Name Sarasvati Sengihr Marad
Status Dragonmaster / Sehatan / Peridian (technically 6th Degree, mostly unused)
Gender/Age/Lifespan Female / 30s / 250+
Born Year / LAZ 10510 / Curra / Polaen / Behat
Breeding B6, by Vanya
Fertility Hyperfertile
Parents / Family Mother Shakti Marad [MirageM+Beaoschkahva {Tani+Beden}]
Father Keshtel Sengihr [Eshy+Vanya]
Twin Cousin Lakhshmi
Bred To / Offspring ? / Riot Paveh / Ranaghanti Veh
? / (should have others)
Int - 85
App - 85
Edu - 80
Cha - 75
Str - 75
Soc - 40
Hea - 60
Agg - 60
Agi - 96
San - 46
Rea - 70
Cou - 56
Sensory Mods
Hearing 140
Psionic 140
Movement Mods
Body Type
Land 723
Land/Area/Zone Amount, Use
Curra / Polaen / Behat 6, Estate
50, Hospital Electronic + Tech Center
100, Clinic Space
Curra / Mi'a / Limir 10, Estate
50, Records + Tech Center
150, Experimental Clinic (Might be connected to Vahh?)
Zerin / Ka / Emer 4, Home at Inheritance of Snow
10, Tech Space
100, Clinic Space
Tana / Difar / Ablan 2, Homestead
100, Dragon Land
Kiran / Le'ret / Kirun 5, Estate
10, Apartments/Office
Kiran / Le'ret / Ski'nahket 1, Dorm
25, Tech Lab
100, Dragon Land
Bayaran 23
Budak 14
Savings 120kc
Profession / kc per year Healing Technology 45kc
Interrogation - up to 20kc per session... yow.
Genetic Purity
Power Rank


Self Healing (with concentration 8 points any type of damage)

Tech and Data Sense, can read literally straight off disks, crystals, anything that's had a data source and can plug into something else to read/write


Sense/Locate and ID Any Electric Source (including live)

Invasive Telepathy

Transfer Information (data source including brains)


Genetic Manipulation / Attack (animal/creature/humanoid/dragon) extremely painful if done to something outside of cell samples, but can permanently alter cells locally. Can manipulate sperm and egg cells before use, or up to 32 cell fetal cluster to override any dramatic issues. But also is very 'useful' for damaging fingers, ears, or threatening future offspring production...

Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages

Cat-like - a minor suite of mutations including
-- Large Ears (hearing bonus)
-- Short Claws (1pt cut/impale each, hands and feet)
-- Medium Tail (+BT)
-- Velvet furry skin
-- Muzzle Face

Techelf-Lite - has only 4 digits on hands and feet, and her 'cat' ears are very long


Super dangerous, has a temper on her, and will interrupt even high status people if she thinks they're 'wrong'

Professional / Healer

Advanced Anatomy, Biology, Genetics; Bedside Manner - terrifying
Engineering / Computers and Breeder; technology use
Tool Use for interrogation

Personal Skills Contracts and Contacts (mainly Paveh/Vahh, Blackstone and Alabaster secondarily)
Power Use Location Powers /Range
Teleport /Specific Locations
Creation /Endurance /Duration /Accuracy
Genetics /Accuracy
Dragon Red Derewith
Bonded at Wild River Caer

Story originally made around 2002? maybe? note this is pern style, but they are very much Zekiran now
Page had been many_o_me or paveh_hold lakhsaras.html - Story duplicated on Lakhshmi's page

Sarasvati Marad, Apprentice Healer
Age: 16
Gender: Female 

Physical: 5'7", 125, muscular and very well built, rakish postures and bawdy expressions are part of appearance. Golden brown skin slightly lighter than her cousin's, graphite black hair that is stringy and often tied loosely and kept to the middle of her back, storm cloud green-grey eyes always looking over her shoulder. She usually has something dangling off her clothing, be it a wine skin, an animal's pelt or something less nice. She dares you to comment on it. 

Skills: is only in the healing because that way she learns how to hurt people. She has already been trained to heal injuries, but now under the guise of "enforcing family political views" she has been taught how to turn her arts into a dangerous lesson for those who cross Paveh. She also has a keen mind for gadgets. Perhaps she'll become a computer engineer in another lifetime. 

Emotional: hot tempered and shrill, very open about being dangerous. Attentive to and almost obsessive about details, if she learns something and then hears someone else mistakenly quoting about it she won't hesitate to correct them. Loudly. She is manipulative and shrewd in social situations, totally opposite of her cousin. 

Lakhshmi and Sarasvati are cousins who resemble one another greatly, since their mothers and fathers are both twins. Kali and Shakti are their mothers, respectively, and Havish and Keshtel their fathers. Both of them go way back in the Paveh line, though their fathers are fairly low-status in the House otherwise. They were raised together by their parents and taught by those who also teach the rest of the Paveh house, and a rivalry grew into deep affection for both of them as they got older. They will defend each other to the death, and if one is near, the other is often around the corner. That is not saying they never spend time apart, they value their own lives as much as their togetherness. Lakh often brings her bounty to her cousin for "treatment", before sending them to the Paveh Lord who requested their presence. 

Though both are indeed healers to a great degree, and both can easily treat most sickness or obvious wounds, neither of them would really be trusted to become a Guild healer, unless some really strange people get on the committee. Sengihr blood runs through them strongly, and it becomes obvious by just watching them heal. They take great delight in seeing pain, however they both love it even more when someone thanks them for healing them.

When they were searched it was as a pair, of course, the dragon using his brown head to butt them into the courtyard for examination. Excited and at the same time oddly unused to this kind of action, they requested time to visit the Caer and see if they should stand on the dunes, let alone if they had what it takes to ride. 

Of course they do. They would never settle for anything less. Again, like Aynatchavay, they will be afforded tutoring in their Guild should they bond, and it is expected that if one of them does bond, the other will as well. 

As for the colors they might Impress, Lakhshmi is geared for a female, she isn't sure how much energy a dragon would have to keep up with her own pace. She is more down to earth, and has a solid idea of who ought to be in charge of what in a Caer, even though her House politics are shaky at best.  Sarasvati on the other hand might Impress a low-level female or even a male dragon, given her predisposition for female lovers and aggressive ones at that. She wouldn't settle to be in only a prestige/show wing, either, were she afforded the chance, she would be out in the thick of it, blasting Ants or Rampage plants at the top of her own lungs!


"Saras," exclaimed her cousin, "where did you put the anesthetic?"

"It's right where I left it last time, Lakhs, in the cupboard!"

"It isn't there!"

A growl indicated that someone else must have moved it. Sarasvati stalked around the infirmary at Wild River Caer looking for the cluprit. It was a servant, and thankfully not one of the other apprentices. There were shocked looks around both young women when the tan skinned woman grabbed the servant by his collar and snarled at him, "do not touch anything more in this infirmary or I swear your hands will never recover from what I'll do to them!"

A silence drifted through the place. Lakhshmi looked at her sister, who was wide eyed and furious at the poor man. She shooed him away and kept her sister from following him and doing something she'd regret.

"Saras," the more tame healer said, "you've got to control that temper. We're not at the Guild any more. And not with grandfather at the House. And I don't think even he threatened a servant that often."

Sarasvati sighed, the anger leaving her drained. "He's put it somewhere, and if we don't get it soon, that girl will start screaming again," she waved her hand at a young girl who'd accidentally put her hand atop a still-hot stove-top. Her whole palm was one large ragged blister, and she was too young to stop the tears. She had been brave up until that point, but even she got the idea that the anesthetic which should have been coming, was not there yet.

Lakhshmi rushed over to her, and put her fingers on the girl's nose, tapping it lightly. "Now tut tut," she said, with a smile that had been practiced since childhood. "Rampage burns are worse, and you might have to endure those if you bond, and that's what everyone wants to do around here, right? To bond a dragon? What color do you think you would ride, dear?" Lakhshmi continued to talk her down from tears, distracting her long enough for one of the other apprentices to locate the missing jar of paste.

Sarasvati took it and placed it back where it belonged, along side the bandages and antiseptic spritzers. What that idiotic servant was thinking by hiding it away under a sink was beyond her imaginings. Lakhshmi doused her hand with oil, then took a small dab of paste and applied it very carefully to the brave little girl's hand. Sarasvati then loosely bandaged it, and warned the child not to hold anything with her hand -- not that she would think of doing something like that, she could barely even pull her fingers in to a fist. It would heal, slowly. By the time she was an adolescent, the scarring might even have faded.

Lakhshmi and Sarasvati ended their temporary shift with a glance at the residing Guild-woman, and stalked off down the hallway.

"You think he did it on purpose," Lakhshmi said. Her cousin-sister nodded.

"I do. Let's find out, shall we?" Together they went around to the girl's little friends, but it proved to be her older sister, a girl of nine turns, who provided the key information.

The servant seemed to have it in for the child, though no one knew quite why. He was not as dimwitted as some came, either, and he certainly knew how to clam up when it came time to ask him some sensitive questions.

Lakhshmi slithered in to his room, very late that night. He shared it with three others, but one was asleep and the other two were on their late-night cleaning shift.

Sarasvati made sure that the other servant remained asleep for the duration, by waving a small concoction of sweet smelling herbs below his nose. His snoring cleared up, but he was deeply asleep now.

"Pionat," Lakhshmi growled, "why did you do it?"

His eyes grew wide in the darkness. "W-what? Who?"

Sarasvati put her hard, strong hand on his shoulder and pinned him to his cot. Between the two of them, they were nearly three times his own strength. Finally he got that through his head. That, and a small pin which Lakhshmi had applied to his little finger, got the information that they needed.

The girl had bonded a caerlizard, when she was extremely young. Too young to really help feed it. He had been there, of course, he claimed it was meant to be his own egg. But she'd barged in and the first thing she did was clutch the little newborn flitter to her chest happily. Ever since then, the servant was bitterly unable to find another egg to replace the one he'd 'lost'.

"She was three turns old," Lakhshmi spat. "How could you blame a child for that? You don't deserve a flitter, you don't even deserve to have a roof over your head. Threatening a little child like that."

"Did you put her hand on that griddle?" Demanded Sarasvati, her tone quite cold and threatening.

"I-- I did not!" His voice wavered. Then his eyes fell. "I... did." The tears he cried were quite real, honest ones. "I am sorry... She just broke everything I could have had. I'm just a slave! What do I have to look forward to? Another day of scrubbing and being yelled at? With at least a little flitter I could spend the time with something that liked me..."

"It's no excuse." Sarasvati spat, but her sister held her hand up.

"No, it isn't. But you will apologize to her parents, and to her. What happened to the flitter? I didn't see it anywhere." Lakhshmi said, standing off the drudge and allowing him to sit more comfortably. He held his injured finger, but he answered her truthfully.

"I think it flew off. She was too young to take care of it, remember? It got hungry and she couldn't figure out how to feed it. I've not seen it again. She let it go wild."

"Then that's a lesson you've both learned." Lakhshmi said, and the sisters departed his room confident that he would do as they instructed.


The days wore on with tedium being replaced by excitement when the hatching was announced. The dunes were quite hot, and the eggs were ready. Though, it seemed there weren't nearly enough bonders to go around. The first dragons came from their eggs, a red and a purple, and the red ran straight toward Sarasvati!

I thought you'd put up more of a fight! He said, butting her with his head. How amazing, a girl like this bonding a male dragon! And such a fierce red at that!

She laughed, "I'll show you how much of a fight I can give you, Derewith!" She plopped down next to the dragon and hugged him tightly, while they watched the rest of the hatching.

The healers were on hand in case someone needed them, and most knew that if it was up to Sarasvati and Lakhshmi someone might go rather more hurt than need be...

Several other hatchlings came out and bonded, but then there was a long pause. Lakhshmi waited long enough, and then went to five of the unhatched eggs. She'd seen them moving around, before, why weren't they moving any more? She thrust her fist onto the tops of each one, breaking cracks into each so the hatchlings could more easily get out.

Four of them fell from their eggs, one was a dud. There was a beautiful green which bonded the purple who'd come from the start, and then the silver who hatched out flexed her wings and came to Lakhshmi.

Thank you, Lakhshmi, I was afraid I wouldn't be able to get to you.

"I'm glad you were able to, Okiath, Lakh said to her beautiful pewter colored dragoness. The cousin-twins now had a good way to show off their differences!


Name: Derewith
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 10' s / 40' l / 70' ws
Colors: Red, vibrant blood red body; wings, ridge, and tail webbing pale red darker under wingsails
Features: Alskyran, four legs with 3 toed paws; two leather wings with 4 visible fingers, no thumb or claws; tall neck ridge/crest; tail split with webbing
Powers: Winged Flight
T-Power - Telekinetics
Parentage: Silver Freith and Red Ditarith
Origin: Wild River Caer, Veritas Island, Alskyr (ktrenal)
Other Info: perfect color for Saras

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