Name: Cybil Danner

Gender: Female, hetero

Age/DOB: 25/2000

Origin: Armacham-Aperture Genetic Lab / Repurposed Earth

Family: Several donor commonalities among the Pantheon, including Cricket and Martin based on powers and hair color. Has at least two engineered children, Aletheia with Chet, and Ares with Ruben.

Other: Is popular among the refugees until she does some power or other, has been called a witch by some older normies.

Height: 5'3

Weight: 125, curvy, healthy, stronger than she looks by a long shot

Hair: Red-orange, straight, long, kept loose mostly

Eyes: Green-blue

Appearance: Fair skin with freckles, gains lots of freckles when in the sun for an extended period but doesn't seem to burn, likes snug but soft clothing.

Genetic Abilities: Moderate close-range telekinetics, can lift up to her own body weight but only for a short time, can 'throw' items that are small a good distance hard enough to dent walls. Touching items can allow her to sense through them, thus she can 'see through walls', any connected item can be used in this manner. Senses present events only; vision, hearing, smell. (Can touch an extention cord in one room and sense through the items it connects to down the hall.)

Icarus Processing: Yes at age 3, this strengthened her Vortal powers by a moderate amount, and gave her faster healing as well as a moderate boost to her strength. (She is around 2.5 times stronger than a typical person her size.)

Image Credits: Doll Divine Sari Maker / tektek

Skills or Profession: As an information technology trainee, Cybil would be groomed for spying, secretarial placement, and subversion techniques. Her powers would allow her to spy on privileged conversations in other rooms by simply placing her fingers on a device connected to that room. While she had further infiltration techniques installed during the download process, those only ever got a workout during GLADOS's reign and she's not really been interested in reinforcing them since that time. They did keep her alive: she knows how to escape notice and physically infiltrate or escape an area. But that gets her dirty and she doesn't particularly like that.
Personality: Cybil is suspicious and deliberate, always observant and always kind of shifty herself. She has trust issues perhaps brought on by the Armacham training which was never counteracted by demonstrations of 'how not to act like a spy'. Though generally friendly enough, and certainly comfortable among almost any group, Cybil is seen as an aloof and somewhat unattainable girl. She does flirt but rarely goes back to her dorm with a guy unless she knows him well. With a gold dragon bonded to her, that might change a little... perhaps for the better.

Events or History: Most of her life in the Enrichment Center, even after the Events, Cybil played in the background. Observing, tucking information away. She was actually quite a trusted member of Paxton's inner circle but no one but him knew that. Though she doesn't have the eiditic memory that Melissa does, she was good at getting quick information to Pax when he needed it, and she was able to withstand his mind watching through her eyes without difficulty. In helping to rebuild both the EC and Black Mesa as refugee areas, Cybil's telekinetics were much more of use than her spy training.

With the Rookery established, and her friendship with Ismeranth, Cybil may play a stronger role in the future of both worlds. She is super happy that her daughter Aletheia has also bonded a 'queen', this should be ... fun! She helps organize and record all arrivals and departures from the Rookery.


Name: Ismeranth
Gender: Female, Queen
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium 10' s / 42' l / 60' ws
Colors: Gold, traditional queen type, sunlit wings and burnished body with very little in the way of markings
Features: Traditional Pernese - clawed feet, thumbs, spaded tail, head knobs, faceted eyes, 3 fingered leather wings with hooks, rises to breed and insists on mating flight of strong males, cannot produce flame
Powers: Telepathy (strongest with bond, but good with all dragons and can choose to speak to other people), Winged flight, Teleportation (local, dimensional, time - dimension and time strengthened from extended stay at Healing Den), carries unassisted firebreath, obviously as a queen Pernese she could not produce fire anyway, but her presence at the Den alter this potential in her offspring
Parentage: Gold Kagamith and Bronze Tsuchith
Origin: Blackstone Weyr original/last clutch (Glass Island import)
Other Info: Ismeranth may attempt to gain rank among the Rookery dragons, though she's fierce she has been quite lonely all this time. Oldest of the abandoned dragons, from Blackstone's first clutch. She was a weyrling when abandoned, so she knows both the love of a bond, and the bitterness of being abandoned. She distrusts women who sing, now... Cybil does not sing.