Types of Dragons from Planet Twenty Glenn Colony
Types of Dragons available at Planet Twenty
There are currently three Types of dragon available at Planet Twenty. Air, Fire and Water dragons each have their own needs and requirements, as well as physically being quite different from one another in their Adult stage.
Dragons hatched here at Planet Twenty have different size ranges than those found elsewhere. Some are bigger, and some smaller. Each individual dragon will have an 'adult size' listed for story purposes and breeding.
Air dragons have large wings designed for lengthy flights and have developed long, stream-lined bodies. They enjoy mountain tops, cliffs, open castle towers, cloud cities, and open valleys. Air dragons blow gust of air from their mouths; these gust can manifest as fog, rain, hail, and simply heated gas. Some air dragons have been known to breathe lightning! Air dragons are long but not big (except for their wings!) at around 40 to 60 feet nose to tail.
Fire dragons are the more legendary creatures of the bunch. They can fly, but not as well as their high-dwelling air cousins. They like warm, dark caves, volcanoes, fire and lava pits, and castle dungeons. They breathe fire in many different colors. Some have been known to breath hot coals or lava also. Big and strong, with medium sized wingspan, Fire dragons can be from 35 to 60 feet nose to tail, but they also are quite tall and often stand on their hind legs.
Water dragons become long and snake-like, developing fins, smaller wings, and webbed talons. They cannot fly, but they can swim and jump very well. They live in any type of water, including hot springs and whirlpools. These dragons tend to shoot water as a weapon, but can also breathe ice and blue plasma, depending on their surroundings. Since they have no flight sized wings, but can live in nearly any body of water, Water dragons vary tremendously in size - from a mere 20 feet long, to over 100! This is affected purely by the amount of water they have to live in. A pond will have a tiny dragon, but an ocean-faring one will continue to grow for years. |
Below are the adult samples for each of the different Types. Note their physical differences! (Also note that these images have been resized and layered to prevent theft.) As adolescents they begin to exhibit their Type tendancies, because by then their story and page should reflect the element they're attuned to. Hatchling and Child dragon images also have different poses - they will be distributed according to page content. |
Colors of the Glenn dragons range from their traditional 'common' shades of Cerulean, Light Blue, Green, Red and Purple, to the 'uncommon' Black, White, Silver, Gold and Crystal. However there are other colors that may hatch at Planet Twenty - to the right sponsor. Given that there is a disproportionate number of rare and bizarre colors residing at Planet Twenty with their Zekiran bonds, there may be more uniques to try for in addition to these. It's unknown what those might be, but they will certainly be given as rewards for unique and well-done sponsor pages.
Common colors of dragons do not require more than a sponsorship page to get. The page must reflect their needs and wants, but also keep in mind the Type that the page might host. |
Cerulean Blue dragons enjoy crystals and caves. Also, nighttime and mystical places will attract them. Calm mountain lakes for example will do, but only at night in the moonlight.
Personality - These dragons are calm and introspective. They will spend long hours pondering the world and its nature. They can be scientific at times, but they have the capacity to appreciate art and creativity. |
Light Blue
Light blues are often found near the oceans, rivers, and lakes. They also tend to like high, peaceful areas.
Personality - These dragons are peaceful and quiet. They enjoy poetry, music, and flying. Loud noises, pollution, and many people tend to disturb them. They are the dreamers of the dragon world. |
Green dragons enjoy gardens, forests, jungles, and grassy areas. Also if you theme your page with Green as well with lots of plants and the such.
Personality - These dragons are adventurous and out going. They often will roam great distances in search of adventure and treasure. They are happiest when on a quest. |
Red dragons absolutely love fire, dark magic, and volcanoes. They will not go anywhere near water, ice, or the sunlight unless absolutely necessary.
Personality - These dragons live for war, fighting, and darkness. They are happiest with one bondmate, not many different people. They also prefer not to share lairs. |
Purple dragons like to live in the mountains, swamps and foggy areas, also around lots of purple as well.
Personality - Purple dragons are quiet and solemn. They are not big jokers. These dragons are cultured and wise as they
get older. They will be happiest with a bondmate who is intelligent and can hold a conversation with them. |
Uncommon colors are given out only to high quality pages that have a lot of work put into them. While not a guarantee, it's more likely that a *character* will bond to one of these, than merely a *page*. |
Blacks are attracted to areas where the elements converge. They are also attracted to great chaos and areas of natural disasters.
Personality - Blacks are the 2nd rarest of all dragons. They have the power to control the weather and the very earth itself. Often, they are linked to great natural disasters. They prefer one bondmate only, and often are very violent and malicious to everyone else. They are often avoided by other dragons in general, as most of them are not very good company. |
White dragons are attracted by white magic, stars, white crystals, such as quartz, and fairies. They live in very secluded areas where not many people come. Usually these areas are high centers of magic.
Personality - Whites are quiet. They hardly ever speak, but they never stray far from their bondmates. They have the power, it is said, to open portals to other dimensions. They are also skilled white magic users. |
Silver dragons are attracted by jewels and shiny metals, like golds. Unlike golds, however, they hatch from apparently normal eggs. They also like animations and music.
Personality - Silver dragons enjoy the arts and collecting objects for their horde. A collection of valuables is usually found in the lairs of these dragons. They love music of all kinds. Silvers have the power to shape metal workings and jewelry with telekinesis. |
Gold dragons are a special type of dragon. Gold dragons enjoy all sorts of habitats and are attracted by beauty and excitement. Treasure doesn't hurt either, especially gold and gems. Gold dragons will only be given to people who put effort into their lairs.
Personality - Gold dragons are light hearted and vibrant. They are born leaders and sparkle with creativity and life. Anywhere they live must be extremely beautiful or exciting. These dragons get bored very easily, so adding some animation will be best for them. |
These dragons enjoy crystals. However, unlike cerulean blue dragons, they enjoy bright light and the sun. They are often found in places of high magical power.
Personality - Crystal dragons are very rare, much rarer than golds. These dragons can use telepathic powers, including telekinesis. They can also tell the future. They prefer the quiet life, and do not like loud noises or too much activity. They are peaceful and quiet, saying very little at all, even to their bondmates. |
Unique to Planet Twenty
There may be more than one type available at this Glenn site alone. One thing I'd like to say is that anyone who wishes to keep their 'furry' character ON Planet Twenty is welcome to do so - and that might shape my decision to award a special dragon to that page. |
??? |
These exotic dragons thrive in sunlight and warm plains. Surrounded by tall grasses they enjoy hunting and sunbathing as much as defending their territory.
Personality - perhaps these rare dragons might have a carefree attitude, or a stingy mean streak. No one knows, because no one has earned one yet. |
Next, move on to the POWERS page to find out what kinds of things these dragons can do! |