Name: Zack Masterson

Gender: Male, Pan

Age/DOB: ~17, aged, 2021

Origin: Repurposed Earth, AAEC Auburn Alabama

Family: Full sister Marline, unrelated to anyone else in the Pantheon

Other: Born out of the reconstructed remains and from notes by the original scientists, part of the Reborn Pantheon; early in the Rookery's settling at the Mesa he and Matilda manage to bring triplets **, **, and ** into the world(s); later, he and Kinsey hit it off while they're in Aperture (RY8), and have a son, Kincaid

Height: 6'2"

Weight: 165* Icarus strengthened all bones, joints, and muscularity to an extent that is frightening, he looks like he ought to be around 250 and all muscle at that; if he hadn't had the treatments his build would be slender and long like his sister's

Hair: Black, natural afro, but shaved

Eyes: Peachy orange, started a light transparent brown; like Marline's his eyes are considered both spooky and wild, and while not unattractive, the rest of him is intimidating enough that they're just scary

Appearance: very dark brown skin, broad nose and thick lips, no scars because that'd be silly on a guy who can regenerate like he can. He likes wearing the Icarus gear and some other spare bits that he's picked up, including pieces of Armacham/Combine armor, not that he needs it

Icarus Processing: Yes, at age 3 with his sister. This process improved his Vortal power slightly, but mainly had the effect of increasing his muscular strength (to over 6 times normal), durability and endurance (he can take actual rockets to the face without damage, and has been known to run for 10 hours straight on a treadmill just to get some excess energy off him), and his speed slightly (to around 2.5 times normal). While it is incredibly difficult to actually damage him, if he has any real injuries, they heal within an hour or less depending on severity, including loss of parts or limbs. He is not immune to all things: radiation will damage him, and he does not take cold well (in fact it reduces his strength), nor can he breathe under water or survive long if without air.

Image Credits: Gmod / Resistance 2

Genetic Abilities: though less overtly adept with telepathy and empathy as his sister, they share a tight Vortal bond, and he will communicate through her if he needs to access other people's minds quickly. Vortally his ability to either siphon or enhance other people's powers is quite strong, though he must be within about 5 meters at most, preferably touch, to activate either. He's practicing the siphon on willing friends, but also willing Vorts, and some number of unwilling other creatures that he thinks might be of use. If he's been in contact with someone that he's either boosted or siphoned before, his powers work much better on them again. The siphon ability first leeches overall Vortal energy - someone who could produce a laser-hot flame might only be able to make a weak light but still use their power. But after that he can completely nullify a weaker opponent's powers for a short time - usually less than an hour depending on the strength of the individual. Their power will return to its normal strength within a day. While he's siphoned any power or Vortal energy, however, he can then force that onto other people in terms of 'available raw Vortal power', a battery to those in need. He cannot transfer the actual abilities between people, that's an extremely rare power that only one or two Pantheon have ever exhibited. But the actual power level, he can either dump out into one person over time, or dole out to numerous team mates all at once. This power can be stored up to about 2 hours maximum, and then begins to just dwindle. Anyone with strong Vortal sight can see how much different his aura is while he's working, either siphoning or boosting, or holding on to that power in the meantime. His limits for siphoning aren't yet known: he has taken power from up to a dozen medium-strength Vortally active humans, or 4 Vorts, and been able to take on more. However, getting rid of that does require subjects that are able to take power beyond their own, or who have been drained using theirs recently. He can wait it out, but he complains (and his sister especially so) that he 'glows like a goddamn lighthouse' in the process, which is very true - even normal people can see his aura when he's powered up like that. It's a good thing he has a dragon that can conceal light... Because Combine could see it too.
Skills or Profession: His tactic is usually to gear up before a patrol not just with weapons and armor, but by asking around for volunteers to boost his energy level. Particularly when he's placed on a team with those other than his sister, he will be called upon to replenish those that use their own powers. As with all the Pantheon Reborn, he got a standard complement of skills and knowledge, he is good with practical applications of geometry and physics, reading maps and blueprints, decoding weird texts including Combine writing, and blowing holes in things with his fists or weapons. He likes those last bits a lot. He has picked up numerous odd weapons, including the one shown above, and had others fix them up so he can easily trigger them or put them to use for the Rookery. He has supplied the Rookery itself with Combine siege weapons, and helped install them. Zack has practical experience with paratroop skills, frequently enough jumping from Mashup's shoulders into combat... Without a parachute of course, because who needs that? According to any of the people who visit from other dragonry-oriented dimensions, Zack would be an incredibly good 'Weyrling Master', a teacher of tactics on dragonback, as he understands three-dimensional tactics in ways that many humans don't.
Personality: A perfectionist who is easily distracted by shiny weapons or good targets. He's not sloppy - he will complete that task he's been given better than anyone, but on his own terms. If it's time-sensitive, probably... find someone else. He'll get around to it. He's much more talkative than his sister, and while he is a walking, talking slab of meat of a man, he's reasonably friendly. Though he looks as gruff as could be, getting through that scary exterior can be challenging but rewarding. He's not 'gentle', this giant, but steadfast and true to his word. He's much more scary than creepy like Marline. He knows he's not the 'smart' one, but as long as he knows the rules or instructions, he'll figure anything out that she can... in time.

Events or History: As with Marline, he displaced whatever was inhabiting his 'new' body, as he'd been waiting for such an event for decades on Repurposed Earth's Icarus facility. Among the ghosts that haunted the place, he and his sister were among the few chosen for being recreated, and since they're somewhat unique among the group, Melissa didn't 'add' anyone else to their genetic mix. The Icarus processing had just been finished, and then the Synchronicity wiped everything out, but they remained. It's likely they will both still remain, long after these newer bodies crumble to dust. Zack doesn't usually wax poetic, but he does like listening to stories and other people's perspectives on things. What was that building used for before the war? Who lived in that house? He is creative enough that he'll imagine things - maybe they're real, his sister's powers see those ghosts and buildings as they were, after all. Maybe he can too, just not so directly. While he enjoyed working on rebuilding after the Combine were dealt with, he's really looking forward to being able to punch through shit on the Rookery.

They head up to North Aperture, for whatever reason having latched on to Hoyle and his ideas of Making Earth Fun Again. He and his sister help clean up and keep the place safe, but he also strongly contributes to the powers and genetics Spheres, since nearly everyone up until they start funneling refugees there has powers to mess with.


Name: Mashup
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 11'9" s / 58' l / 60' and 30' ws
Colors: overall boidy, face, neck and tail black with a multitude of stars in grey-white, dorsal from head to tail, backs of limbs and wing arms featureless vibrant black, limb armor bright white, scales between belly and back are white with black and dark blue with white patterned, dark blue on legs; wingsails and neck/back fin fade from black to deep blue with billions of tiny star points in white, and wings are highly reflective (the white shown isn't markings, it's surface reflection); horns, claws, tongue black, eyes red
Features: Sand-Silk dominant with Night (coloration), Hive (armor style), and Ice features in that order of recessive (ice is nearly nonexistent); four burly heavily scaled legs with 5 and 4 short curved claws; four leathery wings in butterfly-like shapes with 3 and 1 visible fingers, elbow strut and stiff short wrist claw, all with short curved claws; body is burly and front heavy, with heavy but flexible armor on belly from chin to tail, strongly plated diamond shaped armor on sides and neck, tail, and fronts of limbs; head is boxy with a strong nose horn, jaw nubs, external ears, and two short back-pointing horns; head, neck, and upper body have Sandwing style dorsal fin, from center of body to tail tip plated armor with short spikes, tail is sharp tipped but lacks any stinger
Powers: Winged Flight, though his wings seem too fragile looking to carry such a massive dragon, he can fly for short distances, and even carry a good amount of weight doing so. Not maneuverable in the slightest, however, Mashup prefers to use them as signals and distraction, rather than for transportation. He can break a fall or glide to a halt, as well as gain brief altitude if leaping, and that helps him more than longer distance flying would. He will basically run through things with the wings folded carefully down, to avoid damaging them.
Teleportation, unlike most of his breed, Mashup can move between spaces with a teleportation power, likely gained by his Nightwing genes. After all, he looks like the Void, why not act like it? Though he doesn't use it frequently, it's more for emergencies, he can move to anywhere he's been or has seen - so he will go scouting with Zack and others, even to the point of asking other dragons that can do it, to teleport him somewhere, so he can tuck that away into memory for later. The amount of energy he has to expend for this process isn't set in stone - but it also isn't related to distance traveled, instead it's 'how much is with him' when he goes. Just himself and Zack, hardly tires him out. But he is capable of concentrating and bringing with him up to two larger dragons worth of mass. He did so once, and collapsed for nearly three days. Not damaged, but just exhausted. So he will prepare himself for anything like that in the future, and certainly warns anyone coming with of the dangers... because if he passes out while they're under his path...
Communication, also thanks to his Nightwing blood, Mashup is able to telepathically communicate with strong Vortal minds of any kind. It's short range, however, within 500 meters at most. He can always sense his little human friend, though, and his weird sister. He speaks more English and Vort than Draconic, but understands all of them to a degree that is a bit unusual.
Dark Fire Breath, with enough fire-breathing blood in his line, Mashup can produce a flame but it's... different. Rather than casting light, it seems to reverse it, or absorb it, depending on what he's using it for. Like most fire breath weapons he can shoot a line of this fire up to 200 meters away accurately, but it's a narrow beam in that case. While pinpoint accuracy is nice, its effect is what seems odd: this flame is not going to burn things on its path, instead it blinds them entirely - if something in its path uses light in any way to process, it can simply no longer 'see' at all, this effect lasts over an hour and that's more than long enough to hunt it down, escape from something, or subdue whatever it was. For closer range uses, like others again he can spread the focus of this fire - at around 35 meters, it becomes hot enough to burn easily flammable substances and damage flesh, but it's still basically 'blackness with added heat'. He can erect a 'wall' of this weird darkness that almost looks like a Combine force field, enough so that sometimes they've tricked Combine troops into walking right through it. They realize their mistake just a moment too late. In greater emergencies, he can also effectively belch up a cloud that envelops him to about 2 meters away, which is quite hot, and infinitely painful - this will permanently damage eyes, except Zack's... for whatever reason. He often uses this and then teleports carefully away leaving a burning blinded enemy behind.
Reflective Wings, Perhaps a vestige of his Hivewing side, or a little Ice thrown in, the surface scales of his wings are incredibly reflective and dance with a mirror-like sheen in light. He cannot control these scales specifically but he can move his wings in ways that cause reflections to blind, or flash for long distance communication. Or, just create a kind of discoball light show if things are flashing around him. He considers Superconductor to be quite amazing and between the two of them they can dazzle visitors or blind whole squads.
Parentage: Mother Sirocco night-sand, father Starshadow
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, Wings of Fire by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: ** Below is old because they're no longer siblings**
Like the human siblings being as different as they are, Mashup is considerably friendlier than his brother Meatboy, and sort of wishes that other people would come around more. He does like the oohs and aahs that people give when he causes light to vanish or scatter with his wings and breath.