Name: Reina Disler (with a short and sweet vortal name that she doesn't share)

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: 15ish / August 2016

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Fairport Alabama

Family: Mother Jillian, father Rex, brother Duke; some number of other half-siblings

Other: likely to have other relatives, particularly once Duke starts flirting...

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 150, muscular and tall

Hair: Auburn red, straight, usually long with a pony tail or bun

Eyes: Normally light blue, but change with moods and power use from darker blue through brilliant yellow-green

Appearance: Fair to creamy skin, burn and peel (don't put her in the sun too long, she'll be as red as her hair), usually with a wry grin and a quirk to her eyebrows; loves layered clothing and skinny jeans

Genetic Abilities: Incredibly powerful pyrokinetics, so much so that she very nearly killed her mother on the way out of the womb. Thankfully she doesn't remember this, and Jill has had those memories chemically repressed. She can do impressive 'superhero' tricks with her fire - making it rain in a wide swath, fireballs, snipes from 200 meters away... immolating things, the works. She has no trouble with warm areas, but doesn't actually cast heat off herself unless she concentrates. She can create a warm, bright light within 5 meters, but in order to get it to be cool enough to walk through it is fairly dim. She has the typical psychic powers suite of telepathy, empathy, and a bit of aura reading, all at moderate distances and ability. She does have a stronger empathic sense up close, and also a bit of dream lucidity - she can enter other Vortal dreams, and control her own easily.

Image Credits: Rinmaru Games/Ascension

Icarus Processing: No, that would be incredibly bad for the next generation given what her own did to her mother.
Skills or Profession: She is considered the 'smart' one of the pair of siblings, and both of them are okay with this. Reina lives up to her name in most ways, she's a quick thinker and has a very sharp wit, able to baffle people with bullshit when her brother dazzles them with ... whatever it is he's doing. She has studied history and literature, more than science or math, but is adept at most things and has had occasion to help out with educating the younger kids. She seems to be far more patient than her brother, and can repeat the same instruction without resorting to an angry or snide quip... to your face... Her powers, however, are where she's been of incredible use. As a sniper in the Outlands, Reina has been known to blast Combine forces out of the sky before they're even aware that they've been spotted. All she really needs is a good visual, and what with Paxton's Replicas out there too, that is quite easy to find. Her powers don't make noise aside from the fire that burns after, so when he needs a silent sniper, she's the right choice.
Personality: Tolerant and patient to a degree that neither of her parents reach, and absolutely nicer than her brother. However she can be feisty, she's much more patient with normies and children than she is with her age-mates or those who have riled her before. She doesn't necessarily hold a grudge, but she does remember who's faulted her, or her family.
Events or History: She was just coming into her teen years when the Combine was defeated, so she's been a little disappointed that she didn't get to see the same action that her parents generation did. But then... there are dragons, and more Combine, and the Rookery! She's quite excited to be at either Black Mesa, and really wants to start edging into the Cities of either world, in order to start truly letting her powers flow.


Name: Laser! Caution! ( can thank Ross Scott for that.)
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 9'5" shoulder / 43' l / 80' ws
Colors: Bright red along sides and full wings, brownish rust under neck/body/tail, yellow-orange along back and strip on sides; all claws and horns black, dark blue eyes
Features: Skywing, four strong legs with 5 and 4 curved claws, hind has heel-claw, fore has thumbs; heavily scaled body with larger flat plates on belly/neck, overlapping armor along full spine, smaller scales on face; leather wings have 4 visible fingers, elbow strut, and prominent wrist thumb all with strong long curved claws; face has short nose horn, jaw nub horns, and two spiraled backswept horns, external ears; short triangular ridge along entire spine from head to tail tip
Powers: Winged Flight, as she is a Skywing, of course she flies incredibly well. Fast and dynamic, though a bit rough on the landings and takeoffs. Does require a very large amount of space to lift off, but can leap off of high places to gain altitude before opening her wings at all. Is known for being quite fancy in the air, though tends to leave the spiraling rolls and loops for when Reina isn't actually riding her. She can lift a lot without effort, and doesn't tire quickly unless she's in cold weather or in very still air.
Verbal Speech, Laser Caution is adept at overstating nearly everything, and uses her knowledge of both Draconic and English to embellish all that she has ever done. She and Cubbage actually are pretty good to compete in that regard. By the way she loves her name. She loves people saying it, except when they're chastising her or telling her to stop burning things...
Burning Things, she is really good at that. She can lob a fireball to 100 meters, accurate to an incredible degree. While flying, she can leave a single straight line of fire burning high as a wall to prevent Combine forces from entering an area (or enclosing them in it...). All of her flames are 'stupidly hot', she's not a firescale dragon, but she may as well be, and it's very likely that even here on this weird other world, any offspring she lays will have a strong chance of being one.
Parentage: Mother Skywing Fever, father Skywing Bellows, brother Cinderglow, half siblings plentiful
Origin: Adopted from HufflepuffHannah at deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Laser Caution is everything that Cinderglow wants to be, but can't because he's too shy. In her way, Laser wants to help him, but often enough just winds up making him even more self-conscious and jumpy in the process.