
Mama Tani's Fosterlings

This used to be where a good number of 'wait they aren't really human any more' candidates for Pern lived! Raanatani is a multidimensional tiger woman who is fiercely protective of the children in her care. She raised quite a few dragon riders! Mainly because she's immortal, like her human partner Seven (aka Ilya).

There are a variety of dimensions where she exists, from Carramba High as a student, to Zekira as a Pelatih with a big hunt park filled with butterflies to chase. A fair few of the furries that come from this part of the original Kshau Protectorate are a mixture of Zekirans and other furry projects I made back in the 80s and 90s. Some of the Zekirans have been integrated back into the Dragonmasters of Zekira site, or the Zekiran Immortal portion.

I'll do my best to assemble the list of where they all came from and where they are now, but a lot of the older ones haven't yet (2024) been put back online since I'm still digging through ancient Geocities pages.

Note that at some point when I've got these under control, I will be reinstating a good number of their original furry forms, but a lot of them have human images still. If they are furries without another origin (ie: Zekira or Dragondeep) they'll stay here. Also there are inexplicably a couple here on the original list below the chart that should never have even been at Mama Tani's in the first place, are fully human, and belong on Carramba or Dawnlight anyway? I didn't even remember that Dom and a couple others were here... wow. No wonder I couldn't find a few of them.

** NOTE since they aren't four footers and shouldn't have been on the four-footer page but they ARE permanent upright furs:
Many different 'Earths' exist, and on most of those there is an entity named Jeff Engell - on one earth, he is a horse, leading a tribe of such people, one of whom is a distinct Sanger named Vonen

Candidate / Dragon - * indicates a split version where one remains human Former New
Raanatani / Green Zakurath
7/Ilya / Bronze Vajrath
Peacock Pauskema and Colorshifter Sheng Stac'ver
taniFosters, egggather tani-base, tani-cuz, pausk
Aeremet / R'met and Blue Jalanath   aeremet (updated w/image)
Ambrosia and Rainbow Amaryllisith (sometimes spelled -eth on old page) ambrosia (in riders) ambrosia
Aries Vrel and Bronze Canarth (dropped elided name) / Human-Pernese* aries (in riders) ** Furry-DRAGONDEEP **

(( Original Listing from 2009? if you find the url somewhere linked on records pages, they should be on site elsewhere and I can change the Nexus database info for them to be found more easily... ))

Beao' on Brown Myuxeth, Impressed at Gallimim, Flying in the Stone Fury Wing

B'eth on Brown Dueth, Impressed at Aneris, Flying in the Artistic Bent Wing

Rhain on Green Fallith, Impressed at Aneris, Flying in the Touch of Life Wing

Tanis on Gold Zanilnth, Impressed at Gallimim, Flying in the Valley of Flames Wing

V'naard on Green Zadmith, Impressed at Gallimim, Flying in the Valley of Flames Wing

Than' on Rare Deakoth, Impressed at Istabitha's, Flying in the Uplift Wing

Kyani on Blue Yrainth, Impressed at Istabitha's, Flying in the Uplift Wing

Vrtanya, on Blue Hippolyth, Impressed at Dawn Sisters Weyr, Flying in Shard's Spines

Tenjaray, on Rainbow Liuath, Impressed at Wu, Flying in the Touch of Life Wing

Tsukiya, on Green Linyith, Impressed at Wu, Flying in the Uplifted Spirits Wing

V'tar on Bronze Gatith, Impressed at Sapphire, Flying in the Touch of Life Wing

T'ran on White Surrith, Impressed at Wu, Flying in the Artistic Bent Wing

Ilya on Bronze Vajrath, Impressed at Gallimim, Flying in the Rainbow Over Black Wing

Tani on Green Zakurath, Impressed at Gallimim, Flying in the Rainbow Over Black Wing

Dominique on Brown Ringeth, Impressed at Gallimim, Flying in the Rainbow Over Black Wing

H'race on Blue Dliverath, Impressed at Gallimim, Flying in the Rainbow Over Black Wing

M'cri on Green Lanneth, Impressed at Hydees, Flying in the Sea Blessed Wing

Kaytcha, on Gold Quisanth, Impressed at Sapphire Weyr, Flying in the Valley of Flames Wing

F'eng, on Brown Nelloth, Impressed at Sapphire Weyr, Flying in the Screw Loose Wing

Cyn'x, on Brown Ishioth, apprentice Healer, Impressed at Wu, Flying in the Touch of Life Wing

Una, on Green Dosth, Journeywoman Harper, Impressed at Talor Cliff, Flying in the Artistic Bent Wing

Z'eb, on Brown Bedanath, Farmcrafter, Impressed at Talor Cliff, Flying in the Hunters Wing

Z'ed, on Brown Diazhath, Sr Apprentice Healer, Impressed at Talor Cliff, Flying in the Touch of Life and Screw Loose Wings

Ari's, on Bronze Canarth, Impressed at Sapphire Weyr, Flying in the Stone Fury Wing

Cortan, on Brown Maverith, hold guard, Impressed at Dark Moon Weyr, Flying in the Hunters Wing

Jequie, on Green Darlith, Journeywoman Harper, Impressed at Mooncrest Weyr, Flying in the Artistic Bent Wing

Chelsea, on Green Eenraith, Journeywoman Harper, Impressed at Andromeda Weyr, Flying in the Artistic Bent Wing

Rondis, on Green Dissimuth, Impressed at Adanuk Weyr

Ambrosia, on Rainbow Amaryllisith, merchants daughter, Bonded at Calyeni Cavern

Miranda, on Blue Scoeith, weaver/dyer, Impressed at Tarizal Weyr

Ma'ti, on Green Dilith, apprentice Healer, Impressed at Ryslen Weyr, Flying in the Touch of Life Wing

G'res, on Blue Indulnith, Impressed at Thayor Weyr, Flying in the Sea Blessed Wing

L'skan, on Brown Lyrath, apprentice Tanner, Impressed at Xaviea Weyr, Flying in the Hunters Wing

K'ly, on Blue Sapphrith, hunter, Impressed at Xaviea weyr, Flying in the Hunters Wing

W'lano, on Bronze Musiith, apprentice Harper, Impressed at Istabitha's Weyr, Flying in the Long Wing of the Law

R'met, on Blue Jalanath, apprentice Starcrafter, Impressed at Talor Cliff, Flying in the Currier Wing

Ind'ra, on Bronze Vareth, sr apprentice Healer, Impressed at Tarizal Weyr

Alhann, on Green Nilayith, Impressed at Dawn Sisters Weyr, flying in the Valley of Flames Wing

Ch'ris, on Bronze Nabendith, Impressed at Dawn Sisters Weyr, flying in the Stone Fury Wing

Vinrinna, holders daughter

Tothar, apprentice smithcrafter

Dozats, on male Green Kamekoth, apprentice smithcrafter, Impressed at Vella Crean

Irmina, apprentice Harper

Mirna, on Brown Petath, apprentice woodcrafter, Impressed at Vella Crean

Riktah, wandering thief

Rell, on Green Jeleneresth, Starborn navigator, at Cathair Fionabhainn

Emser, on Copper White Kendorisoth Seacraft Merchant on Danach, at Cathair Fionabhainn

Seish, holders daughter

Rosen, holders son

Aliza, offworlder feline warrior-priest, Bonded Silver Sasazik at CyDragonstake

Malai, warrior mage, bonded Brown Jalentir at Cy Dragonstake