eggs to hatch, while her own green and white Rys-hathian grew at a tremendous rate. Ghaoikirauk had the dramatic flair of her rider's sister, more than anything else, but she was always fairly obediant. Except when it came time for flying. Ghaoi insisted that Meg use a modified saddle, because the others designed for the four-leggers were very uncomfortable. "But... I'm not going to be flying you into combat, Ghaoikirauk," Megami stated carefully. I know, but you will be riding me, and I wish to arrive properly, not in pain. Laughing, Megami agreed that style wasn't quite as important as comfort, but still had its place, after all. Zekirans were like that...
*** "Usually, isn't Ryslen having more hatchings?" Aya asked. Megami nodded, "yes, but I think everything is waiting for the Flurry to hatch." "Half of it already did," Aya pointed out. She said so with a faint disappointment in her voice, because she'd stood there as a tiro and didn't bond at all. "So that leaves a little more space on the sands." "Nope, you would think so, but the queens have spread themselves out over them again." Megami laughed. Since Ghaoikirauk, or Kirauk, as Megami liked to call her, was becoming more adept at teleporting and using portals in general, she went back and forth to Zekira with Megami to update everyone on their progress. She was a bit of an oddity, there - but everyone recognized the Ryslen paws right off. When she brought Megami back, it was early in the morning on the day that half the rest of the Flurry eggs chose to hatch. The deafening song coming from the red sands brought awake most of the tiro, including Aya. She threw on some functional clothing and the longer white vest showing her rank, and saw Megami up in the stands. Waving to her only briefly, Aya's attention was captured by the hatchling on the sands. Several of them came and went, choosing their bonds. They were lovely - just like the first batch's hatchlings of course. But they had something that the first did not. An egg hatched out a lovely indigo-twilight male, and his four wings showed off pretty flurry patterns! He strode right up to Aya. Hmm, am I what you expected, Aya? I am Sorangiata. Perhaps we could wait and see what else hatches? "Of course we can do that, Sorangiata!" Aya laughed - it was pure bliss listening to his dark voice. There was a faint breeze to it, he was so different than talking to anyone else with her mind! He was hungry too - but he was more intent on waiting and watching the sands for something. Several lovely hatchlings broke their shells, and Aya wondered why they were still hanging around. The hunger gnawing at Soran's gut was threatening to creep into her own stomach... But right as she thought that, another egg broke up and a silver colored female stepped out. With care, she dusted herself off from the sands. Sorangiata rushed to her side. There was something odd about her wings, like he had four - she had the feathered nubs that said she was also a Ryslen crossbreed. While they were busy sniffing at one another, Aya and almost everyone in the place stared at them. What was going on? Before the answer to that question became apparent, however, another egg burst open and showed off a dark green, who bolted from his shell and ran loudly up to the stands. He was bellowing, angry, urgent. Sorangiata carefully walked back to Aya with his silver friend in tow. I am Dziewedanth, Aya. So surprised was she, that Aya didn't even have time to respond. There were still noises coming from the furry green. Megami. He wants you. Ghaoikirauk thought to Megami, from the inner cliff above the sands. Sharding right I do! shouted the male green. His mind was strong, sharp, demanding. He was furry. He had catlike eyes, which focused upon Megami as she made her way to his presence by the sands. He didn't seem too happy to be kept waiting. "I'm coming, Sonaeralta..." Kirauk sighed, and mostly to herself, muttered, Back to classes... |
(had been aya-meg5.htm) Ghaoikirauk sat and watched over her weyrling charges. Megami and Aya were both in a class, both proud to be doing well in the anatomy and healing courses. Naturally. Why don't we surprise them? Asked Sorangiata. He shifted his wings into a flight pose, but 'kirauk stopped him from doing anything rash. I would prefer we did not. You will be flying soon enough, do not get it into your head that you must injure yourself to impress her. You are totally no fun. I think she is right, Dziewedanth said, hugging her feathered wings to her body. I am barely flight worthy as it is! I do not seek out an injury. She glared at the furred green who made up the fourth member of their squad, unlike some dragons... Sonaeralta snarled at the other Flurry dragons, You just don't have enough courage to do it... I do! Sorang began but 'Kirauk again put her elegant shiny green paw down. Stop it you two! She demanded. When Aya and Megami come from their class, I think they will surprise you, anyway. What have you learned that we don't know? Asked the furred green male, Tell me! In good time... |
(was aya-meg6.htm) "I can't believe they're finally all grown," Megami sighed. They had four beautiful dragons - between them the first two double-bonded at Ryslen. For that the Sengihr girls were quite happy. Their dragons understood that they were special of course, but they were going to be special no matter what, to this pair. "Well they are," Aya said, "and we've got to get back to Zekira. Right?" Megami nodded, slowly. It would be an easier trip with two dragons to carry their clothing, items and goods that they had acquired during their extra-long stay at Ryslen. I cannot believe you two own so much clothing! Ghaoikirauk grumbled. She would be carrying some of the stuff, it was easier for her to do that and allow her furry green companion to carry Megami. He was bigger than she was, that was certain. And louder, of course. I cannot believe they expect us to carry it all! Sonaeralta grumbled. He had not exactly gotten any more stable or sensible in his teenage years, so 'kirauk hoped that he'd eventually mellow out. Didn't expect him to, just hoped. Meanwhile, it was Dziewedanth who pursuaded her indigo duowinged bond brother Sorangiata to carry Aya's things. She claimed it was too heavy for her feathery wings to really lift. And he had one thing better than anyone: lift. So proudly, the indigo male strutted around carrying a box here and a satchel there, until his riding harness was thick with it. Say... He thought, this stuff is kind of heavy isn't it? I told you it was, Soran, Dzie told him, but you thought it would be nothing. So - no challenge at all for the great blue boy.
What Dzie really thought was that Aya should arrive on her, because she was the prettiest of the bunch. A vain holiday dragoness, of course. But she had good reason to be. Apparently, on Zekira, they had dragons that was sort of like Ryslen's, but also those that had feather wings like hers. She would be a beautiful, unique dragon. Until they started breeding, of course. |
(( new for 2023 I want to add stats so here they come...))