Baeris Kshau, masterhealer and dragonrider

Age: oh don't ask that. Immortal due to Healing Den's time-space drifting

Gender/Orientation: female, hetero

Height/Build: about 5'11, as shown - slinky and curvey but not too plump

Bonded: GreenGold stunt dragon Dulath, Blue firelizard Striker, assorted other small animals and draconics around the Den

Partner: S'tel, vintner; 5 children - Sebra, Rael, Lars, Bali, Tessrabia

Partner: Kalkin; Kaeleb, Baelin, Kali, Aelekta

Partner: .... Atrocity; Bruno

Partner: Bart Wheeler; Rowena, Bentley, Renee

Partners: Raa'nach Vahh; Raa'bina Vahh | Kallah Vahh; Gryphon Vahh

Grandchildren: Tess and Cynonix - Cryten, Tyssix, Xenrai (plus?)

Relatives: Queenrider Cheyanne Kshau (old world only)

Occupation: Mistress of the Healing Den. Administrative duties, birthing, human healing, herbs and poisons, dragon healing, dragon and human genetic engineering, guiding the Healing Den through time and space, diplomatic duties to other dragonries, organization of flights and hatchings, hanging out with the grrlz.

She stands almost 5'11, and is at least visibly middle aged. Her skin is tanned, not brownish dark, but well-bronzed. Her hair is vibrantly black and very long, straight with a widow's peak, and has a long streak of pure silvery-white starting just on the left side of her forehead. (She got this when Death and Ellaein breezed through the Den.) Her eyes are magnificently blue, and the way that her face moves, you can tell she's both a Sengihr and a Kshau.

It is unknown just exactly how many generations separates her from most of the others in the Protectorate, but Baeris knows and does not hint. Baeris has a sharp, perceptive and often arrogant personality. But she is very intelligent, and her talents are many. She is often sharp with people she believes need to learn their place, or a good lesson. But she is equally passionate with a lover, solid as a rock for a friend (though she has few true friends), and in Sengihr fashion she loves science and learning. She will explore something new, instead of repeating the same old routine.

She appreciates well-made clothing and prefers silks and furs, suede and fine leather. Though when she is working, a nice cotton outfit suits her fine.

Baeris bonded to a blue flitter when she was younger, and that blue became Striker, a gigantic boisterous and somewhat forgetful (and accident prone) monster on her shoulder. He is the size of a typical Bronze, in other words, he ought to be about 1/3 that size. He matches Baeris' eyes.

Baeris has always loved healing arts, but also is apt to show off with knowledge of poisons, acids, toxic plants, and the like. She has a huge collection of poisonous plants and animals in the Den's hidden cavern. If she cannot identify a poison with her eyes or other senses, it probably is new.

When she was only 19 she became a healer, and instead of continuing to research bone breaks or skin disorders, she accidentally delved into genetics. How? By locating a strange cavern which had several eggs of a dragon, and their mother. She attempted to heal the dragoness' horribly broken wing, but could not repair it. The dragoness and her mate, green Leinath and her blue mate, decided to allow Baeris to remain near the eggs. There, she tended them, kept them warm by bringing in piles of dung from nearby farms, and eventually the eggs hatched.

She and four others bonded that day. None of the eggs bore a normal dragon. Strangely tinted, odd sized, and one or two with clear mutations. These dragons sparked Baeris' love of breeding, and she soon knew exactly what she wanted to do with her life.

Breed little pretty dragons. You see, the normal dragons of the world were much too big for normal people to utilize day to day. They ate too much, were too loud, and had to live in gigantic caves. Baeris created a smaller, sleeker and some say far more intelligent group of dragons.

Baeris' green-gold Dulath is her pride and joy. It took many years to mature the little upright dragoness, and at last, she has flown in several mating flights.

Her sister Cheyanne was a dragon rider, upon gold Tzarrenth. Baeris and Cheyanne do not get along. Her sister is of the opinion that these little travesties of nature should have been let die in their shells. But Baeris perseveres, and to this day Cheyanne will not set foot in the Healing Den.

Baeris and Dulath are paired with S'tel and midnight-blue Vaoth. S'tel was and is a vintner, his brother a leather worker. Baeris and S'tel have five children, detailed elsewhere.

When Baeris was bearing her third child, their only boy, it was directly after the "Lost Clutch" hatched at her sands. Since that time, the Healing Den has gone with the Protectorate into the nexus between worlds. It is joined by Vella Crean and several other semi-permanent dragon homes. She feels she is in good company. S'tel and she parted shortly after this move, and their children go between the old world and the Den frequently.

With many different flights and frenzies going on, Baeris has had to learn some interesting new techniques. Subconsciously she guides the Healing Den through space and time, to where it's most needed. She has watched countless dragons hatch, many bondings, and witnessed (and participated in) some really spectacular flights. Her denial that she's a "weyrwoman" is the clearest fact that she is just that. Though she always has something happening, she's always quite organized. It doesn't hurt that she's got a Vaio and a couple of laptops and palm pilots to help her out... And Dulath to remind her of anything she's missed.

Her 'Sangerness' has grown in the last few hatchings and flights. While she remains in the Den most of the time, and allows the various bonded Sangers to come and go, frequently she's in the presence of Kalkin and his little blue Sixth. They have one child so far, Kaeleb, who was raised with his semi-sister Ivana - daughter of another dimension's Istvan. It's pretty likely they have another child on the way, by how much chocolate Baeris consumes... (( obviously this was before the rest of their offspring and... quite a few others...))