Dun Keiba Records Cavern

** Note 2023 **

# no evidence of ever having been put up, Archive.org does not have it, abandoned - even if the owner is on Discord, sorry
* hatchling up, no adult, abandoned as adult - returned even if owner on Discord
^ thanks to aol/geocities shitting the bed or other issues this may not be abandoned purposefully but it's not visible anywhere any longer, or I'm not sure whether the owner of the site in question is a current Nexus member, either way I'm allowing this dragon to continue to not be abandoned
@ Is either currently around or can be confirmed as non-abandoned regardless of the link shown (I have looked them up, or they're on Discord active enough to warrant it)


Nest 1 Wind Zariyapar and Plant Heldiadu parenting

Female Aspirants
Male Aspirants
@Indrid and Plant Halzardu (m)
@Myan and Water Zhelduar (f)
@Raf and Rain Nelladuar (f)
#Illiana and Wind Novaduar (f)
Currently with Threen
@Luc and Mud Sevlardu (m)
@Cealyn and Plant Lelardu (m)
Read the Hatching?
^Vortex Blue and Rain Hzeduar (f)

2/13/05 Update

Nest 2 Forest Yachari and Plant Halzardu Parenting, read the Hatchings?

Female Aspirants
Male Aspirants
@Espra and Rain Deneduri (f)
Jede and Desert Velridu (m)
#Rolas and Earth Champaridu (m)
@Ichafore and Ore Nycaridu (m)

Nest 3 Purple Duowing Heliozmaj and Cream Duowing Niylkezt(h) Parenting

Female Aspirants
Male Aspirants
@Ocusa and Dark Prism Cyarajzt (f)
@Threen and Opal Khiduajzt (f)

Nest 4 Wind Cephari and Night Khymelyn or Fire Gwaelyn Parenting

Please note: these draks are related, please try to avoid inbreeding

Female Aspirants
Male Aspirants
#Vayari and Water Modynri (f)
Currently with Threen
Marek and Day Aykynri (f)
@Rhean and Wind Umynri (f)
@Phiol and Mud Zoriyn (m)
@Elmon and Ore Tezriyn (m)
Unpaired Males
@Plant Durriyn (with Threen)
@Desert Malriyn (with Threen)

Update 4/09/06

Nest 5 Day Nysyph and Forest Male Verichliaw Parenting

@Ashley and Day Female Nanphaw
^Lanthlas and Rain Male (mutant) Chylawph
Read the HATCHING?
@John and Desert Male Vysawph
@Gert and Ore Male Skawph

Nest 6 Forest Female Shadeynna and **Ore Male Tezriyn

2023, moved from cavern page - okay this specific clutch is a wreck, I will be re-doing the hatching and making sure that the right characters are around, since now I know Chrysthia is owned by an active member... and that Aedre was sent by me elsewhere even though I'd already written this up for him lol whyyyy am I stupid? his will go to another of my characters. ** I might also need to replace because they're related

Chrysthia () Aedre (whoops, will replace)
Feige (??) Read the HATCHING



Date ## ## ##

Female and Male Parenting

Female Aspirants
Male Aspirants