Dun Keiba Non-Riding Inhabitants

While the castle and caverns are filled with the Armada draks and other riders, there are quite a lot of other folks who inhabit the place.

Any Castle requires a number of servants, cooks, trainers and staff to keep it running smoothly. Without these people, riders and draks alike would suffer.

** 2023 notice: most of these are Zekiran characters who may or may not make their own presence known on the World of Zekira DMZ version. Consider these on Dun Keiba to be the alternate universe versions.

Name, Gender, Age
Relatives if any
Appearance and Personality
Castle Keeper Bepa, Female, 55

Distant cousin Bart

Greeting newcomers, handling emergencies, typical head-of-the-household

Rich tan-red skin, pale red-orange hair in tight braids in front of ears, bright green eyes. Typically seen in overalls or other comfortable but durable clothing.

Bepa is cheerful, playful and full of life. However, she is a bit reserved and sad by the fact that she cannot bear children. She overcompensates by treating everyone as if they were her own family.

Head Medic Aadron, Male, 50

Daughter Aura Marad (offworld, mother Myst)

Organizing medicinal treatments, surgeries and emergency trauma teams

Rich brown skin, slightly poofy afro black dotted with silver, oddly blue eyes. Wears professional but comforable clothing, often shorts outside.

Aadron is comfortable with his tenure as the Head Medic, however he did not come across this title easily. His abilities with people are coupled with an exotic telepathic healing power, which he uses sparingly if ever.

Head Cook Malpin, male, 50

don't know yet

Buying and assembling all food dishes, supervising cooks and serving meals

Very pale skin, burns in the sun quite easily, almost transparent white hair kept in a pony tail, and eerily red-pink eyes - a true Albino. Always wears covering clothing outside.

Malpin is a studious and careful man, with strong experience in catering and assembling new dishes. He loves to present interesting things at meal time, and is always looking for new spices and herbs.

Head Ground Guard and Bounty Agent Mhun, Female, 43


Keeping the peace among human in habitants, protecting Dun Keiba's grounds from invading Mobs

Deep red skin, strawberry-red hair dyed to a creamy blond on the tips, in tight braids, hazel green eyes. Usually wearing leather tunics and sturdy pants.

Mhun takes no guff from anyone. Very organized and clearly cut out for hard work, she lives up to every expectation of bounty hunters, and at the same time manages to keep track of everyone working at Dun Keiba and the nearby villages so no one is mistaken for an outsider.

Guard Lifo, Male, 40

None known

Underling duties to Mhun, paperwork and physical tracking of people

Light red-tan skin, mohawk of short cropped tan-brown hair, tan colored eyes. Usually dressed in camoflaging colors of tans and browns.

An expert on local tracking and tailing human prey. Trusted implicitly by Mhun, but few others.

Guard Kadi, Male, 33

Several illegitimate children scatted around

Ex-mob, good at choosing tactics and recognition of enemy camps

Olive tan skin, burly build, short, dark hair, golden yellow eyes. Always narrow in thought, always looking at you the wrong way.

Kadi is not a friendly man, nor does he want to be. While he is not truly handsome, he's got a bit of charm (hence the children) but he is not a family man to say the least.

Head Tailor Uffi, Female, 38

No local relatives

Tailoring needs for the whole Castle, loves working on drak-hair items for Knights

Pale glimmering tan skin, prematurely silver curly hair, dark blue eyes hidden behind glasses. Wears the fruits of her own labors.

Uffi is a steadfast, constant workaholic. If there isn't something in her hands she feels utterly naked. She buys and sells cloth, material and thread, dyes and such, and works with the High Prince and Princess' mother on occasion to develop new colors.

Junior Medic Aura Marad, Female, 28

Father Aadron, mother offworlder Myst, Rhyme, several extended relatives on mom's side

Works with father in emergency medical center, often flies with drak medics

Coffee-cream colored skin, violet-black hair in tight braids to waist, periwinkle eyes. Always smiling, usually wearing sexy things.

Aura's healing power is openly stronger than her father's, and she is apt to use them freely especially in the field if there are injured Knights.

Trauma Consultant Rhymisaatian Veh, Male, 34

Mother offworlder Myst, sister Aura, many relatives

Psyche trauma healer, dream collector

Creamy skin with handsome tattoos of stripes on shoulders and arms, rich curly black hair, eyes which change color with mood and powers.

Rhyme is able to understand so many things about people who have undergone trauma that he has a knack for helping in just the right way. He examines dreams and to a certain extent can exert his powers on them to heal.

Medic Xsia Paveh (zee-sha), Female, 21
Extended relatives only, most offworld
Emergency healing, field medic

Rich violet-black skin, totally black curly long hair, violet eyes. Dresses much more sexy than a healer ought.

Xsia is from a long line of healers and loves her work - perhaps a bit much, she seems to be actually attracted to pain, if not those in pain.

Animal Handler Aib'n, Male, 35
Wife and two sons
Animal husbandry, raising food animals and keeping others healthy

Dark brown-red skin, reddish brown hair in a tuft-tail, cream-yellow eyes. Native to the region, traditional garments usually worn.

Aib'n cannot stand seeing animals suffer. He is for animals what Aura is to humans, a friend at all times.

Agriculture Head Miik, Male, 50
Grown son
Planting and harvesting most plants, seedlings and splices a specialty

Reddened tan skin from working in the sun, light red hair, dark red-brown eyes. Wears typical farm-hand clothing.

Not remarkably talkative, but knows his plants very well.

Wilderness Guide Rami, Female, 30
None known
Wild animal control, patroling for Nex

Sunburnt skin, golden hair cut short and boyish, gold-brown eyes. Wears only functional clothing fit for wilderness work.

Rami is a gruff, sure woman who won't take no for an answer. She seems to be able to heal herself quickly, indicating some kind of powers, but she has never tried standing for a Drak so she doesn't know for sure if she'd be better off with one.

Racer Handling Vaje, Male, 45 (Vah-jhe)
None known
Breeds and handles racers for work and competition

Light tan skin, fluffy hair of pale silver, violet eyes. Wears good quality but functional clothing, pulls out the stops for trading and bartering times.

Vaje is an expert breeder of Racers, loves riding them himself, and knows many routes around Dun Keiba's territory to find wild Racers.

Racer Mai, Female, 20
None known
Races for her living, choosing the right mount for the right course

Dark brown skin, vibrant brown very curly hair, pale teal eyes. Wears comfortable riding and long-term-traveling clothing.

Mai relates better to animals than people, so she usually can be found in the Racer stables and with them in the field.

Race Controller Rae, Female, 23
Older sister, newborn son (father unknown)
Designs race courses and judges Racers

Golden tan skin, red hair dyed black tips, violet blue eyes. Enjoys wearing revealing leather outfits that are also good for Racer riding.

However good she looks in that outfit, she doesn't have the social skills to keep any close friends.

Race Rider Herso, Male, 15
Parents deceased
Works for Rae, handling young Racers

Light tan skin, goldenrod hair cut short, shining metallic colored eyes. Handsome and put into odd leather outfits by Rae.

While he's able to tolerate Rae for short periods, he much prefers the solitude of training Racers and preparing them for their runs. He is heavily withdrawn since the deaths of his parents two years back.

Harpist Diaz, Female, 22
Large family
Professional musician, harp and other stringed instruments

Brown skin with big freckles, dark blue-black hair in fruffy-neck afro, beige eyes. Always grinning, very happy to be playing for people.

Diaz is a healthy, strong willed girl who lives through her music. She thinks in terms of ballads and songs, and is always humming something. When she is without her harp she is usually seen with things like finger-pianos (thumb-harps common to African tribes) or just whistling.