Name: Chet Green

Gender: Male, Straight but mostly Asexual

Age/DOB: ~28/1997

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AA Enrichment Center, Fairport Alabama

Family: Mother Rose Green and unknown other donors; Sister Eden; Aunt (also donor mother) Collette Green, cousin Deena Green, nieces Jade and Autumn, spliced daughter Aletheia with Cybil and son Clark with Carmen

Other: **prior: had been spliced with several high powered Pantheon by Melissa, however they have yet to be implanted or birthed; no one is really sure how strong they will be **from Dossier: Chet is an unusual case of recursive genetic cloning: two of his donors are sisters, while the other four are unrelated. It is unclear whether their relation and closeness of these duplicate genes has affected his abilities (hint: they do.)

Height: 6'

Weight: 230, very broadly built, though is mostly chubby and not particularly well muscled, he is strong but not toned

Hair: Dark brown with reddish tints, tightly curled (sorry there's no male hair in Icon that's curly :( ) and reasonably long

Eyes: Light brown, often with dark circles around and under them, due to power use, stress, and the occasional sobbing fit

Appearance: Pasty skinned, would be light but hardly goes outdoors any more; cheeks tend to be red, and with power use or any strong emotion he will flush or blush strongly, intimidating with how big he is; prefers his comfortable old clothing, because of his powers, so they're often ripped and threadbare - this changes with the Rookery

Image Credits: City of Heroes/Icon / tektek

Genetic Abilities:**From Armacham Dossier (not necessarily correct) Chet is a psychometrist, able to touch items, people, or even just enter a space, and ‘read’ the history or near-past events that have happened on, with, or around it. Unfortunately, this power is extremely strong, and he has yet to fully get it under control. Thus, he must be carefully observed as he touches new items for the first time. Since he is on the youngest end of the Paragon spectrum for this batch of subjects, he may yet come into more abilities, or refine this one. The level of detail that he can detect on an item is truly stunning. The fact that he can do so in some cases of very strong vestigial psychic energies at a distance is also impressive. Instructing him on how to best convey his findings however, has been an issue. It may be easiest to place him with a telepathic partner at all times, in order to clarify or seek specific information more easily. As an example of his prowess with an item’s history, not only does Chet sense who has most recently handled an object, but what they may have been saying at the time, as well as where the item had been before that time – if the object is not terribly complicated, he can also determine where parts of it were manufactured, though his inexperience with history and geography tend to stall that line of investigation. In the case of a psychic presence, Chet has occasionally been overwhelmed by the power of another even if they are no longer nearby. Chet will not go through certain portions of the Enrichment Center, purely because Alma Wade has lingered there recently. When she actively is searching for other minds to touch, Chet is in an unfortunately similar situation with Paxton Fettel and Lynne Costa, in that they are utterly unable to fight off any of her mental energies. Should she possess Chet, however, he has few other abilities to create dangers she could exploit.
** Not from dossier: Chet's abilities are focused but not entirely confined to the nerves in his hands. He wears gloves when handling anything but his own prized and long-term possessions, and only grabs onto something when he absolutely must. While he can trigger his power consciously, it's more an effort to keep it from going off. The Vorts have attempted to help him refine this ability, but since he is remarkably sensitive even they have been unable to really do much.
His full power can only be accessed by touching an item. He does have a limited range telepathic ability, and strong but unfocused empathy near groups of people. He can sense very strong Vortal presences, but cannot determine anything else about them than they 'are strong'.
Icarus Processing: **From Armacham Dossier: No, though the process will become available to him if he is cleared, Chet is currently under observation due to the nature of his powers, and it is very likely that the Icarus process might do more harm than good. He has however been slated for other mutagenic programs, which may offer better results.
** not dossier: Chet was never given any other treatments due to the Events. They would not have succeeded in helping his 'condition' any, however. The 'harm' part of the Icarus would have been quite obvious - he is already too Vortal for his own tastes, and though his body might have benefitted, his lih would not.
Skills or Profession: ** From Dossier: Chet is a book worm, he loves to read and enjoys talking about obscure historical facts. However he also is a rabid sports fan, something which not many of his peers can claim. Thus he often discusses games and events with the staff, who are more than happy to oblige. He struggles with biology, but other physical sciences such as geology and chemistry he excels. It’s possible that some day if he manages to control his ability, he may be of use to determine chemical compounds or poisons. His personally expressed goal is to become something of a detective, and the Armacham legal department is already working on determining whether his visions will some day qualify as ‘expert witness testimony’.
The fact that they couldn't use most of the normal processes on Chet when he was quite young, showed a bit in his education. However, he is still quite smart and likes learning - at his own pace, using his eyes and mind, not his power. While he's never had downloaded skills actually implanted, he has always been able to cleverly put what he learned into action. Perhaps it's that his powers are apt to go off by accident, that he is exceptionally observant and keenly looks around a room before entering it. That paranoia has certainly saved him from trouble on numerous occasions.
As he is now, though, Chet is more apt to help with research and relaying information, he's comfortable behind a desk, and though there aren't many 'desk jobs', assisting people with where to go and who to talk to about their own needs is something he's good at.
Personality:**From Dossier: Chet is a bit of a difficult boy. He very much wants to participate in the events and activities with the other students, but he must be wearing specially outfitted clothing to prevent his skin from coming in contact with too many items. There is never an indication of what might set his senses off, and he has never been able to detect any specific triggers. This leaves him a bit bitter, angry with himself as well as lashing out at the world in general. When he is in comfortable settings, and with people he trusts, Chet is boisterous, generous, and a bit pushy. Since he cannot always count on himself being able to perform activities, he has also gotten it into his head to boss people around – if they do what he asks, they will almost always be ‘required’ to do so again. Thus a willing telepathic companion might be a very good solution to many of his issues. At times, it is very clear that Chet would like to be able to just forget what happens to him on occasion, and indulge his whims. He has been burned by this too often – and too strongly – so at times he will withdraw, self-pity is a strong emotion that comes from him according to Lynne, but no one is really able to help him come out of that phase. He must do so on his own, and since he is still young, that happens fairly easily.
**Not dossier: As time goes on, Chet does mature a lot more than the Keepers would assume. Though he is still a withdrawn and somewhat sullen man, he can easily be coaxed into at least watching if not briefly participating with group events, though he tends to stay clear of children because they may get too clingy for his liking. He has kept his childhood dorm items, and enjoys the fact that a local portal panel has been installed in that hallway - he and a few others just didn't want to go to Black Mesa, he in particular didn't want the added stress of an entirely new set of histories and overwhelming Vortal information coming at him. He prefers to remain at the Enrichment Center even now.
Post-Rookery, however, he has gotten a little more bold once more, though he's still quite gunshy about handling anything.
Events or History: Chet had always been powerful with his psychometric ability, and while a very young child could be clothed in specially designed outfits to prevent his power from incapacitating him. But those suits were not available later, and he had to just keep using the same shirts and shoes, until they were only of use to protect his hands or shoulders as drapes. He was counted upon to confirm the validity of the blueprints that Rattmann had 'delivered' to the group shortly before taking down GLADOS, and would remain on site quite some time otherwise, usually just in his dorm or the common room and back.
He discovered the keypad which locked the Medusa, helping to get Paxton's Replica soldiers back into play, an extremely important turning point in the Pantheon's history. Also, caused a 'feedback loop' in conjunction with Rex and Tina, while they and Cricket were out on a patrol for items to salvage. This loop triggered with their unique combination of powers allowed Rex to tap into a specific item's history, while shared with Tina - he saw into another dimension, where they themselves didn't exist at all, where the Combine had been 'allied' to some Human groups but not others... It was just as exhausting as if he'd only been touching it himself, to all three of them. This event, particularly broadcast as it was, brought all three of them to Lane's attention, though he only got back to Rex on the results.
Post-Rookery, on the other hand... Chet didn't believe that he'd be able to really 'ride' a dragon. But he wasn't prepared for the 'little' miracle that is Preserver. With her amazing silk woven into an Icarus-like suit, he can now confidently brush up against things without repercussions (most of the time, anyway)! He still remains quite careful, that instinct will never truly leave him.


Name: Preserver
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-small (delicate build) 9' shoulder / 43' l / 40' ws large, 22' ws small
Colors: Golden, copper, black, orange; a mottled and shimmery metallic body, limbs, and tail, that only varies by what base color is showing off what accents; wingsails are incredibly smooth and shiny, brilliant with black patterns over strong orange and yellow-orange edges; medium grey horns, spines, and claws; sky blue eyes
Features: Sky-Silkwing hybrid; four legs, four wings; scaled hide, most of which is quite tiny scales, but with larger soft plates on belly, evenly smaller ones along her entire spine; feet have 5 and 4 claws fore and rear, with a heel claw on her rear feet, however her forelimbs have very high 'thumbs' and under those are her silk glands; wings are three and one fingered with an elbow strut on both large and small wings and a short wrist thumb on both, leathery but they look more like butterfly wings; face is long and narrow, sharp, and has a nose horn, two small jaw nubs, external ears, and two slightly curled backswept horns; short heavy scale ridge from head to tail tip.
Powers: Winged Flight, though not a powerful flyer with her multiple but small wings, Preserver can still flutter with an amazingly haphazard style through a battle zone unscathed. She does not do this with her little human friend on her back, preferring to keep him out of the action. But because she does have four wings, her stability can improve radically - not in speed, but in precision of landing and takeoff, and moving around narrow or low corridors. If there's enough room for her half-stretched wings, she can still move, so even a small warehouse is still a place that she can fly, she does not require the full 40-odd feet of wingspan to fly successfully. She likes the warm air around the Rookery, it helps keep her aloft longer, but she does tire from any flight pretty quickly.
Verbal and Vortal Communication, unlike many of her peers, Preserver is quite sensitive to the Vortigese Flux-Shifting communication used around them, and can warble her own strangely-accented replies. She's more on the receiving end of those mental messages, though she does have a strong connection with her Human friend. She can speak clearly in Draconic and English, and is intrigued by other non-English human languages. Her voice is considerably higher than most other dragons, she can trill like a bird.
Silk Production, like most of her purebred Silkwing kin, she is able to create a variety of different types of silk strands from glands in her wrists. It is this feature that she uses to aid not just Chet, but all the Humans and even Vorts - her silk can be used to create cloth, in fact she's tried to weave it herself while it's coming out of the glands! She's very intrigued by the uses that it's been put: Chet needed it first, so she just clumped a bunch of it around his hands... That ... worked, but was a bit messy? Over the next few weeks as they got used to one another, Preserver learned how to produce sheets of it that provided an even, complete weave, but was sticky enough that it could be 'stitched' together by pinching it around his wrists. She has consulted with Wilson Carver on how to make 'clothing' for people.
Heat Haze, unlike most Skywings, and showing that she's much more like her sire than mother, Preserver cannot summon true fire breath. But that's fine, she asserts, because she'd rather be able to warm a room of cold refugees than roast a Combine soldier any day. She can produce a volume of heat that is hot enough to burn highly flammable objects, around a 12'x12' room would be stifling and difficult to breathe for a human. When she and Chet are at the Enrichment Center, she tends to attract a following because it's usually a bit chilly down there. The same is true if they visit the Michigan facilities, down in the salt mine Spheres...
Scales Shed, though not a 'power' so much as an effect, the tiny-tiny scales that make up her hide and wingsails often shed, and can be collected by diligent humans. In fact she can leave a little trail of sparkling 'glitter', and this has been added to any number of glue-and-macaroni art projects by the kids around each facility. It can also be embedded into the silk weave of new very impressive clothing... So says Wilson.
Parentage: Mother is a Skywing, Fever, sire is a Silkwing who may have also fathered Grabbity, and cousins via their mother Goose and Osprey.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 at Deviantart
Other Info: Chet wears the silken 'garments' that his dragon friend makes for him, under other clothing. Like the Icarus suit for some others, it's incredibly comfortable, but also functional as armor - for him in particular, it protects him from touching things. It is a pale peach shade, almost matching his skin, and on first glance is nearly invisible. It doesn't wear out quickly, either, so he can go through more than a week at a time without needing to get it repaired or replaced, even with normal daily 'use'.