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It had been months since an influx in the population of unbonded Dragons at the Den. No one really quite understood why, but the dragons involved seemed to think that it had something to do with a Nexus goddess or something. Though the Healing Den didn't undergo any seasonal changes, being out in the middle of the Nexus as it was, a lot of dragons and their riders would go out on occasion to relive their seasonal past-times. Some folks went out to spring festivals, others would pick apples in falltime splendor, most liked hanging out in the summer-time of whereever it was they had visited last. And then there were the deviants who liked winter most. There weren't many, admittedly, but when the riders would go out all bundled up and come back red-nosed and frosty with grins bigger than 'salsbury steak day' at the cafeteria, the dragons knew there was something to this. "We'd make snow angels," Edgy said. "I mean, it was fun and all, when we were kids. It's a little different now." What is a snow angel? Asked Kisero, the big brown from the Cross Gender hatching who helped tend the eggs now. What ... exactly is snow? Edgy turned to look at the brown. "... You mean you don't even know what snow is?" He laughed - the first time anyone had seen him do so in ages. "Well let's get you guys out where there's some snow! I know just the place too!" He lept onto his pale camo-brown Flurry dragon, Raizoth. "Home James!" He yelled, his parka flapping behind him. They soared out of the den's dragon exits, over the parking lot. Edgy took a glance backward, looking for the symbol over the big entrance. It read '920', but he wasn't sure why. But now at least he had a reference point. Come on - Raizoth beckoned the other dragons. There were almost half a dozen of them, all either abandoned or newcomers. They followed the mottled brown into the darkness of the Nexus. *** The group of six dragons and one lone rider arrived over Ryslen's snow-swept hills. There were still people out and about, it was morning and the snow had been falling lightly since midnight. People waved at the arrivals. Kisero marvelled at the brightness of the landscape. Why is it all white?! Is that snow? That is snow, replied Raizoth. The other dragons went over the hills to investigate. It certainly was cold out here, though it wasn't quite as cold as the Nexus itself. There were wind patterns sweeping up around buildings, grabbing bunches of the white fluffy stuff below, and swinging it into the air again. Green Lielth looked into the sky, seeing little more than overcast clouds and ... It's coming down... it makes me worry - what was that stuff that dragons on the other world used to fight? The panic in her mind was briefly echoed by the others, something deep in their ancestral memory was stirred by things descending from the sky. There is no threat here, Raizoth commented. He maintained his level headedness - he and his rider enjoyed hours and hours of playing in the snow! Do you think your girlfriend will want to come? Asked Raizoth, but Edgy shook his head. "No, I think dragons just aren't her style. They frightened her too much, and we couldn't go home really, anyway. You're my home now." Raizoth gave off a rumbling sound and looked back at the group. Brightly red and white patterned Khauduk was there, swooping over the frozen lake shore. Lielth had calmed herself and was now circling the tree line, occasionally knocking snow loose from the boughs nearby. Kisero had landed and was hopping on his feet complaining of how not like sand it all was. Blue Braenyth, normally quiet and subdued in the Den, was rocketing through the skies and into the clouds themselves, to see how cold it really got. And big black-rainbow Elarcoth went over the landscape like a shadow, entranced. They like it... Raizoth thought. "I kind of figured they would," Edgy announced. "Now, I think there are eggs on the sands here at Ryslen. Right?" Right. Many. There was a Flurry flight. I missed it. The dragon didn't seem to put off at having missed his chance at mating, he'd find another place some day, and a female worth flying after. "Do you think we could bring them in for it? They're... awfully lonely." Edgy said. He knew loss, he knew how they felt. While there was no real mental power to bond a parent with a child, he'd lost both his parents and was alone in the world until Raizoth came into his life. He of all people knew how hard being alone could be. It was true that the dragons had each other, but ... they were friends, and nothing more. Right? They could always use a bond. Or, a partner, or... just another dragon to be around them. Mental bond or no, they would probably all appreciate an invitation to the sands. *** Lielth stood under a particularly big redwood, which was covered in icicles and freshly fallen snow. She remained still, unmoving, and watched. They couldn't cheat. She knew that Khauduk was over by the big rock formation, covering herself in snow. Her red hide would surely give her away! But Lielth could still try and look like a sapling in color if not in shape. Kisero crept along the river bank, just shy of where Khauduk and Lielth were hiding. He was 'it', in their game of snow-tag. He had a nicely mottled hide, rather darker than Raizoth's but still good enough to actually blend in with open ground. He was enjoying himself immensely. He spotted a dark blue tail moving slightly, and knew by scent that it belonged to Braenyth. Got you! Tag! Kisero cried. The blue spun and hissed. I am not playing your game! Go find the girls instead! Fine! Sulk all you want. I know they're over here somewhere. Kisero moved along the ground smoothly, but didn't see Lielth standing frozen to her spot until it was much too late. When she bolted away into the sky, she let the whole tree worth of snow drop right on the big brown! While Kisero and Khauduk played further, the red and white applying a bit more strength as she all but lifted a whole sheet of ice off a small pond to 'hide' in, the other dragon who came with, Elarcoth, dropped to the snowy ground beside blue Braenyth. You are not having any fun. I knew I wouldn't like this. I should go home. You should stay! The rainbow winged black nudged the blue, who looked away like an angry cat. Well I think you should. You would think that. You're young. Yeah, just because you're ancient you have to act like a ... mopey grump! The black moved his tail around and 'accidentally' bumped the blue. When Braenyth turned to snap at the young dragon, his eye was caught by something in the pile of snow nearby. It had clearly been stirred up by the hide-and-seek game going on, but had been buried by Lielth's hasty retreat. Look, a little flitter. It's got snow all over its wings. Where is it? Oh - wait, look, there's another one! A pair of young flits, both clearly Ryslen born - both with spattered white along their otherwise dark wing sails - sat in the snow rather annoyed. One was a dark brown, the other a violet. When they had been uncovered, they both latched on to Braenyth for warmth. After all, he hadn't been rolling about in the snow and ice like Elarcoth had. ~~come! food hungry eat!~~ Beamed the brown. ^^like food? warm! hot food!^^ The violet added with an excited chirp. Yes of course, Braenyth said. Let us go find something to eat. He was about to head away, but the pair of flitters badgered him until he went off in the direction they indicated. Nothing else would do! He was led, along with a curious Elarcoth, toward the weyr itself. While they were going past the river, Khauduk burst through the ice and gasped - it is SO cold in there! It is terrific! You are almost completely white, Khauduk, you should warm yourself. We are going with these little flits. I think they want to take us to the weyr. Elarcoth told her. She was very pale, she'd been hiding under the water a little too successfully. Kisero had wandered up to the trees, and was busy looking carefully around there. Khauduk bellowed, Kisero! Come along! Lielth's long gone! Spoil sport, muttered Kisero, as he flew back to their side. You're frozen! You take this game too seriously. I do not. What have I missed? Lielth asked, fluttering above. She saw with a start that somber blue Braenyth had moved along with the flitters. They fell into a line, all behind him, and went into the big dragon caverns of Ryslen. *** "Um, I guess that's them then?" Asked Jeyann. Edgy turned to see the line of dragons from the Healing Den enter, the big blue looked as though he was ... "He's following those flits," Edgy said. "Ah - all those little flitters that I've seen. What happened?" "Oh don't ask what happened," Jeyann said, "tons of them happened is what." "Don't you think that's why Baeris puts birth control for them in their food?" Edgy laughed. Jeyann spun on that but held her tongue. She did what?! Well, she was breeding them to a purpose, so feeding certain ones so they wouldn't breed was a good idea. "So, you guys showed up finally," Edgy said, and Elarcoth sat and flaired his wings. Yes. It is nice and warm in here. But it was quite fun in the snow. I think I will visit snowy places again. "You might get the chance to stick around a little longer," Edgy said. Kisero snuck around and nudged the punker. What do you mean? "I mean there's a big clutch, the Flurry clutch, on the sands. You might get the chance to be all motherly for the eggs." Edgy said. "If you want to watch the hatching Jeyann says it's okay. Right?" She nodded, distracted by something else going on - when was there not something else breaking her concentration? How did her mother do it? The weyrwoman left Edgy with his Healing Den companions. Do you think we should? Lielth asked the others. I think it is a great idea! Elarcoth said, his tail swinging around happily. Khauduk was a little more hesitant, I wonder what kind of hatchlings there will be? The Healing Den has unusual ones - and Baeris and everyone speaks so highly of Ryslen dragons. I am a Ryslen dragon, Raizoth reminded her. This is my home, when I am not at the Den. Khauduk looked the Ryslen dragon over, carefully - decided that he was handsome enough even though he lacked the tall distinct Ryslen crest and tail spade. He didn't need those things: he was a Flurry dragon, and fins gave off too much heat in the winter! I suppose that I will stay, Kisero said. There will not be another opportunity like this soon, and we could always use more help on the sands at home - I am sure they would like help here. It is not just help they want, Braenyth said, his tone was as ever serious - but perhaps more so than typical. Everyone watched him. They want us to be present to bond. Isn't that right, Edgy? "... Yes, it is. I thought you guys might want the chance." He said, slightly uncomfortable under the older blue's gaze. Well these two flitters will not go away, so I suppose that they want me to stay with them. I agree to stay on the sands, but if I do not find another dragon to my liking I will not try it again. Edgy laughed, and said, "well the hatchling chooses! I know you were a hatchling once, but I think you should be hoping to be to the liking of some little hatchling, Brae!" Chastised, but finding the humor in it, Braenyth went with the others to the sands, to look over the extensive piles of red. Khauduk exclaimed, I could hide here without freezing my sails off! |
Green Lielth Hatched at: Alabaster Abandoned as a hatchling, still hopeful that she'll find a bond worth having. She helps on the sands, at the Den. |
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Red-White Marked Khauduk, Female Hatched at: Healing Den Frenzy 3 Demanding and aggressive, strong and often single minded. She is still rather small, less than a brown, but helps out the construction or transport teams frequently. |
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Brown Kisero Hatched at: Alabaster Cross Gender Frenzy (Ser-Lut) A medium sized brown with the sharp wings and features of his parents, Kisero has opted to help out at the Healing Den by cleaning the sands and keeping unwanted visitors away from resting females. |
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Blue Braenyth Hatched at: Healing Den normal sands 3 A somber, dark dragon whose bond abandoned him while he was still young. He is the oldest of this bunch, but still not aged by any stretch of the imagination. He secretly does really want to bond. He has named the pair of flitters that hang out with him, with the assistance of a human who found a dictionary. Hofa, the brown, and Hodij, the violet. Their names mean roughly "snow-tree" and "snow-prize". |
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Black Rainbow Elarcoth Hatched at: Opal Moon (gift) As the youngest arrival to the Healing Den in this group, Elarcoth has taken it upon himself to unify the rest and seems to enjoy doing almost anything. He is really looking forward to the hatching at Ryslen. He also really wanted his own flitter - so Edgy found him an egg. Normally dragons don't always like being around flitters, but Elarcoth is an exception. Below is Sooty! |
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last update 1-5-2003 background by Lethe