Superb Tsiir

Immortal and ageless

Dragon-shapeshifter (Nexus exchange, may 05, Avengaean style art origin)

Skin (or fur/covering main) is a creamy soft gold, she does not have the stripes or rosette spots that either of her parents sport, but her appearance is often very shiny and metallic looking

Hair is much darker brown than either of her parents as well, perhaps that's where all those stripes and spots went... Her wings and tail floof are all in this rich shade

Eyes are brightly blue, like most of her line related to Vanya

Horns and nails/claws are golden-brown

Born on Planet Twenty, natural Bred 6th Degree in origin, but with powershifted and shapeshifted parents

Hyperfertile, though with caveats that she needs to 'match' her partner for the entire duration of any pregnancy

Mother: Tanis GM Vrtanya GGM Raanatani
GGF Vanya Sengihr
GF Dedius GGM Riitatul
GGF Daav Rhiin
Father: Newt Tsiir GM Tsyan GGM Tsukiya G4M Vrtanya^
G4F Kitsune (Kaytcha / Feng)
GGF Ransom G4M Raeta K (Riitatul / Aern)
G4F Chirade (Chimera / Avlen)
GF Yoshi Tiir GGM Yantiir G4M Sabri Tiir (>Tiir)
G4F Coyan
GGF Moshai G4M Megami (Morgontain / Vanya)
G4F Osh Chanay (Iolen Chanay) / Hoshae)

Intelligence 94 Appearance 71
Education 80 Charisma 69
Strength 82 Social Skill 67
Health 77 Aggression 80
Agility 81 Sanity 50
Reaction 98 Courage 78
Body Type - basic 80; as main 200; as taur 180

Birth / Humanoid form (DressUpChallenge long gone)



Body Sense/Immortality - heals almost instantly from any damage taken from normal physical sources, and can sense her own body's conditions intimately, such as her digestive and nervous systems, and to a degree can adjust these systems, she can digest virtually any substance without damage, leaving virtually no waste

Empathic - able to detect the emotions and moods of the people around her, with proximity making it easier to discern individual people or specific moods

Dead-soul sense - described below, she can sense the residual energy of highly powerful psionic minds, which many cultures call 'ghosts'. These need to be reasonably close by, within about 500 meters at most, but if they are close to her (within 50 meters) she can hold full conversations and listen to their eldritch gossip with ease

Cancel / Interrupt Psionics (PR 2-5 cancel, 0/1 interrupt) - can disrupt or completely negate the mental or emotional psionic powers of Zekirans or Kin with similar powers nearby (within 50 meters at most), those who are at least her own level of breeding or power may try to resist but generally all of a sudden they just 'can't' do whatever it is - usually emotion control or suggestions, or forcing people's mind to see or do things they wouldn't normally

Shift Others (with shifting abilities) - Particularly those in her own gene line, but anyone with shapeshifting power within about 5 meters away, she can shift herself and they will also change into whatever it is they have; stronger psionic people can resist but she often helps train others in their use if they have not mastered the ability yet


Adopt others powers (nearby) - emulates psionics of Major or Minor levels, generally by touching someone and detecting their overall powers; she can attempt to use powers that are stronger than Major or unique to a person, but lacks practice and would likely not use them very successfully; can be resisted by others of her level of power or above

Dreamshape - Able to reach her mind out while sleeping (only) and participates in these dreams. She can detect at up to 10 miles, and step in to act in someone else's dream at around 2 miles. Those who have very strong psionics actually are weaker to this than normal people, as she has difficulty reaching normal minds in this manner at all, and psionics attract her attention; she can use this to help work out stresses and fears, or look in to secrets and hidden ideas

Genetic Manipulation (all in her gene pool) - she assists in altering cells and potential offspring in her family line, which on Planet Twenty is pretty extensive. She understands the cells as well as she does her own body's, and treats them as such, they respond easily. Superb can 'fix' disorders and any potential negative mutations, but also 'fix' a specific gene so that it definitely manifests such as coloration or a particular power


Full Shapeshifting - as below, however she is not limited to those shapes at all, and can, if given a little effort or inspiration, become virtually any humanoid-shaped creature, but also add or change limb shape, texture for skin and fur, wings, tail, horns, whatever, she has it so why not use it! These also all appear in her DNA and can be passed to offspring as her parents did

Prophecy and Foresight - She detects the echoes and auras of the dead, the living, and in fact others from other dimensions and that can be interpreted as options for the future. While she can't necessarily select from among those futures like some of her distant cousins, she definitely knows how to read the signs of trouble, including physical issues like potential earthquakes or stormfronts, based on the way they behave. Some very strong or very important events might be discovered this way, such as ... dragons? And she consults with people who have more knowledge about any given thing if she has a vision of them


All as shown in image above

She can appear fully 'Human-passing' with rich cream-copper colored skin, dark brown hair, and vibrant blue eyes. However, she usually has horns, wings, and paws to some extent. When she has flight sized wings, she can definitely fly with them, adept with gentle winds and warm updrafts, so she does have some difficulty in harder winds or cold conditions

She can use a 'taur shape - without wings, but bearing feather-tipped glider flaps between legs (cannot fly in that form but can break a fall from a short distance) which makes her look somewhat similar to her sire's normal form above

Typical Appearance Special-Level Suite - dragon-furry; full furry body with added extra-fluff on arms/legs, short claws (1pt cutting each); long neck, full head mod (long ears (hearing 2x), muzzle (scent 1.5x/taste half), medium spiraled horns (4pt impale each, 6pt bashing each); feathered flight wings (bt +100%); long fluffy tail (bt +50%); Taur shape alters wings to leg-flaps (bt +50% instead of 100) but also changes mass around for arms and four legs


Superb lived up to her name. From the moment that her parents settled near each other, Newt finally free to try out a trick of shaping only his ribs to give his gliderflaps the extra form they needed (and then promptly falling into Tanis' garden yard because he's still way too heavy to actually fly), and Tanis open to the idea that they could actually spawn a whole different species of Zekirans here with their combined shapeshifting... They did.

As an infant, Superb appeared blind. She was also entirely humanoid in appearance when born, even though both her parents had made a point of shaping into things while ... um, creating her. But shortly after her first birthday Superb began to see the things around her, and shifted into something resembling her father for the first time.

In as much as was possible at the early stages of the city of Zekira being built, effort was made to teach their new children whatever could be learned. History - only bits of it perhaps, the important parts about who decided to go to what planet, and where those planets were now - along with arts and the ability to use her powers as they arrived were things that the other Zekirans relished. They really didn't have enough children, being such long-lived creatures. Even though both her parents were Hyperfertile and had many other children in other lives and worlds, it was always cause for celebration when such a child was born.

For Superb was aptly gifted with her powers, she visited nearly everyone in their dreams from an early age. Her dreaming power was one of her first to blossom. Many other children's mutations and powers would not surface for years, even decades. But by the time she was only ten, most of her abilities were at least appearing if not completely under her control. For Superb was quite intelligent, as most of her line, and once she discovered some new aspect of herself, she did not hesitate to use it.

Though it becomes a stronger power later, Superb's ability to sense the dead around her didn't get much of a workout in her early life. Mostly because there were few actually dead people nearby. The mountain the Zekirans claimed for their own has few Kin on it, so Superb practically didn't know what 'dead' was. Once she descended to the nearest community, a tribe of horse-kin which Mirage was fond of, she felt their dead souls presence immediately. It sort of freaks her out, to sense these things.

Now that Superb is in her early twenties, she has almost the full range of her abilities down pat. She has traveled a little, wishing to see certain locations and people - and wants to transport up to the colony's ship that drifts in orbit above the planet too. After all, for her, that's where her people came from. The distant past - some millions of years ago - contains their genetic history. But to Superb, she really believes that the immortals have a history all their own, if only they would recognize it.


There were dragons virtually everywhere, but with the scope of Planet Twenty's colony land, you'd still need to scan the skies carefully to spot one at any given time. Those old-world Pernese and Alskyran dragons tended to remain up nearest the peak's crest in the specially formed caverns they liked to call weyrs. There were dozens of sea-born types down by Jolie's cove and lighthouse now. Plenty of them roamed the plains and rugged forest areas with the Kin, and of course the Glenn dragons had formed their own whole reserve and colony beside the winged wolves.

They all dreamed. The dragons minds were pure and clear, and with them she flew while she slept. Some of them remembered places so long dusty that it would take a miracle to visit them, others knew little of their birth-homes and only remembered being on the ship or their new roost here on Planet Twenty.

One of their eldest, the blue Ruarth, seemed to enjoy Superb's presence when he was sleeping. Though immensely old, he had a clear mind, and seemed to know that Superb was watching this night.

The stars are very clear, but I see different stars in your mind, are you imagning something important? The dragon thought, and that caused Superb to realize that in fact, she had been seeing those 'stars' for several days.

"I am, I think?" Superb was suddenly somewhat distracted, and didn't notice the draconic smirk that Ruarth gave her as she broke off contact and concentrated more fully on those 'other' stars. They were distant, but they were real. She knew it. So Superb set about trying to figure a way to learn more about them. She knew, for instance, that they had an extensive database for travel purposes - the dragons like Ruarth, old-world ones who could teleport based on star patterns, had riders who contributed to this data. Offering clear and easily recognized constellations, with 'time/date stamps' for their locations and approximate world-based eras.

As Superb tapped the datapad and watched the large screen change from one night sky to the next, she did not recognize a single one of them.

"What could it mean, if there isn't a record of this?" She muttered. It was then that Viridia sat gently beside her distant descendant.

"Then perhaps it is a new place?" The violet-skinned woman suggested. Superb shrugged, she wasn't sure what to think of it, perhaps they just hadn't been there in a long while.

"But does this mean I should... go there?" Superb wondered, "how? I would not care to endanger anyone or their dragons, going somewhere that might not even really exist."

Viridia's soft smile and gaze caught her eye. "My dear, if you've seen it, it surely exists. Perhaps I can put out some queries... we'll find it. I'm sure."

The Zekiran colony's leader gently patted Superb on her furry shoulder, and rose to find someone to aid in this quest.


That wasn't at all difficult, since many of their people could claim to teleport, or even move between worlds. As well, one of her own relatives (as if there weren't plenty to choose among) rose to the challenge. He had similar powers to hers, though he was much, much older. Used to dream walking or peering into other dimensions, Vanimai had become more social in his time on the ship, though a little... less so now that he had ground below his paws again.

He had been feral for quite some time on Zekira, apparently. This, she learned as they chatted on the way to this other realm. They wound up in a place that they learned was called the Spectral Wilds. And there, both of them discovered new friends to bring back home.

Name: Summerset R'taou; 'true' name shhhhh you don't get to know that!
Gender: Male
Mother: Kitty
Father: Emphiron R'taou
Species: Y'ughai Mutt
Size: Small (but impressive) 6'8" at taur shoulders; 17' long nose to tail; 30' wingspan
Colors: Violet Red body, wingsails Rainbow, fur blended pale creamy beige at the tips with peach pink roots
Abilities: Winged Flight (3), Teleportation (3)
Telepathy (2), Verbal Speech (1) a shy boy, particularly when looking at his further powers! When he is in company of his friends he is often giggling and participates eagerly in games or debates, but if there are folks he doesn't know or intimidate him somehow, he will simply vanish and be silent to observe instead
Stealth (5), Invisibility (6) he will not be seen unless he wants to be, and that honestly is a little on the rare side. There are quite a few people and dragons that make him a bit skittish, and not the least of them are Tresis and his dragoness Neres Storm.
Water Manipulation (3), Weather Control (5) But when he finally does get formally introduced to the pair ... he can learn so much from Tresis about how to work with weather. He's been warned like the Zekiran man has, repeatedly, that he must take great care not to adjust the area's rainfall or temperature too much or for extended periods, lest the alterations become permanent or do damage
Species notes: No bond needed, Any name is okay, may have a real name they keep secret and a public name that others call them
From/Art By: Spectral Wilds, ktrenal

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