Dun Keiba Knight and Drak Pairs

Each Knight, Squire or Aspirant that has been sent to other sites can be found here.

They are not all expected to be in an Armada for fighting. Armada characters are here.

View the other non-paired folks here.

Knight, Gender, Age
Drak, Age, Information
Appearance and Personality
Combat Surgeon Istvan, Male, 19
Female Wind Cephari, paired at Mi'ihen (12/26/02)
Track Runner, Judge?, Combat medic

Olive tan skin, vibrant black hair, brilliant blue eyes.

Jumpy and worried, Istvan knows that at any time, his 'owners' at the Renaud Institute could come for him.

Junior Transporter Alexander, Male, 19
Male Night Khymelyn, (1 year older than Cephari) paired at Mi'ihen
Charming Kid, now a Transport team member

Light skin, black-brown hair, pale brown eyes.

Sure of himself, always smiling, secure friend and devoted ally.

Junior Peacekeeper Reynate, Female, 20
Male Fire Gwaelyn, (1 year older than Cephari) paired at Mi'ihen
Linguist, Historian, Peacekeeper

Light skin, rich red-brown hair, deep brown eyes.

Like her brother Alexander, a devoted friend, but a bit secretive and silent unless in her element.

Scotia, Female, 16

Female Forest Shadeynna at Descas (2/22/04)

Animal Tender, Ninja

Lives with Ninja clan

Red haired green eyed fireball.

She'll be in training to be a better tracker, animal trainer and ninja, after her stint at Descas

Elmon, Male, 17
Male Ore Tezriyn at Dun Keiba (2/13/05)

ninja, medic

Lives with Ninja clan

Round faced and happy, not very ninja like at all.

Working with injuries both on battlefield and at home. Transport easier with Tez!

Ulla, Female, 19
Female Forest Sashna at Lanaara
former mob thief, scout and delivery pair

Pleasant but guarded, dutiful and strong willed.

Takes her duties toward the Castle very seriously, doesn't tolerate injustice.

Troupe, male, varied ages
Entertainment troupe, based in Dun Keiba
Paired up from different Castles, with the expectation of traveling all around the world!
Mob Kids (varies, young)
Former Mob children
Making sure that they get a fair shake, but also correcting the wrongs of their parents in the Mob.
Palina, Female, 40
Male Plant Yoramindy from Mindspace
Maid, Knight, Gossip and Emo

Gothic exterior ... gothic interior.

Rilo, Male, 21
Female Wind Haenacal from Mindspace
Fencer, Knight
A simple man and his adoring drak.
Tay, Male, 25
Male Ore Issurru from Mindspace
Bounty Hunter, Knight
Just don't mess with them. Ever.
Xaldor, Male, 42
Male Desert Iaryromi from Mindspace
Fencing Instruction, Knight
Serious, serious, serious.
Zellinee, Female, 28
Female Midnight-Twilight Xadarpa from Mindspace
Composition, Knight
Overprotective and sad, competant in knightly duties but rather be singing.
Yatsuuai, Male, 27
Female Wind Angora Chamkare from Mindspace
Weaver, fashion designer, Knight
Fun loving, loves life. Omitsae's partner.
Omitsae, Male, 24
Male Plant Angora Ksamkuz from Mindspace
Buyer, appraiser, Knight
Spot on, talented, warm, and practical. Yatsuuai's partner.
Moss, Female, 14
Female Forest Coisksa
from Baskar 4.22
Medical Transport and Triage
Attentive, independent; Daughter of Scotia and Elmon
Moss Sib 1
Moss Sib 2
Yared, Male, 16
Male Earth Talsask
from Baskar 4.22
Herding, Perimeter Knight
Kind, observant; son of Aib'n and Hamala, brother Mered
Mered, Male, 13(*)
Iolanthe, F, 16
Female Water hybrid Leliawda Ventul from Honshu 11.9.22
Drak and Knight Healing
Swift and sure, combat medics
Emialus, M, 16
Female Wind Jasuhi
from Acicade 5.1.23
Castle Chef and Hunter
Focused and pleasant, willing to travel for new flavors
Amros, M, 22
Male Mud Chabuüt from Chindor 7.11.23
Racer and Drak Racing
Charming and fun but knowledgeable
Adhraiba, F, 17
Female Earth Dusakgi from Wo Yao Fei 7.11.23
Racer and Drak Prep
Young but all-business if it concerns racers
Sarme, F, 16
Female Earth Pirosis
from Descas 7.23
Drak Care
Troupe's next generation
Calig, M, 17
Male Mud Seelfe
from Savannah 10.1.23
Sea Protection (Overland Routes now)
Ship and Shore Merchant
Jeleba, F, 18
Female Earth Salomro
from Abazzu 11.25.23
Merchant Logistics
Tungkhai, M, 18
Male Rock (mud) Kilawwe
from Wo Yao Fei 1.15.24
All the Lists you ever need
Larn, M, 16
Male Night Satask
from Acicade 3.?.24
Preventitive Patrols and Diplomacy
Clever Ninja
Sacan, F, 20
Female Water Quoosal
from Chindor 5.15.24
Scouting, Travel, Aid, and Aspirant Judging
Once lost, now finds others
Vernacia, F, 19
Female Wind Zavymju
From DesCas 9.15.24
Reporter, Recordkeeper, RolePlayer
Sita, F, 20
Male Mud Buixt
From Savannah 11.17.24
likely to be a drak Knight
Ulovar, F, 16
Male Mud Ryudiz
Wo Yao Fei 2/3.2.25
Jouster, Archer
will go into Knight ranks
Sevelm, M, 17
Blacksmith, Racers
Toddek, M, 15
Soom, F, 23
Wood Carver
Nezaln, F, 19
(mob, blacksmith)
Erokaal, M, 19