

Name Xhakss (as 'jacques' French-sounding)

Female, Xenoqueen rank biped

Homeworld Technically Zedd...
Species Xenomorph Biped, Zeddian-burster (giving her the four arms/+3BF, and black and white color scheme thank goodness she doesn't have their huge hairstyle); at adulthood will reach around 7'8" at carapace with a little more for the 'crown' area
Totem Spider, the 'itsy bitsy' totem. Lots of limbs, so it won't have much to lose
+2 S/GM, +3 Bod, -1 RWP, +1 Luck, +2 Drive, -2 Looks, -1 Cool, -1 Bonk, +8 extra KK's.
Nut Don't assume that she's a nut. She is a nut. But it's a nice mesquite roasted hazelnut. Just enough spice to make herself known, but so very smooth and well-rounded flavor...
Class Freshman, 20 knackudos
Smarts 4 > 6
Bod/Feet 8 > 14!!
RWP 3 > 2
Luck 4 > 5
Drive 3 > 5 (ride?)
Looks 4 > 2
Cool 4 > 3
Bonk 4 > 3

Spandex - very flexible and gets into spaces that are highly improbable, particularly for a biped her size. Note that she has claws on all of her limbs that allow her to cling to surfaces easily, along with her Resin to stick other things.

Stealth - while trying to hide, Xhakss is incredibly good at this even if in a brightly lit area. Apparently the black and white patterning helps somehow! She moves like oil on water, and is almost entirely silent while scooting into odd locations like 'the pipes above the power plant' ^Cluster automatic +2

Resin Production - when needed, she can 'spit' or weave an amount of sticky fiber resin that can trap things and further embed itself if it thrashes around. She doesn't have a lot of this available at any given time, silly Zeddian saliva doesn't behave like either resin or acid. She can make about the same amount as a large glue trap, a thin layer spread across about a 1.5 foot area at most. However this will easily fully engulf any small sized animals or people, and entrap and snare things larger than a medium-sized dog. She can release it with another kind of spit, but it also will wear out with enough struggling and flake off in about an hour. If she's hunting, she'll remain nearby so that things won't escape!

Xeno Hivemind - able to tap into the xenomorph hive-mind whenever there are others of this breed even distantly hybridized, so dragon-xenos, accidentally-bred-the-pet-cat-xenos, xenosaurs, or just plain ol' humanoid busted ones. Note well that she absolutely is a Queen-rank, and may come into some amount of conflict if a nearby Queen wants to throw down. Xhakss has lots more hands to throw, honey, be warned. This feature also allows her to command lesser-ranked Xenos, particularly drones, to do her bidding even if they're associated with their own hive or queen

Communicates In Hissing Clicking English - given her background genetics, technically speaking she can use a tongue and human-shaped mouth if she had one, to speak. So she knows the right ways to manipulate her actual mouthparts to make it sound like a terrifyingly chattery skeleton ghost, but she does get the point across

Clusters 9

^Stealth Is Life +3 (2) Even if she sits in on classes, it's unlikely anyone has ever noticed her there. She's never been called on by an instructor except in her Exploration class, though someone else has to pry her secrets if she's asked to explain how she does it. Any time she's trying to purposefully hide, she'll assess a location carefully with her... senses... whatever they are, and picks just the exact best spot. Could be behind a pillar in a museum, or nestled in the crawl spaces in an office ceiling, along wall-strung conduit in dark damp tunnels, or Behind Your Dumb Ass, all with approximately equal success

Command and Conquer +2 Xhakss has an incredibly analytic mind and can appraise situations between people, locations, or factions quite well. She's been playing an extended game of chess with several different professors (Paxton Fettel, who thinks he's winning, until he realizes what she's up to, and the president of the Chess club Thorest Glumpp, who knows he's losing and is frustrated that she won't join the club), and enjoys playing board games or even trading card games with folks. She will purposefully lose - a feature that Paxton should know since he would have used it in another dimension - and then figure out how best to work with the opponent's tactics. She will definitely have a good hive location and defensive setup when she grows up

Skills 16

Observe And Comprehend +4 You might not believe that a Xenomorph typically could get 'Excellent' or even 'Superb' grades in abstract things like science or math, but she is definitely smarter than most humans, and doesn't layer her own unusual background-based opinions on things. She understands culture and art as well as astrophysics (well, that it exists), and this might be due to her Zeddian burstling stage. She has oddly perfect handwriting. Maybe it's the two thumbed hands!

Somehow Senses Things +4 Her carapace doesn't show any eyes, but she still can 'see' in ways, and can describe colors accurate to humanoid eye responses. Her sense of 'smell' however is how she generally gets around and she can navigate busy hallways or open fields alike using her sensitive hearing which acts more like echolocation than anything else. But she definitely relies upon pheromone and scent trails for most activities, able to discern 'that guy' from 'that guy's dog' and 'that guy's dog was here but it's been three days and he'd been groomed the day before that so he's probably still sulking'. Very detailed information from even just a tiny bit of a sniff!

Knacks 3

Terrifying -4/+4 Even though most people realize that the Xenomorphs here at Carramba are 'safe' and won't actually eat you or lay eggs in your guts, that doesn't stop her from being absolutely and abjectly terrifying if she wants to be. She makes little hissing sounds, clattering her inner and outer teeth, rattling her long tail or even swinging its point around to just where you can see it lingering in the corner of your eye... she's not above using these tactics to cause an opponent to forfeit or even not show up for a match later in the day. It also definitely has the effect of 'first impressions' being somewhat negative, so she does have to be careful when and where she introduces herself to a new person for any reason

Looking For The Right Mates +3 She's a Queen, and eventually she'll want her own Hive. What better place to find a staggering array of males (or whoever, she also knows that 'genetic engineering' is a thing here) than a school and a dragonry!? Healthy strong bipeds, interesting shapeshifters, burly or swift or careful furries? All on the list!

Period Class / Instructor / Grade (Failing, Passing, Decent, Excellent, Superb)
1 Mechanical Engineering / G0rd-OS / Excellent
2 Realtime Geometry / Lari / Excellent
3 Vortal Communication / Bethoi / Superb
4 Deselection Procedure and Assignment Procurement / Carver / Superb yes, that's assassination
5 Journalism / Jackson / Decent* *will make better interrogator than reporter...
6 Optimism Under Duress / C'thain / Superb she's the duress
7 History of Warfare / G.Fettel / Superb
8 Urban Exploration / Saqqaf / Superb
Pets pffff oh no, nope. they're just lunch.
Parents? A Xenomorph Queen (Possibly, very possibly, Samuramat) and some poor Zeddian dude, technically burst from him not actually 'bred' to him...
Siblings? Oh, for sure, though they could be anywhere and look like anything they burst from!
Image From Zekiran made dat!
Other Info

They live on campus, somewhere in the tunnels around the Caffetorium, above the nuclear power plant and likely around in circles when the Particle Accelerator starts up.

They have an emotional support network - well, she relies on knowing other Xenos and likes knowing where they stand in regards to her, with or without her pressure being a Queen and all.


(( Please copy and upload to own site on images thx! ))


Name: Xay'root-lelth "Rolled In The Glitter"
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, 7'9" s
Colors: Silver Foil; body base is glittery silver, with rainbow mottling and a glassy overall appearance on body; wings are less glassy, but show rainbow watercolor over silver base
Features: Pernese, Hide skin with strong opalescence and glassy-shine; Four legs, 4 digit clawed feet, thumbs fore; Two leathery wings with 3 visible fingers and wrist thumbs, all claws; Long Muzzle with headknobs; Faceted Eyes; Low dorsal ridging from head to mid-tail, split tail end
Powers: Winged Flight
Teleportation (local and time 3; genre 6)
Telepathy (5) and Verbal Speech (1), Nexus Communication (3)
Assisted Firebreath (4)
Telekinetics (3)
Parentage: Speckled Opal Lelohinith and Lilac Opal White Ell'daa-veth
Mate/Offspring: ?
Origin: Rainbow Glitz Giveaway
Art By: Zekiran
Other Info: ?