Name: Autumn Green

Gender: Female, bisexual

Age/DOB: ~15, 2018ish

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: Mother Eden, father Clay, sister Jade, probably has plenty of other relatives

Other: like her mother and sister, Autumn is very good with nurturing both plants and people, she's clearly going to be a mother eventually

Height: 5'3"

Weight: 100ish* Icarus does lighten her frame which is already petite, but she's also much stronger than she looks

Hair: honey brown with auburn tones, straight, and very long, usually kept as shown, but sometimes decorates it or does up-dos

Eyes: forest green, wide and large, under heavy brows always looking curious

Appearance: fair skin with freckles in sunlight, though more on her shoulders than face; full lips and an adorable tiny nose, Autumn is peak cute; has collections of found clothing, including many leftovers from both the Icarus suits and ELL outfits, which she's pieced together into interesting and colorful ways

Icarus Processing: yes, at age 3, though her sister did not have it done. Her body is much sturdier than it looks, and she resists most forms of damage that might come from everyday life - burns, blisters, minor cuts and scrapes, bruising, and sunburns are all foreign to her. She fights off disease like nobody's business, which may be part of her Vortal power over plant life and bacteria. She is not really faster nor more flexible than typical, but her strength is about 3x normal.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Jewel of the Nile

Genetic Abilities: like her sister she has a strong ability with plant life, but also Autumn has the ability to shape or manipulate dead plant matter, even heavily processed. So paper, timber, even charcoal or pencils, anything that used to be plant... including crude oils. (The idea that oil is from dinosaurs is a bit on the false side: it's mostly ancient plant life.) If she was anywhere near the ocean she would easily discover corals and simple life such as algae respond strongly to her will. She can grow many plants from seeds to mature in a few days provided there is enough nutrients and water around for them, though this is limited to 'not full grown trees'. She certainly can accelerate the maturity of fruit bearing plants with ease, however, and force invasive plant life to wither and die if needed. Since she can handle materials such as lumber and building supplies, she's often on hand to take what's left of a ruined house or structure, and effectively 'recompress' it into functional wood beams, flooring, and supports. She's gone through many of Black Mesa's halls and lower levels reinforcing the mine-like beams holding them up, and has had it in her head to create a 'living tree' somewhere... Just doesn't quite know where. She often is on hand after Jade and Eden go through food yards - gardens eventually need to be pulled up and switched around, and the grounds of the Mansion definitely benefit from being revitalized now and then. She'll take corn husks and stalks, dead grass and weeds, even pulpy manure from local animals, and yet again work miracles with it, shipping out specially shaped and Vortally reinforced beams back to whoever needs it. Her internal organs have healthy bacteria and her cells fight off virtually any invasive bacteria, viruses, and the like, though she can't really shape those, she's well aware of them. She can work with a minor amount of non-organic materials, like her father Clay, though she's found that the Xenian crystals are far more amenable to this, than Earthly ones. She has a modest amount of empathy and local telepathy, around 500 meters, but she does strongly sense where others have done any matter manipulation with auras.
Skills or Profession: given skill downloads in addition to her standard education at Black Mesa, Autumn is expert with both recognizing and using building materials and civil engineering projects. She has a strong sense of where weight bearing areas need to be reinforced, how thick a beam needs to be, and all manner of descriptive terms for wood and minerals. Autumn knows how to plant virtually any food or flower, though she doesn't concentrate on that side of things as much as her mom. Also she's a very good records-keeper, and among the Pantheon she's one of the very few kids who've learned sign language and knows braille in order to help those who aren't fully able, to get around.
Personality: friendly, but nowhere near as gregarious as her sister. She's more calm and observant, talks less, but still loves life just as much. She's hung out with the ELLs a lot, and enjoys learning how to use tools from them, as well as trading stories about this spooky hallway or that weirdly overgrown room. Given where she's wound up, she also has started enjoying the, um, fruits of the vine as well as the hemp fields, though in moderation.

Events or History: She has visited Xen on a number of occasions and really thinks maybe... maybe that's where her tree should be. As her mother and sister have got most of the Rookery proper in their care, after a while she decided first to help get the Ranch rolling - so from around RY 2 to 6 she spent living in the Ranch getting the building roofs and strucutral supports all fixed up, as well as that underground area suitable for an emergency shelter. But after RY 7 she moved over to the Mansion, with the hint that they would be gaining refugees there and it was in the middle of farm land. She handles harvest times, like a pro, with her dragon Harvester - and makes sure that the ground itself is set up and healthy once more.

Though they usually roost at Dragon Tower 5, near the Xenian Cluster, they also service the rest of the farm land on a weekly basis.


Name: Harvester
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (bulky), 13' s / 65' l / 110' and 55' ws
Colors: face, neck, chest, wing arms, limbs, sides, and under tail to tip grade from a brilliant yellow through a softer goldenrod orange; armor on neck, sides, limbs, and tail is red-orange through yellow, grading in opposing patterns, with bright yellow central, and strong black markings; wingsails and dorsal fin also grade from strong yellow to red-orange, boldly; horns and claws black; eyes cyan
Features: Sandwing Hivewing Hybrid, Sand strongly dominant but hook on face, multiple wings, and that stinger means absolute business from Hive side
Powers: Winged Flight, Harvester is able to maneuver quite well in the air, even at her large size, because of those extra smaller wings. She uses her main wings to power into the air from a standing start, blowing everything nearby down. She can keep up a strong pace in the air in good conditions, but loves flying around smokey or turbulent battlegrounds, or bonfires on the Grounds. She is obviously quite able to lift and carry immense weights.
Communication, though not gifted with more than a minor empathic bond to her human friend, Harvester is apt to chat almost any intelligent creature up - from Vortigaunts to Void whales, in their own language. Whether this is a Vortal power is unclear, and she does have to listen to the language a while to really get rolling, but even then she simply jumps right in with full sentences and no fumbling around with bad translations. She has a rich voice, friendly, and though quite loud she can sing as well as talk.
Mastery over Heat, she's a Sandwing, and they are known for their great love of heat. Desert conditions are quite nice for her, though she prefers just overall hot, and not necessarily that endless dry blister of the Mojave. Some of the Vorts have suggested that she'd do well on their own distant and long-lost homeworld. This mastery of heat gives her quite the range of abilities, from fire breath that is hot enough to burn through Combine wall metals, to waves of heat that she can beat with her wings to cause outright firestorms. However, she also seems to be well aware of the results of those fires, and is able to contain them as quickly as she starts them, by smothering them with her massive wings. She's one of the few very fiery dragons around the Grounds that doesn't need an emergency Mudwing on hand to get water to a garden plot... Her fire breath itself can roast a ten-foot wide swath, from 250 meters away, or flying lower along the ground at 50 meters she can keep up that large wall of fire for nearly half a mile. Ideally she'd have been a fighting dragoness, but ideally - she would much rather help grow things, than destroy them. Harvester definitely has been called to the front lines if there's a large Combine force anywhere, though obviously Autumn doesn't ride her into battle.
Stinger, that nasty hook on her tail isn't for show, and it does have venom in it that will kill a Gonarch - it's rare to find creatures big enough that would put up a fight, but the venom has been tapped by the science team and is being put into use for snipers to use when they don't want to waste bullets.
Parentage: Unknown Sandwing mother and likely a Sand-Hive hybrid father; though they look related, she's not close with the other 'fire' colored sand mixes in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from MooncrestNecrozma on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Though super hot, Harvester is not very destructive unless requested. She can be quite delicate on the ground, and appreciates the little humans and their work enough that she won't just plod through a spot uncaring.