Mirus Danachian giveaway

Jehen, daughter of weyrborn riders, wife of R'ig, mother of J'reg

This is a character who was born in the Weyr, or who has been there so long it's their home.

Status: Retired Rider
Age: 55
Their family is adoring and often nearby, husband is R'ig, greenrider
Gender: female
Dragon: green Tyvesiusoth; Specializing in aerial navgation, helping with weyrling training, Impressed almost 40 years ago
Health: sick occasionally like a normal child
Height: a bit short for an adult
Build: thin as a twig
Skin Tone: rich red-brown
Hair Color: greyed at the temples auburn red
Hair Style: hardly wavy
Hair Length: to mid-back
Eye Color: hazel gold
Literacy Level: is highly literate since becoming a rider
Politeness Level: they are very polite and proper at all times
Focus: in every day life they are focused on their tasks
They're better than average in appearance
They are known for being very giving and generous

Values and Goals
Is very happy with: their dowry or inheritance
Enjoys: Deep Forests
Strong goal: build or create
Practically nonexistant fear: being neglected
Very strong like: the Beach
Very strong fear: Thread
Values: an old family friend

Name: Tyvesiusoth
Colour: Green
Height: 10'
Length: 30'

Tyvesiusoth, or 'Ty, as she's typically called, is a much smaller green than her weyr-mate's, and is thus quicker in the air and wears out much more easily (in her prime of course). These days, she spends a lot of time helping the Weyrling classes get their bearings in the sky, but she also spoils local children rotten by finding and delivering flitter eggs to them. It's not hard, her husband R'ig has a collection of flitters that just keep breeding and she wouldn't know what to do if she didn't give the eggs away!
