Draco's Inferno

Name: Acey

Gender: female

Age: 15 at bonding

Description: pale skinned, with long straight honey blond hair in pony tails, rich blue eyes; 5'7" tall, and slender in build

Personality: cheerful, always involved, and not nearly as annoying as that might sound

Parents: family is from Dawnlight, mother Sharina Burns, unknown father; cousin Dici through mothers

Acey and her cousin Dici are extremely pleased to stand as bonders - even if it's not in their native Paniya Isle. Though they are a bit different in personality and appearance, they are equally intense in their desire to bond and become riders. Note that this page used to be on caer_paniya_folk but since they are a Dawnlight citizen from Dawnlight parentage... I've moved them (2025)

She squealed with delight- but then Acey did that a lot. From the time she was an infant until today, her fifteenth birthday when she was informed that she'd be headed out to another world to potentially bond a dragon.

Acey wasn't as bubble-headed as she sounded, nor as she looked. While she's not the sharpest tack in the box, she definitely catches on quickly, and is adept physically to an extent that impresses her elders. Her penmanship is horrible, but her ability to take quick notes is well known around Dawnlight's administrative section, where her parents both work.

She's one of the first of the 'new generation', children born to Dawnlight citizens who were also born on Paniya. They represent a big step forward, with Dawnlight having lifted some restrictions on travel and the like, in the last fifteen years or so. Acey, being the daughter of someone whose job relies upon meeting with foreign interests, had traveled several times before being shown to a dragon.

It came as no surprise to her mother, whose family had several dragon riders in it, if distantly. But where would she reside... Dawnlight's newly commissioned dragon housing? Or ...

"Kshau Island?" She said, quietly repeating what the other rider had said, while she was busy opening another small gift from yet another cousin. "I don't think I'd be too welcome there, daddy."

"That's true," her father said, and breathed an inner sigh of relief. After all if his daughter wasn't going to be in his home too much longer, the least she could do is not reside in the one place that Dawnlight folk didn't go. "But you'll be with Dici, anyway."

"He was searched too?" Acey squealed again, and clapped her hands joyously. "That's so great! I promise I'll watch out for him," she winked at her mother, who was Dici's aunt. She laughed heartily and nodded.

"Good, that's what I wanted to hear," her mother said.

Soon, they would be bidding her farewell, and hoping that she would return to them safe and whole.


Everyone started when a squeal came from inside one of the eggs. It became louder and louder as the dragonet kicked her way free from her egg. She squealed all the way across the sands to Acey, where she took her bond's hands in her forepaws and bounced up and down, still squealing. Acey echoed the squealing all the way to the meat table.


There would never be a quiet moment for Acey's family, ever again.

When her family saw the beautiful - brown - dragon they assumed that she was male, even on Paniya most browns were male. But... not so! And boy did Adktona tell them about it! But she also wanted to hear all about Acey's life - how did things happen here, were they always bustling or quiet? And who were those people that kept watching them?

Those people, turned out, were some Admin or other trying to decide what exactly they ought to do about this situation. They of course didn't realize that Addy was a female, but they certainly appreciated the fact that they'd have another 'loyalist' rider remaining on hand in Dawnlight.

Dragon Info

Name: Adktona (or Addy) add kuh TAWN ah

Gender: Female

Age: Young

Breed: SCD/Wyld Mutt

Size: Medium 13'9" s / 55' l / 80' ws

Abilities: ^Winged Flight
^Telepathy and Verbal Speech
^Psionic Suite, includes Telekinesis as well
Healing Majyck,
Brown Fyre (lvl 2)

Dam: Meroclaisen Sire: Thumoth

Personality: Adktona loves to be loud. She's loud when she's happy, she's loud when she's sad, she's loud when ACEY is happy or sad. She's a very emotional dragoness, and those emotions happen to be best expressed through vocalizations. She also can't keep her feelings bottled up, at least not for long. Oh she can keep her opinions to herself well enough, but when she's sad she'll cry, when she's happy she'll laugh and sing. Whether it's the middle of the day or the middle of the night.