Name: Kinsey Redford

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: 14, aged, 203X

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC/BMRC

Family: Mother Beth Crocker, father Marcus Redford, has more distant relatives because of splicing but no direct siblings or cousins

Other: Kinsey thinks she'd like to get spliced together with someone too! She wonders whether being a manipulator like this would be bad for a baby, though, and looks to Helen for advice in this even though she's never had kids either yet. Eventually she and Zack will have a son, Kincaid but that's a ways off in RY8

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 130, though not directly treated with Icarus, she's petite but stronger than she looks by a long shot, she tends to wear loose fitting jeans that make her 'skinny ass legs' look bigger

Hair: reddish brown, wooly and just absolutely everywhere, and everyone loves it, she's gotten styled by refugees and picks up little doodads to put in it now and then

Eyes: brightly melon-orange, very large, and yes those lashes are natural, under thick brows, and over adorable freckles

Appearance: as shown, tan-brown skin with freckles and moles, with a button nose and thick lips, broad cheeks, and a skinny neck; she likes fashions and being clean, but isn't above putting on protective gear or wearing 'old' clothes; refuses to wear socks, but still complains about grit getting into her high-tops

Icarus Processing: no, it was not needed, as both her parents were Icarus treated, and her abilities are clearly good enough as-is

Image Credits: Doll Divine / Sara Kuan Dafne

Genetic Abilities: her parents amazing techniques for matter alteration and self-adjustment have come to a grand pinnacle in Kinsey she is able to alter molecular structure to suit her needs, or herself to suit the surroundings. Though she does have the same limitation as Marcus does, that she can only really work with 'solids', she isn't limited to metal or even 'earthly' substances. It's true that the closer to a perfect stable molecular structure an item has, the easier she can mess with it, but within that it's almost anything goes. She can emulate a specific material, using her hand or finger, by touch - not just embracing it and fitting her own flesh between the molecules of another solid, but becoming that thing for a short time. A similar power exists in Helen Floyd, and Helen has helped Kinsey figure out how best to use it. She must be in contact with it for a few seconds, and there must be enough of it to touch - in other words a few molecules of dust aren't going to change anything, but holding a door knob long enough to open a door will do. The alteration lasts around 10 minutes at most, which is usually enough to get the next part going: she can then transfer this 'essence' to another material, and that becomes permanent. Her favorite thing is to pick up a random shiny, and a random chunk of rebar or glass, and suddenly have two random shinies. And her hand. She can, with concentration, do two completely different items at once, though she really prefers not to have to. Kinsey would like to learn how to 'recall' substances, but so far that ability has eluded her. Like her father Marcus, Kinsey can also 'phase through' solid walls or materials, though this is a considerably weirder and more complicated process for her - she becomes that material while moving through it, and no longer than a few seconds later. She claims that it's incredibly weird and disorienting, and even Helen can't really solve that, as it's clear that it has some odd effect on her nervous system while she's doing it. Vortal sight shows that her aura becomes 'hidden' while in that transition state, only appearing where she's fully flesh - so ... when her brain goes through, what exactly happens? No one really knows. Kinsey has a low-powered standard array of Vortal powers, her aura sight works best on items that have been shaped or people with strong abilities, and she loves the idea that Keenan has of delivering Xenian crystals to folks she wants to keep track of - she can alter the crystal just a touch, to tune it to 'her' sight and not just 'be visible to everyone with the power', though her vision is limited to about 1 km at most for this. Her empathy is strong with groups of Vortal individuals, less so if at all with normal people and only at a range of about 10 meters. Telepathically she can connect to people up to about 500 meters distant with ease, quite the step up from her mom, but not quite as good as daddy.
Skills or Profession: If you need bulk item duplication, Kinsey's your go-to girl. She's very detail oriented, and can use her powers to produce handfulls of tiny components just as well as plate glass windows, and she often does upkeep on the Rookery's crystal camouflaged windows for this reason. Give her a friend with an ability to poost her power, and she'll take care of an entire production line in no time. Of course she crashes hard afterwards, but still! Job done! She has the standard array of educational bits and pieces, but also enjoys sports and exploration as much as engineering and inorganic chemistry.
Personality: chipper, competitive, and highly energetic. In other words, pretty much a stock in trade teenage girl. She does pride herself in a job well done, so never let it be said she does anything half-assed. She's only a perfectionist as far as her own work goes, she would like it if others would keep up to standards? But she isn't the one in charge, and will only drop hints, and not openly insult other people's work.

Events or History: Melissa knew that there was more to both her parents, and Kinsey is an ultimate expression of their abilities as well as their appearances. She truly enjoys hanging out with normies, having grown up around a lot of them, and while aged, they have no idea she's not just like them. Or just like the Pantheon, as she does make it clear she is among them, but doesn't make a big deal of it. Perhaps for that reason, quite a few of the Rookery refugees enjoy being around her, as she tends to put them at ease with jokes, surprise shinies, and basketball games.

She does prefer being up in the Rookery, rather than down with mom in Rapture, but also she knows that she's on call anywhere that this sort of power is needed. She's looking forward to the finished construction in North Aperture, so she can take all that asbestos and turn it into something way easier on the lungs... In RY8 she does head up there to Shaft 7/Sphere 8.


Name: Stellar Dust, "Stella" " Dusty"
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Large (all over) 15' s / 75' l / 110' ws
Colors: Underside from chin to tail tip and behind limbs pale peach very slightly mottled with very light pink; face, neck, tail, sides, limbs rusty reddish brown with tints of copper patina; dorsal armor from nose to tail tip, limb armor, darker brownish copper mottled and clouded with faint patina more green toned on tail and wing armor; wingsails brown black with copper nebula tinted with green patina, and dotted with tiny bright white stars; claws, horns, dorsal spines dusty red, eyes copper red, tongue graphite; scale (*) insets brilliant glowing red
Features: Pure Nightwing, though it's possible with that color scheme that she's got a Sandwing somewhere back in her line - also with that size!
Powers: Winged Flight, Stella takes to the air with strength and stamina, though she's not particularly delicate nor exact when she takes off and lands. At her size, she figures everyone expects her to raise some dust when she flaps and impacts! She is remarkably durable in the air, and can carry a shipping container worth of goods provided it's got decent straps and claw holds, for a hundred miles without tiring. Of course, hopefully whatever is inside it isn't too breakable, because it will lurch and bob constantly.
Communication, Stella has a strong empathic and telepathic connection to Kinsey and can easily communicate over great distances to her and other Vortal beings. Her Vortal voice seems to echo with age and space; her verbal grasp of English and Vortigese is strong, though she still prefers to speak Draconic when humans aren't around. She does have a strong grasp on technical terms. (*) Overall, her Vortal ability is stronger than most, and she is easily heard/felt / perceived by anyone with the ability.
Fire Breath, as most Nightwings, she is able to produce a very hot gout of flame. Hers is a mixture of superheated gas which gets ignited, so a lot like a little tiny star, and quite hot when it does explode. She can leave swirling pockets of this stuff which linger for about 5 minutes, without igniting it, any longer and it cools too much to openly explode, however if there are other gasses nearby they may combine spontaneously. Or planned: one of the tacticians of the Rookery suggested that she and several others who have abilities like this work on a super-charged gas cloud - noxious, explosive, superheated, superluminal, take your pick they can do it all. Her normal flame is a bright orange shade, though a bit wispy, it can cling to anything it encounters if it is within 50 meters, and acts a bit like napalm. More distantly, it tends to burn cooler and over a more spotty coverage, so she tries only using it to ignite her gas pockets. It does make for very pretty fireworks, she's been told.
Parentage: Unknown Nightwings, unrelated to any on the Rookery, though the copper coloration has popped up in numerous breeds lately!
Origin: Adopted from Mooncrest-Necrozma on Deviantart, lines by LunaTheNightwing, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: The redheads gotta stick together!