Name: Marcus Redford (Barnett?)

Gender: Male, Straight

Age/DOB: ~18 *aged, 2021

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC

Family: Unknown, but clearly shares a lot of physical as well as Vortal features with Ruben; Melissa has been eyeballing his abilities and thinks Beth would make a great splice, or even mom to a child with him (which will come in the form of a girl Kinsey)

Other: Marcus was not quite old enough to have gone in for Icarus when he perished in the Enrichment Center's nursery, this is his second chance and he almost seems to know this

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 150* Icarus lighter, but stronger by far

Hair: Red-tan, closely cut afro

Eyes: Quite eerie hazel green, yellow, and orange; they look much more yellow at a distance than up close, and the colors seem to move

Appearance: Medium brown skin that's got a lot of freckles, moles, and plentiful scrapes and small scars from exploration; tends to always be dusty and muddy, though he cleans up very well; quite attractve with thick ("kissable! omg!" says basically everyone who's ever kissed him) lips, strong jaw, and serious brows. A lot of refugees from the Rookery world claim he looks like a guy they'd follow to the end of the earth, so he hopes not to lead them astray

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3 - he benefitted from this instantly, but it didn't really show until a few years later when he was put into an aging process (he was grown about 5 years, right about the time Paxton returned, in order to keep from being destroyed by Alma's pestering). His strength is nearly 3 times normal, and he heals at least twice as quickly as normal. His agility and eerie manner of being able to get into places much too narrow for a guy that size is clear as well; his speed is what may or may not be obvious based on whether you watch him on his scouting missions: he is almost 7 times faster than a normal person, but he only uses this speed in short bursts across open land, or actually...

Image Credits: Gmod / Walking Dead

Genetic Abilities: He'd shown he could stick himself into places that are obviously too small to be person-sized, yet he doesn't actually take any damage from this, because he's fitting between the molecules. He has a unique "phasing" ability that he uses in tandem with his speed, to force his way through narrows, even thin walls or porous materials. As a child he discovered he could stick a piece of chalk in his finger, so his writing style is a little unconventional (even with a normal pen or pencil he'll point his index finger straight at something while writing). This phasing appears not to hurt him either physically or metaphysically - he claims it 'tickles a little' based on whether something is thick or airy. He cannot phase into liquids, only ostensibly solid things. On the rare occasion when he can't find his way out of a place, he just ... flexes, and causes a larger space to move to form. This is why he's always covered in dust and cinderblock residue, he actually has been walking through the ruins. Straight. Through. In addition to this he can take items nearby (up to 10 meters at most, and up to about 100lbs total) and fuse them together with this power. Sometimes it works, others it causes a bit of an explosion. Yes, he uses this as an attack, and yes he can do it to living things, which greatly impedes their ability to continue being living things. Marcus has average empathy, but a strong longer-distance telepathy that he can use to signal home, or to ping stronger Vortal minds, at distances up to 200 miles. He's been known to wander that far. Also his sense of smell is quite acute, possibly due to his nose wandering through places it ought not to be.
Skills or Profession: An explorer by nature as well as practice, Marcus hardly ever remained in one place long enough for skill downloads to be inserted. Same with his 'classes', but never let it be said that he wasn't paying attention. He absorbed all that he could, but in practice he doesn't much care for the raw-numbers aspects of physics, he'd much rather be out in the ruins putting them into use. He can spot weak points, estimate lengths and distances with extreme accuracy, and is able to draw a perfect circle with that chalk nested into his finger... He keeps notes about materials: as a civil engineer he's considerably better at it than most. His mental mapping is quite good, and he can reliably sketch a location - he doesn't even need to 'sketch' it, if there's charcoal dust sitting around (and that would be: everywhere) he can 'implant' it onto paper. He's not much for the fighty-escapey kind of adventure, but he can hold his own among animals and Combine alike.
Personality: Confident and sure of himself, but not so far as arrogant. He knows that he works best alone, but he doesn't have any trouble either taking orders from those who demonstrate ability beyond his own, or guiding those who are less adept. He's quite compassionate, he would rather break through a wall and clear up the mess before picking up a child and risking them on ragged edges or rebar. Though he does tend to go alone into dangerous places, and generally keeps to himself when he's gearing up or settling back in his dorm, he truly likes people, and a lot of the younger kids look up to him mostly because he's not demanding like Paxton, or grumpy like Geoff. He knows how to pack items for travel, travels light, and usually comes back home with more than he left with.
Events or History: As above, he was less than two when the Events occurred, and was recreated among many to bolster the Pantheon's numbers. Though he was a fidgety child, as a teen and adult he uses that energy to go on walkabout, rather than just fiddling with his fingers or letting his leg bounce in a class chair. Marcus has spent considerably more of his life alone in the wilderness and city ruins, than among groups inside the Refugee City, so when the call went out for this new Rookery thing, he took it in a moment. He had yet to really settle in with any girlfriend or particular group, always balancing his socialization among both normies and Pantheon - he had rescued dozens of wandering folks after the Combine were routed, and continues doing so in the new world.
Having a dragon like Crackle is just amazing, because now he can wander so much farther than before.


Name: Crackle
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (big wings) 10'4" s / 60' l / 110' ws
Colors: belly armor very pale creamy pink, main color from face, neck, limbs, sides, and down tail a crackled-mottled bright orange with hints of rust-brown and yellow; face armor and trim scales bright red; dorsal and limb armor deep red with crackled mottling in near-black crimson; dorsal fin and wingsails flex through crimson, brilliant red, orange, and bright yellow-orange, wings (only) with spray and crackling patterns of very bright glowing yellow - fiery colors, always moving, evidence that he is at least part Firescales on that Skywing side; horns and claws all medium warm grey; eyes surprisingly blue-green
Features: Sky-Sandwing Hybrid, Sky dominant, just shy of Firescales? The main evidence of his Sandwing grandparent is his dorsal fin, but he also is remarkably suited to hot places
Powers: Winged Flight, as all Sky dragons are, he absolutely rules the air with those big bright wings. As confident and sure of his flight as Marcus is on the ground, Crackle flies best in broad daylight, because honestly you'd see him coming in the dead of night - his wings do glow brightly. He can actually provide lift from below on cool days, other dragons claim that everywhere he goes, they fly easier. He's fast, agile, and strong - he can lift a train car's worth of goods, though they tend to need to be stuck into a carry case or placed on that broad patch on his back where the fin is short - as a rescue dragon and supply runner, he's the swiftest.
Communication, Crackle is best with Draconic, but he has learned a good number of English words and phrases, though he claims that Vortigese is beyond his reach. Other dragons also contribute to his word list, and now he can curse in at least two different Dragon dialects.
Flames Are Life, with fire-scales clearly in his line, he has a very warm ambient temperature, though it's concentrated mostly in his wings, and he lifts them away from people so they don't get burned. It is possible for them to do so, he can whip up a literal firespout with his wings beating, not even needing to add any fire breath to it. His fire breath is positively deadly, nearly plasma-hot, and can burn through the heaviest armor in moments, leaving a puddle of whatever, ash, and bright-yellow outlines of where it's been. He is accurate under 300 meters, but less so at longer distances, but that's fine because he rarely needs to shoot anything that far away. He figures correctly that it would just draw attention to him, and he doesn't want to endanger his friend or their rescued people. He's often sent out on chilly nights, to make sure that those traveling will both know their way, and be warmed a bit. He nests in the sandy ground around the Rookery, spreading his wings - and sometimes he can leave glass behind him, impressions of those wings lifted out and cleaned up, buffed by tools or even powers, and those glass panes have become art in the Rookery's larger atriums. Though it seems like this amount of heat on a constant basis might get out of hand, Crackle has kept himself from doing any damage accidentally, though people do notice how warm it is around him. He's been known to get sent into an enclosed area that's suspected of having gas leaks, and just... blowing them up. Boom, no more leaks.
Parentage: Unknown Firescales mother Skywing and father Sky-Sand Hybrid Sundive, related to Fever and Bellows' group.
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: His name is kind of a pun, because not only do his wingsails literally crackle with the sound of a wood-fire, he helps Marcus 'leap into cracks', or even creates those cracks for him to slip through. He can spot a weak wall, indicate it to his human friend, and together they'll work on it until it's either a doorway or just plain rubble.