Name: Clark Green

Gender: Male, Straight, aromantic

Age/DOB: ~16, 202x

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: Mother Carmen, father Chet, numerous half-siblings including Chance, Lucifer

Other: Though he is still a little more in control over his abilities, he dreads coming into contact with someone and losing that control; he wants to be close to people emotionally, but it's very difficult

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 145* While Icarus definitely reduces his weight, he does have his father's rather portly build, and people underestimate him for that reason; he is still quite fit, durable, and surprisingly agile for a guy who is built like a barrel

Hair: coppery brown, extremely red undertones, and brightly metallic in sunlight; very curly, it doesn't matter what he does to tame it, it's always 'unkempt' looking, so he does keep it reasonably short at all times. Girls do like running their fingers through it, and he's extremely thankful that his powers don't work 'through his scalp'...

Eyes: Light brown verging on golden orange, again somewhat metallic coppery looking in light, under heavy but well-tamed brows

Appearance: more pasty than fair, thanks to his father's genes. He does burn and peel, so that 'sunlight' mentioned above is a bit of a rarity. He is burly and barrel-chested, with a penchant for the orange and white 'ELL' outfits rather than more casual wear; once Darell was created he figured why not, let's normalize guys in it. He's had the outfits modified, so he has pockets and doodad space; he does not require long-fall boots, so the extensions of them are removed; he does wear gloves at all times, due to his powers, and he does prefer to keep himself fully clothed unless it's really, really relaxed

Icarus Processing: Yes, at the age of 3; he was engineered, and not naturally conceived, but he was born through a surrogate and thus has all the benefits of a typical Pantheon member. That said, only Carmen was treated because Chet's powers were already far too powerful; while being worked on, Mel and Carmen figured out how to 'focus' the powers he would be able to use into his hands, and balance out some of his other surrounding skin so that he didn't lose any sensory ability. He is lighter weight due to the treatments, but not much faster; he is extremely durable and can take a massive amount of physical abuse before he even gets a bruise, though sharp or pointed things will pierce his skin he has never had a broken bone or muscle pull.

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls Sci Fi / SW Male

Genetic Abilities: He has a decent suite of Telepathy (to 100 meters clearly), Empathy (best with small groups or individuals at less than 50 meters), and Vortal Sight (truly amazing, see below). His main powers deal with living tissue and psychometric abilities... meaning, he can pull memories and history, emotion, thoughts, and even extremely well hidden secrets out of virtually any living thing. From plant matter, worms, fleas, antlions, and on up to humans and even Convocation... if it has living tissue, he can sense pretty much everything about it. This is a daunting power, and is at least as strong as his father's in terms of 'he will sense the entire two billion years of Keenan's existence if he lays hands on', which obviously is problematic. Of all the second generation kids, Clark does go in for regular 'maintenance' mentally - having his memories wiped or modified, after being copied out. His memories however, may include very important details, and there are people who are much better suited to analyzing them. This mirrors the training for download processing, that most of the Paragon kids had when they were still under Armacham control. As Chet's power, it's an all-or-nothing deal: depending on how long he is in contact, this might mean the entire life of a mouse, or a decent chunk of recent memories of a human. Since his mother knew this might be a problem, she's always got a spare pair of gloves for him... His power is touch based and as above focused into his hands, thankfully he's able to mitigate any accidents by wearing something or even just putting material between his hands and whatever thing he's touching.
Skills or Profession: If Armacham had been in control over this boy, he would absolutely have been involved in interrogations and investigation. He definitely does this same thing for both the Repurposed and Rookery refugees. There are bad apples in both - and he can sort them out. His own skill downloads include some from Chet on how best to approach the aftermath of the power. Overall though, he's not called upon for this 'filtering' duty on a constant basis. One session is enough for him to easily determine whether someone is 'right' for accepting into either world's ranks. He does have an excellent poker face: there have been times when he's 'faked' not finding out some detail, be it a Combine spy, or simply a deeply hidden or desperate secret. For one of those instances, he will immediately alert whoever is nearest and in charge. For the other, often enough, he'll contact one of the psychologists on site for therapy purposes. But there's never a time when a group will balk, they don't feel anything when he comes into contact with them unless they're strongly Vortal as well. Normal people might make note of a sense of deja vu, while Vortal individuals will detect a surge of energy between them. He has developed his own routine and duties, and those include helping out with maintenance tasks rather than dealing with people. He knows a lot of psychology, those were downloads afforded to him as well, but prefers not to deal with people's inner demons. There is too much of a risk of him just losing his own mind in theirs, and wants to avoid that at all costs. So he has had training properly from the ELLs on fixing power supplies, generators, wiring, and the like. Since he's already wearing gloves, why not? He collects items that he's found on his maintenance journeys, and spends hours on end repairing small devices, or reading books about them.
Personality: He's not as stand-offish as Chet, though definitely not as flirtatious as Carmen. He is his own man, really, and prefers the quiet of underground tunnels and access routes, to big gatherings where his powers ping like crazy. He does not complain about his duties in the Rookery, however, and doesn't grudgingly do this either - he knows he's ideal for the job, after all, and also knows that Mel or one of the other techs will be able to reduce the wear and tear on his own mind after bringing in a bunch of newcomers. He keeps mostly to himself, in other words, but won't avoid people actively if there's a fun activity going on.

Events or History: as above, he was spliced up in the labs some time after Carmen's first kid, and before she hooked up 'properly' with Keegan. So he's the middle child, with plenty of spare relatives scattered pretty much everywhere. Overall he's a happy kid though with a few bumps when his powers began really kicking in. He does live in a sort of fear of closeness, though he definitely thinks he would be a good dad, and he wouldn't be wrong in that regard.

He has served well in both the Post-Combine era Repurposed earth Mesa, and at the Rookery, for filtering people on entry, and as time goes on he will eventually reside with the folks at the North Aperture site doing the same. Since the Rookery proper is filled with riders and telepathic dragons anyway, his role there would be a little redundant. But with those coming into Aperture for permanent residence, it's clear they do need some way to make sure that everyone knows who a spy or threat is. He resides up on the surface, and that is where any new arrivals are sent for evaluation with him. However he and Zapote work below on a regular basis in any given Shaft helping to fix things up.


Name: Zapote
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (broad, bulky) 12' s / 55' l / 88' ws
Colors: face, belly, behind legs, tail to tip yellow-tan; limbs, mid scales, dorsal marks and spines medium rust tan lighter at feet; trim armor, dorsal, body, tail and wing arms, face armor rust orange; mid stripe, wing and leg armor vibrant turquoise-cyan; eyes cyan-green; claws rust orange, horns darker rust
Features: Mudwing
Powers: Winged Flight, though quite burly and heavy in the air, requiring a bit of space to take off and land, Zapote is pretty good at distance flights and heavy lifting. She can maneuver surprisingly well in the Shafts, though everyone knows when she lands. She can probably knock a Sphere off its moorings, if she tries, so she does have to be careful exactly where she's setting down.
Communication, she speaks with a hissing intonation, Draconic and English only; she does know the mechanical and technical terms that her rider uses, and can easily identify items that he needs. She can bellow with such force that more than one Shaft can hear her, but rarely does so unless it's a dire emergency.
Mud Fix, as with most Mudwings, she can use magic and mud to heal injuries - but hers go another step... She can use them on dragons, both her own breed and any variety out there, Humans, Vorts, animals if needed... But also on organic materials such as wood, paper, or cloth. If Clark needs a hole in his glove repaired... she can do that! Just stick the hand right in a pile of her mud, and bam - no more hole. Depending on the size or complexity of an object, this might take moments, or months of reapplication. She could take a badly injured wing sail on a dragon and repair it with proper care over the course of a week, for instance, but also a broken down wooden shack could be repaired to an oddly organic (nail and screw free) state. For when you really need to have a wooden box have absolutely no pry bar points, she's on it. It's a form of organic manipulation, though it is specifically in use with her pushing clay or mud on things and forcing her magic... Vortal energies? on it. There is plenty of mud to go around, though she does claim it's a little saltier in the Aperture site than other places, and she does sometimes go flying around over the landscape to see if there are other sources she can pack into a freight car and move back into the facility. She cannot fix or repair things that are primarily metal or stone, or 'false' organics - she recognizes that corn byproducts can be made into plastic, but plastic is not corn. Crops are also her domain, if something damages a garden, she can walk near or through it and the plants will repair themselves, no mud actually needed there. She may have a Leafwing in her history?
Parentage: Pure Mudwings, though as above there might be a distant great-grandparent Leafwing of significant power in there somewhere.
Origin: Adopted from LunarSolstice981 with lines by PeregrineCella on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Zapote does love fruits, pumpkins and squashes, melons, though not really citrus to add to her diet of meat. She's wondering where these big-ass weird animals are coming from, though, as they can fish for them in the deep Shaft waters - hint: they're not from Earth...