Name Sabre Sengihr - note that this will differ from Pernese version
Status Dragon Master / Sehatan (alternately Peridian 6th/Sehatan/Atasan)
Gender/Age/Lifespan Male / unknown age / 17 at impression
Born Year / LAZ unknown DOB in this dimension / Tana / Difar / Ablan (originally Behat)
Breeding Natural 6th Degree
Fertility Hyperfertile
Parents / Family Mother Mirage Marad, father Vanya Sengihr
Bred To / Offspring (on Zekira only, may have others)
Int - 111
App - 93
Edu - 90
Cha - 91
Str - 78
Soc - 85
Hea - 70
Agg - 80
Agi - 77
San - 50
Rea - 105
Cou - 77
Sensory Mods
Self-detect 100
All normal senses 210
Sight 420
Movement Mods
Priority 210
Body Type
Land 1621 units
Land/Area/Zone Amount, Use
Tana / Difar / Ablan 92, estate grounds with cherry grove
145, dragon land
Tana / Imaa / Eftel 218, estate on mountaintop, with dragon land suitable for cold-weather types
Zerin / Ka / Emer 340, most of the Inheritance of Snow, facilities and estate, grounds, and apartments for Bayaran and Budak
Curra / Altem / Frea 65, large estate and library, apartments for Budak and Bayaran
336, originally investment land only but now serves as both Dragon land and Dragon Master health clinic, breeding services, and recovery area
Curra / Polaen / Behat 268, estate plus clinic, and splicing lab for Peridian work continuing in Vanya's line
Kiran / Le'ret / Kirun 157, health clinic and surgical center mostly for Dragon Masters
Bayaran 11 - many working in the clinic and surgical areas for cleanup and preparation
Budak 11 - most work at estates for upkeep duties
Savings 300kc
Hires dozens if not hundreds of Kaumburuh and Tuantana for skilled labor and upkeep duties, hospital maintenance, farming, and other duties
Has a large network of Membayar and Suzerain doing paperwork and political control
Works with a number of Pelatih for orchards and animal upkeep, and sometimes promotes them to Dragon Master given his exposure to other dragons
Mainly has a collection of other Peridian, Sehatan, and dragon types on hand at clinics, for breeding, health, and dragon related needs; they pay for their space or add to the Holdings themselves
Profession / kc per year Dragon Master and Emergency Services 77kc
Genetic Purity
Power Rank
PR 1


Life Sense - a broad combination of abilities but distinctly an added sense, able to detect living things within about 20 meters down to the size of a mouse


Controlled Self-Healing - can sense and fix his own injuries up to 16 points as long as he is conscious, but even while unconscious a smaller amount (8pts) may be fixed as he sleeps

Minor Genetic Alteration and Sense - able to detect specific genes and to a modest extent alter them in subjects, mainly in cell samples, cannot do that to a living full creature; can alter permanently items such as bone density, muscularity level, and sub-surface systems like nerve tissue; stays away from simple cosmetic work but could certainly do a bit of that if needed

Sense Through Living Things - if a creature is between 20 and 80 BT and has senses that can be equated to his own (sight, hearing, scent, touch) he can extend his own senses through it up to 200 meters away. This allows him to see down hallways or into rooms that otherwise would be isolated, and as such there are specifically trained creatures residing mainly at the Dragonry holdings for observation purposes. What might seem like a simple 'cat' or 'ferilon' on-site for companionship or emotional support for recovering folks, are actually his eyes and ears

Special Mind Control - though he doesn't often use this power, he certainly can wrest control over someone's mental landscape and adjust it as he sees fit, up to 50 meters away but particularly with proximity. This is useful when training others to ride or work with dragons, and also to help adjust attitudes in case there are unruly patients in the clinic
Physical Mutations / Social Disadvantages
Mutations Hard Nails
Disadvantages Somewhat addicted to mental contact and manipulation, but in these days it's a little iffy since that might result in dangerous situations; he has a surprising tolerance to this even if it is done by very strong individuals (such as Ten, or Etan...) though he knows it's being done to him, he has a choice of whether to allow it or just ignore any form of manipulation
Professional: Peridian
Dragon Master

Extraordinary skill with determining injuries and their treatment, as well as selection of breeding stock for virtually any project
Has experience with breeding devices, genetic splicing, vat-growth, and all natal care types
As a dragon rider he knows navigation, riding tricks, and tactics, however he rarely goes into 'battle' and prefers to make sure that the riders, masters, and dragons themselves are in good health and stability for the battles with alien threats
Also is a genrehopping dragon rider so he is quite capable of being on several different versions of worlds in short order

Personal Skills Flirt, style, and clever use of the surroundings
Power Use Range is very strong for telepathy with dragon
Dragon black m Faloritoth
Bonded at Sapphire Weyr


Story (originally on paveh_hold site on geocities - note his name is definitely just Sabre and not some silly 'must elide to this' form now)

Physical: 6'2", 170, very dark brown skin, perfectly glossy black hair (straight, widows peak, style cut over shoulders), deep blue-violet eyes, strongly built with long limbs and "ahem" a great butt. Has a long, angular face with a sharp nose and high cheekbones. His choices in clothing are usually stylish and expensive, snug leggings and off-the-shoulder tunics in contrasting colors. His voice is quieter than his sister's, with a growl and menacing deepness to it.

Emotional: quick tempered, but suited to high stress work like healing (in a weyr) or dragon riding and healing! He has exotic tastes in partners, friends and posessions alike, an ecclectic collector of all three. Dependably odd. His empathic ability is very strong, and he can sense not only human stress but dragons and firelizards as well.

Skills: Sabire is a good healer, already. He will continue his learning even if he does Impress, and he will be able to keep up with both a dragon and his studies with ease. He already wishes to specialize in trauma and emergency work, so ideally a weyr would be where he should reside in any case.

Sabire is the younger son of Lady Holder Mirage of Marad Hold and Master Healer Vanya of Ablan, brother of Myst. He and his sister are very close, some say "too" close. They are competitive but in different fields. He is sure that they will both Impress, and he is as proud of his sisters work as she is of his. Being the children of a major Holder, they were offered quite the best in education and both opted for Healing as their craft. In the Paveh hold they were both set up with harpers and smiths alike, virtually innundated by information. Sabire found little challenge in anything put before him, and went on to his apprenticeship at the age of 13. He was searched along with his sister recently, and will fly the skies as proudly as any rider.

Sabire will elide his name to Sab're, and he is hoping to fly a Blue -- or perhaps a Green, even. They are both smaller and faster than their huge counterparts, and that is ideal for a "battlefield" healer such as himself. (late note: HAHAHAHAHAH)


When all the candidates gathered down in the hatching sands at Sapphire, Sabire found himself there as well. Just on a whim? No, hardly. He and Myst were working on their healing talents, and were asked to remain just long enough to help if there were any injuries on the hatching sands.

He was surprised. How could there be injuries there? Well, he understood when at least one of the dragons snagged their delicate wing membrane on a stone near the edge of the sands. They could also hurt themselves on the shards and shells, as could the candidates!

It was most of the way through this odd hatching -- three clutches at once, it seemed -- when Sabire heard the oddest thing.

I'm stuck. I'll never get out. Never. Oh, this is no good. I've been in this miserably hot shell all my life and I'm to die here. Without even knowing who would be my rider... Me, Faloritoth, dying as I escape.. .

The healer looked at one of the eggs, which began to break. The others were all still at the other end of the sands, where most of the other impressions had taken place. The dragon needed a bit of assistance, but Sabire know better than to help one out of the shell. By the time he got to the shell, it had broken mostly open, and the hatchling was snugly wrapped around himself.

"Come on, Faloritoth, you can make it!" Sabire cheered to the black hatchling. The color was amazing! Like nothing he'd ever seen! Finally the black dragon exited his embarrassing state of affairs, and crept toward his rider. He was smallish, but seemed strong enough.

"You and I will make a great pair in the skies Faloritoth," Sab're said, and smugly looked up at his sister, who still sat in the sands, watching another very odd hatching even as the black and his rider left the sands.


"You're so proud of that dragon," Myst said to her brother, "and with good reason... He's so beautiful!"

Sab're grinned, as he oiled the black's hide.

"How big is he going to get?" She asked, and Sab're leaned against the weyrling's side.

"I honestly don't know. But from the looks of him, compared to some of the other weyrlings," he indicated several that were practicing flying and formations, "he's bigger than a brown, though."

I will be the greatest dragon ever to fly the skies!

"I'm sure you will be," Sab're laughed.


Growing dragons need lots of attention...

"I know that, Faloritoth, just ... hold on a second..." Sab're complained to his chosen weyrmate that he was just going to be out for a moment, that she ought to remain just exactly where she was, and he'd be back with some... grapes or something.

She is no good for you, my rider.

Oh, and you would know?

She does not glow. Not like some of the beautiful greens and golds that I have seen... And that orange dragon who clutched the same time I did, she is going to be rising. Her rider is... somewhat distressed.

"Don't even think about her," Sab're said, scratching the dark hide of his beautiful dragon.

But you are flying your little yellow-haired female, why can I not suggest someone better? And I cannot think of anyone better than that orange right now. She is ... tantalizing...

"You're insufferable! Go back to sleep, you great black beast! I'm entertaining!" Sab're called out as he went back into his weyr. He found his companion smirking on the bedclothes, and when he attempted to explain she only broke into fits of laughter.

"You certainly are entertaining, Sab're..." She said.


Faloritoth and Sab're have participated in several Flight Frenzies at the Healing Den! They're still going, this time the Halloween Flight. Wish them luck! (they didn't need luck they had plenty of skill!)


Name: Faloritoth
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: 15' shoulder? (bronze+ sized)
Colors: Medium mottled grey-black, sharp contrast making him look quite a bit lighter in shade than just black; backs of wings very dark mottled graphite; under wings pale mist grey; tail spade and neck ridge slightly darker than body; faceted eyes typically aqua
Features: Sleek pernese with a spaded tail, headknobs, and slender small neck ridge/fin
Parentage: gold Hallith, unknown sire
Origin: Sapphire Weyr clutch 5 halloween
Other Info: Has participated in numerous mating flights, producing quite a few offspring including a batch recently (2022) at Meridian Weyr (listed here)

** some notes from healing den stuff**

-Frenzy 1-

...The dark dragon, Dharnath, looked quite poised on the low rocks where he decided to spend the morning. He watched over the other paler dragons, and then growled loudly at the black dragon which lit down near him. Faloritoth of Sapphire, Baeris noted in her book. I'm seeing some patterns here, she tapped her quill against her cheek, Sapphire, Istabitha's, and us' Hmn.

...The males were pacing, beside themselves with need and anger. The dramatic Faloritoth's eyes whirled red, looking like blood against his black skin. But it was Dharnath who sprang from the stone outcrop first, to sneak in his first wherry meal for the flight. Deakoth, Than's white and purple marked dragon, was next.

...When a mating flight, a 'real' flight, happened in a weyr, it always came down to one woman and one man, and their dragons in the sky. This situation here, with nine dragons and their riders, made everyone a little nervous.

Well, it hadn't seemed to faze black Faloritoth's rider, Sabre. He glanced at Baeris with a sly grin, and then sat back to watch. Dharnath walked away from the wherry pen, slowly. Jaluth the largest of the males there dove in overhead and fed.

...It was small Holarith who tired first. The little markings on her wingtips gave her identity away, as she fluttered first one direction and then another, attempting to show that she could pull out of a spiral just in time to - oops! She pulled out of that spiral right into Faloritoth's neck! They embraced and began a slow-winged fall to the ground! Candari giggled madly at the event. Distressing at best to Sabre. He was used to being drooled over, not giggled at...

...When the distinct black of Faloritoth's wing came back into view, Sabre frowned. "That was quick," he muttered. "I'd do much better than that." To which Candari laughed hysterically. Her own Holarith rose into the air again, with some amount of renewed energy this time. She glowed even more than she had before. Faloritoth swooped low over the ground, and gathered his own strength.

...Now, there was a bit of a lull. Two females had gone entirely from the sky, Julanith and Ajandeykth. That left Calitinth who was currently entwined literally with Jaluth, and Holarith, who was gaining her strength back as she lifted her holly-marked wings into the air again. Faloritoth took that opportunity to prove to his rider that he was in fact a much better lover than all that. He went after the female again, determined to prove himself.

Sabre had his turn to laugh, when Holarith gave him a bit more of a fight than he expected. "That's the spirit," he said to Candari. "She's quite feisty."

"So am I," the girl responded, eyes narrow. The handsome man smirked at her.

"Any time, dearest. You can find my weyr at Alabaster."

(Holarith + Faloritoth produced slate blue m Nasibth (Vaani))
(Calitinth + Faloritoth produced blue-black m Dracoth and dark-blue m Merlinth (M'lor and T'lor))


Sab're's Black Faloritoth hatched at Sapphire. Faloritoth is an experienced dragon. He's been in several flights, siring clutches and individual eggs at both Ryslen and the Healing den. He is larger than a brown, but not as bulky as a bronze, and has a quick eye.

Sab're is handsome and dashing, and will take the opportunity he is given to provide any partner with some pleasure. He's... got commitment issues, though!

...The other dragons, Vladmirth, Tironath, Zujirth, Beilyaoth and more, all males, clumped up together as the females began taking off. More of them came, Tusath and Bazuk, Faloritoth, and oddly riderless Yarpath flew in and snatched a large beast for his own.

...When the dark form of black Faloritoth entered the lake to cleanse himself, he found himself nose to nose with a beautiful black-green flippered dragoness who seemed to smirk. Her wings fanned behind her with a transparent look, and she turned on her tail to swim to deeper water. He'd never let that cold, dark water stop him! The end of her tail was a spade-shaped flipper, and he concentrated on that as his marker in the water. She was not a large dragoness, and perhaps that was what gave Faloritoth the edge over Twengith. They came up for air once, but that was all.

On the land, Sabre put his dark hand carefully on Maranni's shoulder. She shrugged but looked at the man. Her eyes, and her mind, returned to her amputated legs. She could get around well enough, and she surely had the confidence of any rider most days... But this was different. The emotions of her oil-green Twengith below the water was clouding her own mind's ability to think.

Who needs to think? He is handsome, like his dragon.

She looked at Sabre, and decided that the dragon was right. And wasn't he a healer anyway? He'd seen wounds far worse than the stumps at her knees, hadn't he? The soft smile and playful nuzzle that he gave her neck were all the explanation she needed.

...The only indication that Twengith had not quite had enough of her underwater fun, after Faloritoth slogged wetly out of the lake, was that another night-brown dragon, Tironath, entered the lake and suddenly dropped under the surface with a surprised look on his face. Equally surprised was Tawny, who found herself yanked by Sabre into the secrecy behind a shade, with Twengith's rider as well. Neither young woman protested much in a moment.

(Twengith + Faloritoth Opal Black (blue m) Gozkirith (Linos, not up); Starry Grey f Chishikith (Midnight); Green opal f Kaeruth (Limerik) )

--Also participated in Alabaster Weyrhold Giveaway clutches--

+Qutteth = Bronze Iznoth (F'ul/Indigo); Brown Tanlorath (Ohz/DNS)
+Liuath = Black Anonath (Thiix (Efellai); Silver f Gleth (Azohog/Sherra); Slate f Arrbuth (Ismysha/Efellai); slate f Ebeldath (K'a/DF); Purple f Onzoth (Jedah/Efellai)

--RYSLEN 3(b)--

+Sxioth = Night Bronze Zkoth (Ivo); Night Brown Zujirth (Avery); Night Blue Galeth (E'ryn); Night Blue Lunirith (Chalyba); Night Green Auspexeth (Minaeya); Night Green Ioeth (morwenna); Night Green Zaraith (Regene)


Meridian Weyr's Special Clutch 1 - Halloween

+Orange Ponalaeth = orange f Ataxiath (trix), orange f Ailuroth (digitalis), orange m Selenoth (ktrenal), orange nb Sceleroth (bug), orange nb Kinemorth (zek), orange f Mortisth (naeodin); red f Hematoth (phe); purple m Isolath (trix); green nb Triskaidekath (zek); black m Nyctoth (trix), black f Ornith (neishai), black m Algoth (zek), black m Lycanth (digitalis), black nb Aichmoth (df); white f Athazagorath (neishai)

Hatchling Image

Weyrling Image

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