Wait a minute!
"What now!? I'm starved, Trel!"
Down there... There is someone I want to see.
A'rd looked down onto the scrub plains. They were flying back from Silvermoon
weyr, to reach Blackstone in time for dinner. It would apparently have
to wait. There was a small group of people down there, gathered. Arguing,
it looked like.
There were three runners, a large angry oxen and a cart which had been
knocked over, and a total of five people. Three of them looked to be the
ones on the runners, while the other two probably the ones on the cart.
Well, let's go down. I didn't become a harper for
nothing if not to solve arguments...
If you were doing
that, you'd be in the Spy wing, A'rd.
"They hate it when you call it that!"
The dragon rumbled a laugh, and then bugled loudly before selecting a
landing spot. Two of the runners reared up and the other nearly had a
heart attack. The oxen bolted, outright, and it was a good thing the folk
had unhitched the cart, or else their things would have been scattered
from here to...
"Eden's Gate," A'rd muttered. "They've been hassled by thieves, or A thief,
recently. I wonder..."
He jumped off the dragon and approached, and then Trelerth bespoke excitedly.
The girl! The female! She is
the one I seek.
"But Trel, that's ROCKY! You've known her for years!"
"What about me?" Rocky came to the rider, glaring over her shoulder occasionally
at the rogues. "A'rd, it's a good thing you're here. These three wanted
more than to cross our path. They wanted to take the cart. And now we're
out a good burden beast," she waved her hand at the trail of dust where
the oxen had gone. He was half a mile away by now.
"That's my fault, I think," A'rd said. "I'll replace it. But you," he
looked over at the trio. They were not the most savory of men, scarred
by both Thread and animals, perhaps harshly living out on the plains.
They didn't look particularly starved or weak, and their clothing said
they had a home. "You don't need anything these two have. Except their
"Why should we offer it? They were trespassing on our land!" One of them
said. Rocky turned and seethed at him.
"This is your land as much as it is anyone's. No one Holds it. You don't
have a claim here. Eden's Gate does." She hissed. "I've never even seen
you three around here before, and I travel this route often."
She looked pleadingly at A'rd. "I have," she whispered to him. "This route
takes us from Eden's Gate to Dawnlight. It's a long trip."
"I know. I've seen the trail." A'rd said, quietly. He looked up at the
trio. "If I can find proof that you have legal rights to this land, then
I'll issue an official apology. But for the moment I tend to believe her."
He nodded at Rocky, who looked superior.
Then one of the men ducked down, into his cloak, and pulled out a sword.
It was battered, old, but sharp none the less. "I think you're underestimating
us," he said, graveley. The tip of the sword had swung at A'rd in half
a moment.
Before A'rd could even choke out a response, Rocky moved into action.
She ducked below the man's arm, then came up with her hands locked around
his wrist. She flipped him down onto the ground, the sword flying out
of his hands and landing in the dirt nearby.
Trelerth walked over to it, and stood upon it. Everyone heard the snap
of metal below the dragon's paw. The other two thieves stood without moving,
petrified. Their horses ran, this close to a dragon was someplace they
obviously did not want to be.
"Thank you," A'rd said, rubbing his neck and feeling a little trickle
of blood.
"No, it's no problem. They would have killed both of us," she indicated
the older man from Eden's Gate who was still quite distraught at having
lost their oxen.
"Well, the least I can do for now, is get this cart and you two back to
the cothold. Trel?"
The dragon hefted the cart into his strong arms, and the pair got onto
the dragon's back. Because Rocky had been on dragonback before, she needed
no assistance. But the older man was rightly petrified. His first -- and
probably last -- ride.
Then, when they finally got back to Eden's Gate, A'rd pulled Rocky aside.
"Trelerth has something to say to you, Don't you Trel?"
The blue bowed his head to Rocky. You are a fine young female.
Would you like to stand on the sands at a new weyr?
"At a... at ... Yes?" She blinked. She, like her sister, recovered quickly
from things. Obviously, if she didn't, A'rd would have been... "Yes, I
would! A new weyr? What's it called?"
"Silvermoon Weyr, and I just took a wood crafter
from Dawnlight there. I was on my way back, for dinner." He cast a glance
at the dark sky, "But it's a little late for that."
One of the old women of the hold came to him, laughing. "We can fix that!" She held up a mug of stew, and they waited for Rocky to gather her gear,
for the trip to Silvermoon!
Silvermoon weyr was a warm, welcome change from
Rockszanna's prior life. She fell into the rhythm of the weyr easily,
and made friends among harpers and herders, wing riders and stewards alike.
That was what Rocky was known for, anyway. Being there.
So when the eggs began to shake on the sands, and Rox had been there for
quite some time, she was there as soon as she heard.
The bronze that came first was a pleasant surprise for everyone. A good
sign, too, that the weyr would be prosperous. Rocky stood in her white
robe and pulled at the uncomfortable collar, and watched more eggs hatch
and dragons impress.
When the queen egg broke open, there weren't many candidates left, and
certainly only a couple girls. The beautiful golden dragonet was headed
right for Rocky -- her heart had stopped or was a blur, she wasn't sure.
She was faint! How could this be!? Then -- then, just as the dragonet
was going to look her in the eyes those beautiful swirling rainbows went
to another, Daane.
Hot-headed and with tears in her eyes, Rocky almost ran from the sands,
when she noticed that a beautiful blue had sat down beside her and was
gazing up at her.
You wouldn't have wanted her anyway, She's much too high maintanence.
I'm Omith!
"You are SO right!" Rocky brought her arms around her lovely blue, and
held him tightly. There was nothing better than this little dear, was
there? Not even a gold could compare!
And besides, what would her sister think, if she HAD impressed a gold?
Laughing, Rocky and Omith left the sands.
Rocky and Omith drifted around somewhat stunned.
What were they supposed to do, anyway? The Protectorate was going to be
... moving, soon, and she didn't know if Omith would make it properly.
Do not worry about me. I will know where to go. The riders are strong,
and they leave a good trail to follow. Do you not trust me?
"Oh, I trust you perfectly. I just don't know about letting all those
others leave without us!"
But I still have things to learn here at Silvermoon.
When it is time, I think, they will come too.
A bit taken aback, Rox nodded and continued working on the straps for
her dragon.
The move to Alskyr was a smooth one, and one which
Rocky and Omith relished. He got used to the new digs almost immediately.
And, he was one of the few dragons who could still teleport!
Who would have thought that my skills would still
be needed here? Asked the beautiful blue. When Rocky responded
to him, it was with a big smile.
"Who would have thought that your appearance would blend in so well with
the natives, you big lummox? You've grown horns in your old age."
I am not old! I am only two!
He snorted, and Rocky merely laughed.