Name: Pandora (l) and Persephone (r) Zlatari

Gender: Female, both quite aggressively pansexual

Age/DOB: 6 @ arrival, currently around 16 (shown adults)

Origin: Aperturth, born on Mansion grounds

Family: Mother Ariel, father Pan, half-brothers Hermes, Switch and Apollo, half sister Siren; cousins Hickory, Lotus and Liana , Hector

Other: as with the rest of the Zlatari line, they will absolutely have twin births aplenty

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 150, both are quite curvy but also very strongly muscled, and as they're both quite tall they are very much statuesque model-level builds

Hair: dark brown with copper highlights, straight with a slow wave, quite heavy and thick; Pandora's is slightly shorter and often kept in separated tails, while Persepohone's is considerably longer and seems to do its own thing all by itself

Eyes: strongly green, with a hint of stormcloud grey, under thin and expressive eyebrows, almond shaped

Appearance: light to pale skin, they definitely more resemble the traditional Zlatari genes, full lips and strong noses, with heart-shaped faces, and elegant ability to pose; they choose sleek white, black, and violet outfits as shown, but both really like catsuits and corsets and high-heeled boots

Icarus Processing: no, because the Zlatari genes have negative markers, they are still able to be spliced with those who can accept the processing, however, and their kids will likely be free from it entirely

Image Credits: Doll Divine Waviera

Genetic Abilities, Both: true Zlatari children, this quiet and mysterious set of twins would fit right in in a large Zlatari clan gathering. They truly embrace the idea that they can be each other, since together they share absolutely every thought and mood, at least while performing or working. Separately they do their own thing, and certainly have their own abilities and personalities, but if anyone's watching, they shift into 'fully creepy twin mode'. And, they can tell when someone's watching, even alien eyes seem to trigger a defensive telepathic shield that tells them to behave a specific way. They can in fact work this through all of their bloodline, strongest with their mother's family, but also through Pan's. Together, as well, they have a strong power to literally teleport the family together. They can unerringly spot bloodline members from virtually any distance, including off world, Vortally, and if they're within 10 miles, 'pull' them to a nearby open area, along with up to two other human-sized items including humans or Vorts. They make a great exploration team, for this reason, since they can 'home' and one will remain behind, while the other is on a search, and zip back and forth a few miles at a time. This is very disorienting to anyone not expecting it, of course, but harmless overall.

Genetic Abilities, Pandora: With a very strong Vortal presence, Pandora can sense minds of all types, including animals, and link them together into a mesh of knowledge. This is similar to Tina's power, so when she exhibited it, Melissa had Tina go visit to help make sure mistakes didn't get made. Having an instructor with such a long and important history was worth while, because Pandora is at least as good at it as she is now. She also has a good ability with sensing auras, concentrating on Vortal entities.

Genetic Abilities, Persephone: able to cast her vision and Vortal presence out of her body for a significant distance - up to 50 miles - Persephone is more the 'seek out those refugees before they need rescuing' type. Her aura sense extends to normal humans but not animals, as well as the ability to sense where a Vortal power has been in use on in animate objects or locations, and uses this to track other scouts paths, checking up on them without having to even be on her dragon. She also got private instruction, from Simon specifically, and enjoys playing 'Vortal Tag' with people who can also do this trick.

Physical Abilities, Both: since their mother is skilled and has strong speed and dexterity mutations, they also have some amount of this. Though they aren't any faster or stronger than a normal person, they both can balance on incredibly narrow wires, climb improbable items or walls, and hold a pose for hours on end without tiring. Their aim is incredibly accurate with thrown items, and this is a power that can be inherited, not merely a skill. Also, their father's senses seem to be continuing the trend in them, they have perfect pitch, and can hear very slight sounds with clarity.

Skills or Profession: trained from the moment they could crawl, to crawl with style. As acrobats and stunt fliers they are superb, preferring to thrill an audience with dangerous stunts that they have developed on their own. They do know some of the best Zlatari routines, however, and participate in every group event with gusto. They learned multiple languages from those around them, and are nudging their mother and aunt into more 'family stage play' activities. When they found a music store in town nearby, they were over the moon - an actual harp was there - it needed to be fixed up a bit but their siblings are plant shapers! Come on! Persephone can adequately play that harp but really wants more instruction, and Pandora enjoys playing flutes and reed instruments. All of this is on top of their incredible dragon riding stunts, like all the family on dragon back they love to jump between their flying charges, juggle in mid-air, and engage in breakneck stunting.
Personality: Pandora is a much more open and cheery girl than her sister, as Persephone 'bonded an icewing hybrid for a reason, right?' Though distinct when they really want to be, or at distance from one another, when they're together and watched (as above) they will maintain an utterly precise, professional air. They move absolutely in union, dancing in time, slithering and sliding around one another in juggling - as well as in conversation with anyone. They will offer different opinons of things, but it's impossible to tell which one's is what, if you're not watching their lips move and even then it's impossible to say whether one of them suggested the other say it, Vortally! Together, they are also rather possessive - they won't fight each other over something, be it a sandwich or a boyfriend/girlfriend, but if someone else comes between them and that thing, oh you are in deep trouble. They're both the type who will smack your hand away from their D&D dice.

Events or History: Born about half a year before their sisters Liana and Lotus, and slightly older with the era of the Rookery, they were rather bored with the whole 'let's get high' routine already, not that their mother and aunt participated all that much in that. They were among the first of the group to actually see a dragon, and they maintain the claim that they saw the parents of the Zlatari kids dragons leaving their eggs nearby. These two, their younger sisters, and their older brothers Hickory and Switch, all bonded those dragons at once, it was the first and perhaps only 'Real Hatching' at the Grounds. It won't be the last, that's for sure.

Pandora and Hope Springs tend to start their patrols from Dragon Tower 6, due east at the gardens. Persephone and Rain Bow-Tie generally work from the Xenian Cluster, DT 5, because it's got that weird water supply to deal with. Otherwise, they spend quite a bit of time in the central Carnie Hub, practicing and performing.

Dragon Parentage: these are cousin dragons, their mother and father respectively are Icewing siblings, who bred to the Rainwing and Leafwing parents of Blacklight, Center Stage, Carnival, and Banner.
Dragon Origin: both adopted from MooncrestNecrozma on Deviantart, WoF by Tui Sutherland

Dragon of Pandora

Name: Hope Springs
Gender: Female
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium 9' s / 55' l / 74' ws
Colors: belly armor solidly white and shiny; face, neck, body, tail, limbs and wing arms frosty white with faint pale grey mottling as 'snowfall'; armor on face, dorsal scales, and dorsal spines brightly cyan with faintly aqua tint on head; armor scales on all other parts peacock blue through spring green on feet and face; wingsails grade from vibrant violet through purple and salmon-tinted gold with the faintest yellow hint at the tips, with large bright snow-white markings; webbing also has snow markings but is mostly violet-red background; eyes bright yellow; claws black
Features: Leaf-Ice hybrid, mainly Leafwing but with white coloration and neck/tail spikes of Icewing
Powers: Winged Flight, expected of such a bond, Hope is a delicate and delightfully talented flier in close quarters, and at low altitude. She loves to do stunts and tricks in the air, and has expertise with following interiors and even beam structures in large indoor areas. She also really likes flying low over water or icy ponds, probably to see her reflection... She does have to be careful carrying people, as her spines tend to be a little on the sharp and pointy side, but she can lift 3 or 4 human-sized objects on her back or in a harness with ease, and still not crash into anything while giving them the thrill ride of a lifetime. She isn't good for long distance or endurance flights, nor heavy lifting.
Communication, as with many born on the Rookery, she does have more awareness telepathically than most, but hers is limited to her bond and family, and her bloodline in dragons. She likes to feel the glee and happy thoughts, rather than the scared or worried ones out in the field, so she rarely goes out on rescue missions. She speaks clear English and French, understands a few phrases in Draconic and Vortigese.
Plant Revival, as Icy as she looks, Hope is good with plants, helping them survive rough winters and harsh weather. She can tell by walking near them, whether plants are merely surviving or are thriving, and if not thriving boost their durability enough to be hardier at least temporarily. Usually that's enough, and she can also say she's helped get plant life growing in the parks and gardens in the nearby State Center township - they will be waiting for people to enjoy them soon enough!
Storm and Chill Adaptation, Hope is still half Icewing, and does like her snowy and blustery weather. She can fly straight in a blizzard, though still at her low-altitude, but also is good with navigating on the ground in such conditions for when flying is just not practical. She suffers absolutely no ill effects of cold or icy weather, and can swim in very chill water without trouble. Also, even with those colors, she can at least pretend to blend in with a snow drift.
She lacks any breath weapon or other magic.
Other Info: Surprisingly colorful given she's not a Rainwing, but now you know where those wing colors came from on their sibs! She does like living up to the mythology behind her rider's namesake, and tries to offer the best performances and distraction available to those who need it most.

Dragon of Persephone

Name: Rain Bow-Tie
Gender: Male
Size/Shoulder/Length: Medium (wide wings) 10' s / 55' l / 90' ws
*Colors: face, neck, chest, limbs and under tail armor, tail trim and marks, spikes, claws, and tail ridges all very very white; near eyes, on shoulders and hips, back, sides of neck, and wing fingers and arms varied sized *speckling in light blue-grey; neck and back armor, back of tail, neck frill webs, and wingsails all *rainbow hued in bold solid colors; eyes pale yellow
Features: Icewing Rainwing hybrid, with only neck frill, coloration, and tail truly being Rainwing styled
Powers: Winged Flight, Bow-Tie is very strong in the air as well as on the ground, in virtually any conditions, and can maintain a straight course in remarkably bad weather or unpredictable winds. Part of this is his strong wings, but also that Prehensile Tail of his helps, and those claws, digging in to nearby items if needed for stability. While on the ground he is sure-footed on any surface at all, does not slip and slide on ice or oil, and likes to pose and posture with the siblings. He can lift and carry a bus full of goods or people, leaving big holes in the sides with those claws, but he can certainly carry it where it's needed, and gently enough put it back down.
Communication, with his cousins and whoever else, his mind is a bastion of strength and chill. Stately, his voice is strong and even, speaking more Vortigese than his family but still relying mostly on English, and a bit more Draconic than them too. He has a strong empathic bond with his human, though not much else unless they're a strong Vortal mind.
*Color Shifting, See those spots? see that rainbow? against the brilliant white of his scales, those little spots can dance and shake, wander seemingly into clumps or form one big spot, while the rainbow cycles through those brilliant shades in slow, soothing waves. His spots, while also consciously moving, do respond to his emotions, so it's not uncommon to see him suddenly splayed out with freckles all over if he's surprised, or bearing a large patch on his face and neck if angry. They don't change colors, and the rainbow is 'what you see is what you get', there are no patterns or fancy weird shapes, just cycling through all those shades (and a darker indigo than shown to 'complete' the spectrum).
Ice, Ice, baby, Bow-Tie is really, really good with cold and ice, and does sort of want to visit that Borealis place, or even this mysterious 'Wilson's Ostentatious Stolen Nordic Bungalo' (yes, he's heard Lane talk about it) where there are actual snow drifts and storms and glaciers. But barring that, he can freeze water with breathing on it, or by touch, dipping one of those long scary claws into a pond he can create a 'pond-sicle' lifting it out... This is of use, believe it or not, because then he can move undesirable invasive - frozen - creatures back to where they're supposed to be! He can't manage a breath weapon, but he does have a very strong bite and is the type who'd be chewing on ice cubes from his drink in a theater. Thankfully he cannot fit into the theater in Lane's Mansion...
Other Info: Protective and sensible, he's less of a performer and more the type to help assemble the tents or make sure everyone's drink is properly chilled. Not so much unfriendly, but just... not as concerned as his relatives about getting up and acting or showing off.