At just a little over average in everything he is, Baryn strives to achieve something other than mediocrity.
His parents, Journeywoman Harper Ryna and Vintner (master) Bantan, have always agreed that their oldest son is a bit... plain. With a soft face, a mushy but pleasant smile, and typical ruddy curled hair, he usually makes an "average" first impression on people.
With three younger sisters, and one younger brother, Baryn has always tried to set a good example. He works hard, yet likes to play every once in a while. He is of average height and build, though he appears to be stronger than he looks. He sets his mind to things and even though he knows he is not the most remarkably intelligent person, he figures out problems if he keeps at it.
His sisters usually wound up dressing him up when they were still young enough. Always wanting to play the accepting-type, poor Baryn learned a lot more about how to put his hair into braids than how to braid leather bindings or other such 'manly' pursuits.
However, he knew what he wanted to do, all along. He wished very much to follow in his father's footsteps and become a vintner. His escapes from his sisters would usually place him directly into the fields of grapes, surrounding the Hold's small patch of cherry trees.
Of course, cherry trees. That's where he learned to climb, how to pick fruit, and how to weave beautiful flower-chains with the fallen blossoms. Ablan had nothing but cherry trees as far as the eye could see, most times. Between them and the hills with their rows of grapes, Baryn could hardly get anything other than thoughts of wine making into his head.

"You aren't going to let that -- that silly "Berry" thing get to you, are you?" Betel asked her brother. He was moping, sitting alone in his work room next to his father's office. Fists curled under his chin, hair dangling just over his bronze colored eyes, Baryn grunted.
"Yes, I am." He said, listless. Betel sat herself down on the work bench, and ground her jaw around.
"Well you shouldn't. I mean, everyone in Ablan knows you're going to do great work."
"That's just it, sis, EVERYONE in Ablan will BE there. Competing. They've all got so much more work behind their wines that I don't stand a chance."
His sister rolled her own coppery colored eyes. "Will you listen to yourself? Och, you just don't get it, do you brother?" Baryn glanced up at her, getting irked.
"Get what?"
"You're GOING, and you might win and you might not win, but ... Not 'everyone' is going to this festival you know. We've got to stay and tend the field. Those insane Southerners have their parties at the strangest times of year."
"It's harvest time there. Besides..." he stood up, finally understanding what his sister was meaning. "Our wines have had some time to age. Theirs will be fresh from the press, and that won't make for great tasting."
Betel nodded to herself as her brother strode from the room, "you go get em."
"Are you sure that these crates will be okay during the flight?" Baryn asked, for the third time. And for the third time, T'nor of blue Razelth sighed and told the lad it would.
"It's going between for only a few moments, and that will chill it perfectly. I've had wine brought between. It's almost better than chilled in an ice cavern."
T'nor was an experienced traveler and now a rider. That combination allowed he and his Istabitha-Impressed dragon to navigate through lands with ease. T'nor had been to Ablan via ship and caravan, before, and now had an appreciation for dragon-flight. It was so much quicker! He packed down the two crates of wine skins that the young Journeyman Vintner had brewed, along with some other things that the visitor from Ablan would be wanting to take with him to TwoRiver Hold's Berried Alive festival.
He then told Baryn how to snug down the straps for flight, since T'nor was a traveling rider, he often conveyed more than just wares with him, so he had a special harness created for two to share.
"We won't be too heavy for your dragon?" Baryn asked, glancing at the relaxed dark blue dragon's back.
"Not at all lad, not at all. Now, hang on!" T'nor mentally urged Razelth to take to the air, and they soared over the low depression among rolling hills that made up Ablan Hold.
"It's beautiful here! I never saw it from up here before!" Baryn exclaimed. "I can't believe this... Oh, there's my sister! And Rynan! HEYO!!!" He yelled, waving. T'nor chuckled to himself that the boy certainly didn't seem afraid of heights, and was comfortable enough on the dragon's back that he let go of the harness handle -- installed purely for those who *were* afraid to clutch onto. They soared overhead for another few moments, allowing Baryn to see much of his home Hold from overhead, before they went between.
"Will it hurt?" Asked Baryn.
"Will what hurt?"
"Going between?"
Laughing, T'nor shook his head, "no, boy, it doesn't hurt. It only hurts if you're in Threadfall, and there's no chance of that this sevenday!"
Relieved, Baryn breathed out, and then took his breath back in when T'nor announced they were heading between. "Three long moments, boy, then you can open your eyes and breathe again. It won't be pleasant, but it's not all that bad either."
They entered the blackness of between...

"... What do you mean 'no wine'?" Asked Baryn. The weyrling master was adamant that the candidates continue their wine-free days before the hatching.
Baryn was crushed. He would surely have to re-think this. His first love was truly the wine craft. How could he get along for ... however long it was... before he could be allowed to sample his own wares?
He knew that dragon riders were notorious drinkers! So it couldn't be THAT long, could it?
Over the next few sevendays, the clutch hardened and Baryn learned about how to oil the leather harness, how to cut dragon-sized bites of meat, and formation after formation.
He hoped it would be worth it.

The day of the hatching was excrutiatingly hot. He was so unused to this weather, but even less used to the fact that everyone just about got naked and swam their days away when they were able. Baryn wasn't unattractive, but he was certainly a little too shy to just dive right in with everyone else.
At last, the hatching had started, but oddly the dragoness and her mate had moved all the eggs out to the bowl, rather than keeping them within their sweltering sands. It was a wise decision, everyone agreed. Though there was rain on the horizon, and some even started by the hatching, it was still quite hot and the dragons did not want the candidates to pass out before impressing!
It was a beautiful start: a bronze came from his shell and impressed quickly! A green was next, then a brown and another green. It seemed like forever before a deeply blue bodied and icy-winged dragonet came from his shell. There was a deep, well-formed voice which announced to Baryn, I am Xyanlith! And B'ryn stood forward in pleasure to greet the dragon.
J'rin, the search rider, leaned around to the other who had been with him on the Gather search, and laughed something about being right.
Of course he was right! His dragon is already proud of me. Maybe I will become a search dragon? Or perhaps you and I shall go looking for the perfect fruits. What is 'wine' anyway?
B'ryn laughed deeply and was thrilled to be able to prove himself, at last.

"Now remember you can't go flying without permission, and you MUST never go off while you're testing your wares." The weyrling master sternly reminded B'ryn.
The vintner nodded. He'd *mostly* managed to remain dry during the first few months of his dragon's life, but while they grew up together B'ryn realized that it was only because the dragon would be susceptable to the same drunken fits that some irresponsible humans could, that they were meant to stay away from it.
As a vintner, however, B'ryn knew that his craft could just as easily be tested by his peers, and got the chance to continue his work while still a weyrling.
When they got to fly, finally, B'ryn knew that his craft would only prosper. From above, he could see the lay of lands below, he could tell where the right grapes were being grown, and spot blight before it got too spread out. It was perfect, being on a berry-festival dragon and able to find fruits for the craft.
I wish there was something that could make me silly like your wine does to your friends, Xyanlith bespoke without jealousy. It could be fun. But dragons are large and sometimes dangerous. So I suppose it is also a good thing we do not get drunk.
"I think so," B'ryn said. "Imagine yourself weaving around the skies? What if Thread began to fall?"
We are not thread fighters, B'ryn, we are harvesters. Even though I know your drills and we are learning more every day, you know we will not be in a fighting wing.
B'ryn nodded, remembering something that was said when one of the Protectorate leaders had come to Ryslen. They were solemn, they were serious, something was going on, and no matter his station in life otherwise, B'ryn was a part of the Protectorate, and was therefore subject to its whims. Perhaps even more so than the other fighting riders.
It will be all right. Whatever they are thinking of doing will turn out for the best, I think. Come, let me look at those fields.
"There aren't any berries or apples out there!"
No, but there are wherries!

She will be good to chase.
"What makes you think she'll even let you into her flight?" B'ryn laughed. "I mean, come on, she's two turns older than you, and you're --"
I am what? Just a blue?
"A berry blue," B'ryn said. "But... look over there. There's a beautiful dragon and ... Oh."
The black one? That is Beena's Minath, and he is a HE. But you like Beena don't you? She is dark and pretty, like ... What are those dark pretty things?
"Blackfruit. Onyx. Obsidian. Mahogony. Darkwine. Night." B'ryn blinked at the woman, he could barely see her from their height, but... The White River born black dragon came swooping up to join the flight around the Protectorate's new digs, and apparently Xyanlith and he got along just fine.
He says it is a shame you will not be able to put me in the flight they are participating in.
"She's in a flight already?" B'ryn moaned.
But it is an odd flight. Maybe we can sit and watch. It will be at the Healing Den, so there will always be room to watch.
B'ryn blinked. "Well, that's a plus. I guess I could ask about it... We could bring wine, there's always need for wine at parties after flights!"
That's right. Good thinking. It will make you happy to be with her, won't it?
"It sure will..."