Name: Nicole Clayborne

Gender: Female, straight

Age/DOB: 15* *aged, dob ~2038ish?

Origin: born on Rookery, to Repurposed Earth parents, taken back and forth a bit for processing

Family: Mother Heather Gibbs, father Gerard Clayborne

Other: Has extended relatives both in the Rookery/Mesa, and the Color Guard

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 140* *though Icarus took off a few pounds, it did change her strength and flexibility dramatically

Hair: Fiery auburn with numerous highlights and under-darks that make it look considerably more colorful, fluffy, kept to mid- or low-back though she does tie it into a tail when she's doing more serious work

Eyes: grey, with tints of both pale blue and weak green, a steely shade; large, and quite intense

Appearance: Light with creamy overtones, blushes and burns in the sun; curvy and attractive, contrary to the image she does usually have shoes on, but still prefers lightweight and snug clothing; smells oddly of iron and fire

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3 when she was also aged a bit. This processing strongly affected her physical strength and agility, she is nearly 4 times as strong as a normal person, and can contort herself in very odd ways; it did lighten her frame and strengthen her joints so she doesn't take damage from squeezing into narrow ducts or window openings. It focused her Vortal abilities, since Heather was treated and Gerard's parents both were as well, narrowing the range of stray powers and giving her a good overall power level.

Image Credits:

Genetic Abilities: with a strong psychic suite of close range empathy (strongest individually and within 5 meters), invasive telepathy good for singling out individuals among groups of Vortally powerful people up to 500 meters, and a very strong Vortal ping sense that she can detect that there are minds or entities within a 50 mile range. She cannot affect those emotions or pry too deeply, but her telepathy can pick up hidden thoughts at close range. Her strongest powers however involve control over matter and magnetism. With a specialty in metal shaping and sensing, Nicole is able to detect slight differences in solid materials, urge ores apart from stone, and even fuse and create alloys without a forge. She can shape a softball sized piece of raw ore, metal that's already been forged, or even straight-up raw rebar into something new and strong within minutes. She can do this to other non-metal substances but it's quite exhausting, and only to those with reasonably crystalline molecular patterns, non-radioactive or other such variable shapes to their structures. Her shaping ability requires touch, but sensing can be done at over 50 meters. She can also detect and influence magnetism in anything that displays a marked ability to have a magnetic field, she can polarize any magnet, and in fact is training herself to do this to tiny circuits in order to help fix machinery requiring computers.She does use this as an attack, as well, in order to easily attract the stabby bits of other attractive metal pieces she carries as weapons: there is a lot of metal on a Combine soldier, and just enough in her daggers or other random chunks of scenery that she draws them together... fatally. This works at a distance over 100 meters, so she can usually remain safely hidden while doing it. Though very difficult, Nicole can alter the polarization of living matter, which is quite painful.
Skills or Profession: Like her mother and her 'sisters' in the Color Guard, Nicole is apt to sense magnetic lines, and has an absolute sense of direction. She has never gotten lost, and she's gone into some weird places with very little in the way of mapping available. A clever use to her magnetizing power has been setting down small sensors and items that give off a particular spin to their poles, with which scientists - and some dragons or Pantheon - can use to track or map out a location. Though she's primarily used to scout out spots for this reason, Nicole is very interested in aggressively destroying the Combine. Since she's among the few who were born after the Rookery was established, she's known this world as well as the Repurposed side of things, and has it in her head to 'fix' this world... Best way to do that is to sneak around destroying Combine equipment and weapons, which she loves doing. Oh yeah she can take any weapon and basically make a railgun out of it. ... She can take a doorway and make a railgun out of it.
Personality: She likes taking doorways and making railguns. She's not overtly violent, no - but Nicole was named after Nike, goddess of Victory for a reason. She and Paxton's kids get along so well.
Events or History: Born to a Repurposed pair of riders, at some nebulous point in time, Nicole would have been merely a scout for good places to build on Repurposed Earth. How dull. How droll. She has a powerful friend to help fly around and just destroy Combine forces, and that's a way better way to live.
Though she resides at the Rookery itself, Nicole and Oxy do tend to wander pretty far, and when needed in any given City location - be it near by in the New Mexico outlands, or all the way out by the Borealis - they jump at the chance.


Name: Oxide "Oxy"
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-small 9' s / 45' l / 75' and 60' ws
Colors: neck, belly, under tail red-orange base with strong black mottling; face, neck, body and limbs, tail light brown with pale grey-green mottling strongest on neck and body, horns also this shade to darkest point; body cell scales bright yellow-orange with pale yellow speckles toward head, red brown and grey-green mottling on neck, browner mottles on wing scales, red-brown and black toward tail; armor top of head, neck, back deep brown; upper wingsails and neck/tail webbing lighter orange-tan with strong random markings in light brown, lower wingsails red-orange with darker brown mottling; back spines and all claws black; eyes charcoal-tan
Features: Leaf-Hive hybrid, Leaf strongly dominant (hive only adds extra wings and power)
Powers: Winged Flight, Oxide is exceptional at low-altitude and difficult terrain flights, preferring to swing around trees and buildings quickly and quietly. He can ascend rapidly and make extremely tight turns, with the aid of his secondary wings. He doesn't like to fly in open skies particularly, because he's rather more visible there. He can carry weights but generally only when they're collected into a harness he can balance.
Communication, Oxy can speak his native Draconic, but also is adept with English enough that he can follow highly technical discussions his rider and her friends have. His voice however sounds like nails on metal, so unless you're prepared to do a lot of cringing, don't engage him in conversation. He has a strong Vortal connection to Nicole, and Vorts can see him vividly against the void.
Oxidation, where some Leafwings can draw power and life from the sun, Oxy does so with the very air around him, though he eats just fine too. He can however force this effect onto other matter: usually metal, but also virtually anything that can oxidize will rust within moments. If it's a particularly susceptible kind of metal or substance, it will rust or dissolve clean through in an hour or less once he's started the process off. How can this be of benefit? Well, after Nicole drops a tracking device on a Combine troop carrier, Oxy also starts it dissolving. They will never know they were even being tracked. He's become very good with this ability, to the point of having precise timing for different components in, say, a planted tracker with a bomb attached to it...
Parentage: Unknown Leafwing mother, his sire was likely a Leaf-Hive hybrid himself, which is why he barely has Hivewing traits.
Origin: Adopted from Soaringheights on Deviantart, lines by Moonshimmer981, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: On the younger side when he arrived to the Rookery, Oxy fits right in with the front-liners as well as the sneaky sorts.