Name: Forensics Dr. Reshay Sanford

Gender: Male, straight

Age/DOB: 34@ Resonance Cascade, January 12, 19XX

Origin: Aperturth, Chicago Il

Family: Born 3rd of 5 with two brothers, large extended family, status of all of them unknown; had been married on Aperturth, but with no contact due to events, and it's unlikely that she survived, he has no known children; Notably about a year after arrival RY11 the Zlatari twins do corner him, and bear Hermes and Hector

Other: Doesn't really know how to deal with anyone flirting with him now, he... is still married? But he's well aware that his life has completely changed, and even if he still has feelings for his wife, she might not be alive to care about what he does now

Height: 6'3", quite tall

Weight: 145, underweight but mostly muscle and bone, if he'd eat better he would certainly put on more weight and grow a bit stronger; that said he's still pretty strong, and gets excellent workouts

Hair: black, afro, kept very short under baseball cap, but has been known to put effort into getting it stylishly shaved with interesting designs

Eyes: black-brown, intense, over very high cheekbones

Appearance: very dark skinned, has no scars visible; he typically still wears scrubs with gloves, he is a bit of a germophobe so he wants to make sure he's got enough sanitizer and protection in any situation

Genetic Abilities: though not particularly a Vortal power, he seems to have exceptionally good eyesight, and perhaps that's why he's a germophobe. Can read doctor-writing, and memorize visible notes with a glance. His other senses are also fairly good, running about 3x sight, 2.5x scent, and 2x touch and taste; his hearing is not boosted.

Icarus Processing: none, though Melissa thinks he might still be a good candidate even at his age

Image Credits: Paragon

Skills or Profession: Had quite a bit of medical education, he's interested in the field because he hates germs, not because he loves healing people. Graduated high school a year and a half early, and entered medical school before he was 20. He is notably brilliant in the field, though a bit focused. However, he is exceptional at learning new things at least in theory. It does take some physical practice before he becomes truly adept at any given manual skill. That said, he's an expert on biological issues aside from the normal breaks, cuts, bruises and injuries: he can tell whether a cut is infected with merely a glance, he can take a whiff of the air and point out exactly where the dead body is. In medical school he was quite a good student and aced most exams, though in practice he couldn't take an emergency room and decided at that point that treating bacterial and other illnesses was where he'd like to study the most. He isn't exactly squeamish, but he'd rather be working with a microscope or a lab setup, than in a hospital doing surgeries. After graduating and going to work for one of Aperture's fringe research labs he concentrated on virology and bacteriology, forensics, and the like. Due to this, he was often eyed as partially responsible for some of the weirder shit that came out of Aperture's medical research, but he actually didn't have anything to do with it; that said he did do his own research about it... Currently he is the go-to for most medical needs, but he definitely still concentrates more on the sickness side than the injuries. One of his really spare skills, however, comes in quite handy these days: he is a coffee expert, and has helped the Cafe decide what flavorings and herbs or other ingredients work best with their new drinks. Weirdly he is the kind of guy who walks off with small items pocketed almost at random or unconsciously, but no one actually catches him stealing things.
Personality: Focused, intense, orderly, and a bit aloof. He likes working alone, he is a self-starter but won't hesitate to ask for aid in fields he's not familiar with. Though he's honest and will answer questions in a frank, open way, he is a bit difficult to get to know, people sometimes wonder whether there is anything more to him than his scientist side. If they took the time, however, they'd know that he loves art and museums, and is actually pretty good with origami, pen and ink drawing, and 'less messy' artwork. He also has a strong knowledge of both music (hip hop through classic psychedelic rock, mostly) and fantasy fiction, and will nerd out with anyone about either of those things. (Hence his dragons being named what they are...) He is an idealist, he does really want this world they're on to be healthy and safe, just like he wanted his homeworld to be, look how it turned out.

Events or History: Born to a pretty wealthy family in Chicago, and considered a prodigy from an early age. That is pretty true, too, he has maintained his skills and picked up new ones with ease all his life. Whatever triggered his desire to enter the medical field, it was encouraged by his parents, as the rest of his family spread among a wide variety of fields (from law to sports physiology, in fact he's kind of right in the middle of the fields they covered). His wife and he met just out of medical school, she also worked for Aperture and was in the nearby research lab. Honestly it was she who had more to do with the development of those Mantis formulae and experimental DNA-breaking viruses... He didn't know that, and never really will. He spent quite a bit of time working on cures for bacterial infections and understanding how viruses work, and it is possible that eventually he may join the folks down in Rapture for some jam sessions of how to put them all together here. When the Resonance Cascade happened, he was on a conference trip and could never return to his wife or home again - they were among the labs that were consumed by the event. He dove into helping the local St Louis departments, they offered him a job which he could at least distract himself with. Once the Rookery was available, he has become more open and less distraught, but some nights he still does spend a bit weepy.

He and his dragons help out in a number of areas, he has a dorm and small refitted office in the Mansion, and the dragons help him tend to the medicinal plants, as well as delivering medicine or moving patients around.

Notably both dragons have song names...


Name: Highway Star
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (very long noodle) 7' s / 50' l / 52' ws
Colors: alternating red-violet through purple with a bit of crimson between, completely dotted with tiny very bright white star patterns; wingsails are transparent but share the same patterning with slightly larger stars, and more violet-blue base coloration; eyes dark blue-violet, horns pink with stars
Features: Whiptail, Galaxy Coloration
Powers: Winged Flight, Highway is a sturdy dragon who can fly for long periods, including in high wind and rain. He is quite stable in the air, as well as on the ground when he's running instead. He doesn't tend to go quickly, but once he knows his destination he will reach it safely regardless of what's between. He can be trusted completely to carry precious cargo - whether it's an injured person or delicate machinery, either on the ground or in the air, it's almost like being rocked to sleep rather than jostled, according to anyone who's ridden him. His stability can easily be attributed to his tail acting as a sort of counterbalance, it moves much more than the rest of him. When he's needed on the ground to carry either multiple people, or larger bulk of goods, he will fold his wings down snugly and rely on harnesses for keeping things on his noodly shape.
Communication and learning, Highway is smart and focused, like his rider. He will take instruction from Reshay and even from Misty, though in a pinch if someone else needs him immediately he can tell by the mood or voice whether he should cooperate. Reshay has taught him a set of standardized hand and voice commands, more similar to training a dolphin or seal than a dog or horse. Though he is not Vortally connected, they do share a good friend-bond, and their Nightwing companion probably aids in this.
Tail use, like all Whiptails, Highway can use his tail as a weapon or shield, but prefers not to injure himself doing so. It's much too important to his balance and stability, so he avoids combat if he possibly can.
Parentage: Unknown wild Whiptails, though they must be pretty ones. There are a number of others in the Rookery, it's possible that they might get together for some sparkly babies
Origin: Adopted from and species by DragonsAndVideoGames on Deviantart
Other Info: He's likely to curl up in the catacombs or up on one of the rooftop dormers, though he does have a more permanent place at Dragon Tower 14 near the orchard and up by the coffee fields.


Name: Misty Moon
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (bulky) 12' s / 52' l / 98' ws
Colors: sooty patterned muted lilac from chin to tail tip and behind limbs; legs and wing arms, face, and mid armor dusty purple, with small lilac teardrop-shaped insets (*); dorsal armor, face and limb armor metallic blue-black, which is quite shiny and iridescent even in moonlight; wingsails are black, but have tiny pinpoint white stars, and a brilliant frosty moon visible with a corona filling the rest of the sails of muted turquoise through violet, color barely visible; teeth, horns, spines, claws all brilliant white, tongue graphite, eyes red-violet
Features: Nightwing
Powers: Winged Flight, Misty is a very good flier, particularly at night. It's possible that he was born on the Rookery, he is a young dragon, and that moon on his wings is singular, where the rest of his species knows at least two moons. He can glide swiftly in complete darkness, sure of where he's going, and with only the faintest rustling of his wings. Though reasonably heavy, he lands and takes off with hardly a gust or thud. He is strong and durable, though not very fast.
Communication (*), notably Misty Moon is very gifted Vortally. He can speak Draconic and English, but also is versed in full Vortigese including Flux Shifting, so he knows context and telepathic meaning as well as the grumbling words. He and his human, as well as their other Whiptail companion, share a strong bond emotionally and mentally, and Misty can 'translate' for the Whiptail if needed. As a remarkably intelligent dragon, he picks his words carefully, and avoids putting any human or dragon into a bad mood if he can avoid it, even though sometimes he must help deliver bad news. Since his human is in the medical field, he has learned a lot about terms and technical language, but he's also very good with plants, so if someone asks him to pick a specific herb up from the hill, he can make sure its the right one. His range for telepathic communication is unlimited for his bonds, and around 50 miles for any Vortal mind.
Fire Production, as most Nightwings of his world can, Misty does have a breath weapon, though it is weak compared to most. He can however make fog dissipate, and mist roil, he likes playing with steam and smoke, he can manipulate the heat around water though not the water itself.
Parentage: Unknown pure Nightwings, though given his purple coloration he may be related to a few in the Rookery
Origin: Adopted from MooncrestNecrozma on Deviantart with lines by LunaTheNightwing, WoF by Tui Sutherland
Other Info: Because he's needed on the grounds, Misty works out of Dragon Tower 15, protecting the hemp and herbs, but is also relied upon for transportation when the Whiptail's back isn't enough.