Name: Beth Crocker

Gender: Female, Straight

Age/DOB: ~15 / 2022

Origin: Repurposed Earth / AAEC/Medusa

Family: Possibly related to Jared, as their powers and appearances are similar, otherwise reformed by Melissa using existing materials and notes; Kinsey, daughter with Marcus

Other: She's ... quite popular among the boys. .... Quite. Popular.

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120* Icarus lightened her but didn't lose any of those curves. Looks shorter than she is, until you get up close

Hair: Reddish brown, straight, kept around shoulder length and if working tends to put it back with clips or a bandana

Eyes: Remarkably clear and reflective brown-red, has gotten redder over time, and will likely be a shade of rust-red as an adult (similar to Melissa's being brown at birth and moving into yellow); large, sometimes looks 'worried'

Appearance: Fair, creamy skin with no blemishes obvious, extremely pretty, muscular without being angular, even though she's buxom she never seems to have trouble getting into narrow places like ducts

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3, this caused a dramatic increase in her Vortal abilities, as well as increasing her agility and dexterity significantly; also reduced final weight which is quite useful as she spends a lot of time crawling around air ducts and vents...

Image Credits: Garry's Mod / Valve...ish Counterstrike Online 2 +Portal 2

Genetic Abilities: As her 'sibling' Jared can, she is a matter manipulator and works primarily with metals and other crystaline substances. However, unlike him, she also has a strong Vortal suite of telepathy and empathy, and is able to triangulate her location based on both the minds around her as well as the objects within her range. She grew up on a steady diet of fixing electrical wiring and repairing broken ducts, and has never really stopped doing this. The ELLs love her, as she can keep up with them while they work. She mainly focuses on existing metals and crystals, such as those found in structures and objects, and cannot isolate ores within stone or dirt. She can detect large crystals, those at least 10cm across in any dimension, however, and can 'grow' them while they're still embedded, making it easier to remove or chip parts off. Her power over metal is quick and dirty: she can sense through it at a range of around 10 meters, and by the time she's within 3 meters any holes or inconsistencies, weak points, or jagged edges are 'fixed'. Whether she can in some way understand what the item was used for, and thus making it functional again, or not, the upshot is whenever she passes through an area of broken pipes, shorted wiring, or bullet-ridden furnishings, those items (or at least their metallic components) are in pristine condition when she leaves. Of note, her Vortal aura dims when she's doing this - so if she's concentrating very hard on some piece to shape it, she's actually harder to detect than if she's just sitting around chatting. Her telepathic range is around 200 meters, and empathic around 10.
Skills or Profession: Though given the standard downloads for any given Icarus treated child, Beth has gone back for more, giving her better knowledge of electronics, civil engineering, power and conduit, and the like. She has a very impressive ability to navigate around any facility, though she does prefer 'urban' environments over 'natural' ones because there's much more for her powers to activate on. Also she's quite good with reading charts and abstract maps, gauges, and taking readings from those things as well. A simple joy for her is to be in a room with mechanical gauges and watching them light back up as she extends her powers.
Personality: Soft spoken and gentle most of the time, Beth is eager and wants to help - but doesn't like being in the spotlight. It's entirely possible that some of her genetic relatives are shared with the ELLs, as she is basically just like them in terms of functionality and purpose as well as overall expectation of herself. She does feel frustrated if she can't reach a place, or if she cannot quite fix a problem. She isn't nearly as bewildered about the attention that men give her (and some women), she knows she's pretty, and has on occasion used that to her own ends, though not callously.
Events or History: Along with a dozen other recreated children, Beth was remade by Melissa based on existing genes and notes by their prior keepers at the Enrichment Center. It was unclear whether the scientists originally knew what they were getting, when they put her together in the first place. Guesses included 'mathematic genius' or 'will she be like the electrical ones we can't afford more of that damge'. As she grew it was quite clear that she was an explorer and enjoyed abstractions, so the ELLs actually raised her in turns, showing her the ins and outs of the facilities they lived in.
As dragons were introduced, she realized that her purpose was much bigger, with the downfall of the Combine on her world, there was another (and probably more!) that could use her skills. She's dedicated to this task, to say the least. She does enjoy moving between the facilities, though doesn't like the Borealis because it's 'insanely cold', and though intimidated by the depth of Rapture, she has proven her worth there on numerous occasions. As clearing out passages in that facility requires a steady hand and confidence in unclear locations, she's a reliable resource.


Name: Oorok
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Small, Bipedal, 5'8" s / ~10'9" l / 18' and 12' ws
Colors: Body Contrast graphite body with chin, belly, under tail and tip grey; Face eyemask and nose beak gold metallic, Horns gold, Crest yellow, Wings graphite with orange zappy markings; Claws white
Features: Bipedal Hathian/Firan hybrid, two hind legs with three thick claws, two pairs of transparent leather wings, upper three fingered with two wrist, lower one tine and hands, all with claws; hide is soft and thick; face is long and pointed with nose beak, Hathian mask with split horns in long arc; neck has prominent tall crest; tail is unadorned and pointed
Powers: Winged Flight, Oorok's multiple wings give him an advantage in the air, in that he's remarkably maneuverable and very quick in tight spots. He can climb to staggering heights thanks to his added control over weather, and that's a good thing because then he can let loose with his powers at a 'safe' distance. He seems all but impervious to altitude or pressure changes, and this does include the depths of Rapture - though he isn't going outside there! He cannot really carry anything more than perhaps a large backpack worth of goods, but he does so using a special neck sling.
Teleportation, Oorok has a smooth as silk port between distances up to 100 miles, which allows him to get out of Rapture quickly and send him up into the skies over it with ease. He is hardly tired from half a dozen jaunts, though prefers to only be carrying the bare minimum weight while doing so. Otherwise he can also teleport off-world to numerous locations, including Xen, where he claims he can spot new places past the Barrier to explore too.
Communication, as most of his siblings and their parents, he is silent for the most part verbally. However he is quite good with telepathic speech, and chatters constantly in a sing-song kind of static background mind noise to anyone nearby. His vocabulary is large, but technical, and only Beth really understands him. He can give off a truly incredible screeching, and that's not even including the thunder that occurs when he's throwing lightning attacks around.
Lightning and Weather Control, Oorok's power over weather and lightning is on par with considerably bigger dragons, to say the least. He enjoys flying over the Aerie, the lighthouse located above Rapture, and just... casting storms everywhere. He can serve as a deterrent, keeping any untoward Combine at bay, or even just... blasting their ships out of the sky or the sea at will. He can also be very careful with it, narrowly targeting items, people, enemies, animals, or targets at quite a distance. His range outdoors is more than ten miles across, with him at the center, and that's for both the creation and dissipation of clouds and weather, as well as for creating lightning strikes within that entire area. 'Fuck those six fish in particular' indeed.
Static Electricity, as he's usually charged with electric energy, virtually anything he touches, if he so wishes, will become charged with power - or just explode in a poof of electricity. He must actually touch this item, so he is more careful because sometimes those things leave jagged cuts. He can however leave 'triggered' items, which will interact on contact with something else, completing a circuit. He has left such traps in the Cities, after he and Beth go through a location to make sure it's secure, or to deter Combine and animals alike from entering an area.
Current, the Vortigaunts enjoy having competitions with him to see who can power up or down any given piece of half-broken machinery. He ususally wins. This power he can use at distance, but not more than 20 meters away. If he knows an area, however, he can fly straight through buildings that have electronic or electric doors, gates, roll-up barriers, and the like, and activate them just before passing through, closing them as he travels past. Even Combine technology obeys this current command, if it runs on electricity it's his to command.
Parentage: Amphithorinath and Toko
Origin: Carramba High
Other Info: Since he's among the tiny sized and highly intelligent dragons of the Rookery, he can fit into places that basically any Human can, with a little effort. He can't quite squeeze into the narrow ducts or pipes that his human bond can, but then if he can see them from the outside he can give her direct telepathic feedback about what's going on where she cannot physically see. They make an incredibly good repair team. He is a little less happy down under the water, but some of the magic-producing dragons down in Rapture (as well as Thomas and his insane devices) allow him to go into the sea to actually observe things there. He prefers it inside the facility, as he's among the few dragons that can walk those halls without issue.