Name: Jade Green

Gender: Female, absolutely pan

Age/DOB: 15ish / 2015

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Fariport Alabama

Family: Mother Eden, father Clay, sister Autumn, siblings among the Pantheon include Aletheia; Also used as splice for the BELLs, Amberbell

Other: Will certainly take up the earth-goddess mantle, with all that entails

Height: 5'5"

Weight: who even knows; she's curvy and pleasant and not 'fat' in any way

Hair: pale brown, kinked and frizzy, usually has as shown flowers or even bits of metal or shiny stones and gems stuck in it

Eyes: bright green, merry, can turn on you if you piss her off

Appearance: pale skin with a faintly pearlescent sheen, always smiling unless she's incredibly angry with someone or some thing. Smells delightfully of night-blooming jasmine or coffee, whichever she sees fit given the setting or company. There are always little trailers of vines, seedlings, or spores coming away from her hands.

Genetic Abilities: Very strong organic matter manipulation - plants, fungus, spores, very simple living things including algae on up through complex plants. Oddly she can also affect creatures that have been taken over by any given bacteria, sensing through it into the skin or organs, but not control those. She cannot affect virus-based life. She can cause any given plant to grow, if it's got access to the nutrients that it needs, and even then she can 'burst-grow' it for planting later. Jade has attempted to work with Xenian wildlife, as a lot of it grows around Black Mesa, though her mother is much better with that alien life than she is. She can also sense through inorganic materials, or 'organic-adjacent' such as dirt or coral, however she cannot manipulate those. Because she can affect very small and primitive matter, Jade is able to accelerate the decay of organic matter such as dung and dead creatures, aiding in the fertilization of the arid Black Mesa landscape (as well as cleaning up after the messes made by, say, GLaDOS or the Combine in facilities where the dead have not been cleaned up). Also has moderate, close-range empathy, best with Vortally powered people.

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls Goddess maker

Icarus Processing: No, both parents were given the process and she has already strongly benefitted from that.
Skills or Profession: As all the Pantheon's second generation, Jade was afforded what could be given of a rounded education, with math, literacy, history and the like. But obviously where she shines most is in the sciences, her ability with sensing and understanding the Earth around her has aided her in deciding where to plant things, figuring out what best to use to reinforce wooden walls or flooring, and how to color-coordinate blooms and food gardens. The stone she has in her hand pictured, is from her father's workshop, and she enjoys helping him create very beautiful 'grown' crystals, using small bits of organic material. She has added her innate knowledge to the education of geology and agriculture, and truly is a well-rounded 'Earth Goddess', as much as her mother.
Personality: to say that Jade is gregarious is giving that word a workout. Jade is helpful to a fault, but knows when to back off or let someone else do the work. She greatly enjoys being around people, as well as plants and animals, though she does have her limits. She does expect respect, and demands it of her work: no one could take her for granted, and she has a bit more of a temper than her mother does. If she spots someone tearing up or mistreating her plants, she doesn't hesitate to chastise them. That said, she's also quick to calm, and keeps her head when others might hold a grudge. She is perhaps the ... um, randiest female in the Pantheon, shy of Melissa. No one quite knows why, but she's absolutely fine with it. For that matter, so is Melissa, because she claims this girl has great genes.
Events or History: Everything one could expect from this girl, is true. She is absolutely thrilled to work with normal people, as well as the Pantheon - because it gives her the chance to learn from others. In the Outlands of the Enrichment Center, plenty of people had gardens or worked with scavenging the remnants of food plants. But also in Black Mesa's territory, she's been very fond of talking to the Ranchers and migrant (now no longer so migratory) workers that made their lives in this arid place. She has been quite popular among those, because she can effectively touch the soil and cause it to be fertile again.


Name: Arbor
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small, 9'6" shoulder / 40' l / 84' ws
Colors: Darkish green base scales on most of body and limbs, neck, face, and tail; brighter green scales along sides and scattered tail; beige-tan underside, wingsails, webbing, and tail fin veined with leafy lines; tan brown along entire back and by feet; claws light green; eyes dark green
Features: Leafwing, four slender legs with 5 and 4 claws, heel claw on hind; two leathery wings which have 4 very visible fingers, elbow strut, and wrist thumb all with slender claws, wingsails are veined and appear leaf-like; skin is fine scales with large plated scales; face has hooked nose, and two elegant backswept long horns, external ears, short lumpy jaw nubs; spines with webbing along back of neck, back, and separate webs to mid-tail, tail has leaf shaped fin
Powers: Winged Flight, Arbor is quite good with still air, though she prefers to fly only during the daytime she can still navigate reasonably well at night. She is strong enough to lift her human friend and several companions, including the little spore-thing, and supplies. She can fly for a good period without tiring, but only in sunny weather, if it is overcast, dark, or stormy, she exerts considerably more energy to remain aloft.
Verbal Communication, as with most of her breed, she can speak English and Draconic, and has quite an interesting smattering of Latin, technical terms, and scientific jagon which most dragons don't know. Her voice is light and airy, like wind going through a canopy of leaves.
Photosynthesis, Leafwings are known to be able to absorb sunlight and convert it into stored energy, and she does this daily as long as there's clear sky and no Combine threat in it. She has little need to eat, but when she does it's only after exhausting this stored energy.
Plant Manipulation - unlike most she can actually cause plant life to grow and take root, or wither and die. Also she can encourage growth wherever there is adequate sunlight and water, so along the sides of the unforgiving Black Mesa canyons, she sends roots looking quite deeply.
Parentage: Unknown, pure breed Leafwing
Origin: adopted from Catbreeze212 on Deviantart, original by Joy Ang
Other Info: She would really prefer much more in the way of forest to fly around or over, but Arbor knows the value of what the Rookery has - and what it needs. Until the threats in this world are subdued, growing a forest is out of the question. However, she and Jade do fly north into the more moist climate, picking up seedlings and food plants, and harvesting medicinal herbs for the Rookery's needs.


Keenan walked quietly down one of the Rookery's many winding tunnels, and smelled... something. To be sure, it began as 'coffee', so that was why he was interested in it in the first place. But it wasn't - this was a mixture of a dark coffee aroma and a sort of moist, very familiar smell. Something he'd encountered in a rare few places here on Earth - in any dimension. But on Xen, it was far more pervasive, something he'd gotten used to literally millions of years before. He had never ascribed a smell to the plant that produced it, before. But now he felt sure that was what was making this weird clingy scent. Ah, sure enough too - there was the light that it would make, the 'eezell', eyestalk-like plants that glowed softly until someone or some thing passed too close by. Normally it would have ducked down into its protective sheath, on sensing footsteps - his shoes did still make a gentle tapping on the cement floor. But the light continuted to glow, and while it did seem to be moving, it wasn't moving in the manner he'd always associated with the plant.

That was because it was coming toward him. There was a right-turn in the hallway with a well-traveled clearing on the floor's somewhat dirty surface; this low level of the Rookery contained a lot of the storage rooms and dry goods that the population tapped for food and general living. So it would be one of the residents with a flashlight? There were so many conflicting possibilties in Keenan's mind, yet none of them possibly prepared him for what met his turquoise eyes when it rounded the turn before he reached the corner.

It slowly moved, rocking side to side more than forward, but still got a foot or so ahead with each lumbering shuffle. It made hardly any noise, but there could be heard a kind of ... rustling? shifting of materials? It was unlike anything he'd encountered in his entire life, and that was saying a lot. It was nearly as tall as his chest, but it was also about as round as it was tall, barrel shaped and with a bulk to it that was, if anything, 'chunky'. It had a pair of limbs that looked sort of like arms, and 'feet' under its volume of body, it wasn't 'flabby' so much as 'packed and shifting'. Was that a face? and behind its arms, short, flat looking wings? Its tail dragged along the floor behind it, but the tip, finally visible as it slowly trundled into view, remained pointing upward, and glowing just like those eezell plants.

Keenan knew a lot of words. He had absolutely none for this.

The smell of coffee intensified, and moments later, while he was still staring at this ... creature that lumbered toward him, a young woman came around that same corner. "Oh there you are, you silly thing, you need to stay put for a bit! I needed that light!"

The woman was perhaps not even in her twenties, on the shorter side, and very pleasantly curvy, yet still quite athletic looking. In this lighting, her skin seemed to shimmer a little, pale to fair, but with a reflectivity that made her look... glittery? Almost glowing, herself. Ah - well no she did glow, but then that was a feature of quite a few of the Pantheon's children. Hers was generally restricted to a Vortal aura around her hands and head, but Keenan could detect a bit more than most, and there was also a distinct ... connection? Between her and this creature. Her kinked brown hair reminded him of Melissa's, in a darker shade than hers, and she would hardly ever be caught with twigs and flowers in her hair, as this girl's did. Momentarily Keenan collected his wits.

"Ah, Jade..." he said, with an air of concern. "What... what IS that?" His eyes glanced from her to the still-trundling creature, which had come to a slow - not a stop - at the sound of her voice. The glowing bits of ... mushrooms? On its back and tail flickered a little, almost like the eezell plant, ducking down and coming up in a wave of fear-safe-fear-safe motion. Some of them glowed brighter yellow, others a pale greyish green, the tip more brightly yellowish white. It made a sound as it stopped in mid-foot-fall. There were no words for that sound, either.

"Oh! Mister Lane!" Jade finally noticed him standing there, though surprised only for a moment. To be fair, he was still a bit in shadow and he was wearing a dark Icarus-styled suit. But she collected herself and approached the creature, placed her hand on its... shoulder? Neck? and whispered something Vortal to it, using perhaps her power over plant life. Then, she turned back to Keenan as it began the arduous process of turning around. Jade's smile was bright, even if the lighting had suddenly dimmed with its passage back around the corner. "Well ... I don't really know what he is, but I call him Myc."

The man licked his thin lips, and mouthed a silent mike? then, ....myyyycollllogy as he realized what she meant.

"It's a dragon," she cheerfully announced. Then she looked down to the floor, where its tail had left a runnel of dirt swept as it had turned. Jade bent over and picked up something from the ground. "Oh and he's sporing! I'll have to collect those."

"Why?" Keenan said, before he could possibly stop himself.

"Oh! You can eat these!" Jade replied, and held the smallish, round, still-glowing chunk of a spore dragon's hide toward him.

Jade didn't know him well enough to recognize all the expressions passing briefly across his long face. "Correction, my dear," he said with a sigh and a faint worried smile lingering on his lips, as his eyebrows still sought to understand all of this, "they are edible. 'I' cannot eat that."

Name: Myc
Gender: Male?
Size/Shoulder/Length: large bipedal pet, 5' s / 10' total / decorational wings less than 2' across
Colors: body mottled tan with faint veining and swirls of rust, cream, yellow-grey; mushroom spore growths in grey-green, creamy-tan, and yellowish tan; glowing in various brighter versions of those
Features: Shroomdragon, chonky flesh beast of basically a portabello mushroom consistency, edible flesh and spores; bipedal, hind feet rounded with 4 toes, chunky 'arms' with 3 fingers and a thumb; wings cannot move on their own and are more like flaps of 'skin'; has a face, though no one knows why; breeds by dropping specific spores but only produces offspring if another spore-based dragon is nearby to fertilize or catch them
Powers: Edibility - Myc is actually edible, and quite tasty, according to Jade and whoever she's foisted it on. Everything from spores dropped to chunks removed can be eaten, and also replaced quickly with some kind of advanced regeneration.
Glowing - the spores on his back and tail tip glow similarly to the Xenian wildlife 'eyestalk', and respond to external stimulus as communication.
Mental Command - Myc does acknowledge Jade's presence as 'his human', and takes instruction; he's just smart enough to know directions and follow her commands, if slowly.
Parentage: unknown, Shroom dragons are scattered across the Nexus, and pop up in the most unusual locations.
Origin: Nexus / Healing Den?
Other Info: Myc is pretty big for a 'pet', and has no issue with any other pets or even people trying to carve him up. If he feels pain, he's never shown it, as long as Jade is there he seems to glow constantly, meaning he's not threatened.