The wait at Utopian wasn't really all that bad. Nameh was apparently a little older than most candidates or bonders, that was obvious. But it was okay. He and the other Kin-type, a female feline with spotty markings named Grafitti, got along pretty well. They weren't from the same universe. But they got along okay. Nameh would have to keep in touch with that girl, it might come in handy to know where they resided. It was more exhausting trying to explain where he was from, why he'd be going back, and all that kind of thing, than the physical work that was made up for the candidates. They were given constant chores, but that was nothing new for Nameh. He liked that work - it allowed him time to think, to ponder, to watch Grafitti... When the dragons began to sing their hatching song everyone was taken by surprise. Nameh was stuffed into the white robe that was still traditional here on Danach (but whose tradition was it going to be? would they do this when the Plateau dragons had their ... stop thinking about that!), and he bolted down to the sands. As they all entered the chambers, the first egg broke open. A lavender, female, bonded off and started everything. Then a beautiful black dragon came from his shell. - Oh, nope, it was a female! Then two more eggs hatched, showing off a lovely green, and a lightly colored copper. The green stumbled, and the copper lovingly helped her up. While the green paired off with a dragoness, the copper walked with pride right up to Nameh. I'm Verteidigensieth, and you're the one for me. He said, loudly in Nameh's mind. For the first time it felt to Nameh that everything else was in perfect focus. His mental tuning toward things got sharp - and he could almost detect the words of the dragons around them, floating through Verte's mind. But what really struck him was that the dragonet was hungry - really hungry- and there was food and a banquet for the newly bonded riders being prepared. "Let's get you food, then, Verte," Nameh said with a grin. It would be a while before the hunger abated - and the itching started soon enough... *** Between the two of them, Nameh and the big copper he'd bonded they seemed to rule the roost. At least, until they arrived at the Plateau. As an adult, Verte was just shy of the biggest there - but his attitude was much kinder and nicer than many could have guessed a dragon of that size would have. "He's a sweetheart," Tomih told him one day. But that didn't gain him any priveleges with her. I will find a good mate, and you will find one too. It is only a matter of time, my friend! Said Verteidigenseith warmly. Never will you have to worry about that! "Such a copper," Nameh laughed.