Dahash, apprentice Beast Crafter
Sex: male
Physical: 5'10", 170, very dark skin (almost black), white-platinum hair (straight, widows peak, to neck), pale blue-white eyes (very stunning appearance), evenly built with long legs and strong shoulders, a pretty face that is well accented with his hair and shocking eyes. He prefers to wear comfortable, close cut clothing in subdued colors.
Emotional: quiet, highly empathic to animals and dragon kind, often claims to be able to speak with the dead. He is soft spoken in general, a follower, but not interested in following fools.
Skills: mostly for the beast craft, herding and husbandry basics, some beast healing, first aid (human), he is very quick on his feet and agile, good at predicting locations and events (doesn't gamble though he would if he had money and he'd be cursed to lose).
Dahash is the younger son of a rich Holder, whose older brother Sho will inherit the Hold. He was only interested in pleasing his father, but apparently this could not be done in light of Sho's talents with business and tact. So Dahash was relegated to whatever craft the Hold was best with, which turned out to be runner beasts and other herd craft. He doesn't mind that his life is of less caliber than Sho's, but there is little love lost between them, and Sho has in fact told Dahash that he will not come to his aid unless the situation is quite dire, politically speaking. In this manner, both Sho and Dahash were relieved when a Brown dragon came out of the skies over their Hold looking for suitable Candidates. Dahash made his appearance before the rider and the dragon, and was deemed quite more than adequate for the journey to the new Weyr. Dahash does not regret the life he will lead, in fact it will be something he can finally be quite proud of on his own without having to prove anything to his family. He will do a good solid job riding a dragon, no matter the color.
As for the color of what Dahash might be best suited to, Blue or Brown would come to mind for different reasons. He does need to be lightened up after such a competitive homehold life, so a Blue with a reasonably light personality might help him adjust. But by the same token, he's quite well suited to a competitive atmosphere, and riding a Brown could push that into a stronger personality. As he is, he is not going to be picky over what comes out of the egg, only that some day, one dragon comes to him!
2024: note that Zekiran Dahash is an immortal and is the ancestor of several other dragon riders...
Sho raged in jealous fuming for a while, and then he calmed down. He was sure that the searchrider from Lasair would come for someone like him. Rather than me.
But father and he are quite glad to be rid of me, I think. I shall move in to Lasair until the dragon I might impress is old enough to leave, or ... Perhaps I will just move there anyway. There is so little here that keeps me feeling like I am at home.
I have also been approached by the Alabaster Weyr. What they want with me is probably less sinister than I know they have others for. I've seen what their people can do to someone who hasn't tithed up.
Yes, there is a little grin on my face at that. Anyone who thinks a dragon isn't the most important thing in the whole world during Threadfall is insane.
And any dragon I might impress must be more important than even that. I will prove to them, and myself, that I deserve this Search.
"What are you writing?" Asked Meeana, one of the kitchen staff. "Or is it personal?"
"It's personal," Dahash said. He thought to himself that she couldn't read, anyway. It wouldn't much matter if she saw. "I will be leaving the Hold, soon."
"Leaving... Oh, Dahash... I'll miss you." The girl smiled sweetly, and Dahash looked at her with a blank expression.
"Please don't. I will probably not be back. I am sorry, Meeana. If I might ride a dragon, my life will be so much better than it is now."
"You told me you liked working with the stables and the herds..."
"I do, and I still will, I think. But ... not here. This place holds nothing for me any more."
He rose and nodded to her, thinking on perhaps leaving her with a small gift, she had after all been one of the kinder people in the Hold to him.
When he did leave, it was with only two smallish packs of belongings, and no further ties to his past. And with relief in his heart he held his breath when the search dragon for Lasair disappeared between...
Dahash enjoyed the new weyr. Lasair was a new, pleasant place to be after all he'd been through at Paveh hold. People treated him with an amount of respect -- he was a candidate after all!
After only half a sevenday, the Hatching started! That took him quite by surprise, he guessed it might be much longer before the eggs had hatched. But he rushed to the hatching sands with the other candidates, it was early morning and it was chilled with mists.
It was quiet, as the candidates then stood on the sands. A strange silence, pregnant and then -- broken! The first hatching happened, a bronze which doubtless won many bets! Then three eggs hatched, spilling two greens then a blue. After a little lull, and people got settled back in their seats (everyone stands at a hatching, whether they know it or not!) the golden egg hatched! She surprised a girl named Khory, and then they were led off the sands. Eight more eggs, now that the queen had hatched, seemed ready to see the light of day.
A blue and two greens wandered out, then a brown impressed followed by his brown brother. Then... Dahash felt something brush the back of his mind. Something deep. A beautiful icey blue hatchling strode over to Dahash and bespoke.
You look like you want me. I think we will get along perfectly.
"Of course we will, Aridheth," he cheerily said. The Impression was... amazing! The presence of another mind, so close to his own, was both exotic and new, but it was so welcome!
"We will show the hold what we are worth, my new friend," D'hash told Aridheth, when we fly overhead to fight thread for them.
But they all but kicked you out, the dragon pointed out.
But we are better than they are, D'hash thought back.

I never thought you'd be done with that thing!
"You don't remember when I started it, do you?" D'hash said, of the woven leather piece he had been working on. "It's going to be our first riding leather, Ari. I have to keep adding to it, because you keep getting bigger every time I turn around!"
Aridheth gave off a dragon laugh. But I want to grow! That way I can fly stronger and faster!
"Let's try flying at all, first, right!"
Aridheth lay on his cot and watched the dark fingers of his human work.
I bet you I could do that, too, he bespoke.
D'hash looked at his life partner and pursed his lips.
"I bet you can't. Go ahead, try it!"
It was the first bet that D'hash made and WON!

"I'm so proud of you!" D'hash said, after Aridheth's first -- failed -- mating flight.
But... I did not fly her! I did not win!
"But you did so well... You and that other blue were the last ones up there. That little green was feisty!"
Aridheth lay his long head on his stone couch and gave off a grumbling sigh. I did not win.
"You'll do better next time, and if that's all it takes, you will win! She was a very fine green, and the blue who did fly her was only just a little quicker than you, Ari. I am going to be proud of you anyway. So sulk, it's okay."
Aridheth finally gave in and agreed. It HAD been a good flight!
