Exotic Riders of the Kshau Protectorate's Blackstone Weyr and Dawnlight Hold

Rider Color / Dragon Impressed At
Troy Grey-black Queth Mountain's Note
Kaine Black Caevonth Opal Moon
Serena Silver Zyllae Cormwood
Siren Winter Sonatesth Lantessama
Xina White Gertith Sapphire
Jezebel White Nieusath Talor
Corona White (m) Ceilldhth Dragonwillow
Chun Gold (male) Lazarith Wu Weyr
Eldon Brown (female) Chisayith Wu Weyr
Kacey Bronze-Brown Electranath Fire Ridge
Epsilon White-White-Bronze Jaluth Sapphire
Cicero Black-Brown Centoth Tripaldi
Norris Brown-Blue Miniocith White River
Ralto Brown Silver Speckled Vanireth Starburst
Thanatos Blue-Black Doquaivath Opal Moon
Thaia Silver-Blue Tentreth Tripaldi
Zephyr Special (Metallic Blue) Tsuyoith (f) Navi
Blitz Rainblue Pridith Starburst
Sabina Silver Blue Burnished Senisilith (f) Mountain's Note
Baku Blue-Green Tileth (m) Shinack
Altair Blue Grey Cyborg Buhyth Star City
Andre Dawn Blue Letheth Seiryuu
Serendipity Blue w/Green Astuoth (f) Thaell Ayaath
Ling Night-Green Eilth Ryslen
Wing Light-Green Ielth Ryslen
Abalone Green-Black Jiorath Tripaldi
Talisman Green-Gold Kazulieth (f) Talor
Djonni Black-Green Katkatith Starburst
Penina Green White Tambith Darkling Dawn
Mei Green Silver Speckled Yinneth Starburst
Hygron Ice Pink Aluinnth (f) Dragonwillow
Mephisopheles Green Cream Blue (f) Ixchelth Ryslen
Eriskigal Red Thioethiathiuth (f) Sidra
Silas Purple Thiothioethiath (m) Sidra
Trin Pink Luyuth Keandyn
Cyrus Aqua Americk Azon
Serenade Violet Marked Seraieth (f) Cy Dragonstake