Name: Duke Disler [Na uul-hoch darr-eeya'zhaa maakaa'yox = he makes sparkles, light and fire that impresses and distorts vision, a stupidly long Vortal title prompting his sister's to be shorter]

Gender: Male, Straightish

Age/DOB: 15ish / 2015

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Fairport Alabama

Family: Mother Jillian, father Rex, sister Reina

Other: probably has other relatives, and will certainly have kids of his own soon; Indeed, Aetna is his daughter with Avril

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 145, fairly skinny and lean, but still reasonably strong and healthy

Hair: Strawberry blond, fluffy, usually messy and jaw-length

Eyes: Light blue, somewhat shifty but pleasant

Appearance: Fair skin with freckles in the sun, always smiling, but always with that smile that says he's up to something. There is usually some kind of light or fire around him, often shimmering like heat haze, and sometimes he just up and vanishes visually - a light camouflage power that at least he's learned how to control. He has tried to grow facial hair, to um, laughable results, so he tends to shave.

Genetic Abilities: Strong pyrokinetics, with light based illusions and camouflage. His pyrokinetics can be focused to a metal-burning centimeter-wide beam, though this can only be used at very close range. His illusions affect only those close by, apparently bending the light patterns any farther than around 10 meters is impossible for him. He can create and alter any visible frequency of light, as well as twist infrared to an extent, so he is of great use confusing Combine heat-sensors. He has quite strong empathy at close range, so a room full of people may overload him a bit. He also has, as his father does, uncontrolled Vortal visions of either near-future events on the world he's at, or those 'genresight' through the Barrier. Unlike his father, however, he can remember these visions and even to a small extent control where he's looking (though not either start or stop the visions, that happens randomly).

Image Credits: Rinmaru Games/Ascension

Icarus Processing: No, with Rex being as strong as he is, and Jill having had the process done, he's inherited enough to be quite powerful on his own.
Skills or Profession: Though he's smarter than average, and his mother is a bit disappointed, Duke is a shit student. The way he looks at it, is that the world's done - if he was any good at science or math, he'd pursue it. But he certainly isn't. He does however have a good background in literature and likes reading about historical things, truly enjoying speculative fiction, as well as psychology. Of course he sort of weaponizes psychology... Though he can aid some of the manufacturing of items, heating metals to melting, and maybe burning through walls to reach new areas, he prefers to be the entertainment division of the Rookery, and he's quite good at keeping people's attention off of the crappy world around them.
Personality: Flighty, less of the chivalrous and loyal type that his father turned out to be, and more like Rex in his younger years. He's not abusive, and absolutely abhors any insults being flung around - he doesn't like racism, sexism, any ism really, and doesn't hesitate to put those who use that kind of language or action in their place. He will leave a lot of heartbroken girls behind him, and probably a good amount of heartbroken guys. If he does find true love, it'll be surprising.
Events or History: Has always been as bright and energetic as both his parents, and encouraged to be pleasant about it. With the birth of his little sister, everyone knew they would be some of the strongest, and headstrong, people in the Pantheon. With the destruction of the Combine coming just as both of them were truly able to control their significant powers, the move to the Rookery seemed quite sensible.


Name: Cinderglow
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 10' s / 47' l / 84' ws
Colors: Mainly bright orange, dark salmon under neck/belly and tail, back scales brighter yellow-orange, strip of tan along mid sides, wingsails mottled / splatter pattern of light tan, peach, red-orange; wing fingers fade to pale orangel horns, back spines, claws all yellowish-tan; eyes dark intense crimson
Features: Skywing, four strong legs with 5 and 4 curved claws and heel-claw on hind; hide is scaled with large overlapping rounded scales on most of body, flatter plates on belly, large rectangular plates on back/spine and tail, with smaller scales on face; short triangular ridge along entire spine from head to tail tip; leathery wings have 4 visible fingers with elbow strut and strong wrist thumb, all bearing long curved claws; head has short nose horn and two spiraled backswept horns, external ears, and jaw horn nubs
Powers: Winged Flight, as a Sky dragon of course Cinder is an expert. Why wouldn't he be? What have you heard? Actually he is pretty good, though overshadowed by bigger and burlier Sky and Nightwings in the Rookery. What he does do well is fly with Duke on his shoulders, and they make an excellent spotter team above City 82, clearing the Combine away.
Verbal Speech, Cinder is a lot like his little human friend, in that he has a bigger vocabulary than he knows what to do with, and actually doesn't use it nearly as much as he'd like. He can speak in Draconic and English, and understands the basics of Vortigese, but doesn't try speaking it for fear of being mocked. He has a remarkable range of expression in his voice, with both tone and volume, so whenever dragons want to put on a show or take acting lessons he's right there for it.
Fire Breath, as brilliant as he is, there was no doubt that Cinder would throw a tremendous flame. It's accuracy is the best feature for his work, being able to aim and shoot at distant Combine soldiers or even the speedy Hunters on the ground, and hit only them, not the refugees running around them. It's one thing to jet a line of fire and let things just burn behind it, but another entirely to have the pinpoint accuracy that causes one soldier standing near a transport to burst into flames - the chaos that causes is so much better than immolating everything and hoping for the best. The flame is quite hot, able to melt thin metals and burst any paper or cloth into ash. It's best at range, from 50 to 100 meters, but he can actually shoot a very tight burst of superheated gas over 300 meters, and ignite it with a spark.
Parentage: Mother and father Skywings Fever and Bellows, sister Laser!Caution! Half-siblings in orange
Origin: adopted from Furrygamer2003 at Deviantart
Other Info: Though he's really quite talented in most typically draconic ways, with the flight and fire and all, Cinderglow is painfully unsure of himself and jumpy. He will question himself constantly, second guessing, unless Duke or some other dragon comes by to reassure him. Once he gets rolling on a subject he enjoys, he will hardly shut up - until someone comes along and he misinterprets their question or expression, and he clams up again. Duke definitely wants to encourage him to branch out with his acting - he truly is a master at vocal and body language.