Wu Weyr (old link)
** Updating character page with Zekiran proper information 5.22.24 **

Halaze, son of Lord Holder Darkhanis Paveh and Lady Holder Mirage
Gender: male
Age: 20  

Physical: 6'1", 180, frosty white skin with a hint of "fair" in there somewhere, rich black hair that is kinked and often kept loose around his neck and shoulders, deep brown eyes. He, like his father, keeps his facial hair in a clever, sexy gotee on his chin. It isn't that he doesn't like wearing clothing, especially fancy ones like Darkhanis. But he more often loves being completely au naturale. The only people this seems to bother are visiting Holders (and certainly not their fair daughters or ...  perhaps their fair sons). Crafted like one of his sister Myst's sculptures, and often found posing for them, Halaze keeps himself quite fit and healthy. His face is one of the handsomest among the ranks of the Paveh Hold, and that is saying a lot. He has a voice of velvet. 

Emotional: quiet and sensitive, but equally sly and secretive like his father. He is able to keep himself from getting in trouble (for any of the things he is likely to do to get there) with a sensible argument or a well planned escape route. Highly lucid dreams and a strong amount of empathy aid his arguments, as well. When he dreams, he often is actually sensing people or dragons around him, and it is certain that is the reason he was Searched. 

Skills: all oriented around becoming a major Holder, however with his search he will take up the fight against Thread before perhaps bringing a dragon to the Hold. He carefully watches the other Holds, particularly those with ties to his father's (Kshau Protectorate, Alabaster and Blackstone), to see where they will head. Though he is not trained in it, he is a skilled singer and the Harpers would love to have him if anything because he is so incredibly handsome. He can appraise both items and people, as well as livestock, like a pro. When he is in the company of any of his siblings (on both sides) he is often given to visions when his lucidity comes full term and invades his wakeful mind. He is learning to control this power. 

Searched only a couple years ago, and until now not a candidate. Halaze is sure to have offspring both officially and not. He already does, in fact, with distant cousin Journeywoman Healer Iva. He would rather devote time to family than have his offspring fostered, but that will strongly depend on if and when he Impresses. The timing of thread fall will determine many things in this young man's life, and he himself will probably predict it better than the Star crafters. 

It would be fitting for the son of a Lord Holder to ride a Bronze, but a Blue or even a Green would be far more likely for his innate sense of wanting to be everywhere at once. Any hint of ego is washed away the moment he touches minds with a person, dragon or flit, so he is ready to bond with one who chooses him. He would love to have a Bronze, simply to enjoy the matchless passion of a mating flight! But a Blue would enjoy just as much, and without as many of the unexpected repercussions in dragon kind. He will elide his name to H'aze.

"It will have to be tomorrow then," said the shopkeep. "Thread's a-fallin'."

He closed the shutters on his small shop and Halaze heard the old man rustling about making sure that everything was covered properly. Out here on the gather grounds, everyone was scurrying around trying to get to cover.

Everyone but Halaze. He stared at the sky, as if his look alone could burn the Thread from it. He was so close to finding the best deal on a beautiful Dawnlight silken sash, something his sister and he could share if she came back to the Hold soon. Her dragon kept her busy of course, but Myst and he enjoyed each other's company more than ever since her Impression.

It was that impression that coerced Halaze into asking around as to if there were clutches available. Of course, Darkhanis was dead against the idea of yet another of his fine Holder sons going off to Impress.

Halaze was shaken from his stupor as someone bumped roughly into him, shouted, and hurried on his way into the Hold.

Halaze strolled slowly around the grounds, looking at the cowardly folk as they sought cover. He had no fear of Thread. He had ultimate trust in the Protectorate's wings to keep the folk and fields of Paveh Hold quite safe. In fact there they were now. The Sea Blessed wing, it looked like. A large wing made up of blues and greens alone. Some of them were almost the size of browns, it looked like.

Halaze wondered if they lasted as long as their larger brothers. Perhaps, he thought, it was that the wing was quite large and there was an ever-changing lineup of who was flying and who was resting. He saw three greens blink between and then fly off, over the plains when they got back, and then counted: sure enough, they had been replaced the moment they left.

"Such a sight," Halaze muttered to himself. There was no one to listen. Everyone else was inside, frantic. "It wasn't like it was unexpected... You'd think that with all the starcrafters in this area, they'd have asked when the next Fall was to be."

Ever the opportunist, however, Halaze picked up nearly two dozen Marks of various types, three metal clasp boxes made from beautiful wood (he'd find their maker and return them) and even a pair of interesting necklaces. His greater find, however, was a small ovoid shape.


Warm, and making noise. A fire lizard egg! Someone must have been bartering them here, now that their stall was all but trampled Halaze could tell that the seller was a traveler from Xaviea Weyr's area. Halaze also picked up the remnants of someone's sandwich, squished but edible -- at least to a hungry baby flitter! When the egg broke open, a startled, blue flitter came from it. He cheeped and Halaze did as he had known he would have to. He offered the food, and the little critter gobbled it up!

As he slowly walked toward the Hold, aware that they would not be opening the main doors for anyone, he chuckled. "Everyone scattered when Thread fell, my little flit. So Scatter you shall be called."

"Hey!" Called out one of the stablehands. "You shouldn't be out there!"

"I know, I know... Thread is falling..." Halaze hummed to himself as he made his way back into the hold.


When Halaze settled into his weyr, his father came to the door.

"You were out there?" He asked, dark. His orange colored eyes were angry. Halaze nodded once, keeping his own eyes on his sire's.

"I know, it was dangerous, but I was in the middle of a deal, father. And I found a considerable amount of ... stuff out there after everyone had left."

"I did not raise a thief," Darkhanis muttered.

"No sir, you did not." Halaze said. He put his hand on the trio of boxes, which were of considerable and obvious value. "These were dropped too. We should have someone ask the vendors at the Gather who made them."

"I will send several people to see about these..." Darkhanis looked at them, obviously considering their value himself. He blinked that away and with a smile he looked at his son. "Halaze, I know that you've got your heart set on Impressing."

"Pfh." Halaze said. "I can take it or leave it, father. You're the Lord Holder of Paveh. Half your other children have already Impressed. And we don't have a Weyrhold like uncle Engell. Where are we going to put all those dragons?"

Halaze smiled widely. He could not really hide the fact that he did truly have his head in the skies. It was obviously where it'd been all afternoon as he scoured the gather grounds.

"Ah, and I see you've ... found yourself a flitter..." Darkhanis said, as the hatchling blue woke and raised his little head from the crook of Halaze's arm. "That is... interesting."

"He could have been trampled, father. I couldn't have lived with seeing a foot-stomped flit in the ground. He was just about to hatch, too." Halaze gazed into the whirling and happy-green eyes of Scatter.

Darkhanis cleared his throat, and Halaze looked back to him again.

"Well at any rate, we've found that Wu Weyr still has eggs which don't have candidates attached to them."

"Wu!? I thought their hatching was long ago!"

"It was not. The eggs have been hardening, but they're not hatched just yet. But it won't be long, and they're looking for just a few more candidates."

Halaze stood at that. "I will go, oh father, please say you're letting me go!"

Taken somewhat aback by his son's eager statement, Darkhanis laughed and nodded. "You're going. Pack up. Leave all your Holders dreams behind my son."

The arrival of the Paveh holders almost seemed to herald the hatching at Wu. Darkhanis had accompanied his son to the weyr, it was traditional that a Holder's family be present. It was a shame that Mirage couldn't be there, but she had other fairly important duties to attend to herself.

The humming of the dragons above the sands was almost unbearable to beautiful Halaze. He listened and heard several dozen voices mixing in a harmony that threatened to make him, even him, burst into tears.

The hatching started with a brown, then green and bronze. More greens, blues, and finally... Two bronzes and other eggs shattered out, and there was not a doubt in the first one's mind as to who he wanted. The sturdy hatchling seemed to have a great balance, unlike his green sisters who tumbled over each other.

I am looking for you! I know you! I have waited, you have been quite far away from me. But you will never be farther away than this, now! Alkalmith is my name, and I know yours is H'aze!

Halaze choked up, then laughed as the dragonet continued his informative speech.

By the way, you are to be feeding me. And I need to be scratched. But mostly I am hungry. Are you not hungry? It seems like forever since I have eaten. OH! It HAS been forever!

H'aze chuckled and helped the bronze off the sands, knowing where the food was purely by the smell it had outside. Darkhanis watched his son, with a broad smile on his face.

Some day all his children would be impressed, and who would run the Hold? The burly Lord Holder stifled a laugh until he couldn't hold it in any longer, and the others around him wondered why he could be laughing so hard, at a solemn time like this!

"That," Darkhanis said while looking at the tall, stately bronze dragon in his Hold's courtyard, "is quite a dragon!"

H'aze laughed, and even Alkalmith gave off a rumble of humor. "He's a beauty all right. And you should see him eat."

I eat just perfectly. I always catch the right prey and I always clean up after!

"That's my point, Alky, you're so clean ... you take SO much time to bathe! I swear, you're like a proddy gold trying to preen for her mates!"

The look of horror and disbelief on Darkhanis' face was well worth the laugh, H'aze decided. His dragon thought it was just as disgusting and privately to the Lord Holder uttered,
I am not a proddy queen. Just in case you were wondering.

H'aze and Alkalmith are participating in a Flight at Seiryuu Weyr! Wish them luck!

... But they didn't succeed - maybe next time, Alkalmith will think about getting a little dirty to win.

Name Haze Paveh
Status Atasan / Dragonmaster
Gender/Age/Lifespan Male / ?? / 240*
Born Year / LAZ 10400 / Kiran/Le'ret/Telva
Breeding Natural B5
Fertility Hyperfertile
Parents / Family Mother Mirage Marad
Father Darkhanis Paveh
Quite a few half-siblings on both sides
Bred To / Offspring 10429 - Iva Sengihr, son Illusion Paveh
10434 - Tauvri, son Zhau Paveh
Int - 95
App - 90/102
Edu - 92
Cha - 92
Str - 73
Soc - 96
Hea - 65
Agg - 66
Agi - 71
San - 60
Rea - 75
Cou - 76
Sensory Mods
All inc Psi - 150
Movement Mods
Body Type
69 nice

Land - 2184 (+)

Kiran 534
Curra 1050
Tana 600 + 258*

All Estate grounds
also have housing
for Bayaran + Budak

*Dragon Lands not
fully counted (only
DMZ version)

Land/Area/Zone Amount, Use
Kiran/Le'ret/Telva 42, art studio and sales
48, estate, part of the Telva Mansion Complex
Kiran/Le'ret/Kirun 59, estate
71, art farm and sales
Kiran/Emosah/Corit 24, estate
290, mines and clay/mineral sales
Curra/Mi'a/Xeke 77, estate
400, clay pits and porcelain sales
Curra/Polaen/Keri 23, estate
180, marble art and sales
Curra/Polaen/Woth 135, estate and private grounds
235, resort
Tana/Imaa/Lendau 22, estate
65, Marad Art Farm
Tana/Imaa/Eftel 441, mines (investment, dyes, materials)
Tana/Difar/Osini 7, Hard Stock office
65, estate
*Tana/Difar/Ablan 14, estate
244, dragon lands**
Bayaran 91 - most of the indentured work in the clay pits, mines, and grounds where needed, some with more experience or advancement potential will work on the art farm or in more supervisory positions
Budak 21 - almost all work maintenance and estate service
Savings 223kc
Profession / kc per year

Artist and Model - when you look like the marble statue your half-sister made, you get away with a lot more than people expect... / 78kc

**Dragon Master - though 'uncredited' in any version of Zekira than the DMZ, Haze already has enough land and supplies to afford to create his own dragonry in Ablan, with all the amenities and luxury apartments, tunnels to secure interesting alien artifacts and ship parts. He has attracted a number of others to the Ablan site in this manner so most of the Ablan dragon lands are hooked up together into one very large patch around the actual city Zone

Genetic Purity
Power Rank


Superficial Shapeshift - mainly cleaning up appearance or altering colors/textures, but not deeper musculature or skeletal changes

Genetic and Mutation Sense - must be in contact, doesn't work on cell samples. He is not a Peridian and doesn't really have it in him to desire learning the entire Zekiran range of genes, so while he can add his own experiences with 'that person has this 'thing' in their genes' to his sister and father's work, he isn't going to become a Peridian or even Sehatan with it


All Senses Keen - 2x strength including psionics, extending hearing into higher and lower frequencies at greater distance, vision is very slightly expanded into infrared and ultraviolet and can focus on things in detail, sense of touch is quite strong but not overwhelming, scent and taste are refined, but also he has a better sense of balance and pressure from also being a dragonrider

Human Psionic Suite - with two sides of the family having incredibly strong psionic abilities it's no wonder he's as powerful and wealthy as he is. This suite has Major-level improvements on Minor powers, and slight reduction in any that might be Special
-- Human Empathy, able to detect moods and overall wellbeing of those around him, can concentrate on one subject intently or groups up to 12 people for a more vague trend sense
-- Invasive Telepathy, there are no secrets if he wants to pry into a mind, even well-protected ones
-- Mental Stun, when needed or cornered particularly by another psionic, Haze can basically 'smack you upside the head' from inside the head, giving him a few moments to... well, escape or do whatever he was up to
-- Mind Cloud, for a brief period, no greater than 2 minutes, he can stop a person's memories from forming. They may still act in the moment but they will have no recollection whatsoever of this time frame
-- Dream Walking and minor-level Control, in a modest area around his dreaming form (not more than 500 meters, so 'intimate party' or 'barracks' for multiple targets) he can watch other people's dreams, move into them without being noticed, or actively participate in changing small aspects of them. This may help them work through issues, or cause issues if he's being mean...


Mental Illusions - Able to produce illusions that any person of PR2 or worse will be unable to resist, and fully believe them to be true. He can create daydream-like realms and hard-hitting plotlines, he is far more imaginative than many in his family even though most are creative geniuses themselves. At ranges up to about 500 meters he can spot a single mind and intrude on their senses from 'did you smell that?' to 'there is an invasion you must run from'. He can also affect groups of minds much closer, under 50 meters and under 12 people, with the same illusion at one time. He can and has produced individually tailored visions that often stem from his watching of other people's dreams, and Myst has encouraged him to reach into the Sehatan professions and become a psych healer, to no avail... (he just doesn't want the added 'work' element, he knows he'd be very good at it!)

*Full Regeneration - Though his father has records of him having a lifespan in the 240-260 range, it's entirely possible that he can live 'forever' given he can heal from dire injuries and has never suffered from age-related issues. He will visibly appear to be in his prime not merely thanks to his shapeshifting, but because he's literally always going to be 35 in a world where you live to 240... He can fight off common diseases and minor illness within hours, and no one could ever 'get' something transmitted from him, no lingering effects have remained in his cells longer than about 2 days. He does complain that mosquitoes love his blood, but his skin heals their tiny pinpricks before they can really get a taste

Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages

Extremely Sexy Facial and Body Hair - an unusual trait among Zekirans, he follows in his handsome father's line, like most of the Paveh folk do, though it might turn off some people it undoubtedly brings contrast to his statuesque form. Often hair in unexpected places might detract and cause an Appearance reduction but the Paveh line are immune

Birthmark - his mother Mirage and all of her children have some form of marking, and he's no exception. You won't see it, it's often hidden under hair. He hints that it's not his scalp you should be looking under, but that would be a lie, they all have that teardrop shaped marking somewhere on their head... This may mutate into markings if bred with a similar trait

Hard Nails - another Marad feature, his nails are harder than normal and won't bend or squish like many normal Zekirans, and if bred into a person with similar features may mutate into claws

Disadvantages Is very much as sneaky and mysterious as his father. He Holds quite a bit more Land than is actually shown here, but under different identities provided mainly by Darkhanis (they often trade who is playing whom at big parties where those identities might need to interact with each other). This serves as "deep, dark secrets"
Skills (5 = normal/adequate, 15 = typical professional, 30 = truly stellar professional level) ^Powers +10
Basics Literacy 5
Math 5
Personal 10
Land/Area 8
Status ^Command 15
Contract Writing 5
^Debt Assessment 15
Law /Hard Stock 10
Law /Trade 5
Law /Land 10
^Politics /Theory 10
^Barter 10
Office Upkeep 5
Professional / Artist

Style /Self 15
Style /Subject 5
^Events Organization /Studio 15
" " /Party 10
Substance Recognition /Clay 10
S/R /Ore 5
S/R /Marble 5
S/R Pigments 10
S/R Textile 10
Notice/Analyze /Color 15
N/A /Texture 10
N/A /Display 5
N/A /Environment 10
N/A /Detail 15
N/A /Copy* 5
Art /Applied 10
Art /History 5
Art /Sculpt 20
Art /Design 10
Art /Pose 10

Personal Skills Dragons /Identify 5
Dragons /Care 5
Dragons /Environmental 10
Dragons /Tactics 10
Dragons /Ride-Fly 15
Power Use *Shapeshift /Accuracy 10
" " /Endurance 5
" " /Duration 10
Illusions /Range 5
" " /Duration 10
" " /Accuracy 5
Dragon Alkalmith
Bonded at Wu Weyr

Name: Alkalmith
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large 14' s / 55' l / 85' ws
Colors: Bronze, incredibly bright yellow-bronze mostly yellowish at head and forelimbs, darker burnished bronze on back, body, most of tail, and most of wings; wingsails are very metallic and reflective
Features: Wu, Nonstandard Pernese, normal 4 legs and 2 leather wings, with 4 claws on feet and 4 clawed finger wings with a wrist claw; otherwise no further features, very smooth from nose to tail tip
Powers: Winged Flight
Assisted Firebreath
Parentage: Clutch #2 Gold Kuaith & Bronze Sarenth
Origin: Wu Weyr
Other Info: as above