Name: Haley Chase

Gender: Female

Age/DOB: 24 at arrival to Rookery, unknown dob

Origin: Aperturth, Carnie all her life

Family: Though both her parents have died, they were among the Lockwood Carnival's multi-generational members, literally her whole family have always been Carnies - and then there's this guy that Aperture experimented on that bears a striking resemblance to her with her last name, Vince? Is he really a long-lost brother?; has children, Bonnie Fire with Pierre, Jitter with Blaze , Buck with Bear

Other: Melissa really, really wants her to contribute to some further splices

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 100, quite slender but clearly feminine, light on her feet and quite athletic

Hair: scarlet red, thick, kept short and with a headband to keep from burning

Eyes: Darkly brown, narrow, used to squinting a little due to fire being quite close

Appearance: Fair skinned, creamy, has no burns or small scars from fire, but does have several puncture wounds from being bitten by numerous animals since she cannot resist trying to pet literally everything around her; has a septum piercing; a huskier voice, possibly due to inhaling fumes all the time

Genetic Abilities: Clearly able to resist fire damage in any form, and well suited to ride a fiery hot dragon; cannot control flame but is able to walk on hot surfaces or even burning ones without damage from the flames or heated metal, can pick up burning items, and obviously 'breathe fire' with the aid of liquid or fumes held carefully in her mouth; Do Not Try This At Home, in other words

Icarus Processing: None, but Melissa asserts that if she ever had it done she might be able to actively manipulate fire; Haley is ... very interested in this idea.

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Pirate maker

Skills or Profession: a fire-eater, daredevil, and overall stunt driven Carnie
Personality: Unafraid, in a word.

Events or History: It was obvious from the start that Haley was fine around fire, though her clothing does burn up. Her abilities are genetic, probably inherited as her whole family has always had methods of dealing with things that usually hurt.

Currently resides with the Coffee Grounds carnies and hippies at Lane Mansion, though given their powers, they are often kept toward the north-west Dragon Tower 12 near Linn Creek, because fire.


Name: Sundive
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 10' s / 56' l / 90' ws
Colors: Face, neck, chest, limbs, under tail creamy ivory; armor trim yellow-orange with black; neck armor bright red with black; dorsal armor orange grades through yellowish to reddish from face to tail tip; limb armor also adds tan; tail tan brown to red brown; wingsails grade from red-orange to brilliant yellow with very faint large fluffy paler spots; dorsal fin bold marigold yellow; claws, horns, tail ridge dark grey; eyes copper yellow, tongue black
Features: Sand-Skywing hybrid
Powers: Winged Flight, quite good in the air for power flights, though not as fast as he'd like to be. Can maneuver well enough to dance with his own fire, and avoid air explosions and gunfire with surprising ease and grace. Can lift a lot, though isn't the massive weight lifter that some Sandwings are. His preferred tactic is to climb very high into the sky and then power dive downward with the sun behind him, and even if they see him coming, he still looks just like a comet about to strike with the heat of the sun.
Communication, Sundive is able to speak Draconic, English, and a bit of Vort. His voice is like hearing thunder, booming, so he tends to only speak in a low, quiet rumble around people. He seems to sense his human friends, and Vorts claim his mind is exceptionally clear.
Explosive Fire, his fire production is just shy of a Firescales in heat, and he likes to make big go-booms as Haley calls them - blossoms of superheated gas that explode or even implode on contact with anything solid. He has practice avoiding Combine shelling, and will obliterate a batch of incoming bombs with these - he's ... he's Missile Command in dragon form. These explosions can proliferate if there's enough stuff in the air, and he makes sure there's stuff to ignite. If given some amount of prep time, he can sweep over a battlefield or area quickly leaving 'drops', pockets of gas from his neck glands that will linger for nearly 20 minutes and explode if something already burning encounters it. These can be placed at ground level as well, dangerously, but he has a good eye for seeing what might or might not be affected by this. He was called in at least once to help clear out an unexpected mine field near the Rookery that Lane had somehow missed. (It was much farther out than he'd gone over, not his fault, the things had been there since World War 2 training exercises! That was before his time!) Otherwise his flame breath is as extreme as a desert-dweller might be expected to have - he can cause a superheated line of fire to hit things accurately at around 200 meters (!) though it does remain in the air for some time, and has to be avoided as he's flying. (That missile command link is pretty true to form...) He can also shoot 'tracer fire', small bits of quick flame that accurately follow his line of fire, which he can use to mark targets for other dragons or fighters. And though he thinks it's silly, he can produce a less hot but more sparkly 'fireworks show' for the entertainment of whoever is watching. They will still burn things on impact, but not with the severity of his actual fighting flames.
Heat and Explosive Tolerance, Sundive just doesn't take damage from anything hot or exploding, though that only covers the air or gas - metal shrapnel or bullets will still clearly hurt.
Parentage: Mother Sandwing Feldspar, father Skywing Bellows, so related to quite a few other Skywings, and produced Crackle the Sky(sand) with a firescales skywing (?)
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Sundive tolerates those annoying little Snarks that Haley trains, because first off they are kind of cute, and second they explode on command for her. It's not like they do any damage to either of them, plus they keep her amused, and he likes it when his human is happy.