Name: Gerard Clayborne

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: ~16, 2014

Origin: Repurposed Earth, Enrichment Center, Fairport Alabama

Family: Mother Kayla, father Jared, likely has other siblings or relatives; daughter Nicole with Heather

Other: he's a regular Prince Charming, so there'll definitely be more kids from this guy...

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 135, average build, not particularly muscular

Hair: Light brown, wavy, kept short but almost always grows just long enough to get in his eyes

Eyes: hazel green, squinty, probably should get glasses to help with distance vision

Appearance: fair to pale skin, doesn't tan well at all. Does not generally keep facial hair but it is quite light anyway. Don't let that slightly confused look deceive you, he knows exactly what he wants in exchange for that lovely pretty stone he's just shaped.

Genetic Abilities: Very strong cryokinetics, able to freeze living things solid within a minute or so; can cast cold in a wave around him up to 20 meters away, and to 10 meters with pinpoint accuracy. Strong inorganic sense, manipulation, and with effort can actually alter the molecular structure of most metals or crystals. Works with Xenian crystals incredibly well for whatever reason, so he has one on hand when he needs to do this work. He can sense through any contiguous material, such as beams or rebar, up to 500 meters through it if it's connected to any other typical metal, but must be physically touching part of it to do this at all. Has minor close-range empathy.

Image Credits: Doll Divine/Azalea's Dolls Arabian Nights

Icarus Processing: since both of his parents were Icarus treated themselves, his powers are rather strong without it, and he will not undergo the process. It's unlikely to have affected anything much.
Skills or Profession: Like his father he is adept with clever uses of his abilities, such as sounding out the nearby area for weak points or breaks in the power lines. Unlike him, however, he's absolutely ready and willing to take a chunk of metal or a pretty rock, and make it really pretty, for a girl... or two. He's studied more science than some of his generation, and enjoys working with the Black Mesa people on producing functional devices, and repairing those that are broken. But he's also studied art and literature - he has seen how Paxton enthralls girls with his poetry.
Personality: He's also seen how easy it is to make a room a little colder than needed, just so he can 'warm up' those girls he's given shiny diamonds or brilliant sapphires to... It's important to note that while he knows Melissa will want to pair him and Eirwyn up, and they do certainly get along, he is actually a little intimidated by the girl.

Events or History: As part of the new generation of Pantheon, Gerard was expected to be functional and ready for anything, and he has not disappointed. Though he was brought up more or less in the Black Mesa facility, he does take trips to the Outlands by City 47 in order to gather materials to work with back at the Mesa.

When the Rookery was established he was already considered an adult, and has contributed quite a bit to the new world's health and well-being. His work with the Rookery tends to take him elsewhere over time, once the Rooks themselves are all hooked up and functional. He spends time up at the Borealis after RY4, usually making sure that everyone is warm and safe and comfy, delivering more Xenian crystals and blankets made from his own dragon's fur... But also around RY8 then along to the North Aperture site, where they will help the Color Guard fix up the place for a large-scale habitat. He was among the earliest at that facility to start digging through the rubble in the Shafts, and has made a home in Shaft 7 Sphere 1, while he works on clearing out the other still-damaged areas.


Name: Sareuz (saw REE ooze)
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium small Bipedal 8'6" hip / 30' l / 24' and 26' ws
Colors: Winter Mint, body is soft white with very pale minty green speckling, wingsails are gradient bright white-green through medium mint green, mane and tail floof is darker mint and very shiny slightly metallic strands; eyes are teal, horns and claws all ivory-white
Features: Icarian Angora Drak, bipedal with shorter forelegs than hind, feet have 3 digits plus thumb/ankle claw with stubby large claws; two pairs of wings, in this breed the hind wings are slightly larger than fore, and set significantly farther behind other Draks, all wings have 3 visible fingers, no wrist thumb (though this Drak's parentage do have them, if bred to another of that type or with wrist claws they will appear), all with stubby conical claws; hide is soft leathery, with a very short velvet fur, except for wingsails which are bare leather; very long fur ruff on head and neck from behind eys to shoulder joint and slightly down chest, and tail end for several feet - this fur can be harvested and is faintly metallic looking; head has external ears and two gently curved backswept horns; offspring will inhert name endings based on gender, male **uz, female uz**.
Powers: Winged Flight, as a dragon with four wings might be expected, Sareuz is a good flier. He prefers chilly climates to work with, mostly because he is a showoff and likes to work out... His wings are quite strong, but he is also very stable in the air, so he can carry people or delicate goods with ease.
Portaling, as Draks can teleport, he has a decent skill with localized relocation, within 10km, or to spaces that are clearly and vividly projected or recalled from his rider's mind. Since Gerard is quite creative, this has led to some interesting spots they've prowled around... Each longer distance Portal requires a bit of preparation, and some rest between each use.
Acid Spit, though oh my goodness no that's so unbecoming. Watching Sareuz attempt to spit is like a scene from Mulan... There's acid in there, let's keep it to digesting food! Ugh!
Mental Communication, Verbal Speech - while Sareuz speaks English with a distinct added hissing of s-sounds, he is quite adept with mentally contacting his bond and they share a lot of information this way. Sareuz has learned how to read provided the text is large enough, and though some other dragons think that's 'quaint' it's actually quite the achievement for a Drak.
Parentage: Wind Angora F Drak Chamkare and Plant Angora M Drak Ksamkuz, known siblings include Trakareuz, Mamtuzre, Churuzre, and Kashreuz.
Origin: residing at Dun Keiba on Planet Icarus his dam and sire are quite happy with the decision to send their clutch to this world, after all they have needs for warm cloth and still want to keep the color in their lives...
Other Info: Sareuz is definitely worth watching. Just look at him! ... Are you still looking? Hey? No seriously - he's a lovely dragon with beautiful coloration, and style beyond most. That metallic mane and tail fur of his makes wonderfully soft and shiny thread!