Dun Keiba Deep Caverns - ASPIRANT PAGE

Currently there is NO clutch on the dunes.

Parented by Female ** and Male **

The Deep Cavern is warm and well lit, and filled with the wet air that goes along with a sweltering summer rainstorm. There is one cool breeze, but the drak on the sands is right under it, and it is clear that she's not going to give it up for any reason.

"Welcome to the deep cavernss," she rumbles, "are you an Aspirant?"

"I - uh..." you stammer.

"You are not sssure?" She grumbles, and then stands up revealing the tops of several round eggs that are buried in the warm sand. "You musst be ssure. You must passs certain requirementsss."

"How will I know if I've passed?" You ask.

"The High Knight will allow you back. Now... go find him, or the Prince. They are both good judgesss." She puts her head back down, but not before indicating a panel on the wall near the human-side entrance.

On the panel there is a list of informative rules and regulations, Aspirant conditions, and the like, as well as the locations of where the Judges are often found. You look these over.

Aspirants should be human, near-human or able to participate in their drak's upbringing and flight. Icarian Aspirants are preferred, but not required - if a non-Icarian Aspirant is presented, they must have information about how they arrived to Planet Icarus.
Aspirants can be male or female (or ... whatever, if something new) but within 13 and 30 years old/adolescent if ages differently than human. They should not have any condition which will make them unable to help their drak or unable to ride them, though caretakers are welcome to apply as well, providing 'spare' draks with aid even if temporary.
Pages must include a link back to Dun Keiba's home page. All links must work, and every image or background/etc should also have a link back to its creator.

Images have two stages, hatchling and Drak. The Hatchling must be up on the page WITH a story within 3 weeks of hatching, or I will automatically abandon the hatchling. Icaran draks will not re-bond, but they will remain here at their hatching place. I will not give multiple chances to get a drak "back", if you're out on vacation or in school or your computer's broken, I will understand, but if possible please inform me about when you're due back.

** 2023 - note, while I will certainly waive the 'with a story' component, those adopting here must still make an effort to post their draks on the pages that they earned them with

Images cannot be used in collections, sold on the "market" online, given to other people, or readopted out to others. They are ©2002-2023 Lethe/Droppin the Fork, and I'd be more than happy to create your own draks if you want to operate a Castle. Images may be layered with riders, name plates, etc, but a clear original should be somewhere too.
Drak names are always given at hatching. Do Not Change Them! Naming Draks is explained on the Icarus main page. Draks are awarded based on personality, and if required, the needs of the Aspirant/Adopter. (If there is a requirement that the character become the High Knight and you wish to ask for a more impressive looking drak that's okay, if you've got plans for them to breed and require a female, that's okay too. But you have to tell me first.)

Announcements are made at the Nexus Discord only

(old info: To get announcements about hatchings and flights, please join the Planet Icarus Message Board found at the main page of the Planet Icarus site, the Nexus, or, be a member at the Kshau Protectorate Cyberpets group at Yahoo.)

You may use High Knight Dunstan or High Prince Almiron to be Judged!

Please include this information with your Aspirant Request:

Your Email/online ID (preferably one I recognize)

Your Main Site Name

Your Character's Name/Gender/Age

Your Character's WORKING URL

Any Special Requests

DRAK MAIL THIS REQUEST FOR JUDGING! (send via message on Discord to Zekiran)

Below the list of requirements is another tackboard with spaces for names on it, this must be the Aspirant Listing! Currently there are NO eggs on the Dunes. Since draks choose based upon personality, any combination of male and female Aspirants will be accepted until there are enough to bond.

Drak Name Endings - Female = **, Male = **

Last update (mumblemutter years ago)

Please apply!

Female Aspirants
Male Aspirants