A harper's badge is slung on the wall near a desk,
and you look at it. It's a Master's sigil, amazingly enough. It goes along
with the knot of rank which hangs on a dress' shoulder tossed over a privacy
panel near the...
Oh, my... You finally hear a noise from beyond the panel which is a thin
cloth sheet strung on a tall metal frame. Painted on dragons and flowers
cover the cloth but you see a shape dancing around on the other side of
it, shadows from the glow basket on the other side.
"Who's there? Shard if that's you you're
making an awful lot of noise..." She giggles. Then she stick her head out
from the panel and her amber shaded eyes get very very wide. "OH! oh, sorry,
let me just -- throw something on..."
You hear her hurriedly putting something over herself, and she steps away
from the panel. Even with a robe of dark golden brown she looks great.
"You're the harper that Shard is seeing?" You ask, smiling.
"Looks like," She answers. "And you are...?"
"I'm here to look over the candidates. If that's all right?"
"Everyone always wants to do that..." She sighs. "My name is Rue, I'm the
oldest child of Lelio and Isabel, both Harpers. My sister Rox is ... well, somewhere
out there in the desert playing with the sand snakes. Our brother died,
a few years after he was born..." She gets quiet, and you do not ask any
further about that. "I'm 21 turns old, I was Searched by that great hulk
Jeremoth. It seems he's always sniffing at people. Just like Shard..." She
giggles again.
"I became an Apprentice harper when I was 10, then a journeywoman when I
was 16. I went from Dawnlight Hold, my parents home, to Blackstone Weyr,
and then traveled around until I came back to the Hall, and I've just been
awarded my Mastery. I know it's awfully early, but the things I had to show
them at the Hall really surprised them."
"Those would be?" You ask, and she shakes her head.
"Not for you, you're only a Journeyman yourself I see. You'll have to discover
those secrets on your own."
Now what could she mean by that?
Rue turns and arranges something on her desk, and then looks back at you.
"You might want to know that while I'm a Harper, I mastered in information.
News. Telling it like it is."
"Getting in trouble for exposing political mistakes, I heard," you mutter.
She laughs loudly.
"That's true," she admits. "The Lord Holders at Dawnlight have needed it
for a long time, what I did was only accellerate the process!"
"Well," you sigh, "do you think you'll Impress?"
"I ... I don't even know. Maybe. Gold would go with my dress," she indicates
the one strewn over the panel, and then her eyes turn up like her small
lips into an impish smile. She laughs hard. "I'm actually... kind of hoping
for green. Because then, Jeremoth would have a ... um, compainon..."
"You know that Weyr-relationships are ... rarely permanent..." You remind
her, but Rue waves her hand.
"He's mine. I know there are other women with his children on their knee.
But HE is mine..." |
Lasair Weyr awaited. With the excitement building in Rue's
heart, she felt like she might burst with it. The sands had twenty five
beautiful eggs on them, and not just one but TWO golds!
Her throat tightened. What girl or young woman didn't really, in her heart,
want to Impress that gold on the sands? What could possibly be the only
thing in the world besides that? Life would be perfect!
"No," Rue reminded herself. "It wouldn't be. Perfection would be to be
able to move with Shard where he goes. And to have a little green that
would keep him happy too."
Her heart was a bit torn.
Shard appeared, like he often did, practically from Between like a dragon. "Sweet?" he asked, softly. "What's wrong? You should be happy to be standing
on the sands finally."
She looked at her feet. Shard was close to eight turns her senior, and
had impressed long before. She would have some catching up to do.
"What if I impress a gold, Shard?" Her voice wavered. Shard had never
heard such a thing from her.
"If you do you'll be the finest queen rider in all the Protectorate, Rue." He moved a finger over her long nose, and she couldn't help but grin.
"I mean, my dearest weyrleader, that if you are off doing Protectorate
things, with Jeremoth flying who-knows-what green... Who will be flying
a gold of mine if I impress one? I know that you don't want me to be jealous
of you, but..."
"But what about me?" He smiled brilliantly. "Rue, my love, if I was jealous
of some brave bronze rider spending a handful of sevendays with you while
the dragons clutch and hatch, I'd be too stupid to be the Protectorate's
leader." He straightened his posture, and gave an impish smile, "besides,
what man wouldn't want to be with you?"
"You mean what man wouldn't want to be with me AND you," she laughed,
loud. "I know you, BLUE rider! I've heard things from H'lis who happens
to be a very fine BRONZE rider!"
"I never considered that my preference to choose handsome people could
have anything to do with my dragon's choice of mate." Shard said, defensively.
Rue giggled. "Nor I. Besides, the most mono-sexual woman in the world
might still wind up being the best mother. Who can say?"
"That woulnd't be you, I would say." Shard jibed.
"You are right, my sweet! But I do love you, and you love ... heh, others." Rue glanced at her weyrmate, the tall and highly superior leader of the
Protectorate. A blue rider with a streak of silliness that ran as deeply
as his loyalty.
How could she ever have thought that he would be anything less than approving?
Of course, she thought, what if I impress a blue... *** Rue jotted down everything as it happened. Even
when the call went up for the candidates to get to the hatching sands!
Lasair was coming to life, it was early in the morning and Rue wasn't
normally a 'morning' person. But Shard had stayed with her and kept her
quite warm. It was he who woke her and started her day.
"The dragons will hatch today," he said, as Rue pinned on her rank badge.
"Jeremoth is very rarely wrong."
"Well, he'd better not be wrong about me standing," Rue said, with a little
flutter of worry in her voice. Shard stood, towering over her, with a
soft smile.
"Darling, if he is wrong, then I'll have to swap him for a new one."
Rue heard the indignant snort of the blue beyond in their temporary weyr.
Since Shard was the Protectorate's leader, he was welcome at most any
weyr, but since Rue was a candidate, it meant that she got better lodging
with him than without. Jeremoth poked his nose into the smaller part of
the weyr and snorted.
It will be soon -- NOW!
The other dragons of the weyr were humming, and Shard dropped Rue off
to the hatching sands the moment she was finished writing and throwing
on her white robe. The woman wrote everything... It was a wonder she hadn't
taken a stylus and pad down to the -- she had, hadn't she?! He saw it
kind of poking out of the slitted pocket of the gown.
Shard put himself up near the dragon ledges, and hoped that Jeremoth really
hadn't lost his touch. Finding candidates was something the blue had always
done, but this one was special.
As the hatching started, Rue wasn't nervous, at least outwardly. But inside...
She feverishly wished that she was anywhere but there. Normally she wanted
to be in the center of attentions, but half of her demanded to be watching.
She did check often up in the stands, for her tall lover's face. Shard
grinned with an encouraging nod, as the hatching began. T'uro impressed
first, Rue's sister would be very pleased that his blue was healthy and
happy. Then two greens came out, and impressed.
Rue was frantic to write, but she knew that it would be silly. She shouldn't
let something as perfect as a hatching be marred by doing something dumb
like thinking 'no one would record it'. There were recordskeepers for
such things! In fact, the whole front row of one part of the stands was
FILLED with journeymen harpers and weyr records keepers!
So when the green which came from one largish egg after a beautiful bronze
hatched, Rue was watching. The green went up to Rue with a pretty croon
to her voice.
Something deep in Rue's mind spoke. It wasn't her own mind's voice, and
it wasn't that annoying E'tan that Shard liked to brag was changing the
world by speaking telepathically to people instead of dragons. No, it
was a soft, musical voice inside her head like Rue had never heard.
I am Beirissath!
Rue was stunned. She could do nothing at first except blink. Everyone
outside the sands knew that she was impressed, but... They didn't know
her name!
She searched out Shard again, and saw Jeremoth looking smug on the ledge
beyond. "She says her name is Beirissath!" Rue cried out, loud and clear.
The tears coming down her face weren't a hindrance at all when they left
the sands for the feasting later.  *** "If Jeremoth catches us, he'll be so angry!" Rue
whispered to her delicate green lifemate.
If Jeremoth catches
me... The dragon thought back, I will be very happy...
Shh! Rue thought.
Shh yourself! I am looking! Now, go!
Rue snuck around to the rear of Shard's weyr, the place he kept certain
favored clothes and such. She rooted through the press, and found what
she was looking for, then snuck back to her dragon's side.
Mission complete... Rue thought, now, let's get out of here
before he suspects anything...
Little did they know... Shard watched them from the next ledge over. The
pair of weyrs they shared would not be enough for them later, and he was
making preparations for their more permanent one, on the Protectorate's
private island. She knew nothing of course... Unless Jeremoth blabbered...  *** Beirissath lounged around for days. Not eating,
nor flying more than she had to.
Jeremoth wants that
white dragon, more than me... She moaned mentally, adding
a sad croon to her voice.
"That's not true!" Rue said, looking at her faded dragon's hide. "That
is just not true! He sired that clutch so long ago! Almost before I was
old enough to walk, Bei. You can't blame him for wanting to see it hatch."
The dragon lowered her head down and blinked. Her eyes whirled slowly,
as she seemed to be thinking about her supposed weyrmate.
Jeremoth will come to see me.
"Good! He'd best be bringing that slacker Shard with him. Ever since that
little exploration event they made us go through, he's been insufferable."
Shard is proud of you for having
found the Mesa, Rue. I am too.
"But you knew where it was all along! You brought us there, anyway!"
I did. It was bad for me to go between so early...
But I liked it. I knew just where to land and everything. I could have
landed on the Mesa top, but they told me not to.
"I know," Rue sighed. "It was a learning experience."
Rue put down her writing tools and sat leaning against Beirissath's leg.
Here at Buenos Weyr, things were a little more cramped than she wanted
to admit. But as the official chronicler of the Protectorate, Rue had
her job to do and she was determined to do it well.
Perfectly, of course.
The sticky of this situation was that Jere's clutch had been brought through
time and space from a dead weyr. With that white dragon, Trymmeth, as
the mother... That meant that Jeremoth's weyrmating with Beirissath was
sort of in limbo.
When the smallish blue dragon came landing on the ledge, Bei perked up
greatly. But then she snarled, and almost even snapped at Jeremoth.
Shard dropped to the stone floor of the long weyr, and made his way around
the snippy green.
"What's gotten into her?" He said, thumbing at the green. "It's like she's
proddy, but that's not typical behavior in a..." His eyes finally met
Rue's, and his voice dwindled. "in a proddy green."
"I know I said I was okay with it," Rue said, "and I am. For the duration.
But Beirissath is convinced that Jeremoth is never going to like her again.
Not with Trymmeth around."
"But Trymmie won't be around," Shard said, defensively. "She's tending
this clutch, but she's got a Weyr to be at." He smiled, and glanced between
the woman he loved, and her snarling dragon. "It would figure that you
of all people would have a green dragon with the memory of a human..."
Rue beamed, a very wide, false grin at her weyrmate. She clutched on to
his arm, and stood watching as Jeremoth attempted to make amends with
the green.
Finally, Beirissath turned to Rue and Shard. He is going to stay with me for tonight. When the
morning comes, he will go back and hunt for the white. Then, we will see
about those eggs. How could any white's eggs be better than mine?
Such arrogance came from the green that both Shard and Rue were taken
aback. Bei would be rising soon, and because Rue was not part of a fighting
wing, that meant this green would be clutching for SOMEONE's sands! 
*** |