Name |
Chyibha (pronounced cheye-eeba) |
Gender |
Female |
Age |
14 |
Origin |
Servant Born |
Height |
5'9 |
Build |
Thin, but shapely |
Skin |
Pale |
Hair |
Strawberry Blond |
Eyes |
Red-brown |
Skills |
Domestic servant type, but also fighting with sticks/clubs |
Knacks |
Observant, can spot a good time to do something, excellent sense of direction and spacial awareness |
Dragon |
Green Margath |
Hatched |
Dasmalenra Weir |
Clutch |
Gold Seuth and unknown, clutch 1 |
Pet |
none |
Continued from Fahuong's page.
Chyibha's servant parents both grew up in a poor Hold. When that Hold was sold to another Lord, they too went with it. However, it wasn't long before the young girl Chyibha was taken from her large and illiterate family, and sent to live with the Lord holder, Pikat.
Though she was only thirteen at the time, that was, according to Pikat, the right age for a new girl to be 'broken in'. And he of course was just the man to do it. He had no intention of sharing her with any other man, but like most of his 'harem', she was often paraded about during his lurid parties. Chyibha was polite, endlessly so, but she was not stupid nor slow - she knew where this life would lead her.
When she learned of the girl who was being hidden in the closet space Pikat reserved for his punishments, she realized that not everyone had to settle for their fate. Clearly, Fahuong and she had a lot in common - not just their fair skin and beauty. They conspired, and finally managed to escape!
Running for days on end, wearing their Hold-softened feet to bloody states, the girls left Pikat's land behind and began a trek northward. While many people would have given up, the daunting endless landscape before them merely drove them both onwards. Finally they arrived at Dragonhope's landbound Hold, Greymoor. Telling their story to the steward, and their obvious state of disarray and hunger, he believed them and brought them before a journeyman Harper.
Getting this story out to the public was going to be devistating to Pikat and his Hold. And after the first month of his endless barrages of requests the pair be brought back to him - after all they were his property, signed for and delivered by their unwitting parents - the Hold leaders had no choice but to bring them to ... Dragonhope Weyr itself.
What happens there? They meet Nyuski and their lives become far more interesting!
Just when Fahuong was about to say how exciting the idea of being at a hatching was, and how wonderful it'd be if they'd impress, the first egg on the sands began to break. A blue came trotting from the egg, and bonded - followed by a brown who stood around while his other clutchmates hatched and paired up.
When the gold egg broke open even Chyibha came around to look. Though what could this gold give her but trouble? She knew better than to think that she'd bond this gold. While she watched, though, Fahuong was thrown to the sands by the green that she shortly bonded!
Nyuski went and bonded that stray brown, after the gold made her choice. Even Chyibha thought the girl was a bit young - but probably deserved the attention and status.
After that, though, there were five eggs - two broke with all but identical greens. Both began running toward Chyibha! Fortunately one of them changed her mind, there would be no fighting over the girl, instead she chose the other red-haired candidate.
You would rather I choose her? I do not want her, I want you. And food, I am hungry! Bespoke the dragon hatchling in a sweet voice.
"Then you and I will find some food, I even smell the feast for the new riders being cooked! Oh Margath, I'm so happy..." Chyibha had tears in her eyes even still.
Will we ever be allowed to fly again? Asked Margath, sheepishly glancing at the line of angry looking Holders. P'pel the weirling master was livid, and rightfully so. While Chyibha had great reflexes and response time, her young dragonet was still learning to navigate properly
Their 'landing' in the nearby Hold's gather grounds went over terribly...
"Well, I think we might ..." the girl said, but then as the stormcloud glare of the weirlingmaster and the Lord Holder whose land it was they'd crashed upon. Chyibha gulped, and for all the world it looked like Margath did the same.

The little feline like creatures that were scampering around the weir entertained everyone, well except for poor weirlingmaster P'pel. The Cloud cat that came to Chyibha was a gorgeous cream colored female, and she was soon named 'Cream'. Chyibha knew that wasn't remarkably clever, but then the flying feline did look the color of soft milk, and simply loved to drink it...

At last the group of riders were ready to return to Dragonhope, their dragons were grown enough to teleport and to land... properly. Margath, though green, still clearly remembered the chiding and the nasty looks, and more likely the mental attitude toward her from the weirlingmaster at Dasmalenra, so she knew better than to land in the middle of a crowded marketplace.
Fortunately there wasn't much crowding in Dragonhope, as the trio of dragons swept into the air above the chilly location. Chyibha laughed as N'ski's Fulth bellowed loudly at their arrival. Everyone would be watching by the time they landed.
But at least this time, Margath knew just how to do it.