When the first hatchling, a lovely pinkish
white one, came out from her shell everyone was amazed, and the
stage was set. Everyone wanted to see what kind of wing sail markings
there would be, or if the dragonets would have horns or crests
or knobs or what.
It was almost halfway through the hatching
when one of the Healing Den dragons noticed something. A pair
of lovely hatchlings, including a duowing, knocked shells and
broke out together. The other was a pretty blue-violet fade to
white, speckled with pretty snowflake markings.
While the duowing went to his bond, the purple-blue-white
came marching up to Khauduk. She had a scarf around her neck,
white, so it looked like part of her markings. The little dragonet
jumped up and clung to it.
Khauduk laughed mentally.
Isilath called back, dangling.
It was more than a dozen eggs later when a
hydragon hatched (how did that happen?!) and was bonded to another
hatchling right away. In the midst of that, another dragoness
broke her shell. She had lovely clouded green coloration, and
had snowflakes on her wings. She went to Elarcoth and crooned
delight as she huddled up to him.
You are warm. I am Cayeith.
I love you!
Elarcoth announced her name proudly, and they
stepped away, Cayeith was careful of her sharp horns lest she
hurt her new love.
Half a dozen eggs later, one particularly
stunning pink irridescent girl came from her shell. She dazzled
the crowd with her lovely wings, and then a white with rust colored
markings and wings came out. He jealously watched the pink as
she made her way toward an actor but the white-rust had his eye
on that Diva already.
Get away from
him, you hussy! Cried the strange rust dotted hatchling.
The pink squealed, angrily, but then she watched as a dashing
rescue was made. She was so enamored of brown Kisero as he snarled
at the white-rust male to leave her alone, that she entirely forgot
about any human companion she might have wanted.
I love you, Kisero!
She sighed. Kisero looked down, surprised, at the youngling.
It is time to
start behaving like a lady, then, Gliolith. He
too had a scarf of white draped over his spined neck, which he
put over her delicately. She loved it, almost swooning off the
Shortly, an egg from Nocesleth's clutch shattered
open. It was a light blue, lovely sparkling snowflake covered
wings. Oooh, it's bright out here,
he bespoke. Only one dragon on the sands heard him, not a human
and not one of the odder creatures out there either.
Only green Lielth. She sighed. Her heart,
once hardened and angry at her loss, opened up. C'mere
Xeckth, she bespoke, and they went off the sands
to join their friends.
A few minutes later, another egg broke open,
and a white-silver green tried to get her legs moving, but she
just couldn't do it. She was so tired from having been cooped
up in the shell, and she was ever so hungry, and nothing seemed
to help. She tried to splay her wings to dry, but they wouldn't
Dyonath, are you
giving up? Bespoke the dark, older dragon Braenyth.
He watched her from the edge of the sands.
I can't do it,
Braenyth! She sobbed.
He strode delicately over to her, through
the broken and unbroken shells, until he reached his new little
bond. Yes, you can.
He nudged her up on all four feet, moved her wings open - where
they remained. She was still rather sleepy, wobbly in places,
but she made it out with the rest of the Healing Den dragons.