Name: Avril Corning

Gender: Female, Asexual

Age/DOB: 19, ~2011

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Spain, had been on vacation as a child with parents, to Atlanta GA when the Combine arrived, and escaped with them to the Enrichment Center, where they were then shunted to Black Mesa

Family: Alonzo and Felicity Corning, one older brother; currently residing in Black Mesa on Repurposed Earth, only Avril came to the Rookery

Other: Though she expresses no interest in finding a boy-or-girlfriend, Melissa has hinted that she doesn't 'have' to in order to give the world a new generation. Avril actually kinda likes this idea. Aetna is her daughter with Duke.

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 125, almost all muscle but very long and slender, doesn't look like she should be hefting hammers and metal rods around, but there she is

Hair: Red-orange, short, silky, messy; however, the bandages on her head aren't just to keep it out of her eyes while she works. She has extensive scarring on her scalp, neck, back, and legs, which she prefers to keep hidden

Eyes: brown, but it's a mighty orange looking color, large, a bit sad

Appearance: richly tanned, both from her genetics as well as a life in the sun, she scrounges for whatever semi-permanent bandages she can find, and covers her scars though usually there are some visible. She looks more comfortable in a blacksmith's smock than a fancy party dress, and almost always wears protective gloves

Genetic Abilities: None obvious, however she takes to the forge with gusto, and it's clear that Melissa thinks highly of her potential. She may have some form of pyrokinetics lurking in her genes.

Icarus Processing: None, but Melissa really wants to get it done so they can find out whether her potential is really there. She doesn't have any negative markers for it, and would benefit.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Dragon Rider/Inkscribble

Skills or Profession: At the Black Mesa Ranch there are always things breaking, needing fixing, or wanting to be created. Avril took to the forge as a very young child, always fascinated by machinery and metals. She showed no fear as a very young child when her family was visiting colonial America exhibits, and the ideas she got about how to improve those old devices followed a historically accurate path to the modern era. She loves steam engines, blacksmith tools, the heat of a kiln, and working toward goals, so whatever she sets her mind to doing, she'll create it for sure. While she cannot refine metals here at the Ranch, she can ask those at the Mesa to do so, and they deliver, sometimes commenting that it's 'quaint' that she wants to to it 'the old fashioned way'. But this wild-west looking town could hardly be anything but old fashioned. She forges the spikes and hooks that the ranchers use to attach nets over the Antlion herd, makes sure that hinges are solid, and can make more than just metal goods - she's taken up glass blowing as well, and can express her artistic side.
Personality: Unless she's in the forge, she's rather dark, sullen, and only smiles when she knows the mood is good. She is not 'casual' in any way, almost always guarded and hesitant to join in festivities - but this seems to be breaking down as things fall into a rhythm on the Ranch. She knows she can trust the people around her, and the dragons! She does love seeing her items get used, whether it's a freshly made knife or a jug for serving juice, her self-confidence rises with every piece she makes.
Events or History: Born after the original Synchronicity Events, but shortly before the Combine's arrival on Repurposed Earth, Avril and her family were originally from Spain and were on vacation - spending time seeing the sights, they claimed, 'before they're gone forever'. Just in time, too, because several of those colonial areas had already been damaged by the Portal Storms as well as the subsequent normal weather, and without people to maintain them they were lost to the world anyway. What her parents didn't know was that their young daughter had pocketed several small 'instruction manuals' while they were visiting a farrier and the next-door kiln for glassworks. When the world was shaken again by the attacks from another dimension, they were stuck in Atlanta, city 47, and would never go home to their regular life again. They were located by one of Paxton's Replicas and eventually shuttled toward the Enrichment Center, Avril and her father had both sustained burns from the buildings which had exploded around them, unattended gas lines still spewed gouts of flame. But even then Avril showed no fear of the fires around them. She was more angry at them.
They spent less than a month there while Avril and her father healed up, until it was safe to move them using the teleporter in the basement, to Black Mesa's refugee city. They were among the first of the refugees there, actually. Avril took in the sights of this amazing place with an eye toward asking about this device, that huge door, what was in that cart, what did this machine do? (Avril was one of the reasons Arne Magnusson was a bit perturbed by 'children' being around 'his' work - she literally never stopped watching him, even through glass, down hallways, she followed him around like a little bitty ghost.) As she grew older and slightly bigger (she'd never be a large woman) she braved the site exploring, now and again getting lost, but always asking questions about how to use these big machines. Though most of their purpose had been lost, she could still figure out how gears and pullies worked on the mechanical side, saw where ball bearings were of use, and even could fetch small items tucked away in isolated rooms when scientists needed something from one and couldn't reach them. (Most of this was before the Pantheon were moved there, and most of their hallways were still filled with both dead scientists and rubble.)
When the Ranch was proposed, she was still only 7 years old, and was absolutely enthralled with the idea of it. Her parents and brother resided in the Ranch for a few years, and were working there when Melissa, Geoff, and Paxton visited Black Mesa; Avril was still in training when Geoff and Alyx went to the Ranch itself a number of years later. Her folks went back to the more sedate Refugee City and declined to come 'look at the dragons' but Avril decided it was well worth moving to a new world to settle there, help those in need, when the Rookery was established.


Name: Heliozmaj (heel ee oh zuh mazh)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small (multiple wings) 6' s / 20' l / 20' and 30' ws
Colors: Violet over entire body and limbs, slightly lighter wing finger tips, slightly darker nose and tail, wingsails markedly gradient violet from darker tips to lighter by arms/body; crest and tail spade also gradient; eyes change, typically blue-oriented
Features: Four-winged ('duo-wing') and four legged Ryslen-born, with typical massive paws with retractable claws on long slender legs, strong chested body, arched neck, and long muzzled head with short headknobs, wings are leather with three visible fingers and short wrist thumb, no visible claws; body is hide skin needing some amount of care, sheds, tradtional Ryslenesque neck crest; note that Helio absolutely does come from Pernese stock, but almost all of his ancestry is unusual in some way, and his wings are a mutation not found anywhere else in his clutch.
Powers: Winged Flight, you can bet that four wings fly hard. His forewings are slender, fit for maneuvering, and hind are bigger and scoop shaped for power, and he uses these in tandem to produce an accurate and willful flight path the likes of which few have ever seen. He is good in the air with Avril on his back, unused to a rider, but sensing that now is his time to truly shine, and he wants to impress her.
Communication, though many of the dragons residing for long periods in the Healing Den learned to speak verbally, Helio did not, and relies purely on telepathy to communicate with dragons, people, and other creatures that can 'talk'. He has always been able to send thoughts quite distantly, and is firmly connected to Avril so he always knows where she is and what she's experiencing. She doesn't find this nearly as intrusive as that sounds.
Firebreath...ish, Without the need to actually do any fighting while residing from youth onwards at the Healing Den, Helio was never quite sure whether he even could produce flames like some of his siblings and ancestry. Turns out he can, but he doesn't think it's remotely impressive enough to start showing off. However, he can light Avril's forge, and that's good enough for her. Actually it's nice for all of them, he can seemingly cause candles to light up just by passing them, and even stodgy old Grigori seems to like it when the purple dragon wanders through his church - he doesn't have to reach up with the lamp lighters to start his incense burners. Helio can also extinguish flames, a more powerful ability than starting them by a few times - he's been known to douse fires started on the fields before they could spread.
Parentage: Green Kalkt (Cy dragonstake?) and Violet Adherath [Purple Julanith(sapphire)/White-Purple Deakoth(hd)] (HD)
Origin: Born on Ryslen sands clutch 40, gift to Healing Den
Other Info: Heliozmaj has attempted to fly in mating frenzies but sadly they've never completed, so he's been lonely for a very long time. Perhaps he'll find someone at this upcoming Rookery Halloween thing. He thinks the worlds need more multiple-winged dragons in them! Also he knows how to help Avril with her work: having resided at the Healing Den all his life, he's been continuously exposed to both modern and traditional technology. He knows how forges and computers work, and is curious to see how this new world he lives on will adapt once they get rid of those nasty Combine things. He knows he's no fighter, but he will defend their territory from those invaders should they get anywhere close.