Mirus Danachian giveaway

Dark Blue Pin Dark Brown Winger Light Brown Duff Light Blue Cushion Dark Green Alto Gold SuperbLight Bronze Catcher

R'ig, born Ronig, born to guild representitives in the Weyr

This is a character who was born in the Weyr, or who has been there so long it's their home.

Status: Low Ranking Rider
Age: Early 60s
They are married and their partner still lives, Jehen is his wife, and J'reg is their son.
Gender: male
Dragon: green Rotoruketh; Specializing in guarding the eggs
Siblings: several half siblings on either side of their family, odd for Guild life but common in Weyrs
Born: last
Health: iron constitution
Height: just normal for their age in height
Build: kind of overweight but strong enough
Skin Tone: creamy, freckled
has threadscars along their hip and thigh
Hair Color: darkly brown
Hair Style: full
Hair Length: to waist
Eye Color: hazel gold
Literacy Level: learned to read before being allowed to ride
Politeness Level: they rarely appear hostile to superiors but they're not always polite to everyone else
Focus: they enjoy their work well enough but they love to play more often
They are attractive
They'd rather keep things for themself, but if they're asked they'll share

Values and Goals
Is very happy with: the unusual trait that they always attract lots of flitters (yes, those are all 'his' flitters, and they have a lot of eggs)
Enjoys: town life
Moderate goal: do nothing at all and relax
Strong fear: Thread
Extremely strong like: dark places
Passionately hates: the unusual trait that they have a perfect memory and can't forget anything

Name: Rotoruketh
Colour: Green
Height: 14'
Length: 42'

Rotoruketh is a large green, and in her prime could sustain fire much longer than many blues in the wings. However, after their incident with Threadscore, she was left with a lengthy rip and subsequent scar on her right wing, causing her even now much pain to fly longer than about 20 minutes at a time. This same incident struck R'ig across his hip and thigh, so he's actually glad that they're mostly confined to duties within the Weyr.

When R'ig met his soon to be wife Jehen, it was in the sky and almost to the death: they nearly collided when she was on her weyrling training, and he was returning from Threadfall.
