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He was often amused when people called it 'hard stock'. Even when he was a child, Emiel didn't understand why some people never said the word 'slave' around anyone. Not even High Owners, which was kind of funny, because they Owned everyone in sight. He bought his first Slave from one, in fact. His father was somewhat angry about that, because he'd had a line of servants all ready to be given off to Kyl or he, or some other of the High Holder's bred children. Not that Emiel wouldn't take them. He did. But he almost immediately Raised them to Bayaran and kept them busy working up to Freedom. Emiel was known, even as a youth and teen, as a very fair-minded young man. A bit mistrustful, perhaps, a little on the jumpy side. But then when your best friends are animals sometimes that happens. He took after his father in most ways, visually. He had the same fluffy hair, albeit in shades that turned different when he was angry or sad. He liked to wear the thin-rimmed glasses that Engell wore, because they made his face look more mature. His faintly green shaded skin and slightly darker blue eyes were the only way to really tell the two apart. Well, that and the fact that Emiel was constantly followed by a huge Hern Rat guardian. Demiel had given her son a pup when he was just six, and from that moment on his psionics blossomed. Hern Rats don't live an extremely long time, so the one which he named Garis was growing older when the High Master called his third Inheriting son into his Fi'ir office. Garis growled low and long at the others in the room, a pair of Bayaran who scampered away into their office nooks and pretended to do paperwork but were really scared stiff by the sight of the animal. It was a rare sight to have an actual Hern Rat inside a building. "You've never actually ridden that thing, have you?" Engell asked, trying to appear casual, but he was also a bit nervous about the thing in his office. More because it would probably tear the extremely expensive furnishings to shreds given half a moment without his pet human. "Of course not, father," Emiel said, scratching Garis between the shoulders. "He'd bite my legs off if I tried it." Engell nodded, "ah." Blinking, he turned away and indicated the low, elegant skyline of the city, surrounded by the peaks beyond. "Emiel, have you given thought to what the alien invasion really brings?" They'd been fighting now for almost thirty years, and things on Zekira had changed. There were emergency drills taught to every student, no matter what Status. There were places built that could house everyone in a neighborhood, withstand the alien bombs or fire. These things had been completely unknown on Zekira for almost eleven thousand years - but their old homeworld knew them quite well. Emiel shrugged. "I have my own protection," he indicated the Rat. "But that is not what you mean." "No, it isn't," Engell said. "I do not want you to be a fighter, to be a Dragon Master," he said seriously. "Because I'm not interested in losing a son. Not even a son that brings giant furry animals into my office." "I'd shoo him away but he'd just come right back," Emiel said with a chuckle. "I'm lucky I get to use the restroom without him. That's the one thing he won't interrupt..." Finally Engell laughed, "well said. But... I am serious. Though there is something about dragons that I must talk to you about." "I know you house and support a large number of Dragon Masters, father." Emiel shrugged. "My persuits keep me on the ground. And I don't much care for those Stone dragons." "True, but... You've certainly seen some of the ... other dragons, haven't you? Those that defy description?" Emiel narrowed his eyes. He had seen some now and again. Flying in formation, together always, looking nothing like those that flew here. "There is someone I would like you to meet," Engell said, hesitating and with a strange presence of worry on his features. "I don't know how to explain this, Emiel. But... We're not unique." "I know there's life out there, father," Emiel chuckled again. "I mean, it shoots at us from planes every few days." "No, I mean... we. I know I am not unique, and that is what I will have to say... is ..." "We have dopplegangers across realities," said another man, from across the room, in Engell's voice. He held himself exactly like Engell, he even looked a lot like him, though he wore slightly more primative fabrics and looked a bit more aged in the face. "I am, for instance, not your father. But we are the same man." Emiel didn't let his jaw drop, he couldn't. Garis had started to growl but then stopped, tilted his wedge shaped head, and walked up to the other Engell. He sniffed over the man's legs for a while, and the other man didn't stop him. Nor did he look particularly put off by it, which is something that the Zekiran Engell would certainly have done. When the Hern Rat was finished, he walked back to his charge and sat down, chewing on a claw that had snagged on the expensive carpet. "So who are you then? And ... where are you from, if not here?" Asked Emiel. The other Engell nodded, smiled at his doppleganger behind the desk. "He's just as quick as I told you he would be," and then back to Emiel said, "I am Lord Holder Engell, of Pern and more of late, the Nexus. The Nexus is where we've met," he indicated Emiel's father. "I travel. By dragon." "Ah, the dragon connection." Emiel said. Eventually they sat down and at length discussed what the Nexus was, how it'd been breeched by their Sengihrs and Vanyas and Kalkins and Sangers. The Engells were almost universal, and varied even less than the Sangers in their appearance or abilities. Apparently Lord Holder, the dragon rider, had met up with more than a dozen of himself even before the Sangers began rescuing one another across the multiverse. They had big plans, these men. Sometimes their plans were interrupted by the dragon riders, but others they were helped out greatly. This time, they knew it could be of help. But it wouldn't be the High Master to be bonded or attached to a dragon. It would be one of his sons, Emiel in particular because of his ability to control and sense animals. In another universe, the dragon rider Engell's, it was Kyle who had become one, and others including daughters and more distant kin. Emiel took all this in stride. He had always been such a sensible boy. And he knew that Garis wouldn't last forever. What he'd do without the big beast he wasn't sure. He felt comfortable near the Hern Rat, confident in his own abilities. In point of fact, since he was six, there were only two times he was away from the animal. When he had to pee, and when he had to send Garis out to hunt for himself. Only when on the prowl would Garis leave his master's side, he never even tried to find a mate (though several had been given to him, and he'd produced litters of similarly loyal offspring). What kind of friend would he have? Suddenly, Emiel realized that his father knew his weakness: he was afraid to really be alone. His mother couldn't be with him when he was young, he was raised by Slaves who did nothing but care for children. The Rat was something he had that he relied upon and trusted, and who loved him absolutely no matter what. "So... they ... the dragons I mean," Emiel said, "they could... be like Garis? For me?" For some strange reason, even with this weird other-father in the room, Emiel almost burst into tears about the thought of losing Garis to age. He'd almost lost the thing to encounters with wild animals, but that was expected in their line of work. But to lose him... after so long... "Yes, they are like that," Engell the dragon-rider said. "Trust me, I know what you're thinking. I know of a few people who were all but driven to suicide when their dragons were killed by threats, and dragons from my homeworld would do the same if their rider were lost. The bonds are not always so serious, though." He could tell that was a bit harsh, "and I've got a dragon or two that would say they were hardly bonded to me at all." "More than one," Emiel said, "I would hope that more than one would ... lessen it. May I see these dragons?" "Of course!" And off they went. *** The flock of flitters and miniature dragons bearing drinks and fruits was almost enough to make Emiel burst out laughing. But the beautiful sight of his pale white silver dragon Tehndarinth, standing alongside several others including a pretty pastel purple one, and an elegant catlike silver one... And a proud black furry thing with antlers! His wings were feathery, he looked so different from the rest that Emiel just knew something was up. "Yes, that's Kaspar," Engell the rider said. "And he is why I've asked for you to come along with us. He's ... been spliced in an interesting breeding, I've been told you'd be familiar with that concept." "Of course!" Emiel said, excited. "I didn't know that other worlds did that!" "Many. More now, technology is becoming more easily available. Now... About his offspring..." |
*** | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Emiel was astounded at how easily he got along with other world's Engels. They were everywhere, really, in unexpected places. The rider he'd followed to Mindspace gave him the room he needed, though Garis was a bit put off by the whole thing. Firstly of course was the indignity of having to be carried by a dragon. That was a difficult thing to do at best, but Tehn and his other friends managed to get both Emiel and his Hern Rat to Mindspace without harm. Garis was fortunately a bit worn out from that travel, allowing Emiel to wander the place to his own content. However it did feel odd to him as he went through the halls... without the familiar warmth below his hand where Garis would be. He'd have to get used to it... He steeled himself to get used to it. He went back to his quarters and fell onto the big beast and buried his face in his fur. "This won't be easy," he said muffled by the beast's body. A few days later there were people strutting around with impressive creatures in tow - Emiel followed one back to their den and watched. The deerlike creature was so graceful. These were Kaspar's offspring, surely. And they glowed! Once he got over the fact that yes, Garis would have to back off and let another creature take his place, he'd also have to convince Garis of this too. That would not be all that easy. But with the age of the Hern rat suddenly showing, Emiel boldly inserted the idea into the beast's mind that he could 'help train' the newcomer. That newcomer came in the form of a blue-striped black glowing reindeer-dragon. She was smaller than some of her ... nest mates? Siblings? What did one call these creatures? They had two male parents, anyway, and that meant they couldn't have really been 'born'... right? Well, either way Emiel reached his hand out to the pointed muzzle of this wonderful little being, and she sniffed at him before resting her head on his hand. He brought her back to his quarters, learning her name was Xan-tial. She was inexperienced with it, but he could tell she was a good mind-speaker. When she entered the dorm, Garis stood up and bristled briefly. But then, almost miraculously, he calmed down and welcomed her. They curled up together, the Hern rat dwarfing the new arrival. *** More Below *** Name: Xan-tial |
Three years had passed, and with them, Garis. The big beast could have been stuffed and mounted in one of the mansions but... Emiel shuddered at that thought. Best to let the remains dwindle to the wilderness, out past the big tree in the Elan hunt park. He always liked to dig there, more so than usual anyway, so it seemed fitting to place him there. Xan-tial had grown, but was not yet quite an adult. She was filling out nicely, and was going to be around the same size as any given Steed. That suited Emiel, too, because he could show her off as well as get around that way. Not so hot on flying particularly, but she'd be strong enough to carry him some day. Before that day, though, other visitors would change their lives yet again. His half-brother, Ten, and the big golden dragon he rode came down from the skies, landing gracefully as ever. Ten waved, a little more casual and familiar with Emiel than the younger sibling was really comfortable with. After all, Ten was... well, their father Engell had been rather angry to learn of Ten's existence. But that was long ago, before Emiel was even born, so Ten would do whatever he would do. Right now, he was approaching and organizing some kind of small square papers. From the satchel at his side, the pale periwinkle colored Zekiran with the long tail and graphite colored hair, produced a kind of magazine and immediately handed it to Emiel. "I thought you might want to see these," Ten said, his voice was still musical and high, almost boyish, but still - he was twice Emiel's age if not much older. "There are some beautiful little glowing hatchlings available." He glanced toward Xan-tial, who tilted her head. "Really," Emiel grunted. But he looked over the images - and decided they were worth closer inspection. "Take a look, Xan," he urged his deer-dragon over. She too seemed to appreciate the images, though he was sure that she wasn't seeing exactly the same things he did in them. She was all melty over babies, and this was a pile of glowy, squirmy cute baby dragons. *** Emiel only had to glance over the price list once, to really understand how much these little dragonets cost. He leaned over to Ten, who had taken Xan and he over to the Conservation. "They're pretty cheap, I would have expected more." "Well, cheap for us," Ten admitted. "But remember: that one there," he pointed toward one of three deeply blue babies, "is worth a five Unit holding. That pretty bronze colored one, twice that." Emiel blinked a few times, "now that you put it that way, yes I suppose they are valuable. Still - I have room for them. Plus," he gave a genuine smile to the former Slave, "more opportunities to see if there are any budding Dragon Masters among my Bayaran." "You like spending money, don't you," Ten laughed. "I can't blame you. You're rolling in the stuff." "And you aren't," Emiel countered. They approached the 'sales' clerk. "I'd like to see them more closely, if I could," Emiel announced. With a certain kind of restrained glee, Anaru led him into the wide 'play room' of sorts, where the glowing young milled about. It seemed as though one of those darker blue ones had already attached itself to Xan, who was now laying on her side and letting the baby play with her antlers and her own bobbing glowy bits. However, there were other young dragonets to be found. Ones with budding horns on their smooth skinned heads, some with wings and some without. It was to one of the horned, winged types that Emiel found himself drawn. She looked up at him, drowsy, and gave off a delightful gurgle of interest. Or perhaps hunger. Emiel tilted his head, "Ciana Prisca," and she gurgled again happily. Xan came over to them, with the blue Shikobath winding his way around her furry legs the whole way. "Look what I've found," Emiel said, and Xan chuckled back to him. "And look what I've found," her voice was always so wonderous, and it looked as though both the youngling dragonets enjoyed hearing it. A purple glowy-bobbing male tumbled past them, rolled backwards and ended up on his back, looking up at the bunch of others. "He is Catahecath," Xan announced. "I would not mind having all these wonderful younglings with us! You know I like helping them learn." Emiel was pretty certain that she also just liked the feeling they gave off of pure wonder and innocence. He did too. He stood, brushed his hands off on his pant legs, and gave some estimations on how much he would have to remove from his vaults, to pay for these little creatures. And more: which location they would go to... That, he'd have to give more thought to, when he was there. He made arrangements with Anaru and left with Ten. Xan stayed behind, utterly delighted to be left "in charge" of the babies for a while. *** "Elan would be best for them, I think," Emiel said to Ten as they came back to the Conservation, walking with a heavy banker's bag at his side. Zekiran currency translated very easily into local, since they still used honest-to-goodness hard money, metal, crystal, none of that silly IOU paper stuff. Several bars of platinum, kik - thousand cred bars, and an assortment of zhosh their hundred-credit 'donut-shaped' bits, smaller coins that were clearly of value just by their aesthetic beauty... Enough to cover, he hoped, and he was happy that the dragons would weigh more than this pile of cash on their way to their new home. Emiel's Elan hunt park would do swift business, but also there were plenty of things to track down - lost items, lost people, elusive prey... He was positive that the little dragonets would also pull in their own following. Photo tours, an exotic dragon-sighting... Oh yes. Emiel knew that they could be as cash-flow-worthy for him, as they were for the Conservation itself. They could be trained up and obviously had the ability to defend themselves, as well as fight against the alien threats that plagued Zekira. And most of all... He would never, ever be lonely. *** Several of the locals at the Conservation had been on hand to transfer the little dragonets to Emiel's care. It had been no surprise to anyone that the trio of babies that he'd paid most attention to while there last time, bounded up with excitement and happiness. Ciana was so clearly enamored of Emiel, **Emiel! I knew you'd come back for me!** Everyone within mental ear shot - which was far, considering how loud she was, gave a chuckle. Anaru seemed very happy as well, to produce the finalized contract for her and the other two a moment later. The blue and purple brothers from the other glowing clutch came in together, trying to look cool about it but failing when they realized that their new bond would be Emiel (and Xan, of course - but she couldn't sign a contract!). Anaru nodded as Emiel tucked the paperwork into a folder (what Holder on Zekira didn't have a place for contracts? a bad Holder didn't!), and said, "I am pleased with your choices. I hope you have quite the adventure planned for these three." Emiel glanced toward those three, Ciana slightly bigger than the other two but already fitting in between them. "Oh not to worry, I suspect they'll find enough adventure for a lifetime." *** (was on emiel2.htm) *** What an understatement it had been, 'adventure'! It found them quickly enough. On arrival to the Elan location, the Bayaran and single Budak running the place immediately fawned all over the trio. Xan got a little huffy - that was supposed to be her job! But things settled into a routine. The Zekirans learned to feed and clean up after the little growing dragons, and the dragons learned everything they could from them. Ciana was strongly psionic, and got a workout when she decided to start spying on people. It was a good thing she did though: one of the recent additions to the hunt park's staff was stealing lost items he would find in the field, things which were meant to be taken back to the mansion and given back to their proper owners! As time passed, and the babies grew older, Xan was also almost an adult, and would very shortly be surpassed by all three of the babies in size. However, they would always look up to her for 'motherly' assistance - and a playful romp in the woods. At night, but particularly during twilight hours when the fireflies and bats would begin coming out, the three glowing dragons would play hide and seek with their fourth, who became quite adept at her teleportation powers to avoid being caught! After all, she could see them coming, bobbing along - that's why they played at twilight, as any later and it would just be a dead giveaway. However life at the hunt park wasn't all light hearted fun. It was not only serious work, learning the locations of boundaries, and keeping away from the other animals there. After all, this park was a "hunt" area, where dangerous and elusive prey lived naturally. Ciana's skin saved her from sure death, as one of the larger, but slower giant snakes came out of hybernation in Summer. It would have attacked anything - steed, human, prey - because of its long slumber-grown hunger. But while it didn't quite break its fangs on her, they didn't exactly pierce her skin either. They learned where those snakes slept, too, and quickly. The venom running down her pale cream hide was as deadly as ever, until it was carefully washed off. And then there was the night of their first Alien attack. Several families and their children of various ages along with Emiel and Xan and the other three, were camping out. It was a pleasant mid-winter night - the forest covering much of the estate grounds kept the snow largely at bay, but they were in a wide clearing with temporary tents set up, and Xan providing the warmth in addition to the fire crackling gently. "What is that?" Catahecath said, breaking off from a rousing musical game with the younger children. He was looking into the sky, and his year-old mind couldn't quite grasp what could be making that odd streak through the cloudless night. Cold, Emiel said, "get into your tents, all of you," but of course the two adult men and one woman with their families wished to remain - perhaps to fight. Emiel quickly told Ciana to teleport back to the mansion and see if there was an alert going already. If not, to tell one of the Bayaran to send an urgent message to the Elan council. Aliens were attacking, in the middle of the night. Though Elan wasn't a big city like some, it was home, and suddenly Shikobath was all business. He paced around the tents, listening to the worried families, and chided Catahecath for wanting to continue his song even when there was something obviously wrong. "No, no," Emiel said, distractedly, "he should keep it up. Keep them calm and feeling safe, Cata, that's your job this night." The purple nodded, he was now around fifteen spans long, but would continue to grow - he placed himself where Xan had been (enjoying what was left of her warmth, since she'd moved) and let out a gentle crooning song. While he was busy with that, Shikobath was growing a bit impatient. "What about the--" he said, and then they all heard a certan screeching rumble, a craft was landing nearby! Without pause, Shikobath stood, and before anyone knew it, he had extended himself to a strangely big length! His hind end and tail were still in the camp, but his whole front end and nose were already out past their torch lights, sniffing out this alien craft. "He will be fine," Xan told Emiel, "he will frighten them away just by looking at them. You watch." And he did: as Ciana came back a bit winded from jaunting across the length of the park, she informed them that the Council had been notified, and help was on its way. The city was under attack, they all knew it, distantly there were similar sounds of craft landing or strafing into the woods. Fire would surely erupt but the snows would put it out. A shrieking and gibbering noise came from where Shikobath had gone, and they followed his glowing frills into the dark woods. Emiel and the others went carefully with their hunting equipment, never without it in a wilderness park, but when they got to the area they had to laugh. Here was Shikobath having pulled a strange, squirming alien from its 'shell' of a craft. He was looking at the creature like it was something good to eat - but Emiel asserted that they didn't want to do that. They would escort this creature back to the estate, where it was given to the authorities, and the craft as well would have to be pulled out. The next day, the dragonets enjoyed a surprise party on their behalf, everyone did their part, stayed calm, and had defeated the enemy. "Good work," High Master Engell said, on arrival to his son's estate, "and it's good to see you three again too," he laughed. Guiltily he glanced at Xan, "and you too of course."
First Name: Ciana |
Name: Shikobath Name: Catahecath |