Name: Jared Clayborne; Ohm-ni tahh'chakt, He Crafts Metals

Gender: Male, bisexual

Age/DOB: 30/1996

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AA Enrichment Center, Fairport AL

Family: Spliced from several Armacham and Aperture employees, all deceased; may have several partial siblings among the Pantheon; Has a son, Gerard, with Kayla

Other: Highly dependable and often called upon by normies as well as Pantheon folks.

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 145* Icarus treatment allows for lighter weight, though he is also rather slender, not well muscled but not skinny either

Hair: Lightish brown, usually cut short with bushy eyebrows, and sideburns - he'd seen a portrait of Cave Johnson from 'back in the day' and been inspired to emulate that look

Eyes: Medium brown, usually squinting unless he's found distance glasses to wear

Appearance: Fair skinned with a tendancy to jaundice (he tans really nice though!), likes wearing blues and greens, with a fondness for vests and sweaters. He looks like someone's nerdy uncle.

Image Credits: DollDivine Harry Potter / tektek

Genetic Abilities: Strong molecular rearrangement, of metals, crystaline substances, any 'solid' matter - from dust to diamonds. Can 'shape' most metals very easily depending on their elemental makeup, and their melting points. The lower the melting point the easier they seem to respond. With time and practice he can sense through metal items, as well as crystaline ones later on, even as fine as a fiber-optic line, to within about a mile at this point. Jared can place a hand on an exposed piece of metal in a wall, and sense whatever other metals it comes into contact with, including very short-distance jumps such as a centimeter-away wood nail, or a collection of staples and office supplies in a scattered basket. Using a kind of Vortal 'echolocation' he can sound out the contents of many rooms this way. In addition he can alternately decay those metals, or clean them of rust quite easily; also he can locate and refine ores as long as they're within rock or dirt - snaking them out like mercury under his command. He can take a fist sized mass of reasonably soft metal and shape it into something within minutes, depending on the detail required. Highly detailed items can be created, such as threaded screws and tiny gears - provided he can see them, which is why he now needs glasses, for distance. His close vision is great, farther off not so much. However, he can also create focused glasses with the right sand and elements on hand. His abilities are increased by his innate and possibly savant-level engineering talent. He knows angles and functionality without studying it, and can easily recognize tools as well as metals by sight. He lacks true psychic powers, though his aura is easily read and he can apparently think quite clearly in order for telepaths to pick up strong thoughts.
Icarus Processing: Yes, age 4. His physical weight and possibly dexterity were improved, along with a drastic improvement in his shaping powers. They had been merely 'senses' until that point, and once it was clear he had the ability to manipulate them, he was encouraged to practice.
Skills or Profession: The sciences and engineering department at Armacham was having a field day with 'one of their own', in Jared. Always clever, he took to the skill downloads that he was given with great ease. He can identify not only the substances he's feeling (usually by touch, but can be at a near distance) but the uses that they've had, how worn an item is, that sort of detail. Over time, his abilities have strengthened and he used them daily, to make sure that wiring is intact and even how much weight is being borne on structures. Using his ability to decay metals, he can break locks, take huge doors off their hinges, or slightly imbalance a large weight-bearing strut so that it will topple with a light touch. All of these things he does with vividly imagined results - other telepaths have watched the 'inside' of his mind as he's working, and he can see many outcomes and adjusts for the 'best' of them with his power. He is also well versed at more conventional chemistry, physics, electrical and electronic engineering, security systems, and even watch-making. A consummate tinkerer, in Black Mesa, he is known to be able to repair - conventionally - most small appliances or toys, and can easily aid the more experienced scientists on their own high-tech projects.
Personality: Quick witted, talented but rarely smug, enjoys praise but works to get it. To watch him is to see how intense he can be when he's focused on a task, but he's never the sort who would outright ignore a person trying to get his attention, even when he is working. He's among the most personable and enjoyable Pantheon members, and definitely, though his powers can be stupendously miraculous, one that the normal folk in the Mesa never exclude from their gatherings.

Events or History: Went on frequent forays into the Enrichment Center with the young kids, and because he was able and strong, could create new 'doors', sense into rooms, and disable spying equipment with but a touch. He participated in taking down GLADOS, aiding by quickly and cleverly shaping huge metal shields to deflect the rockets and bullets that GLADOS and the turrets were hurling at the children. He also then helped in creating the Relay Teleporter down in the mad computer's lair itself, shaping increasingly detailed parts with his more and more sensitive powers. Also there, he and Eden among others had focused their efforts on the large explosive hole that had been cut into the field above the Enrichment Center. They created latticework and water collection devices, as well as later a protective, non-conductive shield to hide their external power plant from Combine eyes above.

As time went by, he was also able to assist in creating devices to track and satellite parts, crystals as well as metals bending to his strong will. All in all Jared has always been a mainstay of 'what the Pantheon can really do'. With the appearance of the dragons, he is now able to head out into the Outlands with ease, to retrieve more exotic metals and ores.


Name: Topaz
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 10' shoulder / 43' l / 70' ws
Colors: White and Tan, white belly from face and neck to tip of tail, backs of limbs; creamy buff sides, limbs, face, and down tail with bright white spotting on neck scales; rust-brown mottled light-through- medium brown wingsails and back fin; black tongue, horns, claws; copper eyes
Features: Night-Sand, four legs and two wings, very stock build with a low thick forebody; 5 foretoes, 4 on hind with a heel claw; four fingered leathery wings, wrist thumb with claw, elbow strut, prominent strong claws on all; flexible thick scaled hide, with softer belly, large strong plates on side and back; fin from head to lower tail variable in size, soft enough to sit over on shoulders or head; two sharp thick conical back-pointing horns, external ears, tail has sharp venom-injecting stinger.
Powers: Winged Flight, though Topaz is seemingly bulky, low to the ground, or wide-load... She's that way because those massive wing muscles at her chest are powerful enough to lift her plus almost her own weight on top of it. For this reason, she and Jared are known for their 'business' of moving delicate and important machines across the New Mexico desert. Though very strong and a steady flier, and she can fly for hours on end with or without weights, Topaz is not a particularly agile dragon in the air, and prefers to have a good clear flight path.
Verbal Speech and Technical Knowledge , Topaz has a smooth voice, surprising for a dragon whose diet includes 'anything in the desert including the sand'. She is able to understand highly technical instructions, and can, because of her sharp eyesight, detect tiny items meeting specific descriptions easily. Though she's not all that agile in the air, Topaz can easily sort through the tiny tools belonging to her human friends and make sure that their projects are attended with the right equipment. Shes speaks English and Draconic, preferring the more complex words with specific meanings, to Vortigese - which she understands just fine, but only when she's able to telepathically peek into a conversation. Without that, she feels that having too few words, and relying on that Flux Shifting for meaning, just doesn't get enough across.
Firebreath, As a creature of the desert, it's obvious that a half-Sandwing will have hot flame. Hers is remarkably so, enough to melt sand into glass, which her human then can use in his more fine works. She can project a normally-hot gout of flame over 40 meters with accuracy, and her ultra-hot sand melting breath requires both concentration and a very small area to pack that heat into for best effect. She is responsible for helping get some of the industrial forge machinery up and running in the depths of Black Mesa.
Poison Injection, though she doesn't get the chance to use it often, because most of the animals that are hunted in the Rookery area aren't really big enough to be a challenge, Topaz does have the ability to sting with her tail and inject a lethal neurotoxin. As curious and scientifically oriented as she is, she's agreed to allow her stinger to be 'milked' for the scientists to analyze it and make antidotes for the Humans and Vorts of the Rookery, just in case accidents occur.
Telepathy, though she's got a strong mental and emotional connection to Jared, she can also listen in to Vortal conversations nearby (within about 30 meters) and communicate with strongly telepathic individuals should the need arise.
Parentage: Nightwing and Sandwing hybrid, unrelated to those also here, but they sure do have similar coloration don't they? Very possibly half-sibling or cousin to Beachfront on their Sandwing side
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart
Other Info: She doesn't do well in overt combat situations, at least physically - mentally she thrills to it, claiming it reminds her of their homeworld... which she may or may not even remember, she was certainly not old enough to have been in combat there. Because she is also half Nightwing, she does tend to like evenings and night time, but is at least as at home in the broad daylight of this world, as under its single moon.