Name: Kayla Bradford

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: ~25/1999

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC project, Fairport Alabama

Family: Absolutely has siblings among the spliced population of the Pantheon, none named specifically; has a son with Jared named Gerard

Other: likely has spliced offspring or those waiting to be implanted, saved up among the stored jars that Mel has

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 135, average build, nicely curvy

Hair: Pale blond, curly and full, quite long and sometimes in braid or tail

Eyes: strong glossy green, observant, sometimes looks 'concerned' about something

Appearance: fair skin, a small number of moles and scars from childhood in the EC, an attractive woman with even features and handling herself in a professional manner, a husky voice

Image Credits: DollDivine Sari / tektek / Missangest (below)

Genetic Abilities: Strong cryokinetics and temperature control, localized and must be quite close by or touching object to affect it; strongly resistant to cold, but often is seen wearing a sweater or sweatpants anyway; Shows moderate empathic power, strongest among the Pantheon but she claims to be able to sense the moods of the Vorts as well as dragons.
Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3 she was given the Icarus treatments which accentuated her Cryokinetic ability strongly, and possibly allowed her empathy to become active. It did not affect her physical build except to provide the cold resistance.
Skills or Profession: Always intended to be in the science division, Kayla was given downloads for research, procedures in the lab, organic and inorganic chemistry, biology, and advanced maths. Some of this had never been reinforced, but many of her procedural skills have been in use since childhood and the Events. She is skilled in the preservation of food and even has been able to stabilize injuries among her friends until a proper healer or medic could arrive. She seems to know just how much frost an item can take before it would be damaged, or how long a piece of frozen food can last without her reapplying a new coat of ice. She is directly responsible for keeping the preserved food in the Mesa as well as the EC fresh enough to eat, and occasionally is asked to put out fires or chill areas that have been overheated by machinery. Since she has to touch the items or at least be in close proximity, this works best in smaller rooms, and she gets a workout in a server-room size area, particularly if those servers are active. Aside from those things, however, Kayla is good with lists, making sure that people are checked in and out of areas needing security or having to keep track (particularly of those food stores, can't have someone walking off with more than their share), and relaying accurate information to other people.
Personality: Sometimes seen as standoffish or hesitant in groups, Kayla prefers the presence of a few people or being alone, to being in a crowd. That said, she also dislikes being singled out or having the spotlight, so she avoids situations where she's the 'only one' who knows something or must respond to questions. She knows the answers, she's just uncomfortable giving them to people she doesn't intimately trust. She is sensible though, and would have already provided those answers or suggestions to someone, before they were needing to ask in general. Kayla is friendly, but more to those in the Pantheon, and rarely with regular people in the Mesa or the Rookery. Since she is reasonably pretty, as well as having those 'weird magic powers' of hers, the normal people tend to look at her with jealousy or ire, superstition, or worse, so she just... avoids them. She's well off in the sciences, honestly, since most of the science team of Black Mesa as well as the EC would do exactly the same thing in her position.

Events or History: Kayla was born among a largish group in the Enrichment Center's Origin program, and keeps to that group for most of her life. She was among those tasked to stop GLADOS when the children were needing free reign around the Center, and has always been there for people to rely on for 'anything related to cold'. She was hardly surprised when the 'women and children' were sent to the Mesa when the Combine arrived, and spent quite a bit of time there before switching back and forth. She was of much more use indoors than scouting around in the Outlands, and prefers a roof over her head typically.

She and Jared are reasonably well attached, but neither of them are so overprotective of the other that they'd balk at the other gettin' busy with someone else. Their son is a strong matter manipulator, that's no surprise, and he learned much from both of his parents.

When the Combine were stopped, and they could earnestly begin rebuilding, Kayla's powers got a workout - re-freezing foodstuffs, making sure that all the locations she habited were temperature controlled, and the like. And as the Rookery has been contacted, Kayla has discovered the great sensation of having a truly close bond with a dragon. They get along famously, and Kayla seems to prefer their companionship over human at times.


Name: Fogmire
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: medium-large / 12' shoulder / 46' long / 110' wingspan(!)
Colors: icy white, mint-green through forest-green wingsails and tail webbing with splatter-snow patterns in white; faded aqua through teal on back armor and horns, neck and tail spines; bioluminescent bright neon green spots on face and body; grey eyes
Features: Ice-Sea Wing hybrid, four legs with massive curved claws on feet (5 fore, 4 hind), heel claw; heavy and thick scaled skin with heavy backfacing armor on limbs, heavy scaled armor along neck, back, tail, head; sharp muzzle with rear-facing nostrils, jaw points, two straight backpoint horns, external ears, strong stiff horn spines along entire spine, lower back and tail add webbing between spikes, 'mane' of spikes on upper neck; huge 4-fingered webbed wings with elbow tine, wrist thumb/claw, with extreme spike claws and ripping thumb claw; tail long and spiked at end.
Powers: Verbal Speech - can speak in English, Draconic, and Aquatic (he keeps trying to talk to the Ick, down in the depths, but it doesn't respond), has minor and specific empathy with his bond-human and other strongly Vortal people. Bioluminescent communication, can use the glowing bits on his skin to communicate under water, or in darkness, but it requires knowing what those signals and light frequencies mean in order to really decode them. Sometimes he just gets excited and flashes a bit. Related: can both see in extremely low light, and is totally flash-resistant, Fogmire's eyes either adjust so quickly that a flash cannot harm his vision, or the Ice genes in him prevent it outright. He can see properly in a storm, through fog, or against extremely bright reflective surfaces such as ice and snow. He does, however, occasionally have trouble with transparent barriers, if he cannot detect a reflection he might bump into a pane of glass or even his own ice wall if he's forgotten it's there...
Cold resistance and production, can withstand an extreme temperature and deep sea immersion even in the coldest conditions. Cold breath condenses any water in the surrounding air and can freeze an entire room with its temperature, can focus cold breath into a 'beam' that can literally freeze a limb off of almost any creature. Body radiates chill temperatures, and is absolutely cold to the touch. Can create 'ice sculpture' using existing water that he freezes, and expertly directs his wrist claws to cut off bits, or fog it back up a little to delicately texture an ice block with runnels and swirls. He's actually quite the artist.
Though Fogmire can descend quite far under water, he cannot breathe it as his father can. He lacks the typical Seawing gills, but he can still hold his breath for an unusually long time. This aids him in finding deep-sea food sources, which are then brought back up to the Rookery and deposited back into the re-chilled experimental xenobiology labs 'pool' for storage. He makes sure that they're dead before coming back with them... He also has exceptionally good Winged Flight, given that his wingspan is among the biggest of any dragon in the Rookery (including some of the biggest Pernese bronzes) and can fly over great distances without tiring. That said, he's not remarkably agile in the air, and is more comfortable hunting under water. He does require a lot of space to take off and land, and displaces anything not nailed down with the wind under his wingsails.
Extreme Cutting Claws, Fogmire's claws are absolutely razor sharp, and if he misses with that beam of ice breath weapon, he can always just slash something into ribbons. This is of use when serving up cuts of large animal meat, honestly, and he's become quite the butcher with an opinion on what cuts are the 'best'... His tail is also a reasonably dangerous weapon, but he tends to keep it out of harm's way having had his share of spare fish stuck to the spines on it.
Parentage: Icewing + Seawing hybrid, sibling of Clue and Sleuth, and possibly related via their Seawing parent, to Depth, the Mud-Sea
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 at Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Fogmire has an unusual skill with meats and food, and sometimes demands to know whether 'that cut' was just right for cooking, or whether it could stand more of the bone, or perhaps a little more marbling of fat? Truth be told, he and Wilson get along famously for that reason, and Kayla just kind of stands there dumbfounded at this gigantic dragon chatting up an equally gigantically muscular guy in a suit totally not fit for working in a kitchen. Kayla and he will take stock of the food stores and on occasion will head out to supplement it themselves if needed or if they're bored. Since the Rookery isn't particularly near any body of water big enough to dive into, they often must head to the Michigan Enrichment Center - distinct from the one that Kayla grew up in which is in the south-east part of the country - and find the chilly Lake Michigan quite well suited to hunting. Kayla actually likes it there too, and might set up shop if and when Lane gets around to refitting the Testing Spheres for living in.