Name: Anna and Ariel Zlatari of the Zlatari Jugglers

Gender: Female, Anna (l) is straight, Ariel (r) is bisexual

Age/DOB: 32, unknown dob, twins

Origin: Aperturth, Carnies

Family: Once part of a rather large family of Carnies whose specialty was acrobatic juggling, they are the only ones still left alive; both twins have had children, Hicory and Switch with Oak; Anna has Lotus and Liana with Ideal, and Ariel, Perseophone and Pandora with Pan; later (RY 11) they sort of gang up on Reshay and true to form they both become pregnant, with Vortally-linked sons Hermes and Hector

Other: Twins run in their line, they were the third set of twins from their parents, and two sets of triplets belonging to their aunt and uncle; their sons Hicory and Switch, and Hermes and Hector, are the only single births in their line for generations, but can be considered 'twins' due to their being sired by the same men, as well as the boys sharing their Vortal energies...

Height: 5'8"

Weight: never ask a girl that! they are both quite pleasantly padded, though muscular, and if you ask their weight again they'll probably wedge a bowling pin into your ...

Hair: both honey blond, Anna (left) wears hers longer so the curls can be shown off; Ariel (right) keeps hers in tighter ringlets, they're both natural and tend to frizz up in changing weather

Eyes: both steel grey, without even a hint of color

Appearance: porcelain pale skin with likely a few scars here and there, a beauty mark, or fishnet stocking impressions on their legs from performances. They both tend to smile a lot, though Ariel is more reserved; they have the same voice and intonation, and according to any of the Carnies, this was common among their family. Anna tends to wear blue with red accents, and Ariel crimson with blue, and always has gloves - she does have a burn scar along her right hand, and wears them both for protection and modesty.

Icarus Processing: None, and they have markers that would be detrimental. However, they obviously don't need it, and their offspring will likely not benefit as well, because they're already as strongly Vortal as they'll get.

Image Credits: Doll Divine Princess Maker

Genetic Abilities: It is pretty clear that the entire Zlatari clan were highly gifted with Vortal abilities, not the least of which was their inherent knowledge of each other's whereabouts and moods. Particularly among the twins and triplets present, each set of them seemed entirely too alike for comfort. Not just completing each other's sentences, but moving and sounding alike. They are a lot like the ELLs in that regard, who up until they were allowed to do their own thing, could have functioned as one. Anna and Ariel's particular Vortal ability extends to other people but not beyond a few dozen close by - a crowd. They are highly telepathic and empathic toward one another, and can sense but not alter or manipulate other people's moods, save by acting and behaving in a specific way. People who sense them Vortally cannot distinguish them if they're near one another, but apart at around 100 meters or more, they become quite distinct. Their physical prowess with juggling is not just skill: it is neurons acting much more quickly than normal. They can move bodily around twice as fast as a normal person, but their manipulation and hand eye coordination is upwards of five times better. They can train people to keep up, but between themselves they are an absolute blur. They have remarkable aim, precision for throwing and catching, and can lift and toss oddly shaped, heavy, or ungainly items with ease as long as they've had time to study the object.
Skills or Profession: Both sisters are positively amazing at juggling. They have profound skill and aim, and might have replaced their cousins in the knife throwing act if things hadn't gone sideways. They do each have their preferred tools: Anna likes smaller and sleeker items like knives, small bowling pins, and darts. Ariel takes to hackeysacks, and balls of all sizes from marbles to beach balls. They are both also excellent at many of the sports that go along with those balls and pins, but there are few others who will engage them in a friendly game... mostly because they literally don't lose. The sisters were, like all the other Carnies, home-schooled on the road, but they do have a strong love of reading, and will recite plays or poetry - well, they used to, with the rest of their siblings gone it seems more hollow.
Personality: Anna is outgoing and generous, flirtatious, but also a little naive at times. Ariel is a touch more reserved and careful, as she had to be when she came out - that was not a good day for anyone, their patriarch wasn't exactly on board with 'that kind of thing' in his family. Since they've not had to deal with that aspect of their lives any longer, she's grown much more confident in making eyes at just about whoever she pleases. Together they are performers, professional; they banter and laugh, and are quite charming as a pair. Apart, sometimes they may seek out each other's mind, for advice or just security. With dragons to complicate things, they have learned how fun it is to compare and contrast.

Events or History: The Zlatari family were jugglers and acrobats, featured in the Carnival for generations. It's unclear whether their family had always been this strongly telepathic, or it was a recent development, but they absolutely exploited it. It's possible that their tribe was shunned by more or less normal Romany and they joined up with the Carnies on arrival to the USA in the mid-1800s, and seemed to draw weirdness toward themselves to keep the trend going. Several splinter cousins and uncles had been in their own circus and sideshows, and may still be alive on Aperturth, given that they do seem to have a knack for being in the right place at the right time. The deaths of their brothers, sisters, father, and aunt and uncle happened all at once, during a Portal Storm, part of the disaster that Aperture brought on their world simply whipped them away to ... well, no one knows, but Anna and Ariel are positive they died in the event. The sisters were distraught for weeks on end, as well they should be. Eventually as they made their way across the country once more and found the Hippies, things started getting a little more normal and less horrible for them. In fact they both kinda sorta fell madly in bed with Oak, Ideal, and Pan... not all at once. Well, all at once too, but...

Of note, it's surprised some of the Old World dragons that this pair didn't Impress one of their own. Their minds are highly tuned and in the words of some of those Pernese dragons, remarkably like a rider's should be. With the establishment of the Dragon Towers, the girls and their dragons tend to remain near the North and North-East towers, 3 and 4, along with the spliced brothers Spencer and Redd. It's entirely possible that they'll kindle up some hot action with those bois soon enough.

Dragon of Anna

Name: Firehot, also called Dawnbreak
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 10' s / 55' l / 78' and 40' ws
Colors: neck, belly, under tail, backs of limbs medium orange; face inset dusty red-orange; neck, limb, body, tail fringe scales dim red; limb armor brighter red; main neck, body, tail, limb armor copper metallic with yellow insets and red dusty with dark red patterns; wing arms grade dark red through red-orange; wingsails sunset yellow, orange, red, in brilliant pattern; dorsal spikes and claws bright yellow, horns and antennae red; eyes vibrant blue
Features: Silkwing with a Skywing great-grandparent, evident with the amazing coloration and suprising presence of fire breath
Powers: Winged Flight, Dawnbreak flies best in warm air, but does so amazingly well, with crafty moves and surprsing speed. She isn't remarkably durable in the air, however, and can't lift more than 3 people-sized weights for long, but she is good with quick and short flights to distract or impress.
Communication, she speaks with clarity and a high chittering voice, Draconic, English, and a Romany-like ramble on occasion brought on by her little human friend's mind. They do have a good Vortal rapport, and that's why she effectively changed her name - Firehot is obvious, but fire hurt Ariel, and that hurt Anna.
Firesilk, just a touch of Skywing was all it took to produce hot, sticky strands of silk that can with just a tiny nudge burst into flames. Her silk production can be 'normal', without any hint of this, but there is a second gland that has grown beside the silk producing ones, to lay down this weird napalm-like stuff. With them both active, the strands are heavy and tough, and very sticky. They also smell a little weird, but most things that she'd be coating in this stuff either won't know what it means, or can't smell any longer. She can then produce a spark-like cough, the last remnant of that Skywing ancestry, to cause the substance to ignite. It will burn very hot, and linger as long as the silk strands are intact, and even when they start falling apart that just makes it worse, since now they're everywhere... This can only be done at close range, within 25 meters at most, for both the silk strands and the ignition, but there's nothing saying she can't lay a fuse line for a hundred meters and ignite that...
Normal Silk, her regular webbing is usually fine thread lines and sturdy enough to be tripwires or even garrote sharp. Apparently she comes from a bit of a war-torn area herself... These can be set up well in advance, and allows her to plan for ambushes. She's been very careful to leave these lines and dangers well away from any of the Grounds humans, though she's been known to go hunting down in the Xenian crater with it.
Parentage: Unknown Silkwings, one of whom has a Skywing grandparent themselves, and likely a firescales at that. Surprisingly she hooked up with Hellfire to produce Ember
Origin: Adopted from Moonshimmer981 on Deviantart, lines by Luna-the-Nightwing, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: She likes these little humans. The background noise of her history is fading, but she remembers them fighting and fighting back, dimly. Perhaps her parents fought in wars, she was clearly trained in tactics and sneaky fighting. But here, she knows she has an enemy that everyone needs rid of, and will be quite happy to help.

Dragon of Ariel

Name: Starshadow
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium, 9'6" s / 60' l / 70' and 40' ws
Colors: neck, belly, under tail, backs of limbs and feet dim cadet blue; face armor, antennae, scale trim, limb armor, very black; middle neck armor, face, body and limb scales, tail royal blue, with vibrant blue and black insets, white accents; dorsal spikes, claws white; wingsails butterfly patterned with pale foggy grey edges, vibrant white pattern insets, and graded midnight black through deep royal blue, bearing tiny living stars in bright white; eyes brilliant fuschia
Features: Silkwing with a Nightwing grandparent, evident in the coloration and mental prowess
Powers: Winged Flight, Starshadow flies almost exclusively at night, and is a remarkable hunter, for both prey and enemies. He can spot movement quite distantly using his keen antennae, even when he's over 200 meters up, and does a swift and silent dive onto it. He prefers only to allow Ariel to ride him, though he can carry around 4 human-size worth of volume with ease. He likes to glide, waiting for air currents, but when he does have to flap he is completely silent.
Communication, Starshadow prefers not to speak verbally, though he can, and can speak Draconic, English, and understands Vort. His mind however is very strong and keen, and he has a tight mental bond with Ariel, and thus her sister. He can communicate with any Vortal mind at up to 10 miles distance, and identifies individuals among a crowd with great ease due to his empathy and senses.
Silk Production, Starshadow makes eerie fluffy webbing that can cover entire trees in moments, firing off basically a thousand spiders' worth of web in remarkably cotton-candy strands. This stuff will encase whatever it covers, slowly constricting as it dries, and it is extraordinarily strong in that regard - a full sized pine tree can become a foot-wide beam of compressed needles in a day or so. Obviously this will kill anything living that it encases, so he's careful to scout out first with his senses, to make sure that no friendlies are being hit. He thinks that the scientists at the Rookery are having way too much fun with the samples he's given them, but he donates piles of this floof to them whenever they ask. The webbing can be shot accurately around 50 meters or less, any wider than that is less effective for getting any single item or enemy, but can be very helpful for clearing a road of debris, as it shrinks and draws things together for someone else to lift away.
Parentage: Silkwing dominant hybrid mother, pure Silk father; with Sirocco sand-night, offspring is Mashup
Origin: adopted from Moonshimmer981 with base by Luna-the-Nightwing on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Though quiet, he's hardly sullen or withdrawn. Starshadow is purposefully mysterious, but he does enjoy company and his humans provide that. He prefers to observe before jumping into anything, and that observation can be visual, Vortal, or through any given sense he has access to. He is very calm, and quite patient.