Name |
Nyuski (pronounced neye-oo-skee), N'ski |
Gender |
Male |
Age |
13 |
Origin |
Dragonhope Weyrbrat |
Height |
5'7 |
Build |
Lithe, well muscled |
Skin |
Tanned |
Hair |
Brown |
Eyes |
Red-brown |
Skills |
Very handy, dexterous, and able to take things apart and put them back together flawlessly. Good with juggling and throwing. |
Knacks |
Has ridden dragons, of course, and is excellent at it. Plans on becoming a dragon jockey or racer, if he impresses. |
Dragon |
Brown Fulth |
Hatched |
Dasmalenra Weir |
Clutch |
Gold Seuth and unknown, clutch 1 |
Pet |
none |
Continued from Chyibha's page.
It would have been too much for Nyuski to continue living with his father, when his mother died. Though he and his siblings have clearly had a close relationship in the Weyr, his father N'lak had enough to worry about and the rest of the weyr clearly could use his expert hands. Keeping those hands busy became the Steward's job - and then the cook's, and then the Weyrling master's since he had been searched. None of this time, did Nyuski learn to read nor write - but he's still quite enthusiastic about learning other skills.
But because Nyuski had so much experience with the varying jobs in the Weyr, he was the one who got to be in charge of the two newcomers from the Hold to the south-west, Chyibha and Fahuong. They both think he's charming as heck, and the three of them actually seem to make a good team.
Nyuski immediately saw that the girls were in need of their privacy - hardly a luxury here in this large and sparsely populated Weyr. But he also knew they needed to become part of the weyr itself, instead of just visitors. So ... he brought them to the Searchriders. Both of whom applied their dragons noses to the problem - and came up with two new candidates!
Nyuski and the two girls then had to sit in on endless classes. Hardly bored, but also with a list of chores to keep the trio busy, they got to know one another pretty well while mucking out weyrs and cleaning the heights. Nyuski would comment frequently to the Weyrling master and his assistants that the girls, Holdborn though they were, did a diligent and thourough job on whatever work they were given. But they were still shy when it came to being around adult men, and the weyrling master recognized this instantly too.
With that in mind, R'vfen carefully suggested that the girls be sent to another weyr for a clutch or two. They'd be in a dorm with other women, and most likely become more relaxed with the idea of being around males - as they'd have to be, in flights or in fighting wings. Assured that they would be put to the best use that they had - perhaps courier work and the like, Nyuski and the girls were sent off.
When they arrive to Dasmalenra Weir their lives as riders really begin!
Nyuski fidgeted. The hatching was going quickly. That one brown, who'd hatched second, was still standing around watching all his siblings impress. After a while, though, he was so frustrated that the brown kept looking back and forth among the remaining candidates. There went another pair, green and bronze to their selected candidates - and the gold! After those were paired up (and one to Fahuong!) and the brown still hadn't found his proper bond, that he just stomped up to the dragon.
Thank you, N'ski... I am Fulth. I am sorry I did not make up my mind fast enough...
"Oh don't worry, Fulth, you'll be fast when you're grown up, right?" N'ski said with a smile.
Up front was where they belonged. N'ski sat with the bronze and brown riders, listening to the old weirling master say his somewhat bitter-edged farewell. The girls were with the other green riders, but they would go home as a team.
Just as soon as these little flying cat-things were handed out. Or caught on the wing, or pinned carefully under a serving bowl, which was where N'ski's wound up. Just as big as could be, though he was a cub still and could fit in two outstretched hands, the winged cat let out a piercing scream and then curled up abruptly in N'ski's lap at the dining table. "Boldly," N'ski said, "or is that Bowl-dly?" He laughed, but the kit stayed with him.
At last they arrived to Dragonhope, where the chill air brought goosebumps to N'ski's skin. That and the huge bellowing trumpet that Fulth gave off to announce their arrival! It could have shattered ears, somewhere near the ground...
He would put up a good show for leadership, after all, he was meant to lead a wing. N'ski looked forward to the day he was considered mature enough, even though they were all two years older and bolder by far...