Name: Hermes (l) and Hector (r) Zlatari-Sanford

Gender: Male, both bisexual

Age/DOB: ~16, aged, RY11 late

Origin: Rookery Earth born to Aperturth parents, Mansion Grounds

Family: Mothers Anna (l) and Ariel (r), father Reshay (the Zlatari family relatives are quite extensive)

Other: Unlike most of their family they were born on the Rookery, and have the benefits of the Plasmid mixture treatments to counteract the Zlatari sisters' genetic tags

Height: Hermes is around 6'2", Hector about 6'3"

Weight: Hermes is slightly burlier than his brother, more musclarity visible; Hector is lean and wiry; both of them have been *Icarus-Plasmid treated and their weights are actually not even 150lbs each, though their distribution of this weight is quite different on each

Hair: both have medium-brown colored hair, Hermes' is tightly afro-curled and kept short and well styled, with a small chin beard; Hector's hair is looser wooly and kept shaggy, he has plans to put it into dredlocks at some point, has a longer chin strap beard

Eyes: both have clear, light-brown eyes, Hermes has pointed and quirky brows, while Hector's seem to be more sad and introspective

Appearance: both have rich creamy brown skin without scars or marks; with their father's thick and shapely lips, rounded broad noses, and dimples aplenty; Hermes tends toward blue-uppers and red-lowers, with Hector in the reverse, and they both enjoy wearing Aperture-white branded Icarus undergarments, the notable difference between them is that Hector wears gloves at all times - like both his parents; Hermes speaks with a clear and strong voice, while Hector is a bit more shy and quiet, but both have very large vocabularies and aren't afraid to gang up on people with sly worded insults or taunts

Image Credits: Azalea's Dolls Fairtale Prince

Icarus Processing: yes, technically they were given the Plasmid-mix which nullified the Zlatari weakness to this processing. Because their Aperturth heritage also has plenty of background noise so unexpected things show up in their DNA spontaneously; Hermes physically benefits from this processing with bursts of speed up to 4x faster than normal people, and agility to match; his brother Hector has senses that are extremely keen (all at 3x and touch 4x) with a modest resistance to disease and parasites; both of them are able to shrug off cuts and scrapes, impale wounds, and bites as their skin seems more durable than most; the processing also added to their Vortal power significantly.

Genetic Abilities, Both: they have an intimate Vortal connection with each other as well as all their blood relatives (which is considerable...). They can contact each other as well as their moms and Reshay up to 50 miles away, and their half-siblings around 20. Both of them are adept at reading Vortal auras, close up to around 20 feet and can tell where things are altered by powers, or if there are odd mental waves around. They are very strongly empathic with different direction - Hermes is a charmer and can affect a few people nearby to sway their emotions, while Hector dives deeper into individuals to soothe their strong emotions.

Genetic Abilities, Hermes: A showboat and 'snake charmer' type of guy, Hermes is definitely active and outgoing and his powers of speedy movement as well as catching on to crowd moods is important. Though he can affect a few closer, he does sense groups mood up to 50 feet away and this allows him to adjust his performance and speech. He has an incredibly uncanny ability to dodge raindrops and gunfire, his perception of moving objects is off the charts, but he is not particularly inclined to become a combat rider. He does much in the way of defensive work whenever either a Combine incursion is near, or if one of the Xenian hotspots starts spewing headcrabs or aliens. His perception and speed enable him to sense things at a remarkable speed, and while he's not a match for Wilson or Geoff they have both helped train him for actions in combat situations. He uses all this to basically dodge daggers and juggle with mom, but also shoo away dangers from the nearby fields. He runs through the farms picking up pests and tossing them into netting for feeding to dragons or grinding up into bait for bigger things.

Genetic Abilities, Hector: both of his parents are keenly perceptive and his Vortal ability to manipulate fine particles is useful for his chosen career of on-site medic and maintenance of gear. He can easily lift dust and particles off of virtually any grimy surface, and distinguishes between elements - he can sense what is sandy grit versus just plain skin flake dust, and with practice and some downloaded skills he has a near-molecular level of sense. Telekinetically he can float about a pound of material without even realizing it, and not only senses through this field but can form it into shapes. His weight limit is around 30 lbs, but this must come in the form of individual particles and not one big object. He can lift daggers (such as seen in his mother's performances) and items like silverware, candles, and bandages easily, from around 10 meters. His range to actively affect things is 20 meters at most. When his brother is scanning fields, he's often making sure that smaller pests and bugs are not plaguing the area.

Skills or Profession, Hermes: given the downloads for active 'carnival' work, as well as pest control and some amount of combat, he enjoys performance more. He does do 'snake charming' but with headcrabs, and serves as a pest control expert in the fields.

Skills or Profession, Hector: cleaning up gear and small critters in the fields, Hector definitely prefers being in with those who need medical attention and makes sure that people are clean and healthy before being allowed to attend gatherings.

Personality, Hermes: Outgoing, strong willed, friendly and energetic. Also a bit sly, flirty, and more than a little needy for the attention he gets.

Personality, Hector: quiet and reserved, but not to the point of being too shy. He's able to spot folks that need private time, or gentle comfort, and makes sure that others don't interfere with that therapy.

Events or History: When the Swat team and their attendant freakshow of convicts was brought through the area, Reshay remained at the Grounds, tired of combative work and very tired of being shuffled around. Sullen as he was still missing his wife, he did slowly get the idea that on this new world there were people who did give a shit, and did enjoy his company as much as she had. Anna and Ariel seemed to come as a package deal, which suited him fine. Though he's not really the 'settle down with two ladies' type, he actively participates in his childrens' upbringing, and enjoys having an assistant in Hector. He wasn't really sure what that blond girl Melissa was on about when she suggested the 'therapy' treatments, but turns out folks from his dimension just have different ways of expressing their genetics. In his sons rests so much ... weird, that he just had to roll with it. And when you're living with carnies and hippies and dragons, turns out rolling with it isn't all that hard.

The boys definitely enjoy life in this area without reservation. After their genetic treatments and aging (they had been less than a year old when processed) they were brought out as tweens and have diverged into active and passive types with ease. Because their mothers are Carnies, and all of their relatives have those bright-as-day dragons as companions, the two that came to them are very much in keeping with that, though are the rarer unrelated ones.

Dragon notes: both are adopted from LunarSolstice981 with Biohazardia bases on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland

Dragon of Hermes

Name: Lava Lake
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 11' s / 50' l / 98' ws
Colors: belly from chin to mid tail and behind legs buttercream ivory, belly has bright red slash markings; body from face to tail, limbs and arm wings, dorsal wingsails grade from dark denim blue to light sky blue very faintly mottled with scale patterns; armor, horns, spines, face marking red and violet heavily mottled; ventral wingsails bright orange with yellow-orange blotches, and bright yellow with yellow-green flame pattern; eyes red-violet, claws grey
Features: Nightwing (yeah right - it's not clear whether those colors are because of a Rainwing or Skywing in his ancestry)
Powers: Winged Flight, Lava Lake is a heavy, strong flier with very typical bursts of speed and soaring, he does like to fly at night because his markings show up brightly in any under-lighting. He has to keep away from flames or delicate areas, because he does displace a lot of air while flapping, particularly on landing. He is very good with lifting heavy weights and carrying them, he's been known to latch on to a whole-ass tractor and carry it to the barns a mile away like it was nothing.
Communication, because he is actually more Nightwing than anything else, is young and having arrived to the Rookery likely before fledging, his Vortal communication skills are quite strong, and his knowledge of his homeworld's language rather weak. He speaks English and has adopted a mid-western twang because it's around with the refugees working the fields, and while he is smart he tends not to use the big words because he'd rather chat it up with people than leave them baffled. He and Hermes have a very strong Vortal connection, and they communicate easily at distances up to 50 miles apart, not that they're ever that far apart. Lava likes to listen in on Vortigaunt speech, though he is not yet willing to try conversing with them in their own tongue and would want to practice first.
Night Adapted, he is able to see in near-complete darkness, but also seems to be able to use his wingsails as lighting, and while flying overhead they almost appear as a Rainwing's slightly shifting, though the patterns on them do not in fact move. He does get a little blinded by broad daylight but he just squints, it's worth staying up during the day for him.
Brightly Hot Lava Breath, not quite 'lava' but he can take rocks and burn them into magma very easily, as a Nightwing goes he's super hot that way. (Meaning it's not just Rainwings in his history, likely Sky too.) Where that rock comes from makes a difference, though, as he can fly out to quarries or ruins, even the Xenian portals, and each of them will produce a different visual effect. Dirt, rocks, sand, that half-living spongy Xenian ground, he knows how to layer them into colorful or lasting 'art', as they cool, but they can usually be better put over a Combine truck or as a trap - asphalt looks almost the same when he breathes on it, until you step on it and sink into the very, very hot molten goop below... So he's on call to put down these hot traps, when they know the Combine isn't expecting to need heat detection - it wouldn't work well if they knew it was that hot.
Parentage: unknown passing as Nightwings, likely mutts with strongest Night dominance for powers
Other Info: Lava Lake is perky and friendly, but also will fiercely defend this world. He does like watching the shows that his human friends put on, as much as the tired refugees that gather!

Dragon of Hector

Name: Ellie Dee
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium-Small 8'6" s / 44' l / 60' and 40' ws
Colors: belly from chin to tail tip and behind limbs lime green with paler clouding; face, main scales, wing arms light aqua blue mottled with dusty cyan; face and dorsal armor from head to tail tip cyan with darker blue mottling and bright aqua insets; limb armor, horns, spines, claws red mottled with red-orange; wingsails vibrant violet mottled brighter and darker; eyes red-violet; antennae violet; and one yellow jaw nub)
Features: Hive-Silk hybrid, Hive dominant
Powers: Winged Flight, brisk and sure in the air, can hover and fly backwards easily and quickly. She likes flying upside down, too, but only does that when there's nothing on her back or being carried. She's virtually silent in the air, and only a faint buzzing hum can be heard if you're withing 20 meters. Likewise she hardly disturbs the air, and leaves a minimal wake. She isn't remarkably strong for lifting, but she can two passengers or gear up to about 300lbs without tiring. Normally she is in the air, and only really comes down to walk when she wants to be near her human friends.
Communication, because she's young (though not born on the Rookery) her Vortal skill is strong, almost as strong as a Nightwing's in fact for communicating with other telepathic creatures of any breed. Her range is short, about 100 meters, but anyone within that space can detect her and send thoughts, knowing they'll be picked up. She also has a strong empathic ability around 50 meters, which she uses to help detect scared refugees in need of pickup. She speaks in a soft slightly buzzing voice, and knows very little Pyrrhan so she speaks Vort and English, and has picked up on a few phrases in other human tongues from the refugees. Her link with Hector is very strong, and they share information across virtually any distance instantly. He likes having her look things over from different angles, though he cannot use his powers through her ... yet. Her antennae can pick up very quiet vibrations on specific frequencies, which are tuned to her own webbing: she can hear one of her tripwires snap from over 500 meters, and can sense their direction if there are multiple strands around her (she has a terrific memory for where she's put them).
Silk Production, though she is shaped like a Hivewing for the most part, it's clear that she's at least half Silk, and her webbing can be varied to a degree that is almost unmatched. She weaves hard cables that can be used for temporary support able to hold up to 500lbs for about an hour during rescues, hemp-like ropes that carry the same weight but last about 2 days, twine that is thin and useful for tying goods or roping packs together that lasts nearly a week, even razor-wire like threads that can be tuned to act as alerts or made thickly to cut ankles or necks with ease depending on where they're placed. Those threads only last until hit, or about 3 days, because they're often quite taut and waiting to be tripped. Also she can make sticky netting, for capturing prey, that generally is spewed during hunting, rather than being set down and forgotten, it only lasts about an hour, but it can be spread across a 20x20 foot area, clogging Combine airship fans for instance... She can create just plain silk, though none of it will last forever, it can be used for medical stitching (quite good for that as it dissolves harmlessly after about a week) and temporary binds.
LED? All of these strands however actually glow softly in different colors, which vary through all of her own scale colors - a pinkish purple for the slender surgical silks, through darker red binding, muted blues for those tripwire lines - which Combine often mistake in their helmet view as 'friendly', making this one of her most important types, and greens and brighter cyans for larger pieces. Hector uses the surgical silk as a gauge of healing in patients; those folks looking at the bright golden support beam lines can thank them for the quick rescue from fallen structures.
Parentage: Surprisingly unrelated to anyone in the Rookery, including those bonded to her human's family members.
Other Info: All of her colors glow under black light, making her an entertaining and colorful addition to the carnival's big top when she's in the mood to just have some fun. Since she's not always on call for medical work with Hector, nor for combat purposes, she does have a decent amount of down time, which she uses to practice making her silks more and more varied and useful (she's trying out 'springy' with the aid of the acrobats, knowing that they already have nets to save them if hers break).