Dun Keiba Records Cavern ** Note 2023 ** # no evidence of ever having been put up, Archive.org does not have it, abandoned - even if the owner is on Discord, sorry ** Nest 1 Wind Zariyapar and Plant Heldiadu parenting
2/13/05 Update Nest 2 Forest Yachari and Plant Halzardu Parenting, read the Hatchings?
Nest 3 Purple Duowing Heliozmaj and Cream Duowing Niylkezt(h) Parenting
Nest 4 Wind Cephari and Night Khymelyn or Fire Gwaelyn Parenting Please note: these draks are related, please try to avoid inbreeding
Update 4/09/06 Nest 5 Day Nysyph and Forest Male Verichliaw Parenting
Nest 6 Forest Female Shadeynna and **Ore Male Tezriyn 2023, moved from cavern page - okay this specific clutch is a wreck, I will be re-doing the hatching and making sure that the right characters are around, since now I know Chrysthia is owned by an active member... and that Aedre was sent by me elsewhere even though I'd already written this up for him lol whyyyy am I stupid? his will go to another of my characters. ** I might also need to replace because they're related
***************** Date ## ## ## Female and Male Parenting