Copper and Saffron Vance

Name Copper Vance
Gender Male
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 7
Luck 4
Drive 6
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 4
Powers Telepathy (local)
Teleportation (devices)
Machine Genius
Metal Shaping
Clusters Fix Things Better +3
Skills Tinkering/Inventing +4
Shoot Small Guns +2
Urban Exploration +1
Knacks Mistaken For...? +3
1 Thriving in a Post Apoc Dystopia / Aretha
2 Mars and Venus Culture / Noah
3 Electronics for the Future / A. Takahara
4 Cartography / Rex 903
5 Basic Architecture / Yresh
6 Paintball Team / Axemurderer
7 Martian Studies / Gabriella
8 Archaeology / A. Sanger


Dragon Fever
(Donor Parent) Alyx Vance
(Siblings) Saffron


Name Saffron Vance
Gender Female
Homeworld Aperture Labs
Class Junior
Nut Nut
Totem None
Smarts 7
Bod/Feet 7
Luck 4
Drive 6
Looks 4
Cool 4
Bonk 4
Powers Telepathy (local)
Teleportation (portal gun)
Mechanical Whiz
Machine Control
Clusters Make Anything Work +3
Skills Adorable Grease Monkey +3
Computer Use +3
Improvised Weaponry +2
Knacks That's Not Demure +3
1 Thriving in a Post Apoc Dystopia / Aretha
2 Advanced Technical Languages / Charybdis
3 Netiquette / Charybdis
4 Speculative Engineering / Valarian
5 Dragon Riding and Tactics / H'lis
6 Paintball Team / Axemurderer
7 Chaos Geometry / A Caroline Clone
8 Multiplanar History / Prescott


Rusty (m)

Dragon Bellows
(Donor Parent) Alyx Vance
(Siblings) Copper


Dragon of Copper

Name: Fever
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 11' shoulder / 55' l / 100' ws
Colors: rusty orange, brownish toward feet and neck, slightly mottled with brighter orange; belly from neck to tail tip is yellow-orange; wingsails brown through yellowish orange mottled with faded yellow splotches; horns, nubs, dorsal ridge and claws all charcoal grey; eyes vibrant sky blue
Features: Skywing, four slender muscular legs with 5 and 4 digits with sharp short claw including thumb and heel claws; two large leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and strong wrist thumb, all with long claws; scaled skin with tiny scales on sides and limbs/digits, soft plated armor on belly, and harder segmented armor along entire back, fronts of limbs, and tail, narrow scale strip separating belly and back; dorsal from head to tail tip has short wedge shaped ridges; face has strong hooked lip, curved nose horn, sharp jaw nubs, and two slightly spiraled backswept horns, external ears, and prominent eye ridges
Powers: Winged Flight, Fever is a remarkable flier, able to stay aloft even in very bad conditions due to her strong fire production and innate heat. She does require a bit of space to take off but she can land on very small strips of ground or trees, buildings, or bridges with ease. She can carry quite a bit of weight, but for short distances.
Verbal Communication, though she does have a strong mental connection to her human friend, Fever usually speaks English or Draconic, with a bit of an accent from her homeworld drawing out s sounds and occasionally lapsing into dialects that even her fellow dragons don't know. She has a good vocabulary and a highly technical mind, and truly enjoys helping her human and his sister out with their duties.
Fire Production, though Fever isn't a Firescale dragon, she might as well be for the amount of flame she can produce, and the temperature which she usually shows. Though she doesn't outright burn things on contact with her scales, if she concentrates she can cause the air around herself to almost glow with heat - this is how she stays up in the air in bad weather or colder conditions. Her flame breath is stunningly hot, and deadly accurate to over 130 meters, melting thick metals and burning holes into wood or other substances. She can sustain that heat as well, leaving a swath of charred Combine or burning vehicles in a mile-long line.
Exceptional Fertility and Motherhood, Fever is protective and enjoys being around eggs and young dragonets, and has it in her to continue laying eggs with 'the best males' in the Rookery or beyond. She might even be fertile with non-Pyrrhan dragons, that remains to be seen.
Parentage: unknown Skywings, mate of Bellows, mother of several including Preserver, Osprey and Goose, and Cinderglow and Laser!Caution!
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Fever is totally on board with being a 'front line' dragon in this battle on the Rookery. But she's also well aware that she's 'quite the dragon mom', she figures this is par for that course - of course she's a good mom, a prolific one, if there are battles to be fought, there must be more dragons to fight in it!

Dragon of Saffron

Name: Bellows
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (wide wings) 11' s / 50' l / 102' ws
Colors: neck, chest, belly, under tail and behind legs medium buff; sides brilliant red from face, limbs, body, tail; dorsal scales and limb armor faded red with a medium brown strip; back ridges, horns, claws and eyes light warm brown; wingsails brilliant yellow-orange at arm gradient into orange, and vibrant red-orange by edges
Features: Skywing, four slender muscular legs with 5 and 4 digits with sharp short claw including thumb and heel claws; two large leathery wings with 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and strong wrist thumb, all with long claws; scaled skin with small scales on sides and limbs/digits, soft plated armor on belly, and harder segmented armor along entire back, fronts of limbs, and tail, narrow scale strip separating belly and back; dorsal from head to tail tip has short wedge shaped ridges; face has strong hooked lip, curved nose horn, sharp jaw nubs, and two slightly spiraled backswept horns, external ears, and prominent eye ridges
Powers: Winged Flight, bellows is an extraordinary flier, with the duration that most other Skywings think is legendary. He has a great heat production inside him which certainly plays into his durable flights, but also he's just super strong with those wings, and can cross immense distances without tiring. He can also lift a gigantic amount of weight but requires it to be firmly hoisted with a harness if it's ungainly. He can and has simply carried off an entire Razor Train with Combine troops still in it. Where that train winds up, only he knows.
Communication, he's able to speak Draconic of several worlds dialects, though tends to only pay attention to those who either breathe fire or fly (as in: those sea or ice ones are a little ignored...); though his vocabulary isn't as technical as some, he can still spot what his human friend needs to aim at while they're flying - he knows which train she's talking about, under what roof, and which individual car might be the dangerous one with the spicy filling... Bellows also is loud. Very loud. As in burst your eardrums if he 'shouts' loud.
Fire! Yup. Bellows lives up to his name, because he can sustain high heat and broad flames with ease. His accurate 'snipe' of a foot-wide gout of super heated flames can hit a single Combine among a lineup, from over 200 meters away, while he can also lay down a meter-wide swath of thick billowing fire accurately around 50 meters away, and keeps that up for alomst 200 meters in a line. But also he can super-heat air, blowing just heat across an area, which can light things on fire, cause explosions in canisters or ammunition, and blister living things right where they stand. Every once in a while he's called upon to 'super clean' the steam tunnels, making sure that nothing untoward is there - be it Combine scanners, headcrabs, or stray barnacles, and all he really has to do is take in a deep breath and blow into the tunnel. His heated air does the rest.
Parentage: Unknown Skywings, mate of Fever, sire of Cinderglow and Laser!Caution!; With Sandwing (??) produced Sundive
Origin: Adopted from Furrygamer2003 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: He knows he's hot stuff. And yes, he knows that's a pun.